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Delta Green Books and PDFs


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Is there anyway to purchase DG Book and PDF together like we can for Chaosium products. I have seen the books for sale on Amazon, PDF's for sale on Arc Publishing Site and of course your VTT variants but have not seen any place where I can purchase the physical book and PDF together.

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8 hours ago, LoudHyena said:

Is there anyway to purchase DG Book and PDF together like we can for Chaosium products. I have seen the books for sale on Amazon, PDF's for sale on Arc Publishing Site and of course your VTT variants but have not seen any place where I can purchase the physical book and PDF together.

If you go to Arc Dream's main site, and hover over the "Print" at the top of the page, you will see a dropdown that talks about the PDF Guarantee. In short, they use Bits and Mortar. You get the PDF (when you can send proof of purchase) with game products, but not with fiction; or such is my reading. 


Edited by SDLeary
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  • 4 weeks later...

My understanding is that Bits&Mortar loops the publisher out of things.

IF your FLGS participates in Bits&Mortar, they will get you a download-link for the PDF when you buy the hardcopy from them; check with them (my 3 closest FLGS's don't participate, and i drive an  hour to buy from one that does).

It's explicitly not a wide-open / all-retail-seller arrangement (and it specifically excludes large online discounters).
It's supposed to be a boost for the FLGS market, which has been struggling for decades with surviving in the face of Amazon &c.

Edited by g33k

C'es ne pas un .sig

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