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Corrections thread - The Grey Knight

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With the [Chaosium Con pre-]release of The Grey Knight, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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  • 1 month later...

The backpage, bottom of the right hand text mentions the "Pendragon Player's Handbook." That should read "Pendragon Core Rulebook."

I have the PDF version of this, so you may have corrected it in the print version.

Edited by Matthew
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Page: 7, King Ryons of Norgales' statblock

Error: King Ryons' Fervor passions break the 40-point system limit for each Passion Court. Hate (Arthur) 14 + Love (Family) 18 + Love (Lady de Vawse) 20 = 52 vs 40 point limit per Core Rulebook p.75.

Suggested (easy) correction: Restat Ryons' Fervor passions.

In my games, I would rather bump up the general passion limit to 50-55 points instead of 40. Possibly even 60, but have passions' critical bonuses count towards the limit. This is beyond this topic's scope though.

Edited by Kessar
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On 6/13/2024 at 1:09 AM, Matthew said:

The backpage, bottom of the right hand text mentions the "Pendragon Player's Handbook." That should read "Pendragon Core Rulebook."

I have the PDF version of this, so you may have corrected it in the print version.

There's also a reference to the Player's Handbook instead of Core Rulebook on page 48.

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14 hours ago, Dangermouse said:

Page 17 - King Pellinore's Healing Rate is shown asw 5, but this should be 3 (CON of 17 / 5)

Not a mistake: Pagan Religious Bonus gives him +2 HR (amongst other things), so 17/5 + 2 = 3.4 + 2 = 5.4, rounds down to 5.

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On 6/15/2024 at 11:25 PM, Morien said:

Not a mistake: Pagan Religious Bonus gives him +2 HR (amongst other things), so 17/5 + 2 = 3.4 + 2 = 5.4, rounds down to 5.

 Thanks - I can't see that is says he's a Pagan Knight (Ideal) - so maybe one to add in the stats box



Edited by Dangermouse
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On 6/16/2024 at 12:25 AM, Morien said:

Not a mistake: Pagan Religious Bonus gives him +2 HR (amongst other things), so 17/5 + 2 = 3.4 + 2 = 5.4, rounds down to 5.

Actually, there is a double mistake here. His Spiritual is not high enough for the Religious Knight, and even if it would be, he probably shouldn't be a Pagan...

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On p.76 the discussion of a possible marriage to Lady Ariette says that the Duke of Glevum has been “Ariette’s regent since the death of her father”. The terminology may come from an earlier edition (I only have KAP 5.2 and 6e) but my understanding is that regents exercise provisional power over territories not people, and that under medieval law Ariette is a ward, which means that the Duke is her guardian, not her “regent”.

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  • 2 months later...

This book is full of new, beautiful art, created on purpose for this new edition. Nevertheless, oddly enough, part of this art seems to contradict what is written.

I guess it is difficult to change art now, but it may be wise (where possible) to change the text in order to fit the descriptions.

  • On page 44 (first few lines of the first column) Brother Thaman is said to have "green eyes" and "black beard". The nearby figure clearly represents Taman (it is cowled) but its eyes are dark and the face is shaven.
  • On page 47 (first column, penultimate line) Sir Vardilain is said to wear an "advanced helm with a faceplate" which is clearly not shown in the image on page 49. That knight is clearly Vardilain (the spear-wielding squire, the ruined village on the back, etc..) but he wears a normal-looking Nasal Helm. Maybe a solution may be to change the "faceplate" mentioned on page 47 with something like a thicker than normal mail coif?
  • On page 73 the Gray Knight dead man face is an amazing piece of art.....but its image cannot explain why King Arthur (p.71, 2nd column, penultimate paragraph) recognize King Ryons in this undead, as King Ryons is clearly displayed with a full beard on the beautiful image on page 6....a beard which the undead displayed on page 73 is missing.
  • I'm less certain about this....who is the knight trying to catch Lady Nimue on page 15? If this is Hontzlake, it is wrongly depicted, as Hontzlake is said on page 13 (first column, penultimate paragraph) to wear a black surcoat and ride a black charger...
Edited by Luca Cherstich
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5 hours ago, Luca Cherstich said:

On page 73 the Gray Knight dead man face is an amazing piece of art.....but its image cannot explain why King Arthur (p.71, 2nd column, penultimate paragraph) recognize King Ryons in this undead, as King Ryons is clearly displayed with a full beard on the beautiful image on page 6....a beard which the undead displayed on page 73 is missing.

Well obviously given Ryons' threats to add Arthur's wispy teen beard to his cloak meant that Arthur had Ryons shaved before the execution. And that is why he is clean-shaven and Arthur recognizes him. 😛

5 hours ago, Luca Cherstich said:
  • I'm less certain about this....who is the knight trying to catch Lady Nimue on page 15? If this is Hontzlake, it is wrongly depicted, as Hontzlake is said on page 13 (first column, penultimate paragraph) to wear a black surcoat and ride a black charger...

Context clues imply that is Hontzlake, even though though that scene should have happened at the middle of the feast and the hall is pretty empty of feasters... It technically could be Pellinore returning her, but I don't think they would have ridden the horses into the hall again.

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