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Negative Skill Stat?

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My group is starting a Cthulhu Dark Ages campaign and we rolled up the investigators for the new campaign tonight. One player rolled the 'Life Event' from one of the Dark Ages rules tables that bestows "Imbalance of the humors, melancholic (+10 Art, -10 Fast Talk)" on his investigator. As the default Fast Talk score is a 05%, this penalty would give the new investigator a -05% in Fast Talk instead of the default score.

So, my question is: Is it possible for an investigator to have a negative skill score? I believe this would mean the investigator would always fail a roll in that skill, even if the roll was a Critical '1' roll. Or would the investigator's skill score instead be reduced to a 01%, the lowest score for any skill? I couldn't find this situation discussed anywhere in the rules after a cursory search.

@Mike M may want to weigh in on this question.  

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I would always allow a 1% chance of success as it always succeeds. The player can also increase the skill by experience and learning. I wouldn't make a big issue about it as its minimal impact on the game.

In my Dark Ages (non Cthulhu) Anglo-Saxon game, one of my players traded his Dance skill to some Dwarf-smiths for magical armour. He always failed thereafter in every Dance roll. He didn't think it would be consequential until he had to Dance to impress his overlord.. oh dear...

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I'd agree with Nozbat with a 1% success - obviously, the player could spend skill points to negate the loss - or use it to say the PC is very poor in bluffing (always gets their words mixed up_ - and use this as a defining character trait  - perhaps they put points into Intimidate, so they act rather than talk...


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