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Blank 11x17 Character Sheets

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Are there plans to offer a blank 11x17 character sheet like the sheets that come in the starter set? I noticed the Runequest starter set includes a blank Runequest sheet, but the Pendragon starter just has the pre-generated characters.

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I thought I had seen one of these, but I could be confusing it with the blank from the RQ Starter Set. I would love to see one of these myself. 

Perhaps Chaosium could release as an Affinity Publisher template, so that we could play around a bit? Perhaps the RQ one as well?



Edited by SDLeary
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If you buy the 6th Edition PDF from Chaosium you get two or three blank sheets - an autocalculating version as well as a fillable on and a blank one. The Starter Set has no character generation rules so no blank sheet is needed either.

Edited by 7dot62mm
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