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Caves of Steel Doctor Dread's HQ map


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11 hours ago, dvdmacateer said:

None of the players have played Superworld. I ran one very short scenario  in the 80s. They are have quite a lot of experience of BRP especially the one that decided because he had a reckless handicap that meant suicidal. I blame his D&D background.   

Yeah a handicap like that can be challenging in D&D, but depending, on degree might not be fatal. I would imagine it’s a death sentence in any standard BRP-like game.

Check out our homebrew rules for freeform magic in BRP ->

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On 9/8/2024 at 5:05 AM, dvdmacateer said:

None of the players have played Superworld. I ran one very short scenario  in the 80s. They are have quite a lot of experience of BRP especially the one that decided because he had a reckless handicap that meant suicidal.

It's hard to tell from the sidelines without knowing the characters. I mean in Superworld, with the right characters, charging in might not be a problem. Say they had Light Master with 30 points of light absorbtion or some such. 

But doing so while you are supposed to be waiting for the scout is bad. At the least it reducing your fighting strength by 50% and make the scouting action moot.

On 9/8/2024 at 5:05 AM, dvdmacateer said:

I blame his D&D background.   

I can buy that. I know one guy who hates me because every time I run him, he get killed doing a frontal attack. This despite the fact that I've told him, on multiple occasions, that that is usually the one plan that any bad guys in some sort of secured position prepare for. The odd thing is, his suicidal attacks get him killed in D&D, too. Yet somehow, trying something other than a frontal attack isn't an option because "they want to have fun." But nobody seems to have fun getting butchered in a frontal attack.


On 9/7/2024 at 1:34 PM, dvdmacateer said:

 Not sure they are going to make it to city hall never mind Dread's HQ. I will probably have to switch the meeting with the Flying Squad to a hospital ward instead. 

What you might want to do is up the drama  a little for  the PCs and add some apparent consequences because of their failure. Like maybe while they are healing up Doc Dread raids some lab steals some McGuffin he needs for his plans. Now, if the players had been healthy they might have had a chance to stop them.

Of course the adventure was going to go the same way if the PCs had been healthy, it's just that bring up some consequences for failure might make them think twice before rushing in.

And if you really want to rub it in, if they fail, have some other superior or even a normal human show up and stop the bad guy after the PCs get captured or taken out of action. Like say a cop, or spy-type character sneaks in and puts a bomb on the power generator or some such. When Lois and Jimmy start saving Superman the man of steel starts to have an identity crisis.


Edited by Atgxtg

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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