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Posted (edited)

At the risk of stepping on the toes of BRP Mecha (well, not much, BRP Mecha seems geared towards a different type of giant robot anime), here is a BRP write up of a VF-1A Valyrie fighter jet from Macross. Stats were mostly derived from "actual" data on the VF-1A. In addition, to the stats, I show how I did the write up, including how I determined STR, SIZ, POW and MOV rates.

VF-1A Valkyrie

STR: 78

SIZ: 76

POW: 178

Armor: 20 AP

Hit Points: 80

Hit Locations (Optional)

Right Leg (Engine) 20/27

Left Leg (Engine) 20/27

Abdomen (Nose Cone) 20/27

Chest (Includes Wings, Tail and Cockpit) 20/32

Cockpit (FTR/GER modes) 12/32

R Arm 20/20

L Arm 20/20

Head (Cocpit in BATTROID mode) 20/27

Mauler ROV Laser 10/14

Handling: +15%

ACC: 25


Fighter Mode: MOV 2213 (Mach 2.71) @ 10km; MOV 3161 (Mach 3.87 @ 30km)

Gerwalk Mode: MOV 167 (walking); MOV 333 (flight)

Battroid Mode: MOV 107


Fighter Mode: 922m/SR @ 10km, 1317m/SR @30km

Gerwalk Mode: 28m/SR (walking), 139m/SR (flying)

Battroid Mode: 44m?SR (walking)

Damage Bonus: +9D6


Punch 1D8+2+db

Kick 2D8+4+db

GU-11 gun pod 12D6, burst fire, impales, 200 round clip, range 500m

Maulver ROV Pulse Laser 6D8, burst fire, fire,

Missile 8D6+8/2m (can be fired in groups-treat as burst fire) Range 1200m

Designers Notes:

STR: was derived from the VF's combined thrust of 23,000 kg using the SIZ table. 23,000kg is STR 78. IN boost (afterfire) mode the engines produce twice that thrust (STR 86) but I dobut the Valkyrie can apply that to it's arms and legs.

SIZ: was derrived from the VF=1A's normal take off mass of 18.5 metric tons using the SIZ table.

POW: was derrived using the SIZ table, after dividing the wattage by 10 to convert to a kilogram equivalent (it's a SI conversion thing. One kg thrust =10 newtons =10 watts,) The Valkyrie has two massive 650MW reactors (what the heck for?), that give a combined power of 1300 MW. Enough to power a good sized city. 1300MW/10= 130 million kg. This comes out at 178 POW if one continues the doubling progression of the SIZ table, or POW 14365 if you stick with the 1/10th the short tonnage rule from the BRP core rules. Either way, running out of power is not an issue.

Armor: Descriptive text claims that the VF's armor is a titanium-steel alloy capable of stopping all small arms fire, and which provides good protection against 12.7mm machine guns. 20 AP is enough to stop small arms fire, and give good protection against 12.7mm.

Note that in contrast to it's Robotech counterpart in another RPG, the Valkyrie is not as tough as a tank. It's more like a fighter jet.

Hit Points: Were based on SIZ (76) and bumped up a little to represent the superior armor and other benefits from "Overtechnology". So the VF is a bit tougher than a conventional fighter jet of the same size.

Hit Locations were calculated using the standard humanoid breakdown, but with the addition of adding the cockpit and Mauler Leader to the hit location table.

ACC: Was derived from the VF's thrust to mass ration of 2.49. Since the ratio is the acceleration in gs, and since 1 g is approximately 10m^sec^2, 2.48gs= 24.9, which rounds to ACC 25.

Handling: Was calculated using the average of the fighter's forward and later acceleration rating, using the formula of log (acceleration in meters)*10%, round to the nearest 5% increment. The VF has an acceleration of 25m/sec^2, and a turning rate of 70m^sec^2. THe average is 47.5. Ten times the log of 47.5 is 16.77, which is rounded to the neastest increment of 5%, for +15%.

Speed: Was derived from listed performance figures for the Valkyrie. Based on the travel speeds and corrsenponig MOV rates of vehicles in the BRP core book. The MOV rate is 2/3rd the top speed in kph, or 2.4 times the speed in m/s.

In Fighter mode, at 10,000 meters, the VF-1A has a top speed of Mach 2.71 (about 922m/s), 922*2.4= MOV 2213. It has a speed of Mach 3.87 (about 1317m/s) at 30,000 meters. 1317*2.4 = 3161

In Gerwalk Mode. walking speed is 100kph. 2/3rd of 100 is MOV 57. Flight speed is 500 kph. 2/3 of 500 is MOV 333.

Ib Battorid Mode, running speed is 150kph. 2/3 of 160 is MOV 107

Damage Bonus: Calculated as normal using STR+SIZ.


The Punch was based on the heavy mace damage of 1D8+2. Since Valkyries are very nimble and can kick, the kick damage was set at twice the punch damage. The the normal damage bonus was added..

The GU-11 gunpod damage was based off the data for the Borfors 57 mm AA gun. This sets the damage pretty high, at 12D6, but 12D6 fits in with the punch damages, and fits in well with the 20 point armor. THe GU-11 needs to do at least 9D 6 or so just to be able to deliver decent damage past armor. THis is a great incentive. for using a method like the risk system. Being a fully automatic rotary gun, the GU-11 will be brutal, but then it is in Macross. .

The ROV Mauler Pulse Laser was set at 6D8 so that it too can deliver significant damage though 20-25 points of armor. Yet more incentive to use the risk method of damage. With a ROF as high as 6000 rpm, no ammo to worry about, and enough energy to power 6 Nimitz class carriers, the pilot should fire in full auto mode to get the double skill chance to hit. Which makes this great for it's intended us as an AA gun.

The missile stats were just taken from the BRP Core book without much effort into adapting Macross missiles (yet). It's hard to find data on actual Macross tech as opposed to data from Robotech and.or Palladium.

How does this look so far?

Edited by Atgxtg

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

Posted (edited)

Fine. But overcomplicated. And it has some flaws. A valkyrie becomes able to "punch to death" another mech very easily. Given that in the anime it goes hand to hand with the Zentraedi commander, and loses, I doubt this should happen. BRP Mecha has punch damage as doing only damage bonus in damage, so it is rather hard to do actual damage when punching. The only occurrence I can remember of this happening is Gundam RX-78 vs. Zakus, which means a mecha that totally outclasses its opponent.

Here are the official stats for Valkyries in BRP Mecha (they are called AFV Valiant but the stats are exactly those of the Valkyries). POW and STR can be revised in the final version, as could the damage for the laser, but this version is more or less functional. Armor, damage and hit points are on a different scale: each point equals ten points of standard BRP damage. Move and weapon range are on a different scale, too: multiply by 10 for ground movement, by 100 for air movement.

Switching between configurations requires 10 DEX Ranks.



[tr][th]78[/th][th]73[/th][th]130[/th][th]-[/th][th]-[/th][th]1d4[/th][th]3* [3fly][/th][th]2 [1Energy][/th][/tr]























[td]R Leg[/td]

[td]L Leg[/td]


[td]R Arm[/td]

[td]L Arm[/td]




[th]Hit points[/th]










[td]Thruster/ [/td]

[td]Thruster/ [/td]

[td]Cockpit [2],[/td]

[td]Gun [1][/td]


[td]Sensors [2],[/td]




[td]Jetcraft [2][/td]

[td]Jetcraft [2][/td]

[td]Engines [3,4][/td]



[td]Laser [3][/td]



* MOV is 5 if the Valiant uses its leg thrusters as a Jetcraft, spending 2 PP per round.


[tr][th]Weapon[/th][th] Position [/th][th]Type[/th][th]Damage[/th][th] Range[/th][th]Cost/Ammo[/th] [th]Special[/th] [/tr]

[tr][td]Brawl[/td][td] -[/td][td] Brawl [/td][td]1d4[/td][td]close[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Gatling rifle[/td][td] Arm [1r][/td][td] Kinetic[/td][td] 1d4[/td][td] 10 [M][/td][td] 15 bursts[/td][td] Burst, Impale[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Lasers [/td][td]Head [3] [/td][td]Laser [/td][td]1d2[/td][td]5 [/td][td]1 PP[/td][td]Twin, Impale[/td][/tr]


And here is the Fighter configuration


[tr][th]SIZ Class[/th][th]SIZ[/th][th]POW[/th][th]DEX[/th][th]APP[/th][th]PP[/th][th]MOV[/th][th]Handling[/th][/tr]



* the handling bonus is due to the vernier thrusters, so it costs 2PP per round to use it.













[td]R Engine[/td]

[td]L Engine[/td]

[td]R Wing[/td]

[td]L Wing[/td]














[th]Hit points[/th]










[td]Engine [2],[/td]

[td]Engine [2],[/td]



[td]Fuel tank [2][/td]

[td]Cockpit [2], [/td]




[td]Thruster [3][/td]

[td]Thruster [3][/td]

[td]or pods[/td]

[td]or pods[/td]

[td]Cannon [3][/td]

[td]Sensors [3][/td]




[tr][th]Weapon[/th][th] Position [/th][th]Type[/th][th]Damage[/th][th] Range[/th][th]Cost/Ammo[/th] [th]Special[/th] [/tr]

[tr][td]Missiles[/td][td] Wing [2t,3t][/td][td] Explo [/td][td]1d8[/td][td]20 [L][/td][td]3 each[/td][td]Twin, 2 per wing[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Gatling rifle[/td][td] Wing [4r][/td][td] Kinetic[/td][td] 1d4[/td][td] 10 [M][/td][td] 15 bursts[/td][td] Burst, Impale[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Lasers [/td][td]Nose [3] [/td][td]Laser [/td][td]1d2 [/td][td]5 [/td][td]1 PP[/td][td]Twin[/td][/tr]


Note: the Valiant carries 12 missiles and can fire 1 to 4 missiles per round like fighter aircrafts. If it fires two missiles, treat this as a twin shot. If it fires all four pods in one volley, treat it as a twin weapon with a RoF of two, that is roll twice with a +10% to each shot for twin weapon use. If both rolls are made against the same enemy, any defense against the second attack is made at -30% as per normal Basic Roleplaying rules. The Valiant can carry other kinds of missiles and various types of pods attached to its wing pylons, but these are left to the individual GM to describe.

Edited by RosenMcStern
Revised stats

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

Posted (edited)

Fine. But overcomplicated. And it has some flaws. A valkyrie becomes able to "punch to death" another mech very easily.

Yeah, but that is more a problem with the BRP rules than the stats. a STR 11 SIZ 13 human can very easily "punch to death" another human in BRP doing 1D3+1D4.And since the db progresses faster than firearm damage or armor , high STR+SIZes are problematic The STR needs to be in the same ballpark as the SIZ since these thing can lift each other.

Given that in the anime it goes hand to hand with the Zentraedi commander, and loses, I doubt this should happen. BRP Mecha has punch damage as doing only damage bonus in damage, so it is rather hard to do actual damage when punching. The only occurrence I can remember of this happening is Gundam RX-78 vs. Zakus, which means a mecha that totally outclasses its opponent.

Breetai also is very tough (he survives being spaced!), so Zentradi probably have some natural armor that would help. At least 1-2 AP per db die. Even going with a 57 STR for the VF, only drops the Db by 1D6. Based on his height or 18.3 meters, Breetai is probably over 1000 times the weight of a human, or +80 SIZ and since the scaling of process arugments the body structre so that it can support the weight, so STR and SIZ scores in the 90s would not be unreasonable for him. But the fact that damage scales faster than HP for large creatures is a bit of a bug with BRP. Most big animals in the game can't take a hit from each other.

One of the perks about your BRP MEcha is that it scales down the dice, which allows you to lower the AP. With 10-12 dice you need 12 points of armor just to have a outside chance of stopping a hit.

Here are the official stats for Valkyries in BRP Mecha (they are called AFV Valiant but the stats are exactly those of the Valkyries). POW and STR can be revised in the final version, as could the damage for the laser, but this version is more or less functional.

LOL! I think I've said the same thing several times. If it helps, 1N=1kg of thrust. It helped me. I look forward to seeing BRP MEcha so I can see what conversion factors you used.

Armor, damage and hit points are on a different scale: each point equals ten points of standard BRP damage. Move and weapon range are on a different scale, too: multiply by 10 for ground movement, by 100 for air movement.

Scaling AP and damage has proven to be one of the biggest headaches with vehicles. I can't find a progression for damage or armor that matches up with both the BRP values and interacts correctly with each other. The BRP values for heavy weapons get "condensed" and any curve that fits the 9mm, 50 cal, and 120mm doesn't match up with the armor thickness. ANd in BRP getting 1 point past the AP does"t mean much for a big vehicle, even though at tank gun scale 1 point is probably a few million Joules. .

Thanks for the sneak Peak at the BRP Mecha stats.

Edited by Atgxtg

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.



A few of questions about the head lasers in BRP Mecha.

IS 1 point worth anything for the lasers, in thier role as an anti-aircraft weapon. 1 point seems unable to damage anything it would go up against.

They are supposed to have a rate of fire of 6000 pulses per min, so shouldn't they geet the burst ability?

Does laser damage in a burst stack (that is can you combine multiple points to melt through armor)?

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.


They should probably be given the same damage as standard Vulcan guns used on aircraft (1d3). The point is that I cannot recall those things doing ANY real damage in the series when the Valkyrie is in Battroid form, so I nerfed them a bit too much. But they should be able to shot down only aircraft, not pods.

I am rather reluctant to give the burst ability to energy weapons. Conceptually, it is not the same as projectile weapons. The examples I recall from the anime all show pulses of energy obtained by pulling the trigger several times in a row, or a continuous stream of energy. The latter is treated differently in BRP Mecha.

And the damage does not stack. When the pilots use the laser to escape the Zentraedi ship, they can hardly achieve anything.

Basically, the Valkyrie lasers SUCK as a weapon. Badass energy weapons are present in BRP Mecha. Just not on the Valkyrie :)

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM


They should probably be given the same damage as standard Vulcan guns used on aircraft (1d3). The point is that I cannot recall those things doing ANY real damage in the series when the Valkyrie is in Battroid form, so I nerfed them a bit too much. But they should be able to shot down only aircraft, not pods.

Yeah 1D3 makes more sense. I can remenber them being used in the series, but then, I got Macross on DVD, so I've probably seen it more recently. And yes, they did use them to take out Regult pods. But it was more common with the VF-1J and !S, which had multiple lasers firing linked. The Mecha in Macross is pretty fragile...most of the time.

I am rather reluctant to give the burst ability to energy weapons. Conceptually, it is not the same as projectile weapons. The examples I recall from the anime all show pulses of energy obtained by pulling the trigger several times in a row, or a continuous stream of energy. The latter is treated differently in BRP Mecha. [.quote]

The specs say that it is a pulse laser, so it should get some sort of multifire effect. A continous stream is fine, just as long as they get something. A 1 point or 1D3 weapon without some sort of rapid fire boost isn't going to be effective.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have revised the stats a little bit, both here and in the final draft of BRP Mecha. Armour was taken down to 2 and laser damage increased to 1d2. As armour is halved against energy weapons, the laser can now damage another Valkyrie or a Zentraedi combat pod on a roll of 2. The cannon is still a more effective weapons because of burst fire, even though it must overcome full armour.

Pow is the power output of the generator in GW, multiplied by 100. Each engine produces 650 MW, so the total output is 1,3 GW. STR is equal to POW multiplied by the efficiency of the Mecha "muscles", that is 60% in this case.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM


Interesting. If I use BRP MEcha for a Macross campaign, I'd probably give the lasers a high RPOF burst ability , but that is something easy for me to houserule. I know Macross is something of a stretch for BRP Mecha, since BRP Mecha is designed more for the "UberMecha" genre, where the hero(s) pilot some giant robot each week against the enemy robot of the week.

You might have trouble with the POW though. 2x650MW reactors is an insane amount of power-far more than the Valkyrie needs. It's enough to power a half dozen Nimitz class carrriers! The 10MW per POW will probably make it difficult to stat out mecha from other series, where the power output isn't so huge. A Gundam RX-78-2 output is only 1380kW, which wouldn't even rate 1 POW in Mecha scale. A modern sub would only have 1-2 POW, and a carrier about 20! I'm not sure how many Mecha you have written up so far, so I don't know how much of a problem this could be for you. Just in "Game desinger mode" here, no crticising, just looking out for potential pitfalls. I got around this one by using a doubling scale for the attributes (the SIZ table). A log progression of some sort can handle wide differences in Stats and thus would make it easier to handle mecha from different series. Or you could have an option to scale POW (and other stats) for a particular setting.

This might help...iit might be that the official specs list the thermal output of the reactors rather than the electrical output. I"ve seen that done with some submarine specs. It seems that the electrical about 20% of the thermal output. That would bring the VF down to 2x130MW for 260MW. THat might let you drop you POW scale down a little, to give other mecha a bit more power. Oh, and since many mecha have reactors or generators they probably wouldn't need to worry about POW Points as long as they have fuel-so you could ingore POW POINTS for energy weapons after the design stage. But again, I'm just in game design mode, not making complaints or criticism.

P.S. I got an idea for a BRP variant that uses base10 logs for the stats. Despite how it sounds, it actually works out a lot easier in most ways. Each x10 in ability is worth +10 points. What's nice is that with a base10 progression, things are easier to stat out, since the table repeats every ten numbers, unlike the base2 logs used in BRP. It also scales easier, since each order of magnitude is a +/-10 point shift.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

Posted (edited)

Interesting. If I use BRP MEcha for a Macross campaign, I'd probably give the lasers a high RPOF burst ability , but that is something easy for me to houserule. I know Macross is something of a stretch for BRP Mecha, since BRP Mecha is designed more for the "UberMecha" genre, where the hero(s) pilot some giant robot each week against the enemy robot of the week.

Definitely not. It is designed for both. The rules vary quite a lot when you pass from Robotech to Force Five. They are, in effect, two different rulesets which produce very different game experiences.

You might have trouble with the POW though. 2x650MW reactors is an insane amount of power-far more than the Valkyrie needs. It's enough to power a half dozen Nimitz class carrriers!

Yes. The rules will provide several models of POW evaluation, ranging for 1 POW per 10 MW to 1 POW per 10 kW, to adjust to the official stats, so that each Mecha has a POW in the 50-150 range. Note also that POW is not exceedingly important in many situations. The Valkyrie will indeed need all those PP because it spends 3 or 4 PP each time it uses its +10% handling bonus, that is each time it tries to dodge enemy fire. A Gundam spends almost nothing in terms of POW in battle, while Mazinger spends 4 POW to fire its strongest weapons and 1 POW for the stupidest ones.

A log progression of some sort can handle wide differences in Stats and thus would make it easier to handle mecha from different series. Or you could have an option to scale POW (and other stats) for a particular setting.

Actually, the SIZ table that BRP Mecha uses (which is YOUR table, in fact) has a logarithmic progression. If we define POW as the ability to generate enough STR to move that SIZ, then POW for Mecha is on a logarithmic scale, too. Basically, I use a MW or GW related formula just to allow to stat Mecha directly from official stats, which are well known and established for each series. There is a similar problem for Laser weapons, too: some of them have a power output in GW listed, others in MW, while my weapon table lists values between 0,5 and 8 MW. Individual GMs will have to fudge.

This might help...iit might be that the official specs list the thermal output of the reactors rather than the electrical output. I"ve seen that done with some submarine specs. It seems that the electrical about 20% of the thermal output. That would bring the VF down to 2x130MW for 260MW.

Alas, the official stats name two values: thrust for fighter engines, and power generated in terms of energy that moves the battroid. This 20% reduction is already factored in in the 650 MW per engine.

But really, I think the Gundam's Minovsky reactor is underrated, too.

Oh, and since many mecha have reactors or generators they probably wouldn't need to worry about POW Points as long as they have fuel-so you could ingore POW POINTS for energy weapons after the design stage. But again, I'm just in game design mode, not making complaints or criticism.

Some weapons use the Mecha Power points, others have their own "ammunition". The stats specify this by providing either a PP cost or a normal "shots" or "bursts" value.

Other kinds of Mechas use normal "fuel", that is they do not regenerate PP. This is not explained in the stats above for the Valkyrie, but the engines regenerate 13 PP per turn (5 minutes), like living beings regenerate PP with their POW. Vehicles that run on fuel do not regenerate PP: once they are out of fuel they stop. Their POW is just a measure of how much fuel they have. This is why you see a separate entry for PP in the fighter stat blocks and not in the Mecha stat blocks.

Just to show you the difference, here is the F-15 Eagle statted out in the same fashion. Definitely inferior to a Valkyrie in combat, but it can still deal some damage if the AA missiles hit. As explained above, it has no POW and does not regenerate PP.


[tr][th]SIZ Class[/th][th]SIZ[/th][th]POW[/th][th]DEX[/th][th]APP[/th][th]PP[/th][th]MOV[/th][th]Handling[/th][/tr]















[td]R Engine[/td]

[td]L Engine[/td]

[td]R Wing[/td]

[td]L Wing[/td]














[th]Hit points[/th]










[td]Engine [2],[/td]

[td]Engine [2],[/td]



[td]Fuel tank [2][/td]

[td]Cockpit [2], [/td]




[td]Rudder [3][/td]

[td]Rudder [3][/td]

[td]or pods[/td]

[td]or pods[/td]

[td]Cannon [3][/td]

[td]Sensors [3][/td]




[tr][th]Weapon[/th][th] Position [/th][th]Type[/th][th]Damage[/th][th] Range[/th][th]Cost/Ammo[/th] [th]Special[/th] [/tr]

[tr][td]Vulcan[/td][td] Nose [4] [/td][td]Kinetic[/td][td]1[/td][td]5 [/td][td]5 bursts[/td][td]Burst, impale[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]AIM9M SIdewinder[/td][td]Wing [2t][/td][td]Explo[/td][td]1d6[/td][td] 10 [M][/td][td]2 each[/td][td]AA only, Twin[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]AIM120 AMRAAM[/td][td]Fuse [3,4][/td][td]Explo[/td][td]1d6[/td][td]20 [L] [/td][td]2 each[/td][td]AA only, Twin[/td][/tr]


Note: The Eagle can carry AMRAAM under the wings instead of Sidewinders, but it generally operates with a mixed armament to reduce weight. The actual range of these missiles is even superior to the ones listed, but for game purposes we have decided to keep it shorter. The F-15 can be modified to carry air-to-ground missiles, too. The Eagle can fire 1 to 4 missiles per round. If it fires two missiles, treat this as a twin shot. If it fires all four pods in one volley, treat it as a twin weapon with a RoF of two, that is roll the attack twice with a +10% to each shot for twin weapon use. If both rolls are made against the same target, any defense against the second attack is made at -30% as per normal Basic Roleplaying rules.

Edited by RosenMcStern

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM


Definitely not. It is designed for both. The rules vary quite a lot when you pass from Robotech to Force Five. They are, in effect, two different rulesets which produce very different game experiences.

Not to mention the changes that took place going from Macross/Souther Cross?Generis Rider Mospeda into Robotech, or from the orginal Danguard Ace/Getter Robo G/Stanzinger /UFO Grednizer/Gainking, into the americanized Danguard Ace/Starvengers/Spaceketeers/Grandizer/Giaking. .

Good idea there, since the various Mecha shows are only loosely compatible at best.

Yes. The rules will provide several models of POW evaluation, ranging for 1 POW per 10 MW to 1 POW per 10 kW, to adjust to the official stats, so that each Mecha has a POW in the 50-150 range. Note also that POW is not exceedingly important in many situations. The Valkyrie will indeed need all those PP because it spends 3 or 4 PP each time it uses its +10% handling bonus, that is each time it tries to dodge enemy fire. A Gundam spends almost nothing in terms of POW in battle, while Mazinger spends 4 POW to fire its strongest weapons and 1 POW for the stupidest ones.

Yeah but the Valkyrie is generating 1300MW a second, so it would refresh the PP faster than it uses it.

Actually, the SIZ table that BRP Mecha uses (which is YOUR table, in fact) has a logarithmic progression. If we define POW as the ability to generate enough STR to move that SIZ, then POW for Mecha is on a logarithmic scale, too.

Well, technially STR and POW aren;t the same thing, but the approxiation should hold up for mecha.

Basically, I use a MW or GW related formula just to allow to stat Mecha directly from official stats, which are well known and established for each series. There is a similar problem for Laser weapons, too: some of them have a power output in GW listed, others in MW, while my weapon table lists values between 0,5 and 8 MW. Individual GMs will have to fudge.

My old one is a corrected version of the one in BRP. It is logrymic only in the 8-88 range, and then gets a bit strange, since it gets strange in BRP (they tired to intregrate the RQ3 progression with the COC one and kinda fudge the middle). I've been keeping the +8 doubling past SIZ 88 for my purposes, and it keeps things nice for the high scores.

I've been toying with a base10 log for a variant. It is nice because it is easy to scale and work out things like speed from POW and so forth. THe real nice bit is that you can stat anything with it by only remebering 3 numbers (1, 1.25, 1.5) and that it doubles. But like I said it is a variant idea.

I have been trying to comeup with a consistent way of rating damage so all weapons can be done on the same damage scale. It might help, if I can pull it off. The hard bit is that the authoors used different methods for each type of damage. Melee damage was based on the force, with x4 force =+1D6, but firearms seem to be based on energy rather than force, falling damage is got a wierd progression of it's own, and heat uses a linear 1D6 per 100C. So getting it all under one roof will be quite a magic trick if I can do it.

Alas, the official stats name two values: thrust for fighter engines, and power generated in terms of energy that moves the battroid. This 20% reduction is already factored in in the 650 MW per engine.

THat's because Thrust is measure of a force (STR) and not Power (POW).

Technically Power= Thrust (in Newtons)x Velocity (in meters/second)

So if the VF puts out 46,000 kg thrust (in boost mode) that would be about 450kN. 450kN times 1317m/s =594MW.

So at best only half the reactor power is going towards movement.

But really, I think the Gundam's Minovsky reactor is underrated, too.

Possibly. If I recall the beam saber takes more power than the reactor puts out. So it probably has a lot of batteries. The problem with SCFI setting is that they do not all warp realtity in the same way.

Mecha definitely looks interesting.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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