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Doesn't seem as though there's an intro thread anywhere, so I figured I'd just post my intro in the forum I'll be frequenting most often.

Anyhoo, my name is Jim, I've been playing and running games for a long time, and I'm just getting into CoC. At the moment I'm extensively researching historical elements for my setting (Alberta, Canada, ca. 1919 - 1930), and I'm hoping to get some advice on plot and story once I've completed the most integral components necessary for the running of my game.

So, yeah, that's the relevant stuff. Some more personal info about me, hmm...

Well, I'm a registered member of the ACP (Alberta College of Paramedics), I'm currently an EMR (I'll be returning to school to receive my EMT certification shortly), and at present I work with behaviorally difficult/medically fragile clients provided for by a local agency devoted to the care of developmentally disabled individuals in the community in which I reside. I also enjoy reading (though I don't take time for this activity nearly as often as I should), and I'm thinking about taking up guitar in my spare time. Ah, I'm also an avid sport shooter and something of a firearms enthusiast. Also, I enjoy history (no specific period).

I think that about covers the intro, yup.

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Howdy and Welcome!

There is an ongoing thread down in the tavern, but it's easily missed.

CoC's a great game, but not one that I've had much opportunity to play. Guitar is a great deal of fun and I heartily recommend it. When picking out a guitar, it is important to bring someone who plays along with you. My first guitar had all the action of a cello and was an absolute bear to play until we cranked the neck and filed down the bridge. Once you get a couple of chords under you it's great fun to bang on.


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Welcome, PlanarRambler. Kudos for researching the history of your setting. In planning my own campaigns, I've found that the best fantasies have a skeleton of fact. It really is true that people have done things wilder than any Keeper or science fiction author could come up with on his own, and real-life mysteries abound. Throw a few of those nuggets into your game, as well as some of the people you'll learn about in your studies. In addition to lending verisimilitude, it will provide you with lots of nifty plot hooks. :)

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Welcome also, PlanarRambler.

Hope you enjoy the forum.

Your comment made me think of my humble beginnings into RPGS.

Mine really started in 1980, when I purchased the D&D red box, as some people in a RPG club got me interested a year earlier.

I then saw (and played) such RPGs like Paranoia, Twilight 2000, Traveller, and of course Call of Cthulhu.

Our group is now playing Iron Kingdoms 2012, Dark Heresy, Deadlands.

I still have the 3rd edition (hardback), The Statue of the Sorcerer/The Vanishing Conjurer double book, 5th Edition, 1990s book, etc :)

At the moment, I'm trying to continue from a scenario I GM-ed just a little over 12 months ago (The Menace of Dr Gruber).

I'm using 6th edition CoC.

It's modern day, set on the east coast (new England area), with the PCs investigating disappearances/grisly discoveries.

The second part still needs some work.

Enjoy the forum.

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