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During a session, one of my players stated that the a special success on an attack roll could be partially negated by a success in a defensive roll. Now I've ran the game as if rolling a special or critical always did a special success, unless the opponent rolls a corresponding critical or special on their defense roll. Is that incorrect to the rules? 

You like Fading Suns? Well, I made a thing that's kinda like it!



If a special success is countered by a normal success, it will move the special one step down the ladder - to a normal success (with some extra damage inflicted to the parrying weapon).

So according to RAW and the Attack/Defence-matrix, your player is right. According to your game, it depends.


That's what we have played for Dodge for a long while now.


We play that Dodge moves the attack roll down one level for every successful level of Dodge, but only to a failure. So, a Critical Attack vs a normal Dodge reduces the Attack down by one level to a Special, but a critical dodge moves a special attack down by 3 levels to a failure, not a fumble.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here


If a special success is countered by a normal success, it will move the special one step down the ladder - to a normal success (with some extra damage inflicted to the parrying weapon).

So according to RAW and the Attack/Defence-matrix, your player is right. According to your game, it depends.


Ah, the attack/defense matrix is a little confusing to read but I think the way you explained did was very good. 

You like Fading Suns? Well, I made a thing that's kinda like it!


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