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The Arkham Gazette #3 - Witches and Witchcraft, available now


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Forgive the blatant self-promotion, but I thought I would let everyone know that the latest issue of The Arkham Gazette (#3) is available for purchase on DriveThruRPG.  This issue is 120 pages long; $12 for the PDF, $20 for a print copy (which includes a free copy of the PDF).

The Arkham Gazette is a magazine focused on the Lovecraft Country setting of Call of Cthulhu but with potential items of interest for anyone playing Call of Cthulhu, BRP games, or other Lovecraftian RPGs.  In this issue our focus is on witches and witchcraft in Lovecraft Country, from the possibly Mythos origins of certain witch-cults, through the witch trials of the colonial past, until the 'modern' day (i.e. 1920s).  Our contributors include L.T. Barker, Dan Harms, Tyler Hudak, Chris Huth, Graeme Price, and Christopher Smith Adair; art by Trevor Henderson, Chris Huth, and Ian Maclean; handouts prepared by Dean Engelhardt.

Here are the articles included with this issue:

  • New England's Witch Trials - a look at the real-world history
  • The Witches of Lovecraft Country - A Keeper's overview of witches in various Lovecraft Country sources
  • Building a Better Witch - A Keeper's guide for creating memorable witch NPCs
  • Gods of the Witches - the Mythos gods a witch might worship and how that impacts the witch in play
  • Rat-things and Worse Horrors -  All about familiars, rat-things and other even more horrible options
  • Marked by the Devil - a physician talks about 'witch-marks', where witches would suckle their familiars
  • Colonial Folk Magic - the actual 'spells' people used to cast in the 17th and 18th century
  • The Dried Cat - a scenario seed using a real item of folk magic, a cat's body hidden inside a house
  • Of Evill Sorceries Done in New-England by Daemons in No Humane Shape - all about that Mythos tome, from history to contents to availability
  • Touched by the Fairies - Expands of Lovecraft's link between witches and ghouls based on his likely inspiration, the appendix on fairies from "The Witch-cult in Western Europe"
  • Witches' Hollow - all about this location near Arkham from the Derleth 'colaboration' of the same name
  • Annotated List of Witch scenarios - a list of every witch scenario in Lovecraft Country and beyond, with notes for the Keeper
  • 'The Queen of Night' - an expansive (40 page!) scenario, set in Arkham and nearby towns, involving a dark family lineage and the taint of witchcraft.

This issue was written for CoC 6, though I hope to find a volunteer to provide notes for 7th Ed. conversion.  The PDF comes with a full set of handouts as well as a lengthy additional prop - the notes of an Miskatonic University student researching the so-called 'unvisited island' in the Miskatonic. 

I hope to re-release the earlier issues of the Gazette soon.  Issue 1 was all about Arkham; issue #2 Innsmouth.  i will post here when they are available.  Issue #0, our demo issue, is available on the Sentinel Hill Press website.


Edited by SentinelHillPress
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