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Good one shot scenarios to help lead into Masks of Nyarlathotep


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So, I am prepping to run Masks of Nyarlathotep for my gaming group. One thing I have read in many different areas while doing research and prep work is to make sure that the investigators are invested in the well being of Jackson Elias so that when they find him in the first chapter they are emotionally invested in finding out who killed him. I like this idea and want to run around 6 or 7 one shot scenarios highlighting a PC in each to show how they know Jackson and foster that sense of closeness to him. Now just so it is stated none of the players have been through Masks before or have read it which is a bonus. 

Here are the PC occupations:

1) Dr. of Anthropology
2) Dilettante 
3) Photojournalist 
4) P.I.
5) Amatuer Occultist 
6) Doctor of Psychology 

My question is does anyone have any good recommendations as for one shot scenarios that could be tailored to this? I am looking to stay in the 1920's era given the timeline in Masks. Please also know that one of the players has a plethora of CoC material to use as he is a collector so no shortage of stuff to pull from. With that being said I appreciate and thank anyone for any ideas that are given. 

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No specific scenario suggestions, I'm afraid, but a word of caution: my GM tried something similar (it's not a bad idea) but unfortunately had Jackson tell the characters about disturbing goings-on and fears that he was being followed. The GM's wife, unused to the inherent assumptions in scenario setups, immediately took charge and refused to let Jackson out of her sight or return to his hotel. In the end, the GM had to resort to a drive-by shooting to kill him... 

I'd also suggest changing Jackson's name. Even if they've not played Masks there's a good chance that your players will recognise the character. 

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Hello everyone!

First post here. So You can try use one of the scenarios from Mythos Expeditions, (Pelgrane Press), especially for Anthropology Doctor. Or maybe for entire group. There is nothing more connecting people than good Expedition! 


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Mvincent has already picked up a thread in which I posted my thought on the subject, however, nearly any scenario can be put into the prequel.  One simply writes in Jackson Elias, and one can take the chance to write in other characters as well, if one wants to do so.

The prequel scenario in MoNC is very good, however, it also makes the assumption that the characters already know Jackson Elias, and so we simply have moved the problem back one level.

The real trick to my way of thinking is to make it not-too-linear.  Some misdirection is needed, because if Jackson Elias is the only harbinger of bad wrong Mythos news and gets the investigators beaten up too often, then the players will start having their characters cross the street to avoid him.  So he should only be the instigator of adventure about half the time.  You can pair Elias up with other MoN characters, or you can put other MoN characters in for the other half of the adventures or both.

Thus, my chain of scenarios ran like this; nearly any will do:

* Elias (and Bradley Grey, of the MoN law firm) hired the investigators to retrieve a (Mythos) manuscript that a not too bright patron lent out to a Mythos cultist busybody. (This was one of the Halloween monograph scenarios, with the patrons replaced.)  Once the investigators retrieved the manuscript they would bring it back to Grey and Elias, who would get it back to its owner (de Marigny, since I also wanted to run Secrets of New Orleans scenario.)  Our heroes, the investigators, being such as they are, promptly executed the mission and accidentally (!) dropped part of the manuscript in the Miskatonic River, though to their credit they did fish it out after it was only slightly ruined.

* Elias (and Grey) decide that the investigators had better go along to New Orleans with Elias so that they can personally explain to Mr. de Marigny about the manuscript.  On the first night there, the assembled galloots go to a speakeasy, thus setting up "Dead Man Stomp."  Elias does nothing about this, but just hangs out in New Orleans on his own business (which see below).

* De Marigny, being impressed that the investigators aren't complete idiots, recommends them to one of his friends, who has relative troubles, thus setting up the scenario out of Secrets of New Orleans.  Elias meanwhile jumps on a freighter to Mexico, thus putting him in position for the scenario in MoNC, and oh by the way we can run a bunch of Mysteries of Mezoamerica scenarios too.

* Our heroes, deciding that New Orleans is too hot for them, go back to New York, where Grey has recommended them to another client, a Miss Tillstrom, thus setting up the Dreamlands scenario Pickman's Student eventually, but for the moment we instead run the introductory BRP scenario Murder in the Footlights.

* After all of which, Elias sends the info about his Mexican adventure found in the MoNC scenario, and we run that, and after that, we also run one of the Mysteries scenario, involving the bats, which is what Elias was (really) working on. 

If one steps back and looks at all of this, Elias is important, but he is not the only important figure.  Other figures can be added, or used to impart information when we finally do reach MoN, and we can also use them for links to the other non player characters.  Penny Tillstrom, for example, could provide the investigators with the necessary introduction to society that can get them into Carlyle House should that be wanted.

Lots of work but the players shouldn't tumble to the idea that they are in a plot driven campaign so easily, and there is a more social feel to it-Jackson Elias is now a valuable resource that the players will miss when the Keeper finally pulls the plug on him, instead of a nuisance.



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