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If I'd known I could purchase books at FLGS before my pre-order arrived...


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..I would not have pre-ordered the books in May.  Seriously frustrating to see pics and posts of printed copies in FLGS while I still wait for my copies to arrive.  This seems to be negligent and dismissive on Chaosium's part towards those that participated in the pre-order.  All the love I've felt thus far for 7e is eroding due to their mishandling of this situation.  

Are there other pre-order patrons still awaiting their books to arrive?

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Got a shipping confirmation yesterday.  I don't have a  FLGS (A LGS, but not so friendly), so I'm not complaining.  I believe pre-ordering was discounted a little too.  I suppose you can stamp your feet and demand a refund...or wait and be patient.  Or go on the internet and write a nasty note.

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On 8/28/2016 at 3:13 AM, rom90125 said:

Are there other pre-order patrons still awaiting their books to arrive?

The preorders have been sent out. Please drop Dustin a line at customerservice@chaosium.com and he can follow up for you.

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On 8/27/2016 at 10:13 AM, rom90125 said:

..I would not have pre-ordered the books in May.  Seriously frustrating to see pics and posts of printed copies in FLGS while I still wait for my copies to arrive.  This seems to be negligent and dismissive on Chaosium's part towards those that participated in the pre-order.  All the love I've felt thus far for 7e is eroding due to their mishandling of this situation.  

Are there other pre-order patrons still awaiting their books to arrive?

As per MOB.

Do you have a notice that is HAS shipped, or anything like that?  I'd expect you'd have a tracking code, in the USofA from USPS or UPS...

Also:  I didn't do the CoC7 Kickstarter, but I did the RQClassic one, and I know they had a "FLGS Special" so that the FLGS could get in on the action... Maybe your store just did a "Pre-Order" too, and got lucky enough to get their shipment a bit sooner than you got yours?

C'es ne pas un .sig

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I wanted to provide a closing bookend on this topic.  I have since received notification that the books were shipped and I speculate that they will arrive next week at the latest.  Based on this update, I've decided to delay the start of my MoN campaign (first time running it) by at least a week and instead will begin our campaign running the "God of Mitnal" prelude found in the MoN Companion.

And because I was critical of Chaosium in my original post, I want to share that they subsequently stepped up by offering a (via email) coupon to pre-order supporters.  I used this coupon to purchase a hardcopy(+ PDF) of the "Field Guide toLovecraftian Horrors".  Well-played Chaosium.  Thank you for continuing to support your fans!  Now, about the hardcopy of "Pulp Cthulhu"... :-)

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