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Encumbrance Calculator and Equipment List for Mythras and RQ6


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Encumbrance Calculator and Equipment List for Mythras and RQ6

For the longest time I have wanted to make it easier to handle equipment and encumbrance in RQ6 and Mythras.

List of what the character carries can sometimes be longish but it usually contains standard items that exist in the rulebooks.

Encumbrance affects character's movement speed - which will usually determine whether he can getaway once Sorceress and her minions find out that he has been looting the treasure chest. It also affects all STR and DEX related skills negatively.

Here is an Excel spreadsheet where character can easily mark all the equipment that they either wear or carry in their backpack. Spreadsheet calculates the effect on move and skills either with backpack on or not. Spreadsheet can be printed out and added to character sheet and it can be filed away to be added to later on. Excel has in it all the armor types derived from Mythras Full Edition and Monster Island.

One can easily filter with standard excel features to see only the items that character carries or is interested in. 


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