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Minimum players for TtH?

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I started a group on a play by post site and I've lost over half of them to attrition for various reasons.  I'm basically at 2 people, though I am sure a third is still involved just busy with work.  If it gets down to 2 players do you think that's viable for this campaign?  I'm leaning towards no, after running it on R0ll20 but maybe some of you have another answer. 

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Personally, I say three is the minimum it takes for things to work at the table. It can be done with 2, but it,s harder work for all involved. I'd say you can run with two for the odd session, but three or more are needed to make a campaign work. 

Also, when you only have 2, it only takes 1 person to be busy and the game is cancelled!

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On 1/19/2017 at 7:27 PM, mibagents said:

If it gets down to 2 players do you think that's viable for this campaign?

Since you're running PbF, you could also have each player add/run a 2nd character.  I've taken this approach at points where # of active players has gotten low and allows things to keep moving.

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