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Dust, to Dust (& grimoire) (&collaboration)?


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Hi all--

I've started outlining and noodling over Dust, to Dust, which is going to be an add-on book for Ashes to Ashes.

Presently I'm inclined to just put it out for free. Chaosium's new printer (whoever they're using for monographs anyway) just can't handle much in the way of fonts & can't handle color anything--frustrating.

It'll include at least one more region (the Western Isles) and maybe another (Takuk). I didn't club anyone over the head with it, but the lands correspond with the 7 deadly sins (Eglantine--wrath, Fallingstar--pride, The Dells--lust, Majestic Plateau--greed). The Western Isles will be sloth and Takuk gluttony. My ideas for the Western Isles are pretty well formed; I was going to include it in the main book until I got the finger waggle about target length.

There will also be 2 scenarios, the Shadow over Trepminster, a murder mystery and It's Not A Lie, If You Believe That It's True, which is really grim and brutal.

One thing I would like to do is include a sample basic spell list beyond what is in the BRP main book. Has anyone done any compilation work on such at thing?

Also, if anyone is interested in a collaborator, I'm always interested. I can't draw but I can write.

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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Hi all--

I've started outlining and noodling over Dust, to Dust, which is going to be an add-on book for Ashes to Ashes.

Good news! :happy:

Presently I'm inclined to just put it out for free.

Even better! :D

Chaosium's new printer (whoever they're using for monographs anyway) just can't handle much in the way of fonts & can't handle color anything--frustrating.

Have you got hold of a paper copy yet? I'm still waiting for one of those to appear. Must say their cover was a bit disappointing - for both Ashes to Ashes and Berlin '61 (the original Berlin '61 cover done for GORE is actually nicer than the BRP one). I'd prefer a colour pdf to a black and white book though, as I then can just print it out myself.

There will also be 2 scenarios, the Shadow over Trepminster, a murder mystery and It's Not A Lie, If You Believe That It's True, which is really grim and brutal.

Very good! I love published scenarios! :thumb:

One thing I would like to do is include a sample basic spell list beyond what is in the BRP main book. Has anyone done any compilation work on such at thing?

What magic system / power system would you be using? We could always start up a thread to produce magic spells for the wiki, usable by all. :cool:


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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I now officially Have No IdeaTM what is going on with the hard copy. It's really frustrating.

The original manuscript was much more attractive than the one that finally wnt out as a pdf. It had a page border, more fonts, color images, etc. I had to remove the border, pare down the fonts, and greyscale everything for the benefit of the printer. It was also going to be longer (a couple more "nastier" scenarios) but I was "asked'' to keep it to around 150 pages. Monograph limitations are what they are.

I've taken several runs at making the printer happy. 3 redos taking about 20 hours. (I should note that I did not have the same level of problems with The Primal State). Chaosium hasnt responded to my last "so please tell me that fixed it" message.

In terms of the magic system, it's basically 'you can try to cast any published spell that has a power point cost, except for summoning or teleporting or anything to do with other planes or raising the dead' but there's a chance of failure'. Which is why I was thinking 'gee, how about a compilation."

They didnt like my cover, I guess (the frontispiece image of the ruined monastery). A lot of people don't seem to be "grokking" the art choices, which are social commentary pieces. I tried for an absurdist vibe against the absurd choices society is making. (Shrug).

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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I now officially Have No IdeaTM what is going on with the hard copy. It's really frustrating.

Yup. I guess they must be too. I asked Charlie about it at Continuum, but he said that they then hadn't got anything printed back from them.

The original manuscript was much more attractive than the one that finally wnt out as a pdf. It had a page border, more fonts, color images, etc. I had to remove the border, pare down the fonts, and greyscale everything for the benefit of the printer. It was also going to be longer (a couple more "nastier" scenarios) but I was "asked'' to keep it to around 150 pages. Monograph limitations are what they are.

Sorry to hear that. But what about the pdf edition? No need to remove color and layout there, unless they for some reason really want the pdf and the printed version to be identical that is. To be honest, I would have much prefered if Chaosium could just have set up a "store" on Lulu. Cheaper shipping for overseas too, as it then could be printed in both England and the U.S.

In terms of the magic system, it's basically 'you can try to cast any published spell that has a power point cost, except for summoning or teleporting or anything to do with other planes or raising the dead' but there's a chance of failure'. Which is why I was thinking 'gee, how about a compilation."

What is the casting chance in Ashes to Ashes for spells, separate skill for each, POW x5% for all, or something else?

They didnt like my cover, I guess (the frontispiece image of the ruined monastery).

That's a shame. The one they are using now is pretty non-descript.


Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Chaosium are famed for being a bit... how should we say?... "unhelpful" with their writers. I mean, I love them dearly (and platonically), but everytime I turn around on the RPG freelance market I hear scary stories about them. Thankfully I'm only in it for the kudos and the adoring fangirls... :confused:

Dust to Dust sounds like a good supplement. I wrote a review that was probably a bit harsh on the layout, which seems like a serious case of printing-house errors rather than a concerted effort to make my eyes bleed (JOKE). But I'd really like to see how this supplement pans out, even if it resorts to a GORE self-publishing market. I wish you'd told us that the lands were meant to be the Sins though; I would have felt more in tune with how to use them if you'd put it in block capitals at the top.

They didnt like my cover, I guess (the frontispiece image of the ruined monastery). A lot of people don't seem to be "grokking" the art choices, which are social commentary pieces. I tried for an absurdist vibe against the absurd choices society is making. (Shrug).

I got the absurdity aspect, and on second glance it's not as jarring as I first felt (printing them out helps too). Still, I preferred the writing to the artwork overall. Congrats and good luck!

~ Britannia Waives The Rules ~

Kingdom of the Blind: Call of Cthulhu roleplaying in 1920s Britain...

Its Time Come Round: Setting and campaign/arc for H.P. Lovecraft's End Times (release: on hiatus)

Slaves of Freedom: Roleplaying in a world of Revolutions, alchemical magicks, fantasy monsters and powdered-wigs (release: TBA)

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In a nutshell:

(ADJUSTED POW x3) vs. MP cost x10 on the resistance table.

A variety of circumstance bonuses (from aptitude with that kind of magic, to knowing the precise spell, to focuses, to situation) adjust POW.

Failure causes feedback damage off the amount you fail.

Fumbles really suck.

Since the world is isolated, no teleporting, summoning, involving other planes, or raising the dead.

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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  • 11 months later...

I answered a question about this at length over on rpg.net last week. Probably easier to cut and paste. Also, if you want to add it to the works in progress, here's an icon. I would put an ETA on it of end of year. Whether I will submit it as a monograph, or give it to Uncounted Worlds, or what, I keep waffling on.


Dust to Dust, as it has shaken out (and you'll get a sense of exactly what I have left to do) will concern:

1. A chapter on some extra gear and equipment (a lot of it for the two new lands);

2. Some additional rules (including a BRP mechanism for addiction (important for the Western Isles) and for long term depression (important for Takuk). Not so much a Sanity meter as a mechanism for determining when the villagers are cowed or torture victim broken and what that means in game terms.

3. An additional "secret society"

4. Two more realms. These are written more like campaign arcs, in the sense that there is a limit to what you can do in each of them, more discrete things to accomplish, and a definite plotline. Dust to Dust is, as a result, more of a scenario book, in a sense. These are:

The Western Isles (plagued by sloth). Don't want to spoil, so hard to give more hints.

Takuk, a polar region (plagued by gluttony). Again, don't want to spoil.

All of this is done, in the can, finis. So far its around 75 pages.

The last thing to do is the scenario, "It's Not a Lie, As Long As You Believe That It's True." This is outlined and is going to be a sarcastic poke at the traditional "assemble the McGuffin" adventures, but things are going to go horribly wrong and, frankly, this may not be for everyone. I havent been working on it b/c I've been writing a CofC scenario and wanted a little distance from DtD.

Estimate that the whole thing will be 100 pages or so, and done by EOY.


Announcement blurb and image:

Dust, to Dust is a supplement for Ashes, to Ashes, estimated for release around the end of the year. Continuing the story of the World--a devastated fantasy realm run from the shadows by hidden demons and their mortal pawns, and divided by the Seven Deadly Sins--Dust, to Dust describes the lands of the Western Isles (plagued by sloth) and Takuk (overcome by gluttony), each written as a campaign arc to provide discrete adventure opportunities. Additional gear, an additional Organization, new rules for addiction and despair, and an epic, World-spanning scenario, "It's Not A Lie, As Long As You Believe That It's True", round out the collection.


I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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Link is faulty but the image is there.

Is it in the public domain (or in any other way not breaching any copyrights?)

We usually have standing images in the blurb. Is it okay if I add some fields above and below to make it standing? Or do you have a scan which includes more of the top and bottom parts?


Edited by Trifletraxor

Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Yes, its public domain, and sure re: fields

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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  • 5 months later...


I estimate that Dust, to Dust is about two months away from completion. I've been busy and am only getting a few hours on Sunday AM to write these days. I am 3/4 of the way through the dratted scenario. On the one hand, I'm happy with how its going, on the other hand, it just keeps getting longer. The book is up to 115 pages now and Im guessing it will weigh in at 120 or so. Last thing I am going to add is conversion notes: ideas for how to use the lands or ideas in them outside of the post-apoc concept.

Somebody around here said they were volunteering to do illustration for credit? I have one illustration that I might be interested in. Here it is: envision an elephant-sized, three headed Cerberus made out of darkness and flame, but somewhat abstract in shape (not a beast, but abstractly quadrupedal and three headed, with eyes of sorts). It breathes a black flaming disintegtation ray. It is rampaging through some Norse-looking adventurers dressed for arctic conditions, who are fleeing in scattered terror across an arctic landscape.

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dust to Dust is written. I finally finished the dang blasted scenario. It is weighing in at 130 pages. I will be moving on to layout and editing next weekend. I estimate about 30 days before it is completely done and I decide what to do with it. Probably submit it as a monograph.

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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Thanks for the heads up, probably sold out of a print run....

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on Dust, to Dust:

I have finished the substance of it. A proof copy is in my lap being reviewed and proofread for typos (it is illustrated, mapped and laid out). I need to fix typos and populate the index, and then it is done-done.

I have submitted it to Chaosium as a monograph proposal along with a few proof pages, and am waiting to hear back from the powers that be if they want to throw me the $250 for another 125 page book. (which is how long it turned out to be). The dratted scenario came in around 50, but I'm happy with it. (And if you can't get several somethings out of the scenario, setting or no setting, then I'm going to pack it in).

One thing I added from prior reports is 5 pages of adaptation notes and summary plot seeds (about 30 of them). Basically, I tell you exactly how to take Fallingstar, Eglantine, the Western Isles and Takuk (what are those last two? hmmmm), strip off the post-apoc stuff and slap them into a McFantasy world. The Dells and the Majestic Plateau are too setting-tied but the others aren't.

Stay tuned.....

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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