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new Classic Combat suggestion for Revolution D100


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Since 'Basic Combat' is more story driven, it opens up a gap for a new 'Classic Combat' system ;) Nah, seriously, some of my players had difficulties with the Strike Rank system in RD100 (and struggled with it in RQ, too), so I came up with 'my' Classic Combat idea:

  • remove Strike Ranks from the Advanced Combat system
  • every character gets one action per round, characters with the Dual Wield stunt get two
  • the first Defense is free, every other defense incurs a Penalty to the roll
  • if using a shield, the character gets an additional free Block action
  • you can still ready a bow and fire or ready a thrown weapon and make a ranged attack
  • Crossbows and firearms take the number of rounds to reload
  • use of Powers is accomplished within one round, except for heavily modified powers
  • the Combat Exchange procedure is still in use, so you get Combat Effects to use against your enemy
  • Wounds and Armor rules are still in play

Some Combat Effects might be useless in this system, or have to be modified, e.g. Keep Distance, Regain Footing and Take Initiative. In accordance with the Basic Combat rules, I suggest to have the affected combatant to act at 5 SR lower when determining Initiative, or act at a Penalty - which ever works best for the current situation.

Example: Rowan hits a Skeleton with his mace and gains a Tactical Combat Effect. He uses it to 'Keep Distance', so the Skeleton will attack Rowan 5SR later next round, or gets a Penalty for its next Re-/Action.

The whole concept of this Classic Combat system is to strip the Advanced Combat system down to the bare minimum by removing the Strike Ranks. This introduces players to a more common combat system and you can gradually add the Strike Rank system, once the players are accustomed to the Combat Exchange procedure and the Combat Effects.

It removes quite a bit of the tactical part, but it still feels tactical enough for most situations, but offers a huge benefit: it plays faster for one-shots, where you want the action going but players also want a more detailed combat system.

Although, I must admit, I only used it once, so there is no real play-test involved. There might be some problems along the way ...


What do you think? ;)

Edited by pansophy
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If this hits the sweet spot of crunch for your group, you can certainly benefit from it.

However, I will not consider making anything of this official, not even in the Companion that will see the light, one day. The reasons are multiple:

  1. Advanced Combat is based on a delicate balance of factors. While there are certainly a lot of adjustments you can make to important details, removing one of the "pillars" of the system can easily make things worse.
  2. Dual wielders would become seriously overpowered. The fact that everyone attacks once but Bjorn-two-axes attacks twice is rather relevant. On the other hand, a shield user has no advantage whatsoever against a single opponent, who can attack only once and thus does not require him to use his second free parry.
  3. The biggest problem that people have with this kind of combat model is Combat Effects. Thus, you have not reverted to "classic" combat with this variant, you are still playing a modified Legend ruleset "without variable Action Points" . And this is still too crunchy for some people.
  4. Finally, I can assure you that with this modification combat would become seriously slower, particularly with high skill combatants. Advanced Combat in Rd100 is lightning fast even with all crunchy options turned on, with "boss fights" lasting no longer than 3 hours and normal fights up to one hour. At one attack per round with unlimited parries, you would see many combats slowing down to a crawl.

As i have already said (to Tanaka, IIRC), if you really wish to try a third combat model "in-between" Basic and Advanced, just use OpenQuest combat "as is", with hit points equal to double Rd100 Toughness. However, I stress once more that this will not make combat faster than Advanced Combat, just less crunchy.

Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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You might be right ... I only used it, because it was a one shot adventure. Not sure if I agree to all of your points, but you certainly are right in some cases.

1. Yes, you are right, it can be a hazard

2. could be, but then the 'others' always argue Power users are too mighty. Not only in RD100 but in all game systems. Might be just a preference.

3. yes, might be too crunchy and not old school for some people. But I had to get them used to the whole concept of Effects first, before I can drop the Strike Rank part on them. They simply felt overwhelmed by the options. I heard the word 'beaan counting' more than once, although I know it really comes down to SR counting in Advanced Combat most of the time.

4. A combat in RD100 most of the time comes down to deal enough damage to inflict a Major Wound. Which is OK with me and the group. Does it take long? Depends on the Armor rating of the foe (or luck, or Combat Effects). Is it faster than when stripping off Strike Ranks? No, but I did not get the impression it is slower.

Overall I find the Advanced Combat fast and tactical as I like it, but I like the Basic Combat, too, when I just want to break up things a bit. Most Combats usually last two to three rounds, depending on the opposition and the amount of enemies, but most of the time on a two to one relation I never experienced a combat being longer than 5 rounds. Which is good and enjoyable. Problem is, I need to 'get the players there' first. They simply shut down their brains (new group, playing a one shot) when I tell them about Strike Ranks and costs and options and special rules. Sometimes it works well by reducing the amount of Combat Effects. But Sometimes they complain about 'why is there a difference between me Blocking an attack, or Dodging it or Parrying it?'. Yes, there is a difference, and it makes totally sense, but some people do not get their heads around it.

Anyways, the system I suggest here is not something I would use for a campaign, but it is meant to be a transitional system to 'bring players' to the Advanced Combat system. For one-shots, though, it does the trick even with all the flaws you mention. ;)

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The Conspiracy Theory is the best training for this sort of problem, as it teaches you the system one step at a time. Ran it with newbs last week, they grokked the system in a short time and now they have all signed up for a campaign within six minutes of me posting the pitch on Facebook :)

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Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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TCT is good to do that, true. My regular group had no drama at all with adapting to Strike Ranks and the gradual increase of options/effects. And they love modern adventures.

I think I should refrain from dropping the RD100 rules on everybody, even if I know they dislike the old BRP system or Strike Ranks. It's like pushing a round object into a square hole. 🤔🙄😁😎

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On 10/11/2017 at 7:42 AM, RosenMcStern said:

If this hits the sweet spot of crunch for your group, you can certainly benefit from it.


As i have already said (to Tanaka, IIRC), if you really wish to try a third combat model "in-between" Basic and Advanced, just use OpenQuest combat "as is", with hit points equal to double Rd100 Toughness. However, I stress once more that this will not make combat faster than Advanced Combat, just less crunchy.

Yes you did, and it worked like a charm! once I got used to it I started introducing aspects from Advanced Combat and I'm slowly building up to migrate to it :) 

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