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RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet (multi-lingual) now includes Weapons & Equipment! And 日本語! And Lands: Dragon Pass!


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On 5/23/2023 at 11:30 AM, Jeff Freymueller said:

This tool is fantastic, and much appreciated.

I am having trouble with activating the Jonstown Compendium content, though. Even after activating it, nothing new appears in the menus. I am not getting any error messages (and yes, I did authorize the script).

When you first authorize the script, it doesn't actually go on to run the script. You have to click it again. Did you do that? Did the tick appear in the "Active" box?


I just tried it and it worked...



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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the slow reply; I was away.

I finally figured out what was going on. It turns out that you can check the Active box next to the Jonstown Compendium content, which is what I did. But doing that only make it look like it is activated; it doesn't do anything. It was not at all clear that you needed to click on the triangle rune on the JC content line. (the main sheet has a different symbol for the things you have to click).

It might be better to use something other than a user-selectable active control to indicate that the rule has been activated. 

But anyway, fabulous tool.

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On 6/17/2023 at 8:41 PM, Jeff Freymueller said:

Sorry for the slow reply; I was away.

I finally figured out what was going on. It turns out that you can check the Active box next to the Jonstown Compendium content, which is what I did...

It might be better to use something other than a user-selectable active control to indicate that the rule has been activated. 


Ah, I didn't think of that! Good point, I'll see what I can do.

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On 6/17/2023 at 8:41 PM, Jeff Freymueller said:

It might be better to use something other than a user-selectable active control to indicate that the rule has been activated. 

Fixed in 1.10.1 Beta 4.

It pops up a warning if you edit any of the check boxes, and sets them back to how they were before.

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  • 1 month later...

v1.10.2 Alpha 1:


  • Added Cults of RuneQuest: The Lightbringers

Cults from the Lightbringers book have been mixed in with the core rule book cults. I think that the ease of finding them alphabetically makes sense, whereas the nonhuman deities from the Bestiary are still in a separate group. I might merge the lists alphabetically when I add The Earth Goddesses, as Aldrya would then be out of place. Maybe not though.

I have not added any new skills! Lanbril, for instance, is a real challenge as it adds a whole bunch of new skills, and I just don't have space for them all. I'll have a think about what to do about this, extending the skills list has been praying on my mind for a while.

For now, if you want to maintain a new skill, you will just have to overwrite an existing skill with the new one. For instance if you want Feign Death, then pick another Manipulation skill to overwrite such as Craft or Play Instrument. Not ideal for Shadowing as a Lanbrili is going to want both of the other Stealth skills...

Edited by PhilHibbs
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Known Issues:

  • Transfer from Old Version is a bit broken.
    The feature relies on the skill list remaining consistent. At some point I added a second line for Cult Lore, so now when transferring data from a version before that change to one after it, everything from that point onwards ends up on the wrong line.


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v1.10.2 Alpha 3:


  • Added the new skills. These have been added to CharGen tab, but not to CharSheet. If you want to make them visible, then either pick a different skill to replace by editing the formula, e.g. the Fly skill cell contains "=CharGen!$BG$7", if you want to put the Skate skill in here, then replace it with "=CharGen!$BG$11" because the Skate skill is on row 11 of CharGen. If you want to add Shadowing to the Stealth skills, then copy the block from B58:M61 up one row, and put "=CharGen!$BG$99" in on top of the second Move Quietly. I might add this as a rule, but the danger is that when translated, the last skill in Communication might not be a "Speak ( )" line so an important skill might be overwritten.


Known Issues:

  • Base chance for Streetwise is set at 5% as this is the lowest. Add a value into the Culture column to bring it up to the right level - 5 for urban nobles and 20 for other city folk.
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  • 2 months later...

v1.11.1 Alpha 2:


  • Translation to Japanese is functional. This link is already translated - normally I would not do this but since this is specifically a test of the Japanese version, it is pre-translated. It can be translated back again by selecting English as the language and clicking Translate!. This should work back and forth, but don't translate from Japanese to a language other than English just yet as it doesn't like blank entries. Also anything that you enter that isn't in my translation list won't get translated.

Known Issues:

  • Some terms are missing - a few spells, some instructions, and a bunch of Jonstown Compendium specific stuff.
  • Thrown Javelin sometimes gets messed up for some reason. Probably just a cross-pasted translation.
  • Location hit points get messed up when translating back to English.
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  • PhilHibbs changed the title to RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet (multi-lingual) now includes Weapons & Equipment! And 日本語!

Version 1.10.2 Alpha 3 (and Alpha 2 and Alpha 1) had a bug in the display of weapons stats on the character sheet. I have fixed that directly in the shared Alpha 3 as it was a serious problem.

Version 1.11.1 Alpha 2 had the same bug, also fixed.

If anyone made a copy of either of those prior to an hour or so ago then it will be broken in that respect, my apologies for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

v1.11.1 Beta 2:


  • Preliminary translation to Japanese is complete. All the game terms should be pretty much stable, a few things like obscure spell names or deities might be subject to revision before the core rule book and official character sheet are finished.
  • The instruction text and prompts presented for culture, occupation, and cult skills might be a little rough (a mixture of Goole Translate and AI-assistance, and some official translator input).
  • The upshot of this is that if you use this sheet, translate it into Japanese, and then transfer it into a future version, it might not translate fully back to English or to another language if some of the translations change.
  • Jonstown Compendium stuff is not all translated.

Normally, I hide the Translation tab. But for now, I'm leaving it visible so anyone interested in the Japanese translation can see what it is and let me know if they have any suggestions for improvement!

Known issues:

  • Spell list (for the drop-down list) for your selected cult does not get translated.
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Just want a blank sheet? Here you go:


If you just want to enter the numbers from your character sheet for online sharing, then this might work for you.

I would recommend still using the full version and just doing the minimum possible on the CharGen sheet to get the numbers to be correct - put in attributes in column Z, and fill in BS with appropriate numbers to make the next column correct (e.g. if your Climb is 63 and column BT says 40, then put 23 in BS).

But if you just want to write numbers on a sheet and share it... go for it.

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Hi Phil.

I love it! Not sure why I hadn't downloaded previously (or commented - probably because I'm not playing 😭 

I really DO appreciate the time and effort put into this!!!


I'm looking at this with a Great Troll, and I noticed a few things.

For Uzdo, you've given them only 2d6 for DEX (Cell C6), but the Bestiary (p76) has 3d6., and thus the max is 14 (AD5-AH5). Thus, it appears to affect skill values (CM), and it only shows the max of 14 on the CharSheet, even after manually inserting my own value (16 - in cell Z5). Also, they don't have a culture. And... is it possible to add the skin AP for trolls? There's also an automatic addition of 25% for a missile weapon for a Warrior troll - although this isn't a given (I think most would choose Maul rather than a missile).

Weapon skills haven't transferred into the CharSheet.

I don't see a Culture for Uz... was there something I missed when I did a search for the words? (yes, I know there isn't one listed, but I thought perhaps take the adjusted base % for trolls, and make the differences as a modifier?? Can you input negative values??)

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18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Hi Phil.

I love it! Not sure why I hadn't downloaded previously (or commented - probably because I'm not playing 😭 

I really DO appreciate the time and effort put into this!!!

Thanks a lot.

18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

I'm looking at this with a Great Troll, and I noticed a few things.

For Uzdo, you've given them only 2d6 for DEX (Cell C6), but the Bestiary (p76) has 3d6., and thus the max is 14 (AD5-AH5).

Fixed, thanks. You can override the values manually.

18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Also, they don't have a culture.

Most nonhumans don't, I think it's baked into the base skill values. They are missing some important ones like Homeland Lore, but since players and GMs have to decide that, I didn't want to interfere.

18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

And... is it possible to add the skin AP for trolls?

Maybe, I'll think about it. Now that you mention it, long ago I did consider adding a couple of columns for location armour, one for race and one worn, but forgot.

18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

There's also an automatic addition of 25% for a missile weapon for a Warrior troll - although this isn't a given (I think most would choose Maul rather than a missile).

They get Heavy Mace plus one other weapon skill, I'm not sure why I made it missile rather than melee, but it can be either and the pop up window points this out.

18 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

Weapon skills haven't transferred into the CharSheet.

You need to pick them from the drop down list in order for them to appear, is that not working?

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2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

Fixed, thanks. You can override the values manually.


Which cell for the over-ride? Cos I did that in Z5.. .and it didn't work... (I'm guessing a couple of others on that line, but that would be removing a formula, and that may stuff up things along the way later). But, now that it's fixed, it don't matter no-more 😁


2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

Most nonhumans don't (have a culture), I think it's baked into the base skill values.

I did see that they auto-populated as altered base skills. I just thought it would help with a) consistency, and b) clarity. (and, I wasn't sure if the buttons would work if you don't put a culture in... which would alleviate that issue). I also think it would make future changes easier - adjust the culture once, not X number of races (4 different trolls (oh, I included Uzuz ;p),  3 different elves)


or, just have a 'troll culture' that doesn't add anything... except the bit on the Char Sheet.


And, speaking of such things on the Char Sheet - I don't see anywhere for the race (particularly for the differentiation of some of them - again, trolls & elves, but also Dwarfs.) Am I just blind? Or was it considered unnecessary?


2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

You need to pick them from the drop down list in order for them to appear, is that not working?

Ohhh... no, that was my bad! Not reading the last line of the wiki... (or turning my eyes on)

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39 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:


Which cell for the over-ride? Cos I did that in Z5.. .and it didn't work... (I'm guessing a couple of others on that line, but that would be removing a formula, and that may stuff up things along the way later). But, now that it's fixed, it don't matter no-more 😁

You can override the maximum in AD5, and just assign another die to SIZ in Column F.

39 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

or, just have a 'troll culture' that doesn't add anything... except the bit on the Char Sheet.

Not sure I see the point in adding a culture that has no entries and does nothing.

39 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

And, speaking of such things on the Char Sheet - I don't see anywhere for the race (particularly for the differentiation of some of them - again, trolls & elves, but also Dwarfs.) Am I just blind? Or was it considered unnecessary?

Good point. Not sure where I could wedge that in, it's all a bit full in that area. I guess you could put "Uzdo/Sazdorf" or somesuch in Tribe/City, as it's just free text.

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Posted (edited)

Known issues:

  • Some skills are not getting filled in: Ski, Swim, Voice Mimicry, Treat Poison, Play Instrument, Sleight, Speak Silently

This is because I added some new JC skills and didn't extend the size of some named ranges that are used to locate and fill them in. Looks like it's been this way since 1.10.2.

So if you have taken a copy of this sheet since September 2022 then you have this issue! Fix coming real soon.

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Posted (edited)

v1.11.2 Alpha 1:

  • Hero Wars in the East Isles, Book 1: Korolan Islands content, human only so far (sorry, Keet fans!)
    The problem with keets is some of them get mismatched dice for their stats, and I haven't got a solution for 1D6+1D4+3 or 2D6+1D4 yet. I think I know how to do it.
  • Also includes some material from the forthcoming Volume 4 - Sofali, and some additional occupations.

I'm off on holiday for two weeks so no more work on this for a while.

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