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RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet (multi-lingual) now includes Weapons & Equipment! And 日本語! And Lands: Dragon Pass!


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v1.9.3 Alpha 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15WZFkF8BDbK2QrwXIetIBQIM87ENaWyuv4kt1-TAAB4/edit?usp=sharing

  • Implements optional alternative RQ3-style category modifier calculations

Go to the "Rules" tab, and click the Law Rune next to the desired rule variant. This swaps in alternative sets of values in the hidden Lookups sheet.

If the runes are messed up and do not display correctly on the rule rows, then re-load the browser tab. There always seems to be a render error on the title line so ignore that as long as the rune is visible on each rule row. I'm going to make a better button icon.

I did consider implementing this as a checkbox or dropdown that is then used in conditional formulae, but that would complicate and slow down all the recalculations. This swap-in framework is more flexible for other, more complex rule changes.

I recommend that if you are using RQ3 category modifiers, that you do not use the check boxes for the spirit magic spells as they are very much tied to the RQG category modifier system. Just use the "Temp Adds" column instead. I might expand the effect of these rule-swap buttons to cover those calculations to make them work consistently.

To do:

  • RQ3 characteristic sets for the category modifiers (e.g. just INT for Knowledge), not sure if anyone wants this.

Any suggestions?

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French translation for new terms :

  • Rule : Règle
  • Implement : Activer
  • Active : Actif
  • Description : Description
  • Deactivates : Désactive
  • RQG Cat Mod Breaks : Mod. de Cat. à la RQG
  • Category modifiers in +5 bands, each 4 points either side of the 9-12 band : Modification par tranche de 5pts au dessous de 9 ou au dessus de 12
  • RQ3 Cat Mod Breaks : Mod. de Cat. à la RQ3
  • Category modifiers +/- 1 per characteristic point either side of 10RQG Cat Mod Breaks : Modification +/-1 par pt de caractéristique au dessus ou au dessous de 10



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15 hours ago, sireRage said:

French translation for new terms :

  • Category modifiers in +5 bands, each 4 points either side of the 9-12 band : Modification par tranche de 5pts au dessous de 9 ou au dessus de 12


Are you sure about that? The French translation makes no mention of the 4-point ranges, it looks to me like it is saying that the tranches are 5 points wide.

Google says:


Modificateurs de catégorie dans +5 bandes, chacune 4 points de chaque côté de la bande 9-12


Edited by PhilHibbs
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it would be cool adding another tab containing the CharSheet formated for compatibility with A4 printer

I've toyed a little with the charsheet tab and I propose you the following layout :


It seems formulas and layout survive to the transfer from on spreadsheet to another one.

Édit: and the translate process seems to work fine on this new tab

Edited by sireRage
translation test
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1 hour ago, sireRage said:

it would be cool adding another tab containing the CharSheet formated for compatibility with A4 printer

It did occur to me a while back that I could have multiple presentation sheets like the CharSheet with different layouts. I'll take a look!

Oh, the swapping out of the Beast/Plant rune and the hit location charts for baboons and centaurs will need to be replicated for each layout sheet. Probably best to just make the changes yourself for printing. Personally I don't think I would want to print this sheet, I'd transcribe onto a real sheet.

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15 hours ago, AutumnDawn said:

Love the generator! I was thinking of sitting down to make one and lo and behold, it's already done. :) 

Question: will you be adding rune spells and spirit magic choices and a spell sheet?

Thanks, it's always nice to hear that someone is using it.

I wasn't planning on it, I think it's ok that you have to go to the book for some things, like equipment and ransom. I can't visualize how the UI would work for picking from the list of spells that your cult has access to, maybe clicking the ▼ button for Cult could populate a couple of pick lists that you can then use to select spells. Hm, it's a possibility!

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If it were me, I'd start the spell sheet with the common rune spells. Then have the rest populated by cult choices (with associated cults spells). Perhaps just abbreviated with stats with a page reference for descriptions. That saves space and keeps the books in the loop. Not to mention it cuts down on data entry. ;)

On the character generation page, either a drop down or a check box beside your chosen spells.

Just brainstorming :) 

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v1.9.4 Alpha 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X6eoRgFB3-_-8PlMZ8G47bevJFXWgA9sT5XhNd-2FdQ/edit?usp=sharing

  • Populates pick-lists for spirit and divine spells from the cult
  • So far I have only done data entry as far as Ernalda
  • I have not included enchantments, as those are only available to priests

What do you think? Clicking the button to populate the cult skills column also populates the pick-lists that drive the drop-down selections on CharSheet.

Has anyone else already made a cult spell list? That would save me a lot of time!

I considered putting the number of points in, but that's not going to work really. You can't have a drop-down that populates two cells.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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3 minutes ago, AutumnDawn said:

I could pull some from the pdf, if that would help?

That's what I've been doing, just copying and pasting. If you want to, please do! Take a look at the CultSpells tab and follow that, I've been categorizing spells as Spirit, Common, Special, and Associate. Spirit goes into one list, all others go into rune. Sorcery spells will be handled differently, as they are skills.

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v1.9.4 Alpha 2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fv_JaLVS_N8T4FO_SQT-gtdDcitXzPLAhcCCXSuidIQ/edit?usp=sharing

  • Completed entering the list of cult spells, with help from @AutumnDawn

Spells only available to rune lords, priests, and shamans are not included - this is for character creation, so only spells available to initiates are included.

Although this populates the pick list, you can enter anything you like. You will get a little red triangle indicating that it is not in the pick list, but that can be ignored (or just remove the validation). The pick list is just to make things easy.

Where a cult has for example "Summon Earth Elemental (small or medium)", I have not included the size limits so you need to look these up yourself, and put 1, 2, or 3 next to the spell to indicate how many points you have access to.

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  • When do the spell selection lists fill up?

Because if I only fill the chargen/A column, spells lists are still blank to me on charsheet. Did I miss something ?

  • To translate the spell names, can you put each of them in the translation tab please (I guess you're better than me to filter multiple occurrences of the same spell) ?
  • I come again on the printer friendly charsheet. I still think it's useful. Not for you, not for most English user as there is already character sheets available. But, in the French case, it's, for the moment, the only existing French character sheet. And last but not least, we don't always play with electronic device at hand.




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6 hours ago, sireRage said:
  • When do the spell selection lists fill up?

When you have selected a cult, and click the arrow at the top of the Cult skills column. After filling in cult skills, it fills in the Spirit and Rune spell pick lists.

6 hours ago, sireRage said:
  • To translate the spell names, can you put each of them in the translation tab please (I guess you're better than me to filter multiple occurrences of the same spell) ?

Will do.

6 hours ago, sireRage said:
  • I come again on the printer friendly charsheet. I still think it's useful. Not for you, not for most English user as there is already character sheets available. But, in the French case, it's, for the moment, the only existing French character sheet. And last but not least, we don't always play with electronic device at hand.

What changes are needed to make the CharSheet printable? Just the HP and MP tracks down the sides? I can just add those to the CharSheet.

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v1.9.4 Alpha 3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jFumGppIXtLuLKXwZ2cX_4OV-kK0RQjqLdQll5WnSxY/edit?usp=sharing

  • Added all the Spirit and Rune spells to the translation sheet, ready for French and Spanish translations

A few are missed out, where the word already appears, e.g. Knowledge, Parry, Shield. If the spell needs a different translation, that will be tricky. I can add them with a zero-width space if necessary.

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22 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

What changes are needed to make the CharSheet printable? Just the HP and MP tracks down the sides? I can just add those to the CharSheet.

Yes, on the print setting page, you'll have to specify margins to 0.394" (1cm) and activate custom page breaks. this will fix printing scale (maybe you'll have to finish the printing process for these settings to be stored in the app).

I didn't found other way to maintain printing margins and scale in the file.


I'm on the spells translation process. I try, as much I can, to reuse the names applied in the french RQ3 version.

WIP is there (translations tab) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_L7LmxTB-145W4H8NTkqKZdc9QCFkcTcdm3HD75sUW0

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  • "Characteristic" from CharGen/T1 doesn't translate. I suppose it's because it lacks a final s (characteristics)
  • CharSheet/A1 ("HP") and AN1 ("MP") don't translate in french. I don't know why.
  • Spells lists don't work (in French) for me. There is simply no list. I tried in English, it works fine.
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30 minutes ago, sireRage said:
  • "Characteristic" from CharGen/T1 doesn't translate. I suppose it's because it lacks a final s (characteristics)
  • CharSheet/A1 ("HP") and AN1 ("MP") don't translate in french. I don't know why.
  • Spells lists don't work (in French) for me. There is simply no list. I tried in English, it works fine.

First two are fixed. I made the changes in the same sheet that I recently released as they are small quick fixes. Investigating spells list.

Third is now also fixed. Sorry about that! TL;DR (Too Late; Didn't Run)

Edited by PhilHibbs
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