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Drogarsi the Skald subcult Rune Magic


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Another subcult conversion from Thunder Rebels to RQ.



This subcult is available to Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Orlanth Allfather, and Donandar worshippers.  As a subcult of Donandar, women may be worshippers.

Rune Levels of Drogarsi are Priests called Skalds.  They must have an 18+ Pow, 50%+ in Mythology (Donandar) or Mythology (Orlanth), and 90% in two of the following:  Dance, Sing, Play (Instrument), or Play (Another Instrument).  Their Chr must be either 8 or less or 13 or higher.  They must meet all other requirements for Priesthood.

CULT SKILLS:  Sing, Dance, Play (Instrument)

NOTE:  Skald magic is mostly musical in nature. Under normal circumstances (but see Multisong below) Skalds can only sing a single Song Spell at a time.  Song Spells require either Sing or Play Instrument.  If the Skald both sings and plays an instrument, the lower skill augments the higher one for purposes of determining effect (but only one Song Magic can be used at a time, regardless).  Song Effects are morale effects, so they stack with weapon buffs, but not with other morale effects such as Berserk, Morale, Fanaticism, or Demoralize.  While maintaining a Song, all of a Skald’s other skills are limited to the skill he’s using (Sing or Play).  While playing an instrument, the Skald may not attack.   A Skald may target himself with his songs.  Song Spells have a range of hearing distance, usually 50m, depending on instrument played and environment.  Bagpipes have a much longer range. (@500m)  Bagpipes are illegal by the laws of the Lunar Occupation.  Bagpipes are considered weapons of war, like siege engines.  Possessing a set of Bagpipes is punishable by crucifixion.  Note also that Skalds may not sing while playing Bagpipes.


RIDICULING SONG (Rune Magic, Range = per Instrument, Stackable, 1 pt)  This song inspires shame or fear in the target, placing a penalty of the Skald’s Sing Skill/5 or Play Instrument/5 on all opposed attack and skill rolls attempted if the Skald overcomes the targets POW.  For the Resistance Check, the Skald uses his POW or his Sing Skill/5 or Play Skill/5, whichever is highest.  (NOTE: Defensive skills are not penalized.) This effect continues as long as the Skald sings and the target remains in range.  Each additional point doubles the number of targets.  (All targets must be in hearing range of the song, Usually 50m, farther with bagpipes.)

SORROWFUL BALLAD (Rune Magic, Range = per Instrument, 3 pts) This song makes everyone who hears it, friend and foe, deeply saddened.  Overcome with grief, the listeners can take no action if the Skald overcomes their MPs.  For the Resistance Check, the Skald uses his POW or his Sing Skill/5 or Play Skill/5, whichever is highest.  This effect continues as long as the Skald sings or plays his instrument and the target remains in range.  This effect ends for all targets if any target is attacked or harmed in any way.  (All targets must be in hearing range of the song, Usually 50m, farther with bagpipes).

UPLIFTING ANTHEM (Rune Magic, Range = per Instrument, Stackable, 1 pt) This song inspires allies, giving a bonus of the Skald’s Sing/5 or Play (Instrument) Skill/5 to a single target for all Attack rolls.  This effect continues as long as the Skald sings or plays and the target remains in range.  Each additional point doubles the number of targets (all targets must be in hearing range of the song).

VENGEFUL DIRGE (Rune Magic, Range = per Instrument, Stackable, 1 pt) This song gives a bonus +1d6 Damage Bonus  per 25% of the Skald's Sing or Play Instrument to a single target’s damage bonus when fighting against enemies that deserve vengeance (either in the mind of the target or in the mind of the Skald).  This effect continues as long as the Skald sings or plays and the target remains in range.  Each additional point doubles the number of targets (all targets must be in hearing range of the song).


EFFORTLESS SONG (Rune Magic, Self, 2 pts) This spell allows the Skald to continue singing or playing a tune even when conditions might prevent it.  The Skald can sing or play an instrument while running, fighting, badly injured, or exhausted.  (NOTE: If the Skald is playing an instrument, his hands are still occupied, so he can’t use a weapon or shield, even with this spell up.  Likewise, a singing Skald can’t Orate or Bluff even with this spell active.)  

MULTISONG (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts.)  Allows the Skald to maintain 2 songs at a time.  The Skald must sing one song and play the other.  (NOTE:  A Skald under the effect of this spell needs 2 castings of Effortless Song to make both songs effortless.)  Skalds with Multisong generally play the Lyre, Harp, or Drums so they can Play and Sing at the same time.

WEAVING DANCE (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pts) This spell adds the Skald’s Dance Skill/5 to all defensive skills as a free action. 


WING CARRIES SONG (Rune Magic, Self, Stackable, 1 pt) This spell allows the Skald’s music to carry upon the wind.  Clans often use bagpipes affected by this spell to coordinate battles or communicate over long distances.  With bagpipes, 1 pt allows a Skald’s song to be heard 1 km away.  Each additional pt doubles that radius (yes, with 12 pts of WCS, a piping Skald can be heard 1000 km away.  “Make em hear it in Glamour boys!”)  For singing and other instruments, this spell doubles the effective radius.  1 pt = 100m, 2 pts = 200m, 3 pts = 400m, 4 = 800m, 5 = 1.6 km, 7 = 3.2 km, 8 = 6.4 km, 9 = 12.8 km.  Skalds may cast this spell simultaneously with Song Magic to effect targets at long range. Targets must still be in line of sight when the Skald initiates the spell. 



BATTLE PAEAN (Rune Magic, 3 pts) This spell allows the Skald’s Ridiculing Song, Uplifting Anthem, or Vengeful Dirge to affect all applicable targets within hearing range of the song.  It has no effect on its own, but must be stacked with another Skald song. 

Edited by RHW
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First impression: too many runes for a subcult. Subcults and lesser deities should be limited to two runes through which they are approached.

Adding Storm to the two runes in Thunder Rebels doesn't help much. Movement is only cited for two feats, no affinities.

I do admit that I have my problems with the illusion rune as the concept for the skald (and that applies to the Thunder Rebels subcult, too). His role is much deeper than cheap flimflam.

Skalds as I understand them do sing praises, but usually do so citing facts.  The real world sage Snorri Sturlason treated skalds' verses in direct quotation as some of his most trustworthy sources in assembling the Heimskringla (the Norwegian royal saga) some two centuries or more after the events.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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Fair point. I'm not wedded to the runes. You could assign all the "Illusion" magic to Storm (all sound is a disturbance in the air, after all) when Drogarsi is an Orlanth subcult and to Illusion when it's a Donadar subcult. Or let either rune work. Lots of Rune Magic in RQG has multiple runic associations.

Remember that if it's an Orlanth subcult, the devotee already has Storm and Movement. If it's a Donadar subcult, the devotee already has Illusion and Harmony. Most of his Movement magic could also work with Harmony.

Edited by RHW
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Hmmm... As all magic is done by song, I'm inclined to assign it all to Harmony. After all, music without Harmony isn't music, it's just a noise. All the Illusion and Movement spells seem to be better suited to Harmony, even Weaving Dance - ever seen a dance without Harmony? It's not a pretty sight. Wind carries Song, admittedly, does seem to be an Air Rune.

Bards and Skalds were often assigned Lawspeaker functions in Celtic and Viking society. They had to memorise the genealogy of the clan (and so recognise all the clan and know who their ancestors were and be able to say if a stranger who claims to be an eighth cousin once removed of the chieftain is telling the truth or not) and also the Laws and History of the clan. In Orlanthi culture, these seem to be the purview of Lankhor Mhy. But I see from a quick perusal of Storm Tribe and Thunder Rebels that neither Drogarsi, nor Donandar (or any of his subcults) have any connection with that. Just as well, it'd probably require another Rune (Truth)

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3 hours ago, Steve3742 said:

Hmmm... As all magic is done by song, I'm inclined to assign it all to Harmony. After all, music without Harmony isn't music, it's just a noise. All the Illusion and Movement spells seem to be better suited to Harmony, even Weaving Dance - ever seen a dance without Harmony? It's not a pretty sight. Wind carries Song, admittedly, does seem to be an Air Rune.

Harmony works! Probably a better call than Illusion.

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