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My latest game setting is a post apocalyptic mutant filled superhero game, set on a new continent called Pacifica. The creation of the continent by a geological anomaly caused huge changes to the planets weather due to large scale vulcanism and the dumping of dust and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. A limited nuclear war has raged due to the famines caused and attempts to annex resources to build arcologies for the remaining populace to live in. The date is 2060, and Americans fleeing the r



Atmospheric damage rules.

I needed some atmospheric damage rules for my last space opera game, and so found something in GURPS Space that I adapted to my game. These rules are fairly loose and need a lot of GM disgression. A slightly toxic atmosphere requires a CON roll every hour or so. Damage should be in the order of 1 to 2 points, either automatically, or after failing against a toxicity level of 4 to 6 on the resistance table. Toxic atmospheres need a CON roll every Full Turn, for the milder atmosphere, to



The Dirdir

I've saved the best for last. The Dirdir are starting to be the main villains in my campaign, as they begin a new expansion into the realms of the upstart humans. Race: Dirdir Planet: Sibol Average. Str: 3d6+1 11-12 Con: 4d6 14 Siz: 2d6+7 14 Int: 3d6 10-11 Pow: 3d6 10-11 Dex: 2d6+5 12 App: 3d6 10-11 Move: 12 Hit Points: 14 Damage Bonus: 1d4 Armour: 2 points of skin. Powers: Keen Sense: Hearing +20% (minor). Dirdir also have antennae that glo



The Phung

Here are the stats for the most frightening creatures on Tschai, the Phung. Race: Phung Planet: Tschai Average. Str: 2d10+15 26 Con: 5d6 17-18 Siz: 2d6+7 14 Int: 2d6+6 13 Pow: 3d6 10-11 Dex: 3d6+6 16-17 App: 3d6 10-11 Move: 12/ 13 jumping Hit Points: 16 Damage Bonus: 1d6 Armour: 8 point carapace Powers: Keen Sense: Hearing




Here is another alien race from Jack Vance's Planet of Adventure series. These unfortunately named amphibious aliens have human servants to help them, called Wankh men. My players started to refer to them as Wankhers, and we fell about laughing whenever a Wankh man npc appeared! Race: Wankh Planet: Unknown Average. Str: 2d6+8 15 Con: 3d6 10-11 Siz: 3d6+6 16-17 Int: 3d6 10-11 Pow:



More Vancian aliens.

Race: Old Chasch Planet: Zoor Average. Str: 2d6 7 Con: 2d6 7 Siz: 3d6+4 14 - 15 Int: 3d6 10 - 11 Pow: 3d6 10 - 11 Dex: 2d6+5 12 App: 3d6 10 – 11 Move: 9 Hit Points: 11 Damage Bonus: None Armour: 2 point ivory scaled skin. Powers: Keen Sense: Smell/Taste + 20% ( minor) Skills:



Green Chasch

I've been running a game with some Vancian aliens in it, and thought that I'd post some of my conversions to BRP of the aliens in Planet of Adventure by Jack Vance. Race: Green Chasch Planet: Unknown. Now resident on Tschai. Average. Str: 5d6 17 -18 Con: 4d6 14 Siz: 2d6+7 14 Int: 3d6 10 - 11 Pow: 3d6 10 - 11 Dex: 2d6+5 12 App: 3d6 10 -11 Move: 9 Hit Points: 17 -18 Damage Bonus: +1d6 Armour: 5 points of platelike scales. Powers: Keen Sense: S



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