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A Quick Prayer for use when Casting Rune Spells



While I work on the Tragedy of Shargash and the Buraroxi Muskox People writeups (titles pending), here is a teensy thing that was inspired by a discussion in the RuneQuest forum a while ago: when you cast Rune spells during play, what does your character do? Do they literally just say "I cast [spell] for [x] number of Points of Worship"? I prefer to think no, so I came up with this generic prayer that a character (or player, for some extra immersion) could recite fairly quickly. May not fit with what anyone imagines this to be, but this is my take on it:

Generic form (feel free to change):
O, hear me [deity], [additional title]!
Your most worshipful follower calls upon your divine grace for a boon!
In this, my hour of need, I seek your [positive quality of deity] to aid me against my foes!
Always have I kept your laws, and given unto you the worship that is yours,
always have I remained virtuous in your eyes!
Now, I call upon your [spell effect]! As once you did [quick summary of mythological story that associates deity and spell effect]!
Protect your faithful, and I will bring you honor, always!

O, hear me Orlanth, King of Storms, Master of the Middle Airs!
Your most worshipful follower calls upon your divine grace for a boon!
In this, my hour of need, I seek your Mighty Breath to aid me against my foes!
Always have I kept your laws, and given unto you the worship that is yours,
always have I remained virtuous in your eyes!
Now, I call upon you to Clear the Skies of Clouds, as once you did clear the skies for your sons, the Vingkotlings to protect them against hostile Cloud Raiders!
Protect your faithful, and I will bring you honor, always!

Hope this might be of use to someone. :)

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Yes, very interesting and atmospheric, thanks.

However, I have found that using things like these in game sessions actually goes something like this:

[First Time] "O, hear me Orlanth, King of Storms, Master of the Middle Airs!
Your most worshipful follower calls upon your divine grace for a boon!
In this, my hour of need, I seek your Mighty Breath to aid me against my foes!
Always have I kept your laws, and given unto you the worship that is yours,
always have I remained virtuous in your eyes!
Now, I call upon you to Clear the Skies of Clouds, as once you did clear the skies for your sons, the Vingkotlings to protect them against hostile Cloud Raiders!
Protect your faithful, and I will bring you honor, always!

 Wow, that was cool!"

[Second Time] "O, hear me Orlanth, King of Storms, Master of the Middle Airs!
Your most worshipful follower calls upon your divine grace for a boon!
In this, my hour of need, I seek your Mighty Breath to aid me against my foes!
Always have I kept your laws, and given unto you the worship that is yours,
always have I remained virtuous in your eyes!
Now, I call upon you to Clear the Skies of Clouds, as once you did clear the skies for your sons, the Vingkotlings to protect them against hostile Cloud Raiders!
Protect your faithful, and I will bring you honor, always!


[Third Time] "O, hear me Orlanth, King of Storms, Master of the Middle Airs! etc"

[Fourth Time] "O, hear me Orlanth, yadda, yadda yadda"

[Fifth Time] "I say the prayer to Orlanth and cast my spell"

[Sixth Time] "Look, I just cast the spell, we know my PC says the prayer, but I don't have to repeat it every time I cast a spell, do I?"

Edited by soltakss
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I wouldn't expect anyone to use this more than once, or every now and then very rarely, as a mood-setting example, or alternatively, used by the GM for a particularly powerful NPC to present some drama before a tough fight, maybe.

It's a storytelling tool, and should be used as a tool to make a story - not a blunt requirement in the name of mechanics. :)

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Thanks, I look forward to using this when appropriate, but you’d have to be pretty fast to get all that said in strike rank 1.

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Orlanthi poetry should be staves.

Here's an attempt at a skaldic rendition of the rune magic:


King of Creation, Conqu‘ror of Skies,

Thee I call, Thane, of Thunder and Storm,

Grant me thy gift of the greatest of magics,

Partake of my place, and pummel my foes.


Be in my body and blast on our en‘mies,

Enter me, Orlanth, in one-ness we act,

Riding the Runes in righteous force,

Mighty the magic, for mankind and god.

Edited by Joerg
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