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Alchemy & Artifice 1.0

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The Art of Alchemy

Since the earliest writings, man has endeavored to better control the world around him. From making fields more fertile for farming to curing ailments, even the most ancient civilizations have striven to become more enlightened concerning the physical world and the elements it, and we, are composed of.

This book will detail an occupation, the alchemist, who begins with the studies of physical science and combines it with the magical unknown to create unique elixirs, dusts, oils, toxins, potions, and even items of great power using the magic inherent in all things material. For all of creation has such energies locked away within itself. From common metals to rare gems. From the weeds in the field to rare subterranean mushrooms. From common insects to the heart of a dragon.

Enchantment and Artifice

Once upon a time, great magics infused the realms. During the years the fey inhabited this world freely, great mages worked the weave of sorcery in such ways that they could create relics with mana. Allowing such trinkets to call on great power at no cost to or from the wielder. These arts and arcane architecture has been lost in the fading of fey from this world. As such, only such artifacts that surface from years gone by exist, and nothing new of its kind may be produced in the Southern Reaches...as far as the wise know. Since the fey fled this realm, sorcerers, priests, and mages alike have striven to unlock the secrets of mana. To solve the mystery of unlimited power. All efforts have been in vain...until now.

This book is an attempt to add both an Alchemist and an Enchanter occupation to the options for the learned people of the Southern Reaches. Within are 80+ pages of recipes, ingredients, formula, procedures, Fey spells, alternate POW supplies, and rituals for the creation of anything the minds eye dare dream.

This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. A lot of the art and most of the descriptions were “borrowed” from many other, much more talented people from other books and around the internet. The more creative artwork was done by Ken Seward, AKA Simlasa, from BRP Central. Thanks for your works!

I did, however, do my best to convert most of the information from an old school Alchemist source to be playable in my favorite Role playing System.

I hope it helps make your campaign more fun!

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Interesting, I went to look at my copy of this pdf... and all the text was missing.  I redownloaded a copy and still have no text visible.  Well, I can convert it to encoded text and the text reappears in a text document, although badly formatted, just not in the PDF.

Just fixed it.  One of the last several Adobe Reader updates somehow screwed up the layers on the original document, so I printed to file to compress the layers.  Lost some of the bling artwork, but recovered the text and the actual required tables reappeared.

Edited by Algesan
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Wow this is an incredible amount of work! Very well done and well researched. Thank you for sharing this with us. 👍

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