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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. ex-cathedra.jpgA cathedral is a prayer in stone, a vaulted hymn of masonry and devoted labour. The great cathedrals are symbols of the great faith of the people and the power of the Church.

    Soon, they will burn. Madness and misrule are loose upon the world, and only the assassin-monks of the secret Order can set things right again. From the Champagne Fair at Troyes to the uttermost depths of the Earth, the hunt is on - but who is the hunted, and who is the hunter, in a time when all law and even sanity itself is overturned.

    Ex Cathedra is a series of three linked adventures for Deus Vult.

    By Gareth Hanrahan. 120 Pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing June 2010.

  2. deus-vult.jpgIn 1095, Pope Urban II called on the kings and knights of Europe to liberate the Holy Land in a great crusade. As one they lifted their voices to Heaven, crying deus vult - God wills it! This cry was taken up by thousands of knights and peasants, martyrs and madmen, as a great tide of righteous fury flooded across the world.

    This cry was heard in the shadows, too. Since the days of the apostles, a secret order of warrior monks guarded the church and protected Christendom from all enemies, both natural and supernatural. Trained from birth and equipped with lost secrets of ancient civilisations, this secret order also hears the call to crusade. Deus vult - God will it, and they are the instruments of His divine Will.

    It is the closing years of the twelfth century. Saladin has reconquered the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the holy city is once more in the hands of the Saracen. Heresies and sorcery rot Europe from within, while the nobles quarrel and bicker. Even the church is falling prey to this corruption. The world must be saved, through any means necessary. No enemy, no sorcery, no doubt and no fear will prevent the monks of the Order from carrying out the Will of God. Deus Vult!

    Players take the role of highly trained servants within a secret order of the Catholic Church, charged with saving Mankind from supernatural evils - at any price...

    By Gareth Hanrahan. 176 pages. Published by MongoosePublishing May 2010.

    Supplements for this setting: Ex Cathedra & Sister Devout.

  3. age-of-treason.jpgYou are the citizen of a great empire ruled by an unseen and immortal emperor through his viceroy, a magically animated statue known as the Iron Simulacrum. Beyond the empire's borders lie new lands to conquer, and beyond those lie exotic new worlds to discover and explore. However the greatest dangers are often close to home; not everyone believes the peace and stability of the Empire is worth submission to the Emperor's will, and dangerous plots are afoot even in the highest circles. It is time to decide where your loyalties lie, because this is the Age of Treason.

    Used with the RuneQuest II rules, this book provides everything you need to create Adventurers equipped to do their bit for Empire or to slip into the shadows and pursue whatever personal goals their treasonous hearts desire. Choose from dozens of new professions, learn new skills, make pacts with gods and demons and deploy the arts of sorcery in new ways. An extended campaign for beginning level adventurers is included to get you started.

    • Setting - Hugely detailed and believable world constructed over many years of development and play

    • Adventurer Creation - Over 50 Adventurer professions for civilised characters

    • Social Status – a new Characteristic to help define your Adventurer

    • New Skills - 6 new skills including Brawl and Fast Talk, plus Education - a new Advanced Skill for literate Adventurers

    • New Cults - 9 new cults including Emperor Worship, as well as guidelines for creating many more, and even for founding a cult of your own.

    • New Magic - more than 30 new spells as well as new magical skills such as Craft (Enchantment) and Craft (Alchemy)

    • Advanced Enchanting – create bespoke magic items

    • Spirit Magic – rules for spirits that can manifest in the material world

    • Bribery and Corruption – rules to give your Influence skills a boost by greasing palms

    • Creatures - demonic sorcerer's assistants, wraiths, golem servants and vampires

    • Adventures - an episodic campaign in which even the most humble citizen has the chance to prove his mettle in the Emperor's service.

    By Jonathan Drake. 256 pages. Published by MongoosePublishing August 2011.

  4. Fan sites:Simplequest.jpg

    Colin Brett's Home Page – Middle earth conversion & scenarios.

    Zozer Game Design – Warlords of Alexander & others.

    Fire & Sword – Blog for Raymon Turney's RPG system

    Dale's RPG Page - Homebrew d100 system

    OpenQuest - A simplified d100 system in the making.


    Goblinoid Games - Generic Old-school Role-playing Engine

    Berlin '61 - 3rd party GORE product.

    Perrin's World of Wonder - Steve Perrin's Quest Rules.

    Message group:

    d100glorantha - Group for creating cross-system d100 rules.

    Fan sites:stormbringer.jpg

    Stormbringer! - Supporting Stormbringer 5th edition.

    Pandaria - Rules and setting Details for the World of Pandaria.

    Mistworld - 3 homebrew settings & campaign scenarios

    RPG Rules Recipes Repository - Archive of BRP houserules

    Tal Meta's Homepage – Greyhawk conversion, magic & creatures.

    Alternate Earth RQ – Gods & pantheons.

    Derry RuneQuest - World of Levar & RQ houserules.

    Edu-Web - Free fantasy BRP & CoC Character generator.

    The Chaosium Digest – BRP Blog.

    Vikings and Skraelings - Vinland setting.

    EBROS - The world of EBROS & char-gen houserules.

    Midgard – RQ houserules & a scenario

    RuneQuest FTP folder - Magic rules & spells.

    Rune Quest ZA - Houserules & the Gæe setting.

    The Obsidian City – Setting, cults & RQ houserules.

    Underculture - RuneQuest houserules

    Message group:

    brpsystems & Basic RPS - BRP discussion groups.

    alternateearthrq - Alternate Earth discussion group.

    Fan sites:runequest.jpg

    The Gloranthan Link List - The #1 list of Glorantha websites

    Simon's Glorantha Pages - Huge Glorantha fansite

    Nikk Effingham's RuneQuest Crucible - Ralios campaign & cults.

    Pete's RQ & Roleplaying! - Scenarios & the Chaos Project.

    Blue Sable altar - Prax, Kralorela, cults & temples

    The Word - RuneQuest scenarios

    East Wilds of Ralios - East Wilds resources & scenarios.

    Peter Michael's Glorantha Page - Trickster aspects & spells.

    Philip Hibb's Home Page - Houserules & trollkin features.

    Runequest Campaign - Campaign log & houserules

    Glorantha Wars - Houserules & new spells.

    Matti Järvinen's RuneQuest page - Maps & a char-gen.

    Wonderhome - All about the gloranthan trolls.

    Andrew's RuneQuest Stuff - New monsters & spells.

    Paul Honigmann's RPG page - Articles, NPCs & a short scenario.

    Jane's Glorantha page - Vinga & DuckPac.runequest3.jpg

    Ultimate RuneQuest Resources - Spells, creatures & houserules.

    The Stabbing Cat - Griffin Island campaing.

    Runequest Prax Campaign - Prax campaign.

    Paul Sommer's RuneQuest - Pavis campaign.

    Arf's Runequest Page - A mini-scenario & some houserules.

    Ville Berholm's RuneQuest in Glorantha - Sandy's sorcery.

    Wrothelingasaga - Wrothelli resources & cults.

    Nils W's Glorantha page - Mysticism rules & the East.

    Tales of Mighty Caernak - Houserules & Zola Fel campaign log.

    Kim Englund's Glorantha and RuneQuest Pages - Houserules.

    RQ Pavis - Pavic/Praxian campaign.

    Kero Fin - A couple of cults.


    Moon Design Publications - The Gloranthan Classics.

    Message groups:

    RQ-Rules, rqaddicts, rq3, & classic_runequest - Discussion groups.

    griffin_mtn_rq2 - RQ2 PbEM game set around Griffin Mountain.

    Fan sites:mrq.jpg

    Gwenthia - Fantasy setting with a starting scenario.

    Simon Hibbs' RuneQuest page- Houserules & resources.

    MRQ Wiki - Various resources

    Clan Tula - Folk magic & Glorantha 2nd Age articles.

    Adventures in Prax - 2nd Age Campaign log & houserules.

    Clan Tula - Folk magic & Glorantha 2nd Age articles.

    Adventures in Prax - Campaign log & houserules.

    RuneGoons - NPC group generator.

    Cromaigne - Character sheets & campaign log.

    RPGDiorama - Playing MRQ with LEGO elements


    Mongoose Publishing - Official publisher of Mongoose RuneQuest.

    Sceaptune Games,Alephtar Games, OtherWorld, Ronin Arts, Postmortem Studios & Inspired Device - 3rd party MRQ products.

    Message group:

    MongooseRuneQuest - MRQ discussion group.

  5. Fan sites:callofcthulhu.jpg

    Yog-Sothoth - The Cthulhu forums, news & wiki.

    Cthulhu Rising - Sci-fi setting, scenarios & resources

    Cthulhu International - A well of CoC resources

    Cthulhu Dark Ages - Dark Ages scenarios & resources.

    Call of Cthulhu Adventures Online - Scenarios.

    Xylar's Cavern - A detailed 1920 scenario.

    Cthulhu Adventus - Blog for an upcoming monograph

    Byakhee - Investigator generator.

    TTrotsky home page - Creature autopsy reports.

    CoCCG - Call of Cthulhu Caeature Generator

    Tales of Terror - NPC, location, and adventure ideas

    Message groups:

    The_Call_of_Cthulhu - Discussion group.

  6. river-of-heaven.jpgIt is the dawn of the 28th Century. The Third Renaissance, or Bright Age as future historians will call it, is at its zenith. After the catastrophic first contact with extra-terrestrial life that led to the horrific Solar System war, humanity clawed its way back from the brink and finally reached the stars. For millions of people, Earth’s sun is no more than another star in the night sky, a mote of light, a spiritual birthplace that they will never visit in their lifetimes.

    It has been over a century since the Machine Civilisation gifted humanity technological marvels such as the Visser Cube, allowing wormhole travel across the vast chasms of interstellar space. Now interstellar distances grow ever shorter. How the myriad of splintered cultures view this gift varies. Some see it as a blessing, a way to draw humanity into a united whole. Others see it as a curse, robbing them of their individuality. And then there are those who would use it as a means to subjugate humanity and impose their own will upon all…

    Across the river of heaven, humanity clings to a scattering of islands in a sea of stars. Players can take on a multitude of roles in this future: a crew member on an interstellar trader, a member of the mysterious Engineers’ Guild, a body-hopping Intercessionist agent – out to manipulate human cultures to its own secret ends, a Renouncer Zealot – intent on destroying Artificial Intelligence in all its forms, or perhaps one of the Reclaimers – planetary engineers dedicated to terraforming any viable planet they happen upon…

    In the core rulebook you will find:

    The OpenQuest rules engine - tailored to a hard sci-fi setting, making River of Heaven a self-contained game.

    Simple Character generation: Enabling you to go from concept to fully finished character as quickly as possible.

    Augmentations: Humanity has found many ways to improve upon what nature created. Quickly augment your character with the latest biotech/nanotech upgrades.

    Equipment: All the weapons, armour and other types of equipment your character might need to go adventuring in the 28th century.

    Transportation: Information on how to get around the River of Heaven universe, be it lowly pack animal on a frontier dirt farm or an interstellar trader equipped with exotic stellar-tap drive.

    Background: In addition to a timeline spanning 1000 years of future history, River of Heaven includes an introduction to the Bright Age, the default play setting for the game. It also includes a campaign setting – the Kentauran Hegemony – and information about all the colonised star systems at the start of the 28th century.

    An example adventure: Reunion is an introductory adventure designed to get you up and running River of Heaven as soon as possible. It can be played as a one-off, or as the start of a campaign.

    Adventure Seeds: Ideas for adventure ideas set in the River of Heaven universe, covering a wide range of styles and themes.

    By John Ossoway. To be published by D101 Games.

  7. the-spider-god-s-bride.jpgThe Spider-God's Bride is a collection of ten blood-red sword and sorcery adventures, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers!

    By Morten Braten. Available for pre-order.

  8. legend.jpglegend-alt.jpgUsing the core rules from RuneQuest II, Legend is a new fantasy roleplaying game that serves as the basis for a multitude of settings and worlds. 100% compatible with all previous RuneQuest II books, including Elric of Melnibone, Deus Vult and Wraith Recon, Legend repackages the rules into a new digest-sized format. RPG fans will not be dissappointed in the attention lavished on the new game. In particular they can expect:

    A streamlined and revised character creation system, with greater emphasis on character background, but also significant changes that influence a character's starting skills and abilities and the speed with which adventurers develop, improve and progress. Particular attention has been paid to training and skill improvement, but you will also find that the structure and range of skills is greatly enhanced, meaning that new adventurers begin with a greater degree of competence across the board.

    Although all the familiar concepts remain (Combat Actions, Strike Rank and so forth), the combat process is based on simple rolls, does not rely on any resolution matrix, and introduces special Combat Manoeuvres simulating the cut and thrust of real combat whilst offering a truly epic, cinematic edge. Combat is faster than before an perhaps more deadly, but every character will find a greater range of tactical options and combat effects that create a satisfying, exciting, combat flow.

    The presentation of the game rules has been restructured to make it easier for Games Masters and players to find what they need, when they need it. The system is designed with clarity and ease of use in mind. Great pains have been taken to ensure full backwards compatibility with RuneQuest II. All RuneQuest II books and expansions remain compatible with Legendand, indeed, material presented in earlier editions has become the foundation for the new game. So, it is with great pride that we bring you Legend; a new take on a classic system, assembled by designers and writers who have more than 50 years of RuneQuest experience between them.

    By Lawrence Whitaker and Pete Nash. 242 Pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing December 2011.

  9. monsters-of-legend.jpgFoes, beasts and creatures from every corner of the world can be found in this tome, ready to use in your games of Legend! Whether you are looking to populate your world with rare and exotic fiends to foil your players, or simply provide them with some gladiatorial entertainment, this book contains just what you need for the new Legend rules.

    Like the Legend Core Rulebook, Monsters of Legend is released under the Open Game Licence.

    By Lawrence Whitaker. 118 Pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing January 2012.

  10. the-laundry.jpgThe Laundry - protecting the United Kingdom from the scum of the multiverse. Most of the time, saving the world is a 9 to 5 job. Clock in every morning. Feel your life tick away with each meeting and each pointless bit of paperwork. Stare at a screen and feel your brain leaking out through your ears. Try to keep the boredom from killing you. Clock out in the evening and slouch home.

    Black Bag Jobs contains six self-contained missions for your Laundry campaign. From the war-torn hillsides of Afghanistan to the corridors of power in Whitehall, from yoga lessons in Devon to the end of the world, it's time to break in and steal the secrets of reality, like:

    • The truth about social networking

    • How to weaponize a shoggoth

    • Management secrets of the undying priests

    • What the Auditors fear

    • How to prepare for the apocalypse

    • … and what happens after.

    It's never good when they call you into the office at four in the morning. Any mission that doesn't fit on the standard day planner is inevitably ghastly. They involve things with too many tentacles, people who want to kill you, and secrets that mean you'll never sleep well again. Keep your mouth shut and your head down, and you might just make it through the night. Screw up, and it's entirely possible you just doomed humanity to a fate worse than death. No pressure.

    By Gareth Hanrahan. 124 pages. Published by Cubicle 7 April 2011.

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