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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Also are there any Dwarf Ruins in Sartar or Western Prax located in the mountains that are not associated with Dwarf Run, Dwarf Knoll or Sazdorf (there is an abandoned dwarf area connected to Sazdorf as I recall). I am looking to create a scenario that explores an abandoned dwarf cave complex if there is any mention of one? It could be west of Sartar or even up in Tarsh... pretty open to suggestions. If not dwarven maybe any ruins which history isn't know or near troll lands and it was taken over by trolls or something simple like that?
  2. Just curious, are there maps for central and southern Sartar like in the Starter Set or Trollpack? I really like the look of these and want them for game-room wall decoration if they are available? It would be great to have it for Southern Sartar and Heortland...
  3. Jelenkev fits nicely. The path to illumination at only couple percentage points would be from Irrippi Ontor questioners, assuming there are quite a few in occupied Tarsh after 1555? Or to your point Jaja, it may come out after spending a little time in Nochet? Thanks again.
  4. Would there be even a small chance that a Lunar influenced Tarshite might have learned some basic sorcery (parent was a scribe or something) before joining the ranks of the Bush Children after Grizzly Peaks and then fleeing south to Heortland sometime a few years later or maybe they went to Nochet to work for the Knowledge Temple there? Maybe they are partly illuminated from dealing with the Lunars for a few years, an inquisitive juvenile who asked a lot of questions at the Lunar Knowledge Temple? Is there ay info on Falling Ruins?
  5. Where do the Bush Children come from, Tarsh in general, made from all sorts of exiles or a specific geographic location? Also have they been around since the Tarsh king was killed in 1555, originally formed then or at a later date as the Lunars solidified their hold on Tarsh? Do they mostly congregate on the east or west side of the Bush Range, assuming that is why they are called Bush Children or is there something else? Are they similar to say Robin Hood's band (I assume they are at least several 100 in number?) and is there anything further on them Info from Mr. Helsdon's post: The Bush Ranges are rugged hill-land on both sides of the north Dragonspine. The irregular steep hills and overgrown valleys make poor farming and grazing. It is well suited to the bandit clans who live there. The Bush Children are the settlers of the Bush Ranges in the foothills of Kero Fin. They are herders, hunters, and bandits, who excel at scouting and hit-and-run skirmishes. These bandit clans usually have no loyalty to each other or any outsider lord. These units trace their origins to the days after the Battle of Grizzly Peak, when many Tarshites fled the Lunar ravaging of the clans in the hills of the Bush Ranges. Many sought sanctuary in Sartar where they served as mercenaries, fighting the Lunar advance. This group are adept at fighting in craggy terrain, scaling sheer cliffs, and setting ambushes. From In Winertop's Shadow:
  6. I found some references to some scenarios when looking at the nice scenario location maps Mr. Jarosch generated. I am not familiar with and am curious if anyone knows where they might be available on line in PDF format? The Whispering Ruins - which was published in the Dragonmeet 2019 brochure is no longer available via the link Mr. Scott posted from the May 23, 2020. Also when looking for the Sandy Petersen RQ3 scenario set in Sarro in Afadjann, in the AH house magazine Heroes, I found a few listed in an old index. The old hard/paper copies are available but was hoping to get PDF's if possible if anyone knows a source? The Big Hit, by Sandy Petersen VI.6 pg 12-18, 31-36 Journey to Falderbash, by Bill Williamson VII.1 pg 12-19 The Wolfrunners, by Sandy Petersen VI.4 pg 21-27 (The cover of this issue of Heroes caught my eye...) Is The Clanking City worth collecting, I mean does it have enough solid Gloranthan material in it or will it be eventually rewritten to look very differently? If planned is a few years out yet? The cover of Heroes VI.4 is quite recognizable to me! Joerg, and Jaja, thanks for the references, I picked up the History of the Heortling Peoples today.
  7. There were some scenarios mentioned in the posts that I am not familiar with and am curious if anyone knows where they might be available on line in PDF format? The Whispering Ruins - which was published in the Dragonmeet 2019 brochure is no longer available via the link Mr. Scott posted from the May 23, 2020. Also when looking for the Sandy Petersen RQ3 scenario set in Sarro in Afadjann, in the AH house magazine Heroes, I found a few listed in an old index. The old hard/paper copies are available but was hoping to get PDF's if possible. The Big Hit, by Sandy Petersen VI.6 pg 12-18, 31-36 Journey to Falderbash, by Bill Williamson VII.1 pg 12-19 The Wolfrunners, by Sandy Petersen VI.4 pg 21-27 (The cover of this issue of Heros caught my eye...) Is The Clanking City worth collecting, I mean does it have enough solid Gloranthan material in it or will it be eventually rewritten to look a good bit differently? Would that be so far down the line, say a few years out? (Sorry if this is the wrong place for this post/these questions?)
  8. Mr. Jarosch, your maps detailing scenario locations are really appreciated, I just happened by them this morning. Thank you!
  9. All this info is great Jaja. Its like I am back in grade school looking at the "Caves of Chaos", lots of undead in there of course... I think I have the locations correct for Dekko? Is there more info on Senharlmarth the Clever someone could reference?
  10. So the PC's are travelling north from Backford to Smithstone, Whitewall, Sundome, Clearwine and on to Apple Lane, of course. Not all stops are listed nor are durations decided as of yet. The caravan ends up stopping in a smaller hamlet for a night or two as they are ahead of a larger caravan they will be traveling with north before reaching Whitewall. I am looking to insert the Helge Reuter All Quiet on the Eastern Front scenario from Tradetalk 01 somewhere in an eastern Kitori area and am wondering if anyone might suggest a location maybe southeast of Whitewall? Of course the scenario has been converted from Lunar to Troll flavor. I was thinking since the Kitori were defeated somewhere around 1560 and that the campaign start is in 1600 the timing is about right to explore the forgotten troll tomb? The PC's meet the "elderly uncle" or whomever in the story in this hamlet and the PC's head off to the tomb... Are any of these smaller hamlets on the map clip named anywhere? Somehow my thoughts come of more real to me if others agree to the train of thought. Any suggestions are appreciated here!
  11. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/ Volume of Trade in Dragon Pass - Silk is something found among the elites in the Heartland, in Lunar Tarsh, in Boldhome, and is quite common in Nochet, Rhigos, and Karse. Assuming the Lunar Empire has roughly the same level of elite access to silk as the later Roman Empire, it needs about 5 or 6 tons of silk per year. Going with the comparison, Kralorela exports about 10 tons a year or so through ships going to the Holy Country. Half of that stays in the Holy Country, the other half (5 tons) gets taken to Karse and loaded onto caravans going north. 1 ton or so gets taken en route by the Sartarite elites (mostly at Boldhome, but also at Wilmskirk and Jonstown) – that’s enough silk for 800 silk tunics or 1600 silk dresses. Ultimately around 4 tons of silk end up at Furthest. So it would seem rain or shine, war or peace there would be caravans several times a week in and out of Karse and the other ports, there is endless information on line, thanks all of you for the links, I really do need a few months to read through it! I also stumbled across the Notes from Nochet by MOB and DH which has my head spinning with all the potential plot links, they bring back memories of the Name of the Wind series. The Knowledge Temple in Nochet could easily hold all sorts of interesting information... https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/mrmob/nochetintro.htm
  12. To be honest, none of the PC's I have gamed/gamed with were ever strong enough to make homing circles/utilize sorcery to that level but the idea that the black Arkati or others have "a few" homing circles or portals make them even more mysterious. The PC's would struggle to figure out how someone might have moved place to place so quickly, if they witness it. For example, "hey, that guy you saw a week ago in Pavis, this guy looks a lot like him" as they are riding into some other town from a sort of forced march, or having flown... "How did they get here before we did" or that sort of thing. Most of the high powered sorcery is/has been what "others" have. No chance of Dorastan Feldichi technology becoming a common thing. The Ancient/Medieval isn't going anywhere though the Dwarves may show something futuristic once in a while. Thank you all again for understanding!
  13. We are using mostly RQ3 with small bits of RQ2, with the Aeolians in the campaign we will be using a good bit of sorcery eventually. I do have most of the new material which I am loving, including many of the Drive Thru RPG books/PDF's submitted by others. Sooner or later we'll switch to the new system (we like the "rune" feel but have not integrated it yet). I am older and switching to something new takes a bit of time... We are (very slowly getting started) based in the year 1600 and would run the campaign long term, into our real world retirements as we enjoyed the game immensely when we were much younger. We were so hooked many packages (anything that we could get our hands on) we shipped to Tokyo in the early 90's for us where we ran the campaign. We couldn't get enough! The setting will always have to be Glorantha. Thank you for asking so it may be clarified... sorry to confuse anyone and Happy New Year's to all!
  14. Really sorry, Mr. Richard, I have not given into the "dark side" that is social media yet. Hopefully someone will post your Heroquesting info in another thread?!
  15. I am not up to speed on so many things, the God Learners "taking the originals" sounds like they got what was coming to them. Again I need about 15~20 years of catching up to do...
  16. How do magics/powers, weapons or items come to physically exist in the "now" if they were not somehow if only in essence transported through time? Can someone explain how a physical item might appear or be generated so a Hero or PC might physically use it in the "now". I didn't play Hero Quest so I am not sure how it works, possibly I'll need to get the system and read up...
  17. But what if the PC's are Aeolians and they use sorcery and have homing circles... has anyone messed around with configuring a teleportation spell with a duration so it could be cast maybe as a ritual on a portal? Joerg, I am obviously playing devil's advocate here for the entertainment value... Thank you again Sir. Oh, since Hero Quests go back in time so to speak are you not sort of "time traveling" while they are in progress? Could sorcery not have another skill, Time? This may not be available to PC's but imagine the fun an Aeolian Eurmali might have with time travel? You go to swing your sword and it becomes a banana!?
  18. Isn't guided teleportation available? Wouldn't you be able to make a portal with the destination set? I mean there is the spell and if someone has the gold why not send a package via teleportation? For 20MP its a range of ~10,500km and so where could you not go in Glorantha. Why schlep across a desert when you have IPS (Instant Parcel Service). For another 20MP a 300# armed and armored warrior could be sent to a distant place by walking through a doorway. Why not place a portal of sorts in a wagon or a tent, anything, maybe it folds up and the change in distance to be teleported is calculated and automatically charges the required MP total to get you/it there, you are able to add use conditions, etc. to enchantments are you not? Again you'd need the Great Crystal in the Dyskund Caverns or something like that to send a company of horsemen/knights but wouldn't it be smashing if it happened behind Lunar lines at a critical point during a battle? That old movie Time Bandits comes to mind. Just thinking/brain storming via the keyboard... Maybe the Hyenagrams (not really sure what they are) are like the map in Time Bandits? Now that my train of thought has been tainted by Monty Python I better stop....
  19. Its not standard at all and of course cannot be duplicated (like making adamantium weapons) but rather left over, forgotten in some cases? Maybe there are only 5~10 in all of Glorantha. Some have been destroyed in the past and others, the Arkati are hunting so they may eliminate them if they cannot control them. Say there is one in the West, one in the East, another Arkat's Hold and in Urvantan's Tower, one in the depths of the Devil's Playground (for fun), Pamaltela... some might only be one-way, others may be broken but leave clues as to how or by who they were made and or operate? Of course any of these could be only useable by Hero Quester Super Bowl Ring Bearers powered by the likes of the Great Crystal in the Dyskund Caverns? What I am suggesting is if there is one hanging around in a forgotten Arkati tower there could be more that were forgotten about hundreds of years in the past. Did you ever hear of some buried treasure discovered while digging for a new septic field somewhere in someone's backyard? Why not is all I am suggesting. There should be one up North in the ice and snow as well no? Food for thought, would/could make great game fun in some cases. Maybe with the correct incantations and power the said "wall painting" becomes a portal and those who dwell in the same structure are none the wiser!?
  20. I was estimating the contour lines on the AAA to be 1000' or so which brought me to the Black Crayon depth....
  21. Jaja, I agreed with Jeff, its much wider, a few miles in width anyway. Thanks.
  22. Wouldn't there have to be one? They would protect/guard it, utilize it to monitor the other gates that might be out of there control, "spy" if you will and use it to travel to assist with attaining their secret goals? How could there not be one? Were they not able to hold of an indefinate siege? I assume they used the portal to resupply, why not? Oh, I didn't think it would be like the WoT Ways at all, more like an "ethereal space" or real "Space" but not like the Ways.
  23. Wouldn't the Puppeteer Troupe performance, no matter the experience, a play, music/song, drama, poetry, etc be an ideal venue whereby the audience is presented with numerous "riddles" by invoking thought/answering riddles placed/presented therein? Wouldn't any traveling entertainer be viewed with skepticism due to this possibility in certain cultures?
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