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Ian A. Thomson

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Everything posted by Ian A. Thomson

  1. SEWERS ETC (@ Erol of Backford) There were some New Pavis Tunnels in the original series (Vol. 04). These will return - ideally in Vol. 06, but that depends on how much space is available. I want to try and limit all books to about 250 pages, so they may be Vol. 07. This piece will be expanded to as to the whats and whys of these tunnels, so it won't be the same as in the original series There was a map of the Flintnail Tunnels in Vol. 01 of the original series. This will largely stay the same, except for the details being expanded in the new series. Same as above - ideally Vol. 06 More maps under D Playground will also appear in Vol 06 or 07 Gimpys Secret Tunnel(s) [Note the plural] are already revised, expanded and fully explained in Vol. 01, though they weren't in the early editions, but are in the current pdf and the POD. With awesome maps by Roy Duffy
  2. Anyone here into DERPG and have a copy of my And Thence to Almery campaign outline? Its pretty basic, but has some good ideas in, and I want to reuse one of them, but don't have a copy anymore EDIT: All sorted now :)
  3. Thanks guys for your generous words I'm glad others are enjoying the material as much as I enjoyed writing it originally and now Its also great that its not just me and my two groups of Players who are able to follow the unfolding path of the Grand Plan :)
  4. Leans a bit more into the politics in Vol. 04 at at last and this trend will continue.
  5. Vol. 04 of the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion (Director's Cut) is finally out, only a month later than hoped :) Huge thanks to everyone involved!! I know I keep saying it, but it remains true - without the help of all you collaborators this series would have failed some time back The credit to Ian A. Thomson & friends should be & Champions!! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/465145/old-pavis-ii-the-good-the-bad-the-rowdy-runequest This book is titled Old Pavis (II) because major sections cover Old City landmarks, inhabitants & adventures that we would have included in Vol. 02 if there had been room. Part One: Forts & Temples of the Big Rubble All remaining civilized Old City locations where Adventurers can buy supplies or potentially take refuge. Including full maps with indexes and details on notable inhabitants for Zebra Fort, Mani’s Fort, the Yelorna Temple & the Old Mint. Part Two: Friends & Allies of Old Pavis Different groups that Adventurers may meet, including full details on the Dylfing Clan of Mani’s Fort, the Aldryami of the Big Rubble, and the Urban Orlanthi. Plus full RQG Stats on such personalities as Garrath Sharpsword, Enostar ‘Bad-Dream’, Bendrath the Priest, & Wolfhead the Bandit. Part Three: Criminals & Enemies of Pavis Expanded details on the Black Fang, Lunar Intelligence Agents, Sarken’s Gang at the Old Mint, and the most notable local Lunar Collaborators. (Full RQG Stats for various individuals, including Gim-gim the Grim, Jo-Tarran Longsword, Count Sor-Eel & Faltikus the Good.) Part Four: Rebels & Independents New pieces on The Rowdy Gang & Griselda developed in collaboration with Oliver Dickinson, Michael O’Brien’s wonderful ‘Beggars of Pavis’ article revisited, and the even a guest appearance from the Old Pavic heroband - the fabulous Grey Company. Plus more! Part Five: For a Fistful of Lunars Page after page of practical details for running scenarios in the Big Rubble as the Adventurers seek to make a living. Including details on their’ first steps into the mysterious levels of loyalty within the Cult of Pavis, and a brand-new species of dangerous Rubble-dwellers! Part Five: Once Upon a Time in Pavis A substantial original investigative New Pavis mystery (‘The Curse of the Copper Condor’); the Lunar plans announcement of the Wedding of Pavis to the Red Goddess; a major scenario exploring Kakstan’s Art Museum [significantly revised & expanded from the original series]; and the opportunity to ‘evict’ Sarken’s Bandit Gang from the Old Pavis Royal Mint! ** Bonus Soundtrack Clip here by putting this link together: you ... tube.com/watch?v=J9EZGHcu3E8
  6. Yay, it's out there!! :) https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/465145/old-pavis-ii-the-good-the-bad-the-rowdy-runequest The fourth volume in a hugely expanded re-release of the original Companion series. This is an 'old school' campaign, updated to the new rules system (RQG) yet in the classic style of RQ2/3 gameplay. Independent mercenaries seeking adventure and glory, who slowly but surely become more connected with the Cult of Pavis, until they end up as Champions of the Old City! This book is titled Old Pavis (II) because major sections cover Old City landmarks, inhabitants & adventures that we would have included in Vol. 02 if there had been room. Part One: Forts & Temples of the Big Rubble All remaining civilized Old City locations where Adventurers can buy supplies or potentially take refuge. Including full maps with indexes and details on notable inhabitants for Zebra Fort, Mani’s Fort, the Yelorna Temple & the Old Mint. Part Two: Friends & Allies of Old Pavis Different groups that Adventurers may meet, including full details on the Dylfing Clan of Mani’s Fort, the Aldryami of the Big Rubble, and the Urban Orlanthi. Plus full RQG Stats on such personalities as Garrath Sharpsword, Enostar ‘Bad-Dream’, Bendrath the Priest, & Wolfhead the Bandit. Part Three: Criminals & Enemies of Pavis Expanded details on the Black Fang, Lunar Intelligence Agents, Sarken’s Gang at the Old Mint, and the most notable local Lunar Collaborators. (Full RQG Stats for various individuals, including Gim-gim the Grim, Jo-Tarran Longsword, Count Sor-Eel & Faltikus the Good. Part Four: Rebels & Independents New pieces on The Rowdy Gang & Griselda developed in collaboration with Oliver Dickinson, Michael O’Brien’s wonderful ‘Beggars of Pavis’ article revisited, and the even a guest appearance from the Old Pavic heroband - the fabulous Grey Company. Plus more! Part Five: For a Fistful of Lunars Page after page of practical details for running scenarios in the Big Rubble as the Adventurers seek to make a living. Including details on their’ first steps into the mysterious levels of loyalty within the Cult of Pavis, and a brand-new species of dangerous Rubble-dwellers! Part Five: Once Upon a Time in Pavis A substantial original investigative New Pavis mystery (‘The Curse of the Copper Condor’); the Lunar plans announcement of the Wedding of Pavis to the Red Goddess; a major scenario exploring Kakstan’s Art Museum [significantly revised & expanded from the original series]; and the opportunity to ‘evict’ Sarken’s Bandit Gang from the Old Pavis Royal Mint!
  7. Drum roll!!! Completed full PDF of Vol. 04 sent to Fabian, along with all of the other extra bits and pieces and information needed for getting it online. It will definitely have at least one update, as every book so far had at least some errors in it that were spotted later, or just things that could be clarified or enhanced to make them better. However, it has been thoroughly checked, so I am hopeful there's not many things that will need altering or correcting Certainly very happy to get it out after all this time!! About a month later than I was aiming for. (And again, none of this would have been possible without all the help!!) Old Pavis II: The Good, the Bad & the Rowdy Fabian is hopefully enjoying a well-earned winter holiday, so we will see when it appears in the Jonstown Compendium on DTRPG once he is back in action Time for a week off now for me as well EDIT: Heard from Fabian straight away; he can get to it in the next day or so :) Which means it looks like Vol. 04 will just make 2023. Yay!
  8. 1-2hrs my *ss!!! 8-10hrs of manic work later, literally 2mins before midnight the day before xmas eve, I finally finished the content of Vol. 04!! :) Still a couple of very small bits I'm waiting for from contributors, two small pieces that need proofing and one GMC personality whose RQG Stats I need to expand and revise But yes, otherwise the content of Vol. 04 is finally complete :) Even with pushing as much as I can ahead into other books its still the biggest yet at 270pages This is the second of the two main Old Pavis books and I was determined to get all of the remaining core stuff into it Always worth mentioning that without the awesome collaborators helping out with so much of the background technical side of things, this book would never have reached this point. Thanks folks!!!
  9. Heading out now but back later this evening In the knowledge that there are only 1-2hrs work left to do to finish Vol. 04 The reviewers still need to proof the last few pieces, but the threshold of all the content being done probably by later this evening (and tomorrow morning at latest) is a good place to have reached at last!
  10. Crocs was in my message at some point; must have got lost in an edit. Saw lots of them in the NT a year ago. Amazing creatures. Thought about adding dropbears in, but despite my sister's fear of them (which I instilled in her LOL) they are generally not a problem. No flags and deceptively calm looking. There was a rescue boat just sitting there, but nobody in it. Tea break maybe. It was a sudden thing. One moment I'm happily swimming in a fun bit of current with my friend doing the same a little way off, and then it was like someone hit the Turbo button on an electric device, and I'm headed out to sea at what felt like 30mph, and she's looking and going 'Oh Sh*t!" (When I got back closer she swam in to help me back out.) Also yeh, if that little critter is Australian its out for blood! That reminds me, there are two brand new enemy species in Vol. 04. Well, one brand new (inspired by something Nick Brooke mentioned about a game he was playing in), and one that is a new variation on a known species.
  11. Woah. There was nearly no Vol. 04 or any others after that In Australia we have poisonous spiders, box jellyfish that can stop your heart, a whole bunch of venomous snakes, hungry crocodiles, and sharks There's also the 'rip tide' and (as I discovered first hand yesterday as nearly the last thing I ever discovered) something called 'rip currents' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rip_current] I can't swim well at all, but I drew it from somewhere, and fortunately remembered the advice to swim across rather than against It was a narrow narrow thing though Everything seems bright and wonderful today, I can tell you!
  12. Finally got the new big scenario finished a couple of days ago, and most of a new scenario outline finished today. That leaves one big scenario which only needs layout and editing, and two smaller pieces that need finishing but should be pretty easy Thanks again for the collaborators helping out. Vol. 04 likely ready to go online in the middle of next week
  13. Don't know why I'm only seeing this awesome ad now, but I did hear about PAX and wasn't able to return down south anyway at that time It was 18 months after I moved out of Melbourne! (After being there many many years and at the venue a bunch of times... now 1,500km away.) Would have been a great opportunity to increase my F2F encounters with some of the Gloranthan figures beyond the current total of 3 though!! Something Gloranthan in Sydney maybe? :) That's my go-to big city now
  14. Use the classic ideas as inspiration, reorder and reinvent them. Make there be only seven. Suddenly all ass is covered :) Love the newtlings idea. They don't have to be small. Just regular newtlings, suddenly hundreds of them. Hungry, helpless, friendly, looking for work... (One really big newtling: "Gizza Job, Go on! Gizza Job!") Water isn't blood, it's oil, or its full of gorp, or slime, or stagnant...
  15. Yes, this did the job wonderfully. Thanks so much Seemed to be even less steps than you indicated. (Though those steps were crucial to be knowing what to do!) Ahah, I see. Two sets of instructions. One for simpler images and one for more complex. Both work! :)
  16. Yes, most artists have that capacity, but not all. (Including me who is sometimes the artist! I don't have it) :) Plus yes, some old images Affinity Photo looks good, but going to try paint. net & Gimp first as are free
  17. Transparent PNGs? Hi Folks For the first year of creating the P&BRC:DC volumes I was using a free online service to change jpgs into transparent pngs (turning all the white colour areas into transparency, so that images blend into the page) Then they started charging, so after a bit of searching I found another service that was just as good. A few weeks ago they also started charging Anyone out there have access to software that quickly and easily converts jpgs to transparent pngs? I'd love to welcome you onto the team if I could send you a few images every now and then, and happy to sign you up for a free pdf copy of any volume in which you can do this service for a bunch of images Cheers
  18. Old Pavis II: The Good, the Bad & the Rowdy Scroll up a few messages to see an image! :) Only a few more days work to go to complete it, but I do mean a few full days, so it could still be 2-3 weeks to make the time Always great to hear from someone who is enjoying the material Helps to boost the motivation to slog on! :)
  19. Black Friday sale on the Vol. 03 pdf - and the combo pdf & POD. Just a few $ off, but if anyone was considering buying either, there's a very time-limited window open right now https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  20. Black Friday sale on the Vol. 03 pdf - and the combo pdf & POD. Just a few $ off, but if anyone was considering buying either, there's a very time-limited window open right now https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  21. Vol. 03: "Pavis County & Beyond: Secrets of the Borderlands" Now Available in POD Huge gratitude to the many collaborators and supporters for their critical help, without which this book would never have been completed! And to Nick Brooke again for creating the POD version from the original pdf. There will be a set of images again as soon as Fabian receives his copy and makes his unboxing video. (It's been delayed reaching him for some reason.) The price is slightly cheaper per page count, due to the Borderlands adaptation notes appendix not being included in the calculations. (Since some purchasers won't own Borderlands.) Also, Vol. 04 is in its final stages. It's impossible to say exactly when it will be fully done and in the Compendium, but it should be within a month at the very latest. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
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