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Posts posted by Dangermouse

  1. Hi folks, well at long last the beta release is here - https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/brp/releases/latest/download/system.json

    First tiny steps in to getting BRP on Foundry and so some words of caution.   Whilst I have an early roadmap on next steps in my head (well, ok set out below) feedback from beta testers will help shape it and prioritise development (and sort out bugs, typos etc).  So if you're interested then please jump in.

    Bugs etc are probably best reported on Github but you can also get me on Discord (Foundry and Chaosium)), and BRP forum (Dangermouse on both)

    Thanks and enjoy.

    PS  Big shout out to Ikeo for helping steer this, to JamesB for his help and coding advice, to the CoC and Runequest Foundry developers and the League of  FoundryVTT Developers


    This is a very early beta test version of BRP for Foundry It is just a character sheet at this stage, but it does come with skills, weapons etc There are no dice rolls at this stage, very limited automatic calculations and limited automation. This will all come in future release as I develop the system

    Use this at your own peril. I cant guarantee that the underlying data model will not change and depending on what changes are made this may or may not break your game (so if you do decide to proceed then please take backups of your world before implementing any upgrades).

    So having said that this is a beta and your feedback and input will help drive the direction and prioritisation of future functionality

    My immediate plans for development are (in no particular order):

    Basic Rolls
    Automated calculations (HP, ENC etc)
    Character creation
    NPC sheets

    IMPORTANT: When importing data from the Compendia - you need to tick "Keep Document IDs" as this is currently used to link weapons, professions, skills etc. This may change in the future if/when I implement an internal ID (like the CoCID or RQGID for Call of Cthulhu or Runequest)

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  2. 16 hours ago, Sunspoticus said:

    The different table modes threw us for a loop. Once we got past that, it was smooth sailing..

    Took me some time to build out all the game data, but I have everything on the table from the rulebook now.... ONWARD!


    Differrent table modes - is that the GM Tools or something else?  If there's something that needs more explanation or work then happy to update things.  I'm conscious I havent done much to update the implementation in quite some time.

    I'm glad the rest was plain sailing 🙂


  3. Thank you @Sunspoticus.  It's good to know it's being used.  This was the first system I created in Foundry so I've learned some extra bits since then.

    What took a bit to figure out/what did you need to tweak?  If there  are improvements I can make, or expand on instructions then please let me know.


  4. Posted by Buckball - 

    don't know if anyone mentioned this before but, Joolz Guides is a series of short youtube videos about different locations throughout London. The guide Jules McDonall presents the videos as short walking tours of the areas. I believe there is one that goes past Russell Square.

    Here is the link: https://joolzguides.com/london-guides-about-joolz/

    Another pretty much indispensable resource is the Follypedia. It is a Fandom wiki for the Rivers of London book series. I think my group consults it more than the rpg game book.

    Here is the link: https://follypedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Follypedia_Wiki

  5. 52 minutes ago, AJ The Ronin said:

    I was dragging directly from the compendium (blame PF2 for that behavior quirk).  I'll import and try again later today. 

    No worries. In this set up (changed in the rewrite underway) the group skills matches to skills in game.items so that explains why it’s not finding things. 

    I’ll keep this in mind in the new version and see if I can get that working.   Cheers

    • Like 1
  6. OK, have you imported all the skills in to the game from the compendia?  Do you see a folder for Skills and under that "Groups" and within that "Combat skills"?

    First error in the console is to do with the specialism skill name so nothing to do with the blank Optional Skills issue (I've got a fix for the error though and it doesnt seem to actually impact anything)

    Could you also do a screen shot of the "Brutal" personality - especially the "optional Skill Groups" part please?


  7. I downloaded the system from Github and created a new world - imported all the compendium.  Turned on the "use personalities" and rebooted the world.

    Created a test character, added a culture, initialiased the stats and then dragged "Brutal" to the character sheet and it all worked.

    Are you getting any error messages in the console (F12)?

    Brutal should have 0/2 (you get two combat skills rather than one for the other personalities) but not sure why you're not seeing anything.

    Some screenshots below.

    Can you share what you're seeing and any console outputs if there are errros?  Otherwise happy to jump on a zoom call to try and work out what's happening.




    • Like 1
  8. There is - it's here  Genii-Locorum/brp: Foundry VTT implementation for Basic Role Playing (github.com)

    But a few caveats
    1) It's a very early work in progress
    2) I've got a version underway that goes back to the drawing board because I've learnt stuff as I've gone along.  The big issue is I sort of went down rabbit holes for example to get dice rolls working.  What that meant is there isn't the functionality of a full character sheet.
    3) The next version I will release (ok, maybe not this one as I do have a slight change I should release first to do with Armour Points) will loose dice rolls, HP calcs and other stuff - but should (fingers crossed) have a fully usable character sheet
    4) I'm juggling development with Pendragon, some other bits, a day job etc etc.

    Having said the above please feel free to try it out and all feedback welcome - whether it's "this doesnt work", "this shouldnt work like that", "why on earth did you make it work like that" or "here's my long list of features we need".  

    My rough roadmap is
    1) Get a fully featured character sheet in place with skills, spells, weapons etc - even if it's just a glorified pdf
    2) Add basic computations (hit ponts, damage bonus etc)
    3) Add basic rolls
    4) Complex rolls and calcs
    5) Character creation
    6) Loads more after than I guess - but I just can't see that far ahead

    Hope this helps and the new version looks pretty identical to the current version, very similar data models and I'm reusing code subject to some tweaks



  9. 7 hours ago, snotereceorlas said:

    Hello there dangermouse!

    Great that someone is doing this - and that you have the unofficial blessing of chaosium.

    Would love to help out with feedback. I can honestly say i had the most fun I've had for ages when i played the starter set with my most dedicated player! The passions and traits play really well, the d20 version of BRP really is, in my opinion, quite a bit better than the usual d100 one, and a LOT of the stuff they have put in - like battles gave - fun, nail-biting and satisfying outcomes! I could give many examples.

    My limitations are that time is a bit scarce as, amongst other things, we are self-employed and have to do a bit juggling of our work thanks to the cost of living crisis here in hte UK. My gaming time has decreased for the present. But i will give as much feedback as i can. Also i'm not a developer - my youngest son is and when we talk these things i realise how much i have to learn - and foundry vtt is great but it's very developer-friendliness makes it a bit harder to use for us who aren't.

    The plus side is that i do have a lot experience in using foundry and, of course, have been playing frpgs for years.

    Also let me know if you prefer discord for all this.


    At the moment i have it all installed in foundry vtt but the only items displaying are Passions Skills and Traits. i notice in the image above others like Armour are present. Have you created those in  your set up? I know from experience (like the Foundry Castles and Crusades when it was in beta) that you need to import content as well as system which can be more tricky in beta (for people like me).

    Obviously just  reply when you can.


    thanks again!



    Hi Andrew

    I appreciate how busy life can be but any testing and feedback would be great.  If it helps I'm not a developer either (I've learned the coding needed as I've gone on) - so if things aren't obvious or easy to use then please call them out and I'll see what I can do.

    I'm easy with feedback here or on Discord - whatever works.  I'll log bugs, requested features etc on Github.

    On the topic of armour etc what I'm about to say is my personal approach but shaped by conversations with my Chaosium rep.  If something appears on the character sheet then it's ok for me to put in the Foundry implementation - stats, skills, traits and passions are all good examples - but the names only.  Any longer passages of text that are in the rule book and not the character sheet isn't appropriate for my implementation.  So Armour, Horses etc don't appear in the implementation as compendiums - but you can create it all yourself.  So there is a "Horse" item with the right data - you'll just need to create them (hopefully I've included some instructions in the compendia).

    I hope that helps explain why I've not included some things as compendia - but rest assured the functionality exists for you to be able to populate them.  Please do shout if you want to go through any of it and happy to do a teach in/show and tell on what I'd do.

    Cheers, and thanks for helping out with whatever testing you can fit in


    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, joen said:

    Just wanted to chime in a say that this looks awesome! 

    I just starred your project on github, when I have more free time in the future I'll definitely try to help out in any way I can. 

    Thank you.  I’ve just started the beta testing on Pendragon and will get back to this as soon as I can. I am having a think about the approach to BRP - some of me says stop worrying about automation for now and get the full character sheet done first and then come back to automation. 

    I will post some updates when there’s more to say. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Prixel said:

    Today I verified that it was a problem with the version of Foundry that I had installed 😅

    I just updated it and I think it works perfectly now. Thank you so much! It looks wonderful.

    In any case, I understand that this is a preliminary version, right? I haven't found a way to include new skills.

    So it is a beta version - oppossing rolls is one thing I know I need to do - and nothing there for battles - some of the beta testing is to call these things out and to prioritise development - the more people that shout about something the sooner I may get round to doing it.  But the basic structure and functionality should all be there.

    You should be able to create new skills (see screenshot) - and then drag them from the item list to the character sheet.  

    Have you imported the various compendium to the game world as the skills should all be there (along with some instructions on how to do various things)?  Feel free to drop me a DM if you want to work through any of this in detail.





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  12. I'm pleased to announce that the beta version of the Pendragon Starter Set implementation for Foundry VTT is now available for testing.  If you have experience with using Foundry VTT and playing Pendragon and want to test the system then it would be great if you could  help.   You can import the system to Foundry using the manifest URL https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/Pendragon/releases/latest/download/system.json

    Please raise any issues or development requests through https://github.com/Genii-Locorum/Pendragon

    Whilst the implementation is endorsed by Chaosium this is a community built implementation so please direct any questions to me (and not Chaosium).  I can usually be found on the Foundry Discord channel or contacted via the BRP boards (Dangermouse on both options) and am happy to answer questions where I can."

    • Like 3
  13. Just a brief update - my focus has been on a couple of other systems (including Pendragon) and some RL stuff.  But now that RL has been resolved and I've got my hands on the actual BRP book (I'm old, I like physical media) - I am back working on this.

    Some discussions ongoing with Ikeo about how to approach development and once I have a firm plan I will give a better update and maybe start a dedicated thread.

    In short - this isn't dead, it's just been resting.


  14. On 9/19/2023 at 4:39 AM, MalloryStan said:

    I cannot overstate how much even a very basic system for Foundry VTT would be appreciated. I tried going back to Roll20 after a year in Foundry and I was immediately underwhelmed and frustrated. Right now I'm just using a system-neutral Sandbox in Foundry with the B&W fillable pdf from 5.2 to mess around with as a proof of concept, but it really would help so much to at least have fillable character and manor sheets available without any automation. 

    Stick with me on this - with the exception of Opposed rolls I think the basic coding is done - but needs some play testing (which is outside of my remit).    Some screenshots below to whet the appetite.  At the moment I'm juggling a whole bunch of things in real life so it's not getting as much of my time as it deserves.









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  15. 19 hours ago, Greville said:

    Thanks, that worked perfectly this time. I had been opening the skills and the changes wouldn't stick, but now they are.
    Generically named skills here:

    Perfectly renamed on the sheet:

    It works fine. I even closed and reopened Foundry several times and the changes have remained.

    Again really loving this implementation of Rivers of London it has everything I need.

    The kind of modules I'm going to try out:

    • Monks Action HUD (and others like it) to give the players an easily accessibly skill menu.
    • Shopkeeper mods, I plan on creating a number of weird and wonderful recurring locations for the players to visit (I haven't had good luck with these outside of DND so not holding my breath).
    • Maybe some better drawing tools for whipping up quick diagrams.


    On the changes not sticking - if you'd been editing them in the "items" section (next to actors) then the changes are made to the game item.  When you've dragged an item on to a character sheet then a local copy is stored in the actor.  Makes changes to the local and master copies don't change the other version.  

    I used Dungeon Alchemist for maps and locations (very easy import to Foundry) and Inkscape for diagrams.  After that it's Photoshop for other stuff


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  16. Thanks for the feedback @Greville

    On the skills front - if you right click on a skill on the character sheet you should get a context menu with edit and delete options.  Let me know if you're not seeing those.



    You've set your skills etc up exactly the same as I've done on my own version of ROL (great minds).

    The only module I'm currently using is Dice So Nice, but I will put GM Screen back on at some point now that it's been updated.   I don't use a whiteboard but there's been an interesting thread over on the Foundry Discord Chaosium subchannel about this and options to do something like that.

    • Like 1
  17. V11 of Rivers of London Foundry VTT Fan based implementation released (a small bug fix and checked against V11.308) - apparently I forgot to say V10 had been released.

    I've been very lax on the Rivers front and developing new functionality - I have a long list of excuses ready including that I'm working on three other systems for Foundry implementation.

    However I would appreciate any feedback people have if they are using the system - are there changes or other features you want to see included.  But please remember this is a fan based implementation and so I won't release compendium of equipment, spells etc or anything that crosses or gets close to an IP/copyright line.


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