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  • RPG Biography
    I started roleplaying in '93, the first game I played was a year long Runequest III campaign. We played a lot of systems then, changing with each campaign. We played Rolemaster, Call of Cthulhu, Gurps, Hero, Mythus, Traveller (TNE), Spacemaster, Chivalry & Sorcery 3rd Ed and various flavours of D&D.
  • Current games
    Running a RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Gloranatha campaign with ducks!
  • Location
    New Zealand
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    I'm from New Zealand

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  1. I think it might be for a slightly different reason. Have you given the character the 'Magical' advantage? If it's not there then the 'Magic' skill reverts to 0. I tested it by opening an actor and removing the 'Magical' advantage to see that the 'Magic' skill dropped to 0 and I couldn't change it. Soon as I put the 'Magical' advantage back the skill went straight back to 60. Here is how I have the Advantage set up: Edited to add that if the Magic skill is higher than 60 when you remove the advantage, then the skill returns to that same value when you return it. That's a nice touch.
  2. Yes, pages 170 and 171 in the PDF. They call any mages trained through The Folly Newtonian Apprentices, and any other mage a Hedge Wizard, including those trained by rogue Folly wizards. So the Little Crocodiles are Hedge Wizards 🙂 Hedge Wizards can choose any spell they like, but are still restricted in the number of spells they can learn. From Rivers Of London P171: "The choice of spells for a hedge wizard is entirely open, but again, they should start play with two first order spells (one of which is mastered) and one second order spell (unmastered)." I also agree regarding the little pockets of different traditions being all over the place, and wonder how many arrangements might have been in place when county practitioners were common.
  3. I kept getting error messages about the cult and rune magic journal entries not having RuneQuest ID numbers. It turns out a module I was running 'Monk's Enhanced Journal' hid the control 'little fingerprint shape' that would let me set the IDs. Once I disabled that module it was fine.
  4. Do you know if there are a set of instructions for adding things to the compendium? Even if just locally on my PC? I made up a character yesterday and want to add the cult for Foundchild. I tried adding an item, of the type cult, and editing it, but that failed miserably. I'm sure it's operator error on my part and there must be instructions somewhere.
  5. That was exactly it! I knew it must have been the way I copied the skills. Thank you for answering that so quickly.
  6. I ran through The Domestic as a warm up with one of my players using Foundry. It was a great way to both introduce the system and to get them used to where things are on the character sheet. When clicking on a spell in the Magic tab we got an error: Is there a way to click on a spell and have the magic roll made so it also says what spell was cast? I'm wondering if I've made a mistake copying the spells. We got around it by using the magic skill and that works fine. Still loving what you've done and the game went well, no other issues with any of the other mechanics.
  7. I don't think so, I have a good chunk of the non-cults books any way and had put the cult series on the backburner in favour of any new Rivers of London books. I jumped at the chance to buy it primarily for the cult books. I'm really enjoying them and will definitely pick up The Lightbringer's book, and the Earth Mother's one, then I'll have to get the Lunar Way (which was not part of the bundle anyway)... So now Chaosium is still going to get my cash for any RoL books AND I'm more likely to get the hard copy of at least one of the cult books.
  8. Mythic Iceland also has a farming as a separate skill (on P25): Farming (15%) [Manipulation]—This skill measures the character’s ability to successfully run a farm, including the keeping of animals, cultivation of any crops, and the best possible utilization of the resources of the land such as rivers and sea fishing grounds. See page 201 for details on how the Farming skill influences a character’s Status score. You roll a farming skill roll once per season to see how well you go and the result raises (or lowers) your status with your neigbhours: Fumble - subtract 2 points of Status Failure - subtract 1 point of Status Success - add 1 point of Status Special - add 2 points of Status Critical - add 3 points of Status
  9. This looks really good to me. Like you say out of the box is fine, this is plenty to get started with.
  10. I love the Allegiances mechanic, essentially they provide 'leveled' powers based on your allegiance score. I've used it for lots of things: Allegiances to Gods/Cults as written. A way of having items that have different magic effects that unlock as your allegiance rises. Allegiances to evil gods can measure magical corruption. They're a great mechanic for simulating lots of different stuff. This excites me more than passions (which I also think are great).
  11. Thank you. This is a really good case file, I like the options it gives for bringing new villains into the mix and setting up an ongoing campaign. The tone is perfect, I'm looking forward to running this with my group. The number of high quality case files people have posted here is really encouraging.
  12. I love this, it also helps explain the differences in RoL. "Today I only feel like gummies, let's leave the chocolate and hard lollies alone." RoL is where someone has looked at BRP with a laser focus and jettisoned anything they felt didn't fit the game. I posted a read through of RoL on RPG.net where I list the differences (some of those choices are why RoL has pride of place in my collection).
  13. I really enjoyed reading this. I think it'll be fun to run. Thanks for sharing it.
  14. I like both of those ideas. I do think killing Chorley like that does show how far over the moral event horizon Lesley has traveled, and how she is no longer anything like the person she was before. Your players may end up with some broken pedestals by the end of the campaign. Lesley is a fantastic antagonist, you could do almost anything with her. I think there's also a lot about Lesley we don't know. Why did Punch choose her? Is her current rage a byproduct of being possessed by Punch, or did Punch posses her because it was already there? We always see Lesley through Peter's eyes first as an amazing Police Officer destined for greatness, then as someone who was forced to join the bad guys to get her face back. The revelation that it was revenge that Lesley was after, rather than just a new face, shows there is more under the surface than Peter realised.
  15. I was looking for some weird stories from 2016 and came upon the Hull Werewolf. I thought these might be a good option for sending people further afield. The first two stories report sightings of a strange creature, an eight foot tall wolf with a man-like face: Townspeople gather to hunt werewolf in Hull known as ‘Old Stinker’ - Metro, 15/05/2016 8ft Tall Werewolf ‘Old Stinker’ Prowling In Hull Industrial Estate - Huffington Post (UK), 16/05/2016 Both articles state there are local legends and folk tales referring to 'Old Stinker'. However here is a column from 2021 that says they couldn't find any actual legends about a werewolf near Hull before 2015. Unmasking the Old Stinker: The Hull Werewolf - Skeptoid, 02/11/2021 I still haven't decided if, in my game, there really will be a werewolf or if it's a hoax trying to drum up a new tourism 'monster spotting' venture. Of course the werewolf could be real, but the old legends also be fake tourist bait.
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