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Posts posted by clarence

  1. Long-time user Mallet is looking for players to his Play by Forum game on RPG Geek. He will run The Wayward Patient, the introductory mystery in Odd Soot. 

    If you are curious about the 1920s sci-fi in Odd Soot, this is a good way to find out more. Be prepared for investigations into the supernatural, strange aliens and the looming threat of The Soot. 

    Check out Mallet’s thread at:


  2. Nuveri body recycling is a fascinating topic poorly understood by human scientists. In general terms, empty bodies come from someone who die of old age.

    As a nuveri dies a natural death, internal organs wither. Soft tissues dry out and withdraw from the body ’shell’. Organs can then be extracted by a gentle pulling of the head upwards and all the internals follow (it looks somewhat like a jellyfish, with the head at the top). The paper body is left empty, ready for someone else to occupy.

    Ethically, this procedure is acceptable to the nuveri. As long as the person is already dead, it is not viewed as an act of violence. 

    In general, a nuveri will have to take whatever body is available. But as The Soot spreads, some retrieve bodies in advance, just in case. And, as you point out Jakob, this has the potential to turn into a market. Who wouldn’t want the body of a hero or a successful businessman?

    Scientists are experimenting with ways to turn sterile nuveri eggs into functional outer bodies but they have not succeeded so far.

  3. I’m not much for best-of lists. But Lifehacker’s recent list of sci-fi caught my eye. The theme - books that changed sci-fi - is interesting in itself. Every entry also comes with a short description, including comments from reviewers or other writers. Like Ray Bradbury’s comment on Jules Verne:

    "We are all, in one way, children of Jules Verne. His name never stops. At aerospace or NASA gatherings, Verne is the verb that moves us to space."

    I miss a book or two on the list but otherwise it's quite comprehensible. Any particular titles you would add?


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  4. 20% off all our books on DriveThruRPG and Lulu on Black Friday!

    And yes, that includes the newly released Odd Soot. Follow the links below.

    DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/10544/FrostByte-Books

    Lulu: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/frostbytebooks


    What Reviewers Say About Odd Soot:

    'The most innovative SF I've seen.’ Alex Greene, RPG writer

    'Equal parts alternate history, H.P. Lovecraft inspired settings, crazy characters and a serious science fiction vibe, this game is a blast,’ EN World review, David J Buck


    Clarence Redd

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  5. One quote from the article stands out:

    “Perhaps there has been no need for [cyberpunk] to change: it continues to resonate with us because the world it depicts is the one we live in.”

    That’s a bit sad to accept. But it’s even sadder, as the article points out, that the punk attitude is not the solution - and to regain its creative power sci-fi needs to find new approaches to the brutality of neo-liberalism on steoroids.

    But would it still be cyberpunk then? Can cyberpunk house well-organised protesters that actually make a change - or is that a new genre?


  6. Thanks Matt! I’m happy you like it. Regarding the high CHA, they may look weird but they have a certain aura - perhaps stemming from their superlative traits - that makes them strangely appealing (building on the idea that CHA goes much deeper than mere looks). In real life, Stephen Hawking comes to mind. 

    I see your point on Eidetic Memory and Photographic Memory. To me, it’s just a way to discern between two similar Superlative Traits. Alex might have a further explanation though. 

    • Like 1
  7. 'Sometimes, a random confluence of genes comes together to produce a child who is simultaneously gifted and cursed. Gifted, because their minds or bodies are capable of surpassing normal human capabilities; and cursed, in that their very oddness sets them apart from the run of normal humanity.'

    I have worked with Alex Greene, writer for Mongoose Traveller among other things, to create a new character path for Odd Soot. It’s called Oddities and Alex has crafted a unique concept to generate truly odd individuals, fitting right into Odd Soot. They possess fantastic abilities - but also weird looks that other people might shy away from. 


    The character path can be used for PCs and NPCs alike. Patrons, villains and heroes work equally well for these quirky individuals. 

    Oddities is based on the book Odd John by British sci-fi writer Olaf Stapledon. His work is often mentioned as direct inspiration for many modern authors, like Arthur C Clarke, Stanislaw Lem and Vernor Vinge. 

    Oddities is a 15 page PDF and consists of generators for superlative traits, disproportions, alienating passions and several inventions. 

    We’re offering it as a free download:



    Clarence Redd

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    That used to be a problem, but nowadays you can use e.g. an Android-device as a prop to calculate courses, travel times, fuel consumption etc. with little effort.

    Cool. I can easily see a near-future RPG that moves a lot of complex rules (like combat and healing) to smartphones, hiding all the complexity behind a user-friendly UI.

    For Odd Soot, something like this might do the trick:


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  9. The rules wing it even worse than Star Wars. But starships have quite a different role in Odd Soot. PCs are unlikely to own a starship and most travelling is more similar to being a passenger on a 1920s steamship. Most of the technical aspects of space travel are hidden from the PCs. 

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  10. Interstellar space travel relies on a technology left behind by an advanced alien species called luminarians, which fled The Soot 200 hundred years ago. They used a device that unfolds curled-up dimensions, transferring the ship into extra-dimensional spaces. As space-time works differently there, a spaceship can travel vast distances without moving. The devices are ’black boxes’ for the remaining species and they have almost no idea how they work. Repairing them is impossible. 

    Regular space travel is powered partly by rockets, partly by the energy released by partial unfolding. 

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