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Posts posted by clarence

  1. You can deal damage in two ways, either as a team or as an individual.

    As a team: Let's say the villain rolls 34 (with Ride 35%). A PC rolling 40 (with Ride 60%) wins the opposed roll and only the villain takes damage, ignoring the other PC's rolls. 

    Individually: Again, only the best PC at 40 will cause the villain any damage. But the villain in turn cause damage to every PC rolling worse. So, the villain might be beaten by one PC (and takes damage) but rolls better than the three others (and deals damage to only those three). 

    Who gets there first? Well, either the PC with the most successful rolls or the PC with the highest Conflict Pool when the villain reaches zero. For individual damage, I would use the latter. Otherwise I would keep track of successful rolls, as the PC with the highest Conflict Pool will always get there first if everyone gets the same damage round after round. 

    Did that make any sense?

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  2. That's an interesting asymmetrical setup. I would probably make damage asymmetrical as well. The villain would deal 1d6 damage to all four pursuers (if rolling a 3 all pursuers take 3 each). But only the fastest PC deals damage to the villain. And I would say the fastest PC is the one who rolls best each round (ie. the highest success). 

    The thinking behind this is that a fast villain will outrun all four pursuers. But the pursuers are only as fast as the best rider. 

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  3. I’m very happy to announce the winner of this week’s M-SPACE giveaway:

    MARCUS LEJA, Canada

    Congratulations Marcus! I hope you’ll get many hours of good gaming from it. The book is on its way across the Atlantic. 

    And thanks to everyone who joined the giveaway. As I believe in spreading sci-fi roleplaying to more people there will be new giveaways in the future. I hope to see you again.


    Clarence Redd

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  4. I hate February.

    It's dark and cold. Everybody seems to have the flu and here in Sweden we haven't seen much of the sun for the past 4 months. It feels like winter will never end.

    To celebrate that February is almost over I'm doing a M-SPACE giveaway. Just click on the link below, follow the instructions and you have a chance to win  a copy of M-SPACE in full colour print, sent for free anywhere in the world.


    The contest ends on Friday and the winner will be announced by email later the same day.
    Good luck and don't let winter bring you down.

    Clarence Redd
    FrostByte Books




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  5. I'm not sure where I saw it first, but some GMs routinely go for 75% of the PC's abilities. So, for a combat encounter, they simply assign three fourths of the PC's Combat Style to the opponents. That way the resistance will always be in the right ballpark. 

  6. Swedish YouTubers RPG Monday will play M-SPACE live tomorrow on Twitch! 

    It will be in Swedish only, so if you haven't started practicing yet, you only have about a day to learn the language of ABBA, Ingmar Bergman and IKEA. As a bonus, you will be able to understand what the Swedish Chef actually talks about in the Muppetshow.*

    RPG Monday will take on the REFLUX scenario, and I will be present in the chatt to answer any questions from viewers.



    Time: 6.15 PM (CET) on January 15


    You can also view a recording later on YouTube:



    *Or maybe not, come to think of it. 


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  7. That painting captures the feeling I was looking for. It didn't show up much in the Valerian movie, but the comics are full of fantasy-tech worlds - very far from Tolkien. 

    Steampunk Byzantium sounds terrific! I will see if I can make room for a sci-fi Constantinople in my own games. 

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