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Posts posted by clarence

  1. Yes, Star Trek can probably be emulated with M-SPACE. As you mention, a few new careers would be necessary as well as equipment for TL15 (?). Considering all the fan-made stuff for Star Trek, someone might already have written something for earlier versions of BRP, though I can't remember seeing any. 

    @rust: Looking forward to hearing how your campaign develops. 

  2. There will in fact be an official setting m- SPACE! Even two actually: The Weaver and Odd Soot. 

    Our next release, a scenario called REFLUX, is set in The Weaver universe, and will contain some general information about the setting. It's got a rather epic tone, set in the outskirts of a collapsing empire. 

    Odd Soot is an entirely different beast. It's a free-standing game, set in an alternate 1930s, where humanity has reached the stars. Alien life has been found and magic is working - but there's also a disease, The Soot, driving the infected slowly insane. Player characters are tragic heroes, spending their miserable lives fighting the disease. 

    But as you say, Traveller material is relatively easy to use with M-SPACE. Probably Star Wars too. 

  3. I'm happy to hear you like it Baragei! And yes, Swedish RPGs have really taken a big step forward in recent years. We have a quite lively community here at the moment. 

    Just a reminder: the M-SPACE PDF is included for free when you purchase a physical copy. Just email me the Lulu receipt and I will return a download link in a few hours.

  4. Good to hear you have some campaigns in the works! As you say, the Aliens variant will be easy to recreate with the M-SPACE rules. You may need to glean weapon stats from another source, but otherwise you should be fine. 
    Near-future sci-fi requires more work. Building starships and space stations will be very similar, and dialling down the tech for those will be quite easy. Depending on how close you want to mimic real physics, the Speed and Handling stats may need an overhaul though. Also, starship fights will require a more "submarine warfare" thinking, with large distances and sensors playing large parts, but as you suggest, starship fighting may not fit such a campaign at all.
    Check out some of the old Chaosium Monographs in PDF (Cthulhu Rising and Operation Ulysses for example); you may find complementary rules there that are easy to bolt on to M-SPACE. 
  5. Very good. I've just written up a nomadic humanoid species for M-SPACE and it's really interesting trying to see the world through their eyes. Especially the way many nomadic people put their entire fate in the hands of nature. 

  6. The Constellate never fell. It faded.
    The year is Y3260. The Ocath subsector is free, after many years under The Constellate’s brutal rule.
    Free, but in turmoil.
    REFLUX Cover Preview.jpg
    REFLUX is a scenario for M-SPACE to be released early in 2017. It introduces The Weaver setting, telling an epic story about a dying empire called The Constellate.
    A starship fleeing from the The Constellate's armed forces disappeared 170 years ago, and now the characters must go to the world Qioria to search for it. But time is short. The planet is on a slow but deliberate course for destruction from aggressive extraction of omeril gas, and the hell holes of ignited subterranean gas grow every day.
    Their only hope seems to emanate from the long forgotten teachings of The Weavers.
    I would also like to thank everyone for the amazing support since M-SPACE was released. It has been very inspiring to get such positive feedback from all of you, and there are several new books in the works, with REFLUX being the first follow-up release.
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  7. Yes, Järn is Swedish only. At least at the moment. One of the reasons I wanted to interview Krister here, was that he had expressed a wish to translate the game into English. If and when is not currently clear. I realize you can't judge the result of Krister's ideas without reading Järn, but I hope the interview gave you some insights into its inner workings. And it has been very well received here in Sweden, both by critics, hard core gamers and casual roleplayers.

  8. I met Krister at a book signing two months ago and asked him about it. Nothing had been done by then, as he had been too busy with other projects. There are new Järn books coming out soonish and my guess is they keep Krister quite busy. 

    On the other hand, more and more new RPGs made here in Sweden are published both in Swedish and English (for example Coriolis and Tales from the Loop by the Free League). I'm sure Krister is aware of that. 

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, g33k said:

    Of course, SW in RPG'dom then more-or-less-inevitably becomes the infinintely-copied (and most-often, BADLY copied) or minimally-varied norm.  It becomes almost "fashionable" to despise all the derived works, and even the interesting & high-quality ones become tarred with the same "oh, another bad copy of..." brush.


    Yes, there's always that struggle in cultural production: finding the perfect mix between the all-new and the habitual. There's of course not one solution to this, as players are everything from casual consumers to prosumers to professionals. Perhaps RPGs need to go the "casual consumer" path quite a lot? They are after all completely dependent on the player's ability to envision a setting/world/scene, and falling back on common ideas makes that easier. 

  10. Yes, shameless infringement right?  : )

    I'm thinking more and more that Star Wars is for sci-fi what Tolkien is for fantasy. It's such a widespread reference that you don't have to explain anything about it. Makes life a little easier for RPG players & writers...

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