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Posts posted by clarence

  1. 22 hours ago, dragoner said:

    There is the thing here, also in Banks' Culture, ships as these, like small cities, running a circuit, which I don't think I have ever seen an adventure in a game about.

    Yes, that would be interesting. With a 'circuit', do you mean that they visit the same worlds regularly? Like dropping a decently sized city into a star system every four years?

    This is probably not at all what you had in mind, but there was a cool series of books published in the 1980s by a Norwegian author called Jon Bing. The basic idea was that a massive sublight starship (Alexandria) visited distant human colonies, working as a huge library and the crew ('librarians') working as both problem solvers and at the same time collecting knowledge. This was the only contact between worlds and the sole source of new knowledge. I have very fond memories of the books from my childhood, and they held up surprisingly well when I re-read them a couple of years ago. 

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  2. I've read parts of the first book but I have very vague memories of it. With such a complex ship, I really can't say much without knowing more. Below are some initial thoughts.

    The size versus crew size should work out fine as long as there are AIs doing the work. The Size Rating (SR) table would need to be expanded a bit (if 160 000 passengers is a reliable figure):

    SR 19: 262 144 Modules

    SR 20: 524 288 Modules

    SR 21: 1 048 576 Modules

    That’s a lot of Modules but with the way Capital Ships are constructed, it’s not really a problem. Also, I would probably divide the passenger areas equally between cubicles and open space.

    Ablative armour is easy to model simply by lowering the armour value with each hit. How well ice will perform depends on the weapons used in the setting though.

    Wayward AIs and body swapping are not covered in the rules at all. My only recommendation is to run AIs as regular NPCs and give them a few unique ‘powers’ and restrictions.

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  3. I tried the sci-fi deck very shortly some time ago. It worked very well, but I found the cards containing a bit too much information. If I didn't like the outcome of one little corner, my eyes started looking for alternatives... It ended with me cheating : ) But that's just me. 

    Good to hear your campaign survived the crash, Opiyel. 

  4. Fuel is left open intentionally, to allow the GM to fit it to his campaign. There is a simple system in REFLUX though: the hyperdrive needs recharging, either at a starport or through the efficient meta-material solar panels all ships are equipped with.

    I'm not very familiar with the Nostalgia for InfinityCan you tell me more about it?

    • Like 1
  5. I believe that's a good way to learn a new system. You can take the time you need to check the rules without getting stressed and still run a real session.

    Have you decided what solo engine to use? I haven't tried the one UbiquitousRat uses, but it looks promising. So far I've been using Mythic GM Emulator and it's been very good - much better actually than I ever thought possible with a solo game. A story that writes itself on the fly might sound too good to be true, but it is really easy to get going : ) Highly recommended.

  6. A download link would be nice : ) 

    I almost always use simplified combat for my games. Violence is just not a big thing for most of my players. Or you can start with simplified and then add in more rules if you need them. 

    (My thoughts this evening go to the victims of the terrorist attack in Stockholm and their families). 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, dragoner said:

    Not all systems work as well as others in pbp's; usually the more narrative the better, it really depends on the group, however.

    Let me know if you have any questions on how to use M-SPACE in this regard. From the top of my head, I would suggest you take a look at the rules for Passions and Extended Conflicts, though that will depend on the campaign of course. 

    And I would love to hear more on how the game the develops!

    • Like 1
  8. Hi dragoner, welcome to the forum. Using M-SPACE for a play-by-post game sounds interesting. Do you already have a setting in mind? I don't know much about PBP gaming unfortunately, but I'm sure someone else here does. 

    Regarding more tech and equipment, you can take a look at Luther Arkwright or Colin Brett's conversion of 40k for BRP in the download section here on BRP Central. There's also a conversion of Star Frontiers there I believe, though I don't know how much tech it contains.


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  9. I'm very happy to hear PDFs work for you Opiyel. I hope you'll enjoy REFLUX. 

    I also read PDFs mostly. Print is very convenient in many ways, but I find it's taking up too much space. I can't fit in more book shelves, so I'm currently following the concept 'to buy one book - get rid of one'. Incredibly difficult. Thus, I fill my harddisk instead. 

  10. 8 hours ago, rust said:

    There can be no doubt that the deities hate me. :(

    I have been waiting for M-Space 1.1 and Reflux for such a long time, and now my internet provider will use April 4th for some major maintenance and the notification e-mail will not arrive here before April 5th. I am doomed. :angry:

    Seriously, I can hardly wait to see especially Reflux. :D

    If you're lucky DTRPG will take all day to approve the REFLUX files : )

    • Like 1
  11. Yes, I have decided to set up all PDF deliveries and updates through DTRPG. If all goes well, you will be notified that a new version is available. I'm not sure though if it's automatic, but I think it is. 

    For those who got the PDF for free with the purchase of a book, I will send an email tomorrow with a download link (also DTRPG). 

    • Like 2
  12. On 2017-03-31 at 9:04 PM, g33k said:

    Offhand, I am thinking of a pt.1 / pt.2 adventure:  a small diplomatic mission (social conflicts, extended conflicts) that attempts to get a few isolated forces to unite in mutual defense; then a "downtime" where players get to advance their characters; followed by the starship-combat (and maybe vacc-suit and/or planetary combat) scenes, as the coalition then has to use their alliance to keep the Bad Guys (tm) from doing all sorts of Bad Stuff(tm). 

    This could be kept tight and lean; but if desired, it could easily stretch into a rather-large amount of gaming...

    Pt.1 could include all manner of pre-existing factions, the Bad Guys(tm) might have diplomats of their own; or assassins, assigned to frame people & thus disrupt things, or other Covert Ops missions.  Kidnappings, politico-economics, etc etc etc.  Pt.2 could become a complex multi-battle mini-war across multiple theatres of operation -- "Forest Moon of Endor" scenes, cat-and-mouse games within asteroid-fields, inferior forces trying to deflect/delay/entrap/whatever a Superdreadnaught, vacc-suit combat, etc...

    @g33k I re-read your scenario idea and it has a nice Star Wars feeling. Any chance you will write it down?

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