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Posts posted by clarence

  1. Ok, here’s the first part of Valerian. Please chime in if any of you disagree with my design choices.



    STR 13
    CON 15
    SIZ 12
    DEX 17
    INT 14
    POW 13
    CHA 16

    Action Points: 2
    Damage Modifier: –
    Experience Modifier: +1
    Healing Rate: 3
    Initiative Bonus: 16
    Movement Rate: 6 m

    Hit Points: 14
    Power Points: 13
    Luck Points: 3

    Culture: Urban
    Career: Spatio-Temporal Agent

    Next step, skills...

    • Like 1
  2. Aha, you know a bit of Danish then? But yes, Søren was indeed the initial spark of inspiration. I read 'Either Or' when I was 21 and found it both fascinating and rather difficult. Nowadays I think I would call it misanthropic. 

    Considering how deadly space is for humans - no air, radiation, extreme cold - I think 'graveyard' is a reasonable name for a starship : )

    • Like 1
  3. Rules for modular droids and cybernetics are in the works. Perhaps not enough to run Blade Runner with RAW, but a good start. Starships are worked on a little bit. Not sure yet how to package those extra bits though. An M-SPACE Companion perhaps, in true BRP tradition?

    First I need to finish Odd Soot however. I feel very strongly about this game/setting - it's been an amazing universe to play in and explore - and the writing process has been intensifying since early spring. A lot has been covered, but there's still much to do. Apart from the alternate Earth setting, it will also bring some psychological depth to characters, plague-infested insanities and a new take on Circles - complementing the rules in M-SPACE. 

    Oh, and speaking of Kierkegaard, a Philosophy Engine casts a long, dark shadow over the entire setting. 

    Regarding external writers, I welcome all ideas. I've had a couple of propositions so far, but it's too early to say what will become of them. 

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, it started as an hommage to the old existentialist. Then I realized the irony of calling starship a graveyard and it kind of stuck. Not much deeper than that, though I found Søren Kierkegaard's work quite fascinating many years ago. A bit on the pessimistic side but otherwise enjoyable. 

    Do you know when you will start playing the Sidereal campaign?

  5. The two explosives in M-SPACE are:

    Particle Grenade, Damage 3d8
    Thermal Detonator, Damage 5d10

    This is how I usually do it:

    Splash/Area Effect: Roll full damage for targets within 1 metre of the explosion, to all locations. Damage is halved and affects one less location for every metre beyond the first. This means, in general you need to be 5 metres from the explosion to avoid serious damage. A successful Evade is possible if the target is aware of the incoming grenade (if thrown), halving the number of locations affected. Sorry for not being clear about all this in the rules.

    For other options, like the Fragmentation trait, check this recent discussion on The Design Mechanism's forums:


    And make sure to get the free RQ Firearms PDF while you're there (if you don't have it already). It doesn't contain much in the way of explosives but a lot more about weapons in general.


    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy has the colonists bombard Martian atmosphere with ice- and nitrogen-carrying meteorites to build up an atmosphere beyond what can be released from Martian soil. Not by direct impact but by aerobreaking in the atmosphere.

    The other major geoengineering feat in Robinson's chronicles of colonizing Mars is a mirror array in the L1 position increasing the amount of solar radiation (at least in the visible and infrared).

    I quite like the idea about terraforming without dropping meteoroids/asteroids on Mars, but here’s an interesting real-world concept for re-routing asteroids:


    It turns the entire asteroid into an autonomous spacecraft, slowly steering it towards Earth in this case. But Mars should be possible too.

    6 hours ago, Opiyel said:

    I dig the article, especially since I'm sculpting a terraformed Mars in Grand Designer for my M Space game. I've always been more of a fan of terraforming Venus. One day we can. One day :)

    Cool. Will you have a map to share?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Matt_E said:

    Wow, sounds like a recipe for real cognitive dissonance. :-)

    Haha, well, I realized that reading about distant cultures, whether backward or forward in time, is surprisingly similar. Many historical cultures are so different from our that they just as well could have been on a different planet. Or even alien. Add technology to that and it can get quite interesting : )


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