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Posts posted by 10baseT

  1. I'm glad folks posted. I totally forgot about Mortal Coils (which is excellent and with outstanding art) and A Time for Sacrifice which I still need to read (just too much to read.) Anyway, for Mexico completeness sake, there's a scenario in Mexico called 'El Dia de Los Muertos' which takes place in the Sea of Cortez on a small island. It's a Delta Green scenario, so modern yet easily converted to 1920s, but when DG was using the CoC rules. It's in issue 52 of Shadis (i dont know how i have this copy)... well written and in true DG style. Although, nothing really on Mexican history or political/social.

  2. Hi Ferretz, I believe a low POW equaling a high skill in these is to maintain the parity with the standard SAN loss method. The Standard meaning a high POW gives you a higher starting SAN and thus easier for your to make SAN rolls.

    With this optional method, a low POW gives a higher Natural World/Religion which means it's easier to lose SAN. Conversely a high POW gives a lower Natural World/Religion and thus easier to 'make the SAN roll' for lack of better words.
    (So mechanics to maintaing that Dark Ages feel??)

    Anyway, just my 2 cents... totally just thinking out loud.

  3. Since they're amphibians and semi-aquatic, I would say they can definitely stay underwater longer than a mammal (not sure about the breathing part). And if you wanted to make it easy, say the same as ducks but i would even say longer than that. The real world newts here in California are under water for a long time... i see them when I go hiking. They're also poisonous. (I dont know if all are.)

  4. Do we know the names of any of the clans? The clans that went up into Sartar from Heortland had to originate from those that stayed behind, who are they? Then the rural areas are more Orlanthi than Aeolian. As the wars in Sartar sent refugees south, i think it's possible some where adopted into those clans instead of going to Refuge... or maybe those clans wanted nothing to do with them (I only say that as the descriptions of Refuge mention it's filled with refugees from the north.)

  5. I picked it up (love everything those folks are doing), yet haven't started reading yet. I love the name 'Yellow and Unpleasant Land' which I may read first simply because i cannot resist. From what I understand, they also have a 7e CoC manuscript with Chaosium but i can't remember the name. I'll pick that up too when it's out.


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  6. 59 minutes ago, Squaredeal Sten said:

    Aldryami colony ( new forest or taking over or recovering an old forest)  implies some method of generating a Great Tree. 

    SPOILERS for those wanting to play The Smoking Ruins - The Grove of Green Rock scenario.





    This scenario covers exactly that. The PCs are hired over several years to guard the growing of a Shanasee tree in an Aldryami grove... every sacred time for like 4 or 5 years, something like that. This scenario describes the changes in annual growth every year if the PCs are successful. It goes in the elven defenses and is good all around. If the PCs are successful in t hose years, the result is a new elven forest.

    (Actually, the Smoking Ruins was just released in hard back, gotta put that order in.)

    • Like 1
  7. A while ago, like 10 years, i was itchin' to run an Aldryami campaign and I made list of Aldryami articles that were out there. I'll try and find it. One thing though, Shannon Appelcline apparently wrote a manuscript called 'Oak and Thorn' I believe, but it was never released. I would love to purchase that (probably not canon anymore but still, he wrote good stuff on them... and a lot too.)

    Here are a few more items that can give you some Aldryami info.
    *Heroquest Voices - Elves section.
    *Smoking Ruins - The Grove of Green Rock scenario is about helping the elves and you'll learn about their inner forest (i dont want to give any spoilers.)
    *Uz Book 1 mentions the Redwood Forest and the Shanassae tree stump that's still there and the Aldryami worshipping the Torch spirit (p38).
    *RQA Issue 6 was about the Stinking Forest. I'll have to find my copy but there was a good amount on elves.
    *An article "The Unbalanced" in 'Unspoken Word - The Thieves Arm', about a group of aldryami in  Dragon Pass.

    That's about all i can remember.

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  8. I'm reading The Labyrinth right now and loving it. Their lore and info is so damn good... you can read it as pure enjoyment instead of a rules set. So DG started off as supplements for CoC before they went to their own D100 systems. Those earlier DG CoC supplements are pure gold. If you want get into some fantastic writing, i recommend picking up Delta Green Countdown. You can get the pdf on DTRPG for $20... although i recommend the hard copy. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/99299/Delta-Green-Countdown .

    I say pick up all the earlier DG CoC supplements but Countdown will really set the tone for you and give you a taste that slaps you in the face, begging for more... and it will only set you back $20. Cheers, Gil

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  9. 8 hours ago, Stephen L said:

    I presume you've seen Jeff's posting on the subject?

    Yes, an excellent post. Gives good info where there's not much written about. I've been researching things like Beauchief and White Faces from HQ Voices. There is a cool map showing some small towns/villages on the plateau and Vulari peninsula. Similar to the map from the "A Gazetter of Kerofinela" but i dont think it was ever published, but pictures of it have been posted here in BRPCentral.

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