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Posts posted by 10baseT

  1. Hi folks, i did a overhaul of the last list I made. I was adding too much detail and it was becoming a book instead of being a quick list of units players could choose from.
    (This supplement provides WW1 US military units that PCs with the  US veteran background can chose from.)

    Changes made:
    *Put in list form, all AEF divisions in WW1.
    *Added list of US Naval ships and bases, for those sailor veterans.
    *Added a few pictures and an informal bibliography.
    *Added options to War Experience package, SAN loss and Shell Shock.

    I hope you find it useful. Thanks, Gil

    (i'm trying to paste the file from the download section, hope it works)

    CoC PC US Military Background v3 Final Pub.pdf

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  2. Good morning, just a few questions for the group.

    Starting Reputation
    Page 82, upper right, Starting Reputation. Says most Free occupations add +5% and most Noble occupations add +10%. Looking at some of the occupations, Healer, Noble and Warrior for example, i don't see the bonus to reputation they offer. Is there a list i'm missing?

    Sympathetic magic p387.
    It says a sorceror can use sympathetic magic. Since it says 'can' does that mean it's optional?
    If yes, it brings up more questions. Casting an air rune spell on Windsday gives me a 10% bonus, but casting a water rune spell on Windsday gives me a  10% penalty. So, since i'll be casting air rune magic most of the time, can i chose to have Sympathetic magic effect me only on Windsdays? What if i want to pick and choose other days? Or, what  if I choose to only have the bonus effect me and not the penalty, since it's optional? I think i'm missing something because my above doesnt sound right.

    Thanks, Gil

  3. 9 hours ago, metcalph said:

    (I'm inferring from p86 of History of the Heortling Peoples

    Thank you, that was a good read. So it sounds like they still use the term knights. And Deputies run the provinces (which the Orlanthi call Earls) and they are assisted by Comes (which the Orlanthi call Shire Reaves or Sherrifs). While Orlanthi Chieftains still ruled their clans and and in their areas, are somewhat equivlent to the Deputies and Comes.

  4. 14 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    so it could be possible to hit the wrong target, if they were in a group. But if you were shooting at a group of enemies you probably wouldn't mind if one or two of the shots stayed off and hit someone else. 

    That's one thing our group did (regardless of multimissile). We also used figures so it was easy to see. If a missile missed, we rolled hit location and that determined the general area of the miss (for example, if the head was rolled, the miss would be a higher trajectory. If the leg, the miss could hit the ground or was a lower trajectory). Then I as the GM would draw a line of trajectory based on the info at hand. If one was in that trajectory, one was then hit... and there could be other variables to determine actual hit. (shooting into a crowd gives a greater chance of a general hit on an opposing force). Now if multimissile were used and i missed, i would look at somewhat as if i missed with a shotgun for lack of better words. I have a better chance of  hitting someone if there bunched up (i'd still draw my trajectories though).

  5. I read the very helpful HQ Voices-Esvular that talks about an Esvular village on the coastal flats below Viziel. It talks about the village of Beauchief and the population being about half Orlanthi/Hendriki and half Esvulari. Well, i'm familiar with the Orlanthi family and clan structure but not the Esvulari. HQVoices-Esvular mentions the Esvular village leader is a knight who owes fealty to the count of Viziel who in turn owes fealty to the Earl's conclave. From other readings and posts, i gather the knights are more like cataphracts. But what i dont know is, how is, with all the great RQG that has come out, how is the Esvulari government or structure like? Are their still knights, dukes, counts and earls... and these report  up to the annual talar councils at Mt Passant? (mainly looking at 1625 but any info is great).

    Oh, and bishops are called Watchers?

    (my guess is, now that some silt may have settled and development done, more info may be at hand... and thank you in advance)

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  6. We always played it had to be the same target. Since the magic missile appears the instant the original missile is fired... ie, the shooter says i have one missile and i am shooting at X. He shoots, then the magic missile kicks in and those extra missiles then target X. So, only 1 target.

  7. 7 hours ago, Joerg said:

    But then its position at the exit of the Footprint

    I figure Bullpen fell as well then. One thing i noticed, was Bullpen isn't mentioned in the Guide to Glorantha or 13th Age Sourcebook and i haven't seen it on any maps other than the map from 'Dragon Pass. A Gazetteer of Kerofinela'. But that could be because it's just a small village and one can't mention every small village. I figure this is where the Uroxi camped. (I used Bullpen as a base of operations for going into the Print).

  8. So i posted a few days ago about Queen Gagix and found out she's alive post circa 1625, and rather flourished, with Backford falling (thank you for the 13th Age Sourcebook reference). So i read the 13th Age Sourcebook and page 43 says she's extended deep into the former Malkonwal. Does that mean Durengard and Duchamp have fallen as well? I'm not sure what the former area of Malkonwal covered or how deep her Queendom now extends (and it could be it's not defined and YGMV which is fine.). Many thanks in advance.

  9. 5 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    The Queen will welcome the arrival of new recruits.

    I've always wanted a PC forcibly birthed into a scorpionman.  You just gave me an idea. The PCs will run into some for sure. I think if one were going to die, i'll just say things go dark. Then surprise them with their new PC. The look on their face lol.

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  10. 21 hours ago, metcalph said:

    Yes, she is. She appears in 13th Age in Glorantha.

    In 1626, she conquers Backford.

    Hot dang, i didnt know that, thanks. That means Bullpen probably fell as well. (I'm going to have some folks on the Syphon... on a runaway raft into the Print.) It normally started at Backford, but maybe not anymore. Actually, given the way the Syphon runs, maybe closer to the shore. I think it will add some Glorantha flavor as they get washed away going uphill.

  11. Greetings everyone, is Queen Gagix still alive in the start time of the new RQG rules (i think it's 1625)? I'm rewriting a scenario and it concerns the Footprint. I imagine it's still a chaos next, but is Queen Gagix still in charge and a power there?

  12. I would keep it as a general artillery skill, no specialization. If your running in the 1920s, a veteran in the AEF would have learned the French 75mm or 155mm howitzer in they were in an artillery regiment. If they were a Marine that was in the various Banana Wars, a light artillery piece, the 3" naval gun would have been used. So, i think a general artillery skill works fine. Artillery batteries also work as a team to fire the piece and, especially for observing the round and adjustments. If only one person was operating the piece, i at the very least have them roll at disadvantage (maybe double depending on circumstance) and at a very reduced rate of fire.

  13. If anyone is in LA or Orange County CA, i'm intending to run this at Brookhurst Hobbies in Garden Grove CA. I ran RQ their last year and they have a good setup. (i'm contacting them today to get on their calendar). If you'd like to join, just let me know. Thx, Gil

  14. Hi folks, anyone know when this is slated to come out? I was reading a Cthulhu Reborn post and it described this as the tentative title and was a compilation of Australian historical scenarios for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. (One of the scenarios about the Rum Rebellion, is the forerunner or seed resulting in Convicts & Cthulhu... something like that) I like the art and here's one of the pics for it (although i don't know if they'll be kept). Anyway, really looking forward to getting this. (it's with Chaosium at the moment, which is a good sign).


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  15. Also google for US Service of Supply in WW1 (service of supply was basically in the rear where infrastructure like this would be). The AEF wasn't in France in 1917 except for about 4 divisions. (For AEF, 42 US divisions will have gone to France in WW1 almost all being there in 1918... too late for Verdun). Also search for Salvation Army, Red Cross and YMCA in WW1 and you'll find some great pics as well. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, rsanford said:

    I have been watching their Cold War books for a while but I just bought them all. I look forward to diving in!

    Amen, I use their Cold War Cthulhu for  Delta Green. I'm reading American Cousins right now, great stuff!!! Love this series!

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  17. 39 minutes ago, Beornvig said:

    I certainly hope we're going to see lots of adventure content 

    Me too. I can't wait to play and i'm hoping there's some adventure content right off the bat so we can jump right in and start playing in new adventures/scenarios. Then, consistent release of even more scenario content.

  18. Myself, the RQ versions don't matter so much. They're all similiar enough to make it work... and since i GM, my players dont really care. they just want to play. What really excites me, is the new content. That's what i'm really looking forward to. New content,  continual support and steady releases of scenario packs and campaigns. (I'm am excited for RQG as well).

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