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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 8 hours ago, ColinBrett said:

    I ran a long term CP2020 campaign, mixed with elements of Shadowrun, a sort of Shadowpunk, if you will. I dropped the magic but kept some of the corporations and the background from the Seattle Sourcebook.

    For BRP, I'd go with CP2020, as all you really need is the core rulebook: there's enough background and scenario nuggets in there to get you started. All you need to do is advance the timeline twenty years or so (as 2020 is only 4 years away!).

    TBH, I've been thinking of converting CP2020 for a while now. I have other irons in the fire at the moment but thoughts are bubbling away already! I'll happily collaborate if you're interested.


    Thanks Collin I will remember that. Btw - I love your Stormbringer adventures

  2. All,

    Two of my players last week expressed interest in doing a cyberpunk game.  We probably will not start for several months but I wonder what cyberpunk setting I should buy?  One player suggested picking up CyberPunk 2020 and the other suggested picking up Corporation, what do you guys recommend? I plan to use Revolution D100 for rules.

  3. Chris Tooley (who hangs out in the magic world section of this site) uploaded a truly gigantic bestiary that converts D&D monsters to BRP. I forget the name but maybe someone else can speak up. You might consider downloading it.

  4. Paola,

    This looks AWESOME but I wasn't thinking so much of superhero characters.  How would you model the following (Urban Fantasy):

    - A bracelet that teleports the character 5 feet away after every attack? Sort of a blink attack...

    - A cybernetic arm that has triple normal strength?

    - Bio-engineered eyes that allow the user to see radiation?

    Would the first and last one be done with spells? Will there be rules for cybernetics and bioengineering at some point? Perhaps in a supplement?

  5. 4 hours ago, jux said:

    Hate to say it, but "ruleset" is not enough of a gaming product these days. Why would I ever use it when there are so many other fully developed gaming products with ready-made adventures available.

    I think what is lacking the most for BRP games, is the adventures. Why not make something for River of Heaven?

    Adventures for River of Heaven include "Reunion", "The Last Witness" and "A Message from Futhermost"...


  6. 9 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    Well you'll already have the Agents Handbook in pdf then. I'm preachin' to the converted!



    I haven't read the PDF yet but maybe you know the answer... If I buy the Investigator's Weapons Volume 2 do you think it will have a lot of redundant stuff also found in the case officer's book?  After reading the reviews last night for Investigator's Weapons I am sorely tempted but I want to resist unless there is good reason :-)

    Thank you!

  7. 1 hour ago, Mankcam said:

    If you wanted to shell out some clams, the Investigator Weapons Vol 1 and Vol 2 are excellent.

    The pdfs are about $15 USD each on Drivethru RPG.

    Extensive list of historic and contemporary Firearms, specifically detailed for BRP mechanics

    I highly recommend these titles

    Thanks I will check it out. I have hear good things about it before.

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