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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 6 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    After a first round of inverstigations about the feasibility of a hardcover - which seems to be the most popular option - we are still stuck with an undesirable price tag, unless we decrease the quality of the binding, with the consequent risk of the volume falling apart if you use it at the table.

    Question: assuming we launch a crowdfunding to update the production line to hardcover without over-taxing customers, would some of the current users of the system support it or would anyone cry scandal because we re-crowdfund a few days after delivering the last reward of the original cf?

    The CF would be strictly a "give us the money, get your hardback in a month or so, printing and shipping time" affair. No fancy stuff that requires more production time, as we are already at work on Red Moon Rising.



    I would support it.

  2. 55 minutes ago, dragoner said:

    Also, any plans for future M-Space releases? Say a spacecraft book? What are your ideas on Androids/Robots? A post-Apocalypse book could be good as well.

    Dragoner, Clarence can't be bothered with anything else until he develops rules for a Blade Runner setting!  Isn't that right Clarence :-)


    PS - Dragoner - just teasing!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Archivist said:

    Yes, sorry. Apologies. I meant Revolution d100 - it's got a bunch of non-traditional bits, so I was asking how we'd get something *like* second way in Revolution D100.

    I have Revolution D100 but haven't read it all yet.  Does anyone know if Revolution has any equivalent to magic points? You would also need a sorcery skill (to roll against) to make The Second Way work...

  4. 20 hours ago, Archivist said:

    So I'm thinking about systems / settings in the vein of Mage the Awakening, Mage the Ascension,  GURPS Ritual Path Magic, GURPS Thaumaturgy, GURPS Cabal, Unknown Armies, or Dresden Files RPG Magic. Here are some of the common characteristics of those systems.

    1. Magic is sort of free-form. Instead of having a short list of specific powers, the mage can create whatever effect they want as limited by their skill, tradition, and trapping for the setting (e.g., no bolts of lightning, flashy magic).

    2. More powerful / complex magic (more effects, stronger effects) is harder and more dangerous.

    3. Spellcasting takes time. Spending more time reduces the risk and danger and vice versa.

    4. Spellcasting takes "ingredients" (e.g., magic circles, incantations, symbolic links to the target, sacrifice). Casting w/ (more) ingredients reduces the risk and danger, and vice versa.

    5. Casting involves risk and danger. More powerful workings, or workings without reducing the difficulty as above, expose the caster to that risk. That risk could be physical, spiritual, or consequential (bad luck).

    Check out the rules for free form magic located here  and also in my sig. These are homebrew rules but I am told they have a similar feel to the magic system in Ars Magica. My group and I have polished them a good bit so hopefully they will be easily understandable.


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  5. 22 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I've got to say, though, that Ars Magica's Verb/Noun latinate magic system is just matchless; and Mythic Europe has those real-world touchstones I find so rich and valuable!

    If I had to pick just one (ArM or RQ) ...  really, I couldn't !  :wub:


    G33, you might consider looking at the rules "The Second Way" found on this site in the files section. It provides a noun verb based magic system for BRP games and I see no reason why it would not work for RuneQuest. I have been told The Second Way feels like Ars Magika though I can't confirm that (I have never played Ars Magika). You can get a link to it below in my signature.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Mankcam said:

    However I have Revolution D100 laying here on my coffee table, and I am very impressed with what I am reading so far. In fact the more I explore RD100 the more I can see that it could be a viable replacement for the BGB. In many ways it feels like a more modern take on the BGB, I really want to see RD100 prosper.

    I have come to a similar conclusion. While my group has now widely adopted the Magic World rules for all the various genres we play (Except Super Heros) we frequently steal rules and ideas from Revolution D100 and soon we will start running pure RD100 games.

  7. 2 hours ago, Simlasa said:

    I think that's the first time I've heard THAT as a reason for shunning a game... well, Panty Explosion probably got a similar reaction, not sure,

    Panty Explosion - you have to be kidding!

  8. On 5/7/2017 at 0:07 AM, Sunwolfe said:

    Newt, Mankcam, Simlasa and sundry,

    I am so stoked about this "refresh," I just have to make a few more comments. Feel free to ignore me, gentle reader, if my gushing happiness that yet another game I've invested myself into is NOT going the way of the Dodo embarrasses you.

    It's fascinating and gratifying to me that even though our reasons and approaches differ, even though we produce individually unique game results, we're all satisfied with the same game mechanic (Newt, I know we're but a small sampling, but, if you ever needed more confirmation than you already have...:-)! I came OQ (following MW) for its simplicity and the room it gave me and my players to role-play without an overabundance of dice-rolling, book consultation or conflict resolution flavors to learn. Mankcam, some of the things OQ affords you a break from when you're settling in to leisurely, "...crack a few goblin heads... :-)"--setting plausibility, the nature of its mythos and the world's inner workings--are the very things my players complained that rules-heavy versions of BRP (in all fairness I must admit: as I employed them) had gotten in the way of.

    My setting has been ongoing for almost four decades now. Over time, with each iteration of BRP, layers of mechanics had settled on it like sediment until my game was damn near fossilized. For example, almost no one wanted to play a magic user so burgeoning had the process of spell casting become, and combat was like watching a slow tennis match. I was guilty of Rules-Creep in the first degree and nobody was having "...junior high..."-like fun. After some soul and system searching, I concluded the SQ/OQ model was the best fit for me and my crew.

    My setting is more Sword, Sandal and Divinity than it is Sword, Sorcery and High Fantasy (think linothorax, horse hair corinthian helmets and god-touched avatars rather than chainmail habergeons, sponges helms and fire-breathing dragons--though Howard and Leiber have surely been an influence), where simple Dungeon Crawling, though not unknown, is quite rare. Even so, SQ/OQ still fits my game...as well as, low and behold, Mankcam's old school gonzo goodness!  Even though I don't use a lot of "...random tables full of crazy possibilities..." as Simlasa's OQ does--OQ still fits our games Tah-dah!. Even though my games are more about marching armies, city-state skullduggery and religious fanatics than evil sorcerers, nesting monsters and treasure hunting, which OQ does well--SQ/OQ still fits our games.

    And I just want to say, I bloody well LOVE that and think it's awesome!

    There...I'm good now.

    Seriously though, Newt, thanks for keeping this a living game and not letting it go.

    Cheers, mates!

    Gosh I wish I could play in your game! The way you describe it is awesome!

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  9. 1 hour ago, Charlie D. said:

    Looks like After the Vampire Wars will be returning for Mythras. Can't wait for the new version.

    Me either.  I have the original version but I imagine The Design Mechanism will clean it up and illustrate it nicely. I will buy a copy when its ready. John Snead if you are reading this will the content be exactly the same as the original book or something different?



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