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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 3 minutes ago, rsanford said:

    I’m game. Could you talk a little bit about Hessaret’ Treasure and Secrets of Blood Rock beyond their descriptions?

    Sorry for the double post. Actually I just read the description of Blood Rock and it’s sounds like my kinda thing

    DriveThru says it’s both a sandbox and linear. How linear? Is it just linear in terms of progression or does it force specific player choice to advance?

  2. 2 hours ago, Matt_E said:

    Finally, there are two related scenarios that could be tied to BOQ:  Hessaret's Treasure, from TDM, and Secrets of Blood Rock, from Old Bones Publishing.  I know a little something about those. :-)

    I’m game. Could you talk a little bit about Hessaret’ Treasure and Secrets of Blood Rock beyond their descriptions?

  3. 2 hours ago, Matt_E said:

    Finally, there are two related scenarios that could be tied to BOQ:  Hessaret's Treasure, from TDM, and Secrets of Blood Rock, from Old Bones Publishing.  I know a little something about those. :-)

    I’m game. Could you talk a little bit about Hessaret’ Treasure and Secrets of Blood Rock beyond their descriptions?

  4. 6 hours ago, MOB said:

    The print version will be out in a month or two. But if you buy the PDF now at Chaosium.com, you get a coupon for the full price of the PDF off the price of the print version.

    Okay I picked it up and it looks good. I have picked up about 10 Cthulhu related supplements this year (I’m a new CoC fan) but this will be the first thing I have gotten for 7th Edition.

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/25/2017 at 10:41 PM, jeffjerwin said:

    Many years ago I wrote an adventure (called "Monkshood") set in a pastiche of Averoigne. I'm contemplating rewriting it for the Repository and I'm pondering the copyright rules regarding it. As I see it, I can set it in the real 16th century Auvergne without a hitch, and with "a sense of the Averoigne" (i.e., Sadoque, etc.) without being specific - or are Repository titles covered by Chaosium's agreement with Arkham House? In which case I could use the fictive names and locales.

    Also I welcome any thoughts about the basic idea: it's a werewolf and witchcraft story set in the Massif Central, based on folklore and history. It has a hint of the mythos, but isn't completely overt. There's a war raging around, but not so much in the province itself - I'm thinking I'll include notes on setting it in the 1940s and 1790s as well. There's a ruined castle, a druidic barrow, depraved monks, a hallucinatory hell-wood, and a necromancer.

    Cheers - Jeff

    This sounds VERY intresting. Is the original available somewhere?

  6. 23 hours ago, MOB said:

    A new review of Petersen's Abominations, from Reckoning of the Dead notes that scenarios are "every bit as dangerous as those he wrote for Shadows of Yog-Sothoth in 1982, and every bit as enjoyable."


    Great review! Petersen's Abominations just shot to the top of my shopping list!

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/21/2017 at 6:40 PM, Sean_RDP said:

    So a few thoughts I have. I love the basic concept, but you need to be careful to remember although this is your world, this is the players' story. Running a campaign where the characters have to follow some kind of hierarchy and rules is a bit harder to do than just "Hey, goblin towns to loot! Oh yeah save the prince too."

    • Make them all soldiers. There is no real reason for a carpenter to go on a scouting mission. Plus it gives them all a common context. If you feel ambitious, allow each of them a single camp follower (N)PC.  Someone they can have more social adventures with. Only if everyone is agreed. As a note, allow players to portray female soldiers too even if they are playing female characters masquerading as men. Cut their hair and they can be boys. It would make for great RP and allows your female players (if you have any) to portray female characters that are more than camp followers. Oh I would make them all the same kind of soldier (musket, arquebus, pike, cavalry...) It makes your life easier. 
    • Whore / Hassle Women. No. No. No. I understand the historical veracity of this kind of behavior in armies, especially armies of that period.  But there is a time and place. IF your players are mature enough and IF the situation is a learning experience or a horror of war kind of thing, then maybe. But otherwise, no. Relationships are one thing, but that kind of caca just distracts from the game and can very quickly get skeezy. It never ends well. Hand wave any conjugal encounters. 
    • Minimize the time in camp, though don't skip it. Give them things to do and interact with. Perfectly reasonable that the characters should get bored in camp; but don't let the players get bored. 
    • Combat should be scary, chaotic, and disconcerting. Even for veteran characters. Long battles should be exhausting and someone has to clean up the bodies. Combat should be deadly. 
    • I would begin every session with a passage from the diary. I think that is fantastic that you have such a source to help you. And just marching in time with historical events is not railroading. Within the context of that overall meta story, players will still have choices.


    This is all good advice!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Raleel said:

    I have it, though I have not read it in great detail. It appears to be seven events set to trigger upon particular events, so the time and the ordering might vary based on the group. It is also designed to be an investigation and strings through quite a number of NPCs and locations. It certainly appears fairly freeform. I would guess 2-5 sessions to complete? depends on the group and their desire to roleplay around and session timing.

    Thanks you very much. It didn't seem like just another shoot and loot and you confirmed that. I will pick it today!

  9. Just thought I would put in my two cents... I am always in the market for D100 adventures and I am willing to pay more than just a couple of dollars for good quality. But quality is key. For me a good adventure has some investigation, some combat, lots of interaction between players and NPCs and makes logical sense (No ancient giant dungeons filled with monsters unless there is rational behind it.). I am aware that expecting logic in a fantasy game may be a bridge to far but my players are engineers.  As for as system I am flexible and would be okay with nearly anything (Maybe not adventures for story or narrative games).

    PS - If the adventure is low fantasy / low magic that is a plus!

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/7/2017 at 7:40 PM, Chogokin said:

    Given the vast proliferation of d100 systems in recent years, now I'm in kind of a pick-and-choose mode, where I'm looking at all the different interpretations of the system and pondering what I like best out of the bunch.

    That's the way I am now. I started off with Magic World which is a streamlined set of BRP rules for fantasy and then I added things from the Big Gold Book and from this forum as I have movedd into other genres. Currently running Cthulhu with rules from Magic World and Enlightened Magic.

    • Like 1
  11. Hi Everybody

    I saw Mythic Constantinople: Life's Long Consequences on DriveThru and I was wondering how many pages the adventure is? I am looking for something to fill two three or four hour sessions - will this work or is it for shorter sessions. Note I don't have Mythic Constantinople but if the module is intriguing I would probably buy a copy.



  12. Hey guys,

    I got an email from DriveThruRPG about the TDM scenario The Lonely Lighthouse but when I go to the site the picture of the product (the front cover) seems very stretched. Somebody might want to check it out!  Also can anyone share any further details about the scenario?

  13. I have been having a terrible time finding good "short" low fantasy adventures (10 hours or so) for any game system. Not because there aren't any but rather it takes forever to review the options. Hopefully you aren't as picky as me :-). I do highly recommend "In Search of the Trollslayer" though!  My group loved it!

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