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Posts posted by soltakss

  1. Is this the one with the fantastic artwork? Each character template is one page, with a wonderful picture and the skills and description on the same page? If so, it looked lovely when I saw it online a few months ago.

  2. 2 hours ago, Tcneseleis said:

    I may have been a little fast here, since Waertag must be born during the Fourth Action. On the other hand, it is unthinkable that Umath was seriously "born" from the marriage of Sky and Earth, and did physically "lift" the Sky above the Earth, but he was just Air, so he should be of the Second Action (True Being) or Third Action (as a combination of Earth and Sky).

    In my Glorantha, Umath was born from the union of Earth and Sky and did lift the Shy from the Earth. My Glorantha is very mythical in nature and the myths are, more often than not, actual representations of what happened, rather than analogies.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/8/2017 at 8:34 PM, HorusArisen said:

    So I've got King of Sartar and the Guide to Glorantha. Planning to get the Glorantha sourcebook but what else does one need for a complete collection of Glorantha lore?

    Glorantha Classics, in particular Cults Compendium, also Sartar and Sartar Companion.

    • Like 2
  4. 11 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    If the new RQ has production values akin to the current CoC 7E line then it will look really great.

    I saw a playtest version of RuneQuest at UKGE and it looks pretty good to me. With artwork and a nice cover it should look very good indeed.

    • Like 1
  5. Hopefully you'll find this a very friendly forum.

    If you have the PDF then you might be able to extract the images from the PDF with some cheap software, or use the Snipping Toool to pull out artwork. Once you have it as a saved image then you can use a paint package to cut bits out, hide bits or amend it however you would like.

    That's what I try to do if I need player handouts from published supplements.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/3/2017 at 11:27 AM, pansophy said:

    I cannot imagine that reprinting stuff from three decades ago, still in black an white, and selling these books the 4th time to their loyal group of customers is a successful business strategy. There needs to be more. Colour books with coherent good artwork, a rule system to have a solid baseline, excellent settings in the queue.

    From a personal point of view, I bought the RuneQuest Classics as PDFs and will buy the RQ3 supplements if they are brought out in a similar way. Why? Because I loved those supplements and would like to own them as PDFs, legally. So, if there are a thousand people like me then that would be a good business model.


    However, I do agree that there is not a need to produce a new set of rules for each setting. Having a core set of RuneQuest rules and then modifications for settings works best for me. 


    As supplements for BRP/RQ/OpenQuest/Legend/Mythras/Revolution can be fairly easily used in any of the settings, we will end up with a lot of interoperable supplements, which is good for fans.

    • Like 1
  7. Revolution D100 is a fine system. Advantages and Traits work really well, for example.

    I take what I like from various systems and use them in my RuneQuest rules. If I started a new campaign, I would definitely use Traits and Advantages from RD100, alongside hero Points, runes and various other rules from other systems. 

    That's the best thing about D100 systems - You can mix and match rules and they normally work without a problem.


    • Like 2
  8. I just assume that Bronze is the "normal" metal and leave it at that.

    Other metals are strange/magical, Iron is a military metal for Rune Lords (and Dwarves or Sorcerers but they aren't normal anyway), Lead is for trolls, Copper for elves and earthy folk, aluminium for water folk (and quicksilver if you want to be flashy), gold for Sky folk, Tin for Storm folk and Wind Children and Silver for Lunars. 

    Players might want to think of them as their earthly analogues, in fact I often do. But, they are in essence magical metals.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Mugen said:

    As for myself, I would not'go further than a 2 level tree, with skills and specialties.

    Revolution D100 gives a good example of the root skills I'd use.

    Revolution D100 has an elegant way of doing this.

    You have core skills and than gain traits. So, you might have Stealth as a core skill but have the Traits of Move Quietly, Hide in Cover or Forest, giving you a bonus to your Strealtyh if you are trying to Move Silently or Hide in Cover, with a double bonus if doing so in a Forest. It works really well and immediately removes the need for multiple skill trees for different genres.

    • Like 1
  10. Revolution D100 has an elegant way of doing this.

    You have core skills and than gain traits. So, you might have Stealth as a core skill but have the Traits of Move Quietly, Hide in Cover or Forest, giving you a bonus to your Stealth if you are trying to Move Silently or Hide in Cover, with a double bonus if doing so in a Forest. It works really well and immediately removes the need for multiple skill trees for different genres.


    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Nel said:

    My Gloranthan Calendar has been improved thanks to hkokko and soltass:

    That's the idea - We improve yours, we look at yours and improve ours, repeat as aften as required.

    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, hkokko said:

    Do you have any vestiges of this work that you would like to share. Am embarking on a quest to do this and could use some help (=build on shoulders of a giant)

    I had a look and can't find any spreadsheets or HTML regarding this, so probably gave up. I have some conversions of ILH2 and CoG Cults which show what I think the Associate Cults are, if that helps. Also, some Associate Cults are at My converted Hero Wars cults but they might be hard to extract.

    Let me know/PM me your email if you want the conversions.

  13. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    Looking at the map in Appendix G in the Guide, you can see that the Votanki people survived at Arun at the Dawn. I believe that this grove is the Holy spot for Foundchild. The Votanki are the descendants of Votank, identified as form of Daka Fal, but basically Ancestor worshippers. Foundchild, along with Brother Dog clearly helped them survive in the Great Darkness, hence their location at his sacred grove.

    According to the Gods Wall section, Votank was a child of Durbaddath, but the Votanki don't know this. Although History of the Heortling Peoples does say:

    I don't think Votank was their child as the Votanki have no lion/goat type stuff in their culture, but the link could have been lost in the Great Darkness, when they were blasted back to the stone age. I think the Votanki are descendants of Grandfather mortal himself.

    In the Balazar section of the Guide, the big change happened in 1082 with the arrival of Yelmalio worshipping Balazar. This effectively changed their culture towards a more solar bent hence my primary elemental rune suggestion of fire.

    In my Balazar, Votank was the son of Durbaddath, but was Abandoned as a baby. Hearth Mother found Votank and raised him as Foundchild the Hunter. I like the Griffin Island version of Votank as a Hunter/Ancestor. Perhaps Votank was abandoned because he had no obvious lion/goat features.

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