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Posts posted by soltakss


    3 hours ago, GianniVacca said:

    2) Almost identical to RQ2.

    3) Identical to RQ2.


    3 hours ago, GianniVacca said:

    2) Almost identical to RQ2.

    3) Identical to RQ2.


    RQ3 did Hit Points a lot simpler. RQ2 was very complex when calculating Hit Points.

    There are many backwards steps when going from RQ3 to RQ2, in my opinion.




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  2. 1 hour ago, kaydet said:

    If this is the case, why not name the cult Yu-Kargzant rather than Yelm? I don't mean to be critical, but I'm curious to understand the reasoning behind it, as it seems that by similar logic we could say that the "Yelm" of the Orlanthi has the Runes of Fire and Truth.


    Yelm the Rider is a different god to Yu-Kargzant.

    They share some similarities, as they are Solar rulers worshipped by horsemen, but are different deities.

    Now, the God Learners might have said "Shiny Suns worshipped by Horse People" and tried to conflate them, had they bothered, in which case we would have got some overlap between them. But each would have gained some of the properies of the other, rather than merging the two deities.


    19 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    My prediction is that if this new version gets too tied into the very nitty gritty of Glorantha and mired down as a pseudo socio-mythic experimentation tool then it will fail.  Then we will have a group of people standing around wondering what went wrong. They have a fantastic system and a great world.  What could have possibly gone wrong?

    The best RQ2 supplements, in my opinion, had a light touch on the deeper mysteries of Glorantha. Cults of Prax/Terror, Trollpak, Borderlands, Pavis/Big Rubble and Griffin Mountain all touched on the Muthos and the Monomyth, but kept the rules as rules without getting tied up in knots about how things worked. In RQ3 the same thing happened, Sun County, River of Cradles, Strangers an Prax, Shadows on the Borderlands, Dorastor and Lords of Terror described places, cults, people and scenarios, without getting very deep into the detail of how things worked.

    In Hero Wars, we started getting too deep into the way that cults worked and the mechanics of worship. Some HeroQuest supplements got even more twisted up, Imperial Lunar Handbook 2 fo example. 

    I would hope that the new RQ avoids this by saying in a very simple way "This is how divine cults work", "This is how Western cults work", "This is how Shamanic cults work" and "This is how Mysticism works", then describing cults in these ways. If a cult is more spohisticated and uses several of these ways, then this can be handled in the cult description, by saying "This cult works differently to the normal model and has ...", again in a simple and uncomplex way. 


    19 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    Even the hope that copies will be bought by people who are attracted to the system and hope to use for their own settings (a great strength of the D&D community) may be dashed based on the disparaging remarks of some posters, which seems to be of the attitude that RQ=Glorantha and that if you don't want to play in Glorantha then don't play RQ.  

    Isn't that the official line, though?

    RQ <=> Glorantha

    I don't agree with that, as I love using RQ for non-Gloranthan settings, but for Chaosium, that's what they have BRP for.

  4. 10 hours ago, Joerg said:

    There are a few region-name endings all over Glorantha.

    -ela is the most common. It might be western or Theyalan in origin and is definitely used by Tradetalk.

    -os as in Brithos, Slontos, Teshnos, Ralios, Tiskos, Sentanos, Tinaros, Kimos, Teleos, Mirelos, Nolos, Pasos, Vralos - most of these are coastal lands (Ralios on Lake Felster)

    -ar as in Aggar, Jolar, Kothar, Talastar, Tastolar, Gardufar, Esvular, Volsaxar (not quite Sartar and Balazar, however, since this is also the persons' name form)

    -sor as in Tanisor, Mortasor, possibly only -or - then also Dorastor, Oranor, Orninior, in older sources sometimes Kralor

    -ia as in Peloria, Maniria. Esrolia, Ramalia, Wenelia, Kustria, Karia, Carnania, Gaskallia, Garbulia, Erigia, Brolia  - often formed from a goddess' name, possibly a possessive form, but could be a takeover from a Latin form of making a place name

    -land as in Caladraland, Corolaland, Heortland, Orlanthland, Jorstland - obviously a composite with the English term.

    -ali as in Ditali, Estali - sounds more like a tribal nomiker than a region, like Enerali, Pendali, Enjoreli


    Regions may not always be known by their native names, but named by intrepid discoverers or traders.


    I would say that -ela and -ia are the names of lands, from the Land Goddesses (Daughters of Genert and Gata), -os, -or and -ar are probably the name of the daughters of these land goddess with Genert, or even their daughters.

    -land seems to be named after other deities, not land-related.

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  5. 6 hours ago, g33k said:

    Wait what???!?

    I had understood that "Trollpak" the RQClassic supplement was coming out via the RQClassic Kickstarter ( @Rick Meints @Jeff) ; and that there was a similar-named HQ product in development ( @boztakang @Ian Cooper)

    Is there a 3rd "Trollpac" product, for RQG ?

    Almost certainly.

    Don't forget that every version of RQ, and almost every cults book, must have a copy of the Kyger Litor cult.

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    • Haha 1
  6. On 8/22/2017 at 11:37 PM, David Scott said:

    Any male Earth aspect is the Earth King / Genert / Pamalt. It is possible that other later land goddesses had different fathers, but not at the moment.

    In my Genertela, the Land Goddesses are daughters of Genert and another Earth Goddess. So, the major ones are daughters of Gata and Genert, minor ones are daughters of the major ones and Genert, very minor ones are the daughters of minor ones and Genert. So, Pela, goddess of Peloria, is a daughter of Genert and Gata, Dorasta is a daughter of Genert and Pela, but Dorasta has no smaller land goddesses.

    One of the differences in the Earth Goddess, I think, is the divide between the Land Goddesses, daughters of a Goddess and Genert, and the Earth Mothers, daughters of other Goddesses parthogenically. So, Asrelia, Ty Kora Tek, Ernalda, Maran Gor, , Voria and Babeester Gor are descended from Gata in one way and Kralora, Penta, Pela, Seshnela and Esrola are daughters of Gata and Genert. The Land Goddesses have inherited Genert's physical body, of the land beneath our feet. The Earth Mothers have inherited the life and death powers of the Earth.

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Joerg said:

    If we regard Anglo-Saxon as simply an archaic form of English, those terms simply denote an antiquated language.

    Have you read Anglo Saxon? I tried when I was far younger and it is a different language to English.

    • Like 1

    2 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    Do we know what it means ?

    I do ...


    The top one is RuneQuest, the bottom one is RQ, I am a man of very little imagination.

    2 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    It would be horrible that these words were actually "dungeons" and "dragons" and put it on RuneQuest...

    Would I do that to you?

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  9. 1 hour ago, heathd666 said:

    it went really well. as with all of the play tests from before gen con this group also decided that the secret the ship held could not be allowed to survive, and for the sake of humanity they decided to fly the ship into the sun. only had 2 player deaths. had a really great time with it. got to play in @Belgath game again. thanks for the great game.

    "Only" 2 player deaths? Gencon seems to be a very dangerous place to go ...

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Jon Hunter said:

    I'm not sure if all the old Wyrms Footnotes are still canon as such?  I wait to be corrected on that one.

    They are if they agree with your point and are not if they disagree with your point. 

    Some information in old WFs are just plain wrong, some things have changed over the years, but most of it is still valid.


    6 hours ago, pansophy said:

    Well, a player came up with the question if there is an Edge mechanism as you would find in Savage Worlds or other games. I gave it a short thought and quickly came up with the following idea: just make it a 'Recurring' or 'Permanent Consequence' that can be invoked once per Conflict or once per Session, depending on how powerful it is.

    It was a very easy approach and did not change any rules at all.


    I have not played Savage Worlds, so am not sure what the Edge mechanism is.

    However, Consequences can be used to gain a number of things, some good and some bad. A well made item might have a good Consequence, such as light or easy to use, a poorly made item might have a bad Consequence, such as heavy or hard to use. Defeating an enemy might get a Consequence of Feared by Orcs, or Hated by Orcs, or Beloved of Orcs, depending on who the enemy was. You can play around with them and use them however you want.


    6 hours ago, pansophy said:

    An other idea would have been to make the Advantage a Stunt to be used with a Skill. But I think it all depends on the type of Dis-/Advantage one tries to implement. A 'Deadeye' advantage would be best simulated by declaring it a Stunt, but 'Easily Distracted' or 'Access to powerful Politicians' sounds like a Consequence to me.

    I would agree that something like Deadeye could be a stunt. In fact, many of Legend's Heroic Abilities translate as Stunts in Revolution d100. 

    having the others as Concequences works as well.

    6 hours ago, pansophy said:

    I love the system. 8-)

    The more I use it, the more flexible it becomes.

    I just need to use it to run a game, now.

    In any case, I will be using a lot of the rules in any future RQ game.


    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, kaydet said:

    Should not Air be a mixture of Earth and Fire?

    Copper and Gold as metals, green and yellow as colours. So, what colour do you get when mixing green and yellow? Light green?

    Air has always been orange, I have no idea why.


  13. On 8/18/2017 at 10:34 PM, kaydet said:

    A month or two ago there was a discussion about the cover of the Glorantha Quickstart and its depiction of the Orlanthi heroes. At the risk of bringing up a touchy subject, I thought it might be interesting to discuss the rational origins of different skin tones in Glorantha -- which, like many other things, seem to derive from their runic makeup. Since creatures of the Man rune (in this case, humans) are composed of mixtures of all runes (with the exception of Moon (?)) it seems to me that an individual's skin color is a direct result of the predominant mixture of one or several runes. This theory is borne out by the discussion on blue peoples (see below) from the Glorantha website:

    I suggest the scheme below, but it is entirely conjectural. Are there other runes beyond the five elements which might play a role? If so, what are they and what would their effects be? We know that there are also red, yellow, purple, and orange peoples, but what are their origins?

    Darkness -- black

    Water -- blue

    Earth -- green

    Fire -- white

    Air -- white/green?

    Who Are the Blue Peoples?

    Green is normally Earth, not Air.

    Black is the Darkness element, but Agimori are descended from Lodril, who is associated with Heat or Fire.

    Fire might be golden, or amber. 

    Air, for me, is orange. As someone who is colour blind, people with god tans look orange to me, so this makes sense in my head.


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  14. On 8/18/2017 at 10:15 AM, ajs said:

    I'm running the law staff quest to complete Ghosts on the ridge with a group who are new to the system and world 

    One player who is a spirit talker decided to geld two members of Darsten's warrant after winning his contest

    I have some ideas on repercussions but thought input from others may be interesting 

    If they have been left alive but mutilated, they can seek revenge. Their clan might be more annoyed over gelding, which is done to slaves in some cultures, than just killing them.

    Of course, some magic might be able to regrow the severed items, in which case it would just be a temporary inconvenience.

    • Like 2
  15. 56 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I also think not much is said of Storm Bull's act as it was technically kinstrife.

    Unless Ragnaglar had been outlawed for his heinous deeds.

    I think that Orlanth would have been happy that someone else killed Ragnaglar, saving him from killing the mad god himself.

    Also, not many gods were left alive at that time, so a bit of kinstrife was the least of people's problems.

  16. Against a lightly armoured foe. a normal hit might be enough to take the foe down.

    Against a heavily armoured foe, a special or critical is probably needed.

    Historically, RQ combat against heavily armoured/spelled up characters relied on criticals to have an effect.


    2 hours ago, jrutila said:

    Again, I read the following: "Heroquesting did not exist in the Gods Age. In that Timeless age there was no division between the worldof men and gods, of life and death, of body and spirit."

    There are examples of Deities having performed HeroQuests. Orlanth did a quest to free Heler that is remarkably similar to one that Vadrus did to gain the Blue Woman, for example.So, I am suspicious of the claim that heroQuesting did not exist in GodTime.


    2 hours ago, jrutila said:

    This always make me ponder was there other beings than gods before Time began? Like, you know, common people (or trolls or elves..) Where did they live and how. I have read about some heroes that still live and have lived before the Dawn. 



    There were Dark Trolls, Mistress race Trolls and Cave Trolls, for example. All trolls born when the trolls came to the surface were Dark Trolls. Cave Trolls were mutated by Pocharngo.

    Elves definitely existed, as we have High King Elf, admittedly a deity, but others too.

    Humans lived as well, not many of them but they were there.

    Westerners were doing Western things, the Brithini were keeping the world together, Malkion's Poeple had split from the Brithini, the Vadeli were slowly being wiped out, Waertagi were making Dragonships out of Sea Dragons and so on.

    Genert's Garden was trashed by this time, but Oasis People survived in their hovels.

    Dragon Pass had been repeatedly flooded and risen from the waters, but people survived in their hill forts.

    Peloria was overrun by the Starlight Ancestors, Pentian horsemen, who were normal folk.

    So, a lot of normal people around.


    2 hours ago, jrutila said:

    There was no but there was causality. Did this cause these beings to die at some point?

    When Time began, mortals just got old and died.

    I think the standard "People lived longer way back when" still applied, as these were considered to be more powerful than people in "modern" Glorantha, but they still died.




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  18. We always allow an intent to be changed, at a Strike rank cost, depending on the change of circumstances.

    For example, "I attack and parry the wizard" is a valid statement of intent until the wizard teleports away on SR1. You can stand dumbfounded for the whole round or change your statement of intent and attack the suprised bodyguard instead.

    Healing is always something that should be allowed, unless all the PCs have run out of actions. Even then, a dying action might be OK to cast a healing spell, or allow the PC to be Heroic and hang on for another round.

    I'm with Styopa, dead Next round makes more sense.

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