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Posts posted by soltakss

  1. Looks good. The beauty of HeroQuest is that you don't need anything more than the spell name, you can narrate what the effect is.

    I wouldn't make spells easier/harder to cast, personally, as my HeroQuest treats everything the same. 

    If you did want to make 3rd level spells only available to more powerful magic users, then put them in separate grimoires which are made available to the more powerful.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Rick Meints said:

    Here's the big trivia question for the day: Was there any material specifically published for Worlds of Wonder by Chaosium back in the day? I can't think of any articles in Different Worlds magazine, for example... Since we are going to reprint the boxed set as a book it would be nice to make it all the more complete by including any supplemental material Chaosium published for it.

    I can't think of any. All the Different Worlds material that interested me was for RuneQuest, back in the day. I am sure I'd have picked up anything that contained Worlds of Wonder material.

  3. Tusks are essentially a throwaway by-product of raising pigs. What other uses are there for them? As long as farmers raise pigs, there is a ready-made supply of tusks. this is especially true amongst Tusk-Riders.

  4. On 10/26/2016 at 1:48 AM, jajagappa said:

    That's a good way to look at it.

    Orlanth could certainly use his powers to Command Winds to Calm, though perhaps more at the request of his wife.

    Ernalda can certainly add or remove (bless or curse) her powers from the earth.

    But other deities will likely be far more restrictive. 

    That's what normal worshippers do.

    Mystics, however, could gain mythical insights to transcend the normal way of looking things. So, an Orlanthi mystic might see what Orlanth as King of the Winds and Umath as Storm father hold all the powers of wind, so might see that the powers of Brastalos and Molanni are contained within Storm, so calming storms, stilling winds and making the air hang heavy are all aspects of Storm. 

    The more that people research/join/experience different cults with the same Runes then the more they see that runic powers are not simply restricted to the spells and powers of the individual cults.


  5. 4 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Also, how much damage does a normal birth do?  1pt to the abdomen per hour until a CONx1 roll is made and the baby is born with a midwife present was my abstraction of the process.   Of course if the mother is on her own she is incapacitated and can't cast healing on herself.

    I remember it as being 1D8, but my memory often fails me. I'd say 1D6+6, disemboweling most humans.

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/13/2016 at 7:28 PM, M Helsdon said:

    They are usually quite tough, and most initiate into the cult of Mallia. Even male broo can catch diseases they are not immune to...

    Except that all broo are immune to disease.

  7. On 10/13/2016 at 5:25 PM, g33k said:

    I'm not sure why female broo would be any better at avoiding being impregnated than any other target of the male broo; indeed, if they hang out with other broo I expect they'd be more-likely (more-available) targets.


    If a female broo has normal sex with a non-broo and becomes pregnant then the resulting broo-birth will chew its way out of her womb, resulting in death/infertility/both.

    One of the female broos in some published supplement was infertile and therefore immune to normal broo-birth.

  8. I can see the logic of controlling a rune meaning that you can increase/decrease the rune, so if you have the Mobility rune then you can increase/decrease Mobility, speeding things up or slowing things down (pushing against rather than with). You could dim a torch by using Light to decrease the light of the torch. Not sure about using Fertility to make someone infertile, though, but you might be able to decrease fertility slightly, as you are controlling fertility.

  9. 37 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    Pp.s My bad on the spells, although you would burn away the weapon uaed for a firearrow and multimissle says arrow but what the hell.

    In my copy of RQ2 Classic, it just mentions missiles in Multimissile and doesn't mention arrows. Under Firearrow, it does say this produces an arrow, but also says that it can be used on sling stones and thrown weapons. The names can be confusing. Firearrow does destroy the weapon, but does 3D6 damage, so could be worth the tradeoff.


  10. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I would consider an axe as a melee-weapon that CAN BE thrown if needed; I would not PLAN ON using it for ranged combat.  And sustained missile-fire is right out of consideration!

    Throwing a melee weapon is good and bad.Good in the sense that it gives you a way of stopping an enemy who suddenly runs away. bad in the Three Musketeers sense of "Only Aramis could think of a way to disarm himself", if it was Aramis, I cannot remember.

    • Like 3
  11. 15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    Wow that was long sorry.

    Also there is no mention of arrows having weigh/enc or cost and if they can or can't be recovered ( i asume you can recover a thrown weapon!)

    A bow and a quiver of arrows has 2 ENC. We assumed that a bow chas 1 ENC and a quiver of 20 arrows had 1 ENC, but that was just a houserule.

    I suppose you can recover arrows, especially if they missed the target. As a PC once said in our old RQ campaign "I don't suppose I can recover the arrows that exploded ..."

  12. 15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    However after that 2 shots the arrows would do 1d6+1 and a chance to impale where as axes would do 1d6 plus 1/2 damage bonus 0 to 3 but likely +1 i.e the same damage but no impale and they have an ENC of one each

    Yes, someone with a 1D4 Damage Bonus does +1D2 with a thrown axe, someone with +1D6 DB does +1D3, someone with +2D6 does +2D3, so strong PCs throwing axes do more damage.


    15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    You cant parry with a throwing weapon but could have shield equiped giving 5 or 10% where as a bow has the same parry as a staff 20%

    I don't know anyone who parried with a bow, they usually threw it down and drew a weapon and shield.


    15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    Oh and then there's range 80 vs 20.

    Yes, bows have longer range than axes, because in the real world they do.


    15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    The only saving grace i see (or not as it happens)is that after the two shots are fired the archer has to unequip the bow before equiping a melle weapon but he could just drop the bow before readying a main weapon for melee (oh and plus 5 extra for a shield but in this case you'd probable go 2h weapon) where as the woodsmen would not have to drop or unequip anything (unless he wants to match a 2h weapon of the archer then he'd have to unequip his shield or have not had any parry option earlier!). However after that melee combat ends the woodsmen would have to use up 5 ar per axe to pick up the axes he throw? (Right?) before he could use them again on the next target; where as if the archer that just droped his bow, which would likely be by his feet/easier to find than the woodsmens axes that are stuck in/under the enermy or worse missed and went off some where into the distance! So the bow would only require picking up once at 5ar compared to 5 per axe (if you can find them!) Then if you get 4 arrows/axes off over two rounds is the woodsmen picking up axes for 2 melee rounds 10 per round with maybe an extra 2 that you cant do much with!

    Yes, that is an advantage.


    15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    On top of this speedart is the only spell used while arrows have firearrow,multiarrow and speedart.

    Not true, you can cast Firearrow or Multimissile on a thrown axe in the same way that you can an arrow.


    15 minutes ago, iamdiggerdoug said:

    So a running total for the woodsmen is . . .

    2 less spells

    2 axes cost 20L more and 90L if you want 4.

    4 axes enc twice as much as the bow.

    60 less range.

    Double or quadruple the down time after melee.

    No chance to impale,

    No parry

    One less damage if the woodsmen has no damage bonus but only recieves 1/2 if he does.

    So when or why would you choose throwing axes over a self bow ? (this doesnt even consider an elf bow or comosite doing 1d8+1 or a sling at 1d8-spells and impale chance)

    Several reasons:

    • Cultural - Maybe you have a geas "Only use Axes" or don't like using bows, trolls wouldn't use bows, for example
    • Speed - Put three or four throwing axes on a belt and you can flick them out without having to draw a bow first, you can do this in melee by dropping your melee weapon and grabbing axes
    • Law - Maybe bows are not allowed to be carried in some towns but axes are OK
    • Space - Readying and drawing a bo in a confined space might be hard whereas throwing axes might be easy
    • Opponents - Zombies take minimum damage from impaling weapons, such as arrows, but full damage from slashing weapons, such as axes

    But, generally, bows are better than axes, in RQ2 and in real life.


  13. Personally, I give bonuses for good roleplaying when in social situations, sometimes I just say they have succeeded because it makes sense. If I ask for a roll, the player gets a bonus for the roleplaying or just rolls the skill as normal. I don't really mind which happens, as long as the players don't feel cheated.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Gollum said:

    In my humble opinion ...

    Brief, the better choice sound to be something like Call of Cthulhu 7. Those who prefer D100 Revolution already have it. Those who prefer RuneQuest 7 already have it. Those who want something more easy to play already have it ... A Call of Cthulhu 7 version of the BRP system is the only thing that has not been published yet - and which corresponds to a strongly implanted product from Chaosium.


    That is exactly how I see it (Except for Call of Cthulhu, but I can see why you use that as a base).

    Game Companies who assume that everyone with only buy their particular flavour of D100 will be wrong. Many people but one or two of the rules sets, many buy a lot of the rules sets. As the scenarios/supplements are very easy to use in all of the rules sets, with a few on the fly modifications, we can use a Legend supplement with Mythras, an OpenQuest supplement with RQ7(4) or a BRP supplement with Revolution. 

    The different branding might be confusing for new starters and that is something that could easily be fixed by a D100-Compatible logo, which of course will never happen. A quick search on the web should show the opinion that you can use any D100 Pirate supplement with any other one, Renaissance can be used with Pirates, Merrie England/Stupor Mundi/Deus Vult can be used together, Mythic Iceland/Vikings of Legend can be used together and so on. That is great for GMs and Players, not so great for struggling games companies.

  15. P29 of RQ2 says " A shield cannot be ready for use when the character is using any projectile weapon but the sling (and that must be a small shield). This exception does not include the staff sling, which needs two hands, as do all bows and crossbows", so Staff Slings are 2-Handed. Others in the rule book are 1-Handed, but I can imagine a thrown hammer (Olympics-style) being 2-handed.


  16. Yes, it includes natural bonuses. 

    So, if you have a Manipulation bonus of 20% and had a base Climbing of 15% then you start off with Climbing 40%. Successive Training and Experience might add 35% to that (7 lots of Training/Experience) which gives you 75%. You cannot train Climbing any further.

    However, if your DEX is below the threshold, you could train DEX up and pass the skills threshold, increasing your Manipulation Bonus by 5, which in turn increases all Manipulation skills by 5%, increasing your Climbing to 80%.

    If any of our PCs contracted the Shakes, we'd let DEX fall down a fair bit, then get cured, train our skills to 75% and then retrain DEX back up to what it was. A bit munchkiny but it worked.


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  17. On 10/10/2016 at 2:13 AM, g33k said:

    Remember that Pavis is stunningly cosmopolitan for a minor city out in the wastelands -- so Xiola Umbar certainly has a presence in Pavis, and some far-looking Argan Argar cultist might convince X.U. healers to do a favor for these kids, with an eye to further favorable interactions down the road and eventually a close ally in New Pavis:  if the Trolls save the mother, and otherwise ease their lives (occasional favors, food, minor bits of cash, etc.) the family might well end up feeling like the Trolls care more about their well-being that the rest of the city does...

    Don't forget the prejudice and hatred against trolls in Pavis. Xiola Umbar would definitely be available in the Big Rubble, in Trolltown, though. There might be a Xiola Umbar presence in New Pavis itself, but it would probably be human cultists with maybe a visiting troll acolyte. If the PCs became troll-friends then that would give them a definite advantage in the Big Rubble.

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  18. On 10/4/2016 at 1:36 PM, Darius West said:

    So apparently there are tribes of the Orlanthi who take their enemies heads as magical trophies, not like Thanatari but in a less chaotic way.  I would suspect that this would be most prevalent among somewhat primitive Orlanthi like the Vantaros and the Tovtaros tribes in northern Sartar.  Has anything been written on this outside it being mentioned in GS lore auctions?  Fact check me while I rip this tool from Thanatar, to confound his presence in the scheme of being etc... 

    Tien was beheaded by one of Storm Bull's sons, in the traditional Storm way. headhunting seems to have been part of the Storm Tribe right from the start.I think it is seen as backward and primitive now, by most Orlanthi, but it is still seen as a Storm Tribe thing. Thanatar has muddied the waters by closely associating headhunting with Thanatar Heads, so some might think of it as inherently chaotic.

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