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Posts posted by soltakss

  1. Newtlings have reed boats that they pole upstream and downstream, they are the cheapest option.

    Outlaw ducks might also have boats, but they cater for the desperate.

    Lunars from the Oslir could probably bring their boats to the Zola Fel, as Diros is accepted in every river.

    Praxian River Folk would have their own boats, probably a different boat for each clan. In my Glorantha, some of these clans are the equivalent of the Oasis Folk, descendants of the people of Genert's Garden, but some are just people who live beside the river.


    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Mankcam said:

    Yes definitely add Hittite and the occasional Greek name to the list, perhaps throw the Latin out altogether.


    Or keep the Latin names but remove the suffixes (E.g. -us) so they sound different.

    • Like 1
  3. Rules-wise:

    • Hero Points are a godsend for my players
    • Using Hero Points as Experience Points
    • Very scalable and simple resolution mechanism
    • Abilities that could be anything you want



    • Freed me from a fairly rigid mindset
    • Allowed the players and GM to build the game/setting together
    • Very free-flowing and fast
    • Easy to make things up very quickly



    • Like 5
  4. On 1/3/2017 at 9:45 PM, M Helsdon said:

    I find the simplest method is to create the table in Word and then copy-and-pasting retaining the formatting.

    Well, well, well, it was worth this article just for that useful piece of advice. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, TrippyHippy said:

    Having said that, and now that they are just a click away, is there a compelling reason why I should get the individual Cult books? Or have I literally already got them? I'm considering getting the physical copies later in the year anyway.

    It is interesting to see what they looked like as stand-alone products. Cult Compendium pulled somethings in from other sources and updated the cults, so they are different from the original supplements. If you are not interested in the changes, then Cult Compendium contains all of Cults of terror and Cults of prax and then a lot more.

    If you don't have Cult Compendium as a PDF then the PDFs of the two supplements are worth having.

  6. Although having your own forum on your own site means you have complete control over the content and tone, I think that an Alephtar forum here should work just as well.

    Presumably you are a moderator on the Alephtar forum here? If not, you probably should be.

    I would be happy for all the D100 games to have a forum here.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Drawing on non-canon sources now? LOL.  And to show a map that demonstrates that apparently more than half of the underworld is not actually the land of death, and in fact you aren't dead just by going through Rausa's Dusk Gate, you are just in the land of darkness.  Why it makes you wonder whether crossing the Styx represents anything either.  Notice also how Magasta's Whirlpool is positioned right over the Styx, as though the Styx is a continuation of Magasta's Whirlpool?  That's because we know it is.


    Crossing the Styx means you are in Hell. Being in hell means you are dead.

    Entering the Underworld does not mean you are dead, as you have not entered Hell.

    The Styx came a long while before Magasta's Pool, in fact the Styx predates all water deities as they all descend from the Styx. Don't forget that the Styx is a river, a lake, a sea and covers Hell, so it is big, much bigger than the oceans of Glorantha.

  8. 19 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Middle: The flat Middle World with the Earth
    “lozenge” is surrounded by and floating atop Sramak’s
    River. The northern continent ends with huge
    glaciers, the southern continent with deserts of fire.
    In between is Magasta’s Pool, a whirlpool that drains
    into the Underworld.

    Good reference.  Read it more closely next time.


    Underworld is not Hell.

    Sure, Magasta's Pool drains into the Underworld, then eventually merges with the Styx, but doesn't drain into Hell.

    To be honest, I've lost track of all the discussions in this thread.

  9. 1 hour ago, Darius West said:

    If there are no absolutes, then why do 100% of Gloranthan cultures seem to think that everyone is "dead" if they set foot in the underworld.  That sounds pretty absolute to me.

    Most people don't go to the Underworld. Very few people do, in fact. So, this is only really an issue for HeroQuestors.

    Again, if you don't like it then don't use it.

    • Like 3
  10. On 12/20/2016 at 10:05 AM, David Scott said:

    The Copper Sands are much more than a physical resource. They are actually part of Genert's remains and as such will be required to remake him when the end of the Third Age is reached. You should be able to find Greg's post about how Genert's is to reconstructed somewhere on the web. As such they are fiercely protected by Storm Bull above and as @Iskallor says are taboo for Praxians. 

    Are they really? I thought that these were the Copper People that Genert turned to dust to stop the Chaos Army, rather than part of Genert himself.

  11. On 12/22/2016 at 3:15 PM, Darius West said:

    So, as a quick question on this point.  Did Humakt kill Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Chalana Arroy, Eurmal and Flesh Man too ? How did they all wind up dead?  Seems pretty dishonorable to kill poor CA.   I thought Humakt liked her?


    Humakt likes Chalana Arroy because she can heal wounds and cure diseases that Humakt cannot. Humakti dislike Chalana Arroy because she resurrects the dead, although whether this is sour grapes because they cannot be resurrected, I am not sure.

    There is a Lead Cross HeroQuest where Humakti dedicate themselves to Death, go to Hell and return with a Lead Cross that is unpleasant to undead. As part of this HeroQuest, they have to kill a bunch of Chalana Arroy healers.


    Flesh man in particular is of interest I should think...  Being a man of flesh in the underworld is a really interesting point if you think about it.   After all, if he is flesh and dead in the underworld; isn't he a zombie if he keeps walking around ?  Or perhaps he is still alive?

    I seem to remember that Flesh Man was killed on the LBQ but simply carried on regardless.



    • Like 1
  12. On 12/23/2016 at 6:46 AM, Belgath said:

    Ok the giants  that use the cradle's to take their babies to the underworld to, grow up. Are thay cusiderd dead? One other question if giants  going into the underworld is a natural part of the giants lifecycle what did they do befor The spike exploded?

    Are the True Giants in the Underworld or in Hell? In Glorantha they are two different things.


  13. On 12/21/2016 at 3:15 PM, g33k said:

    You appear to be taking things personally, too

    If I took things as personally as this then I'd have flounced off all the Gloranthan boards years ago.

    Instead, I take the view that I am right and everyone else is wrong, regardless of whether they win arguments or have better logic than me, or even if they quote facts against my opinions. However, once I am satisfied that my opinions are right and everyone else's are wrong, I retire from arguments in smug, deluded, self-satisfaction. I don't keep banging away until people are sick of me.

    • Like 7
  14. On 12/21/2016 at 10:09 AM, Darius West said:

    I agree, not cool at all.  Having someone say " I am more important than you because I am an editor, and I don't care if you are correct." is not cool.  

    This is the problem with an inflexible notion of canon.  When a logical inconsistency occurs, the dogmatics form a group think echo chamber and recite the error over and over again until they are convinced it is correct through repetition.

    When presented with a solid reason why they are wrong and they close ranks and minds.  That is the very opposite of cool.  Especially considering that they are deaf to all entreaties and alternatives.  I find that intensely hard to respect as a response to anything.

    Canon is canon.

    Although it changes, what is currently canon is exactly that, until it changes again.

    You, or anyone else reading for that matter can react to the changes in canon and what is currently canon in several ways:

    • Accept all canon as it is now and adapt your campaigns accordingly
    • Pick out bits of canon that you don;t agree with and reject all canon on the basis that some bits are "wrong"
    • Accept that official Gloranthan canon is a load of old rubbish and use your own canon
    • Accept that gloranthan canon is exactly that but you don't stick to canon in your own games

    I am sure that most GMs don't like certain bits of canon. That's fair enough, if you don't like it then change it for your game.


  15. On 12/20/2016 at 11:21 PM, Pentallion said:

    Okay, so say you physically travelled to the underworld, you didn't heroquest to get there.  Someone casts sever spirit.  Your spirit separates from your body.  Your body stays though, right?  Because obviously, on a HQ it might return to where the ritual started, but in this case, you aren't in a ritual, you walked.  So if I'm correct and your body stays there, can your spirit reenter it freely?  If not, what magic is necessary to reunite the spirit with the body while both are in the underworld?

    Physically travelling to the Underworld is fairly easy, you have to go down a lot of tunnels.

    Physically travelling to Hell is harder, as it is a lot further down and you have to cross the Styx.

    In your case, if the traveller has not yet entered Hell, the body is dead and the spirit travels to Hell.

    However, if the traveller has already crossed the Styx, the traveller is in Hell and the Spirit could well remain with the body.

    Part of what makes a HeroQuest is that the magical matrix of the HeroQuest makes things behave in certain ways. Going to Hell without being on a HeroQuest means that you cannot control how things behave.

  16. Absolutely, HQ fits Wuxia very well for the walking up walls, arrow-cutting, powered swordsmen abilities. Just give each ability a name and some breakouts and that is it.

    Of course, it doesn't fit the bloody nature of Wuxia combat, but does fit the slicing through 4 opponents easily style.


  17. It all depends, of course, what we mean by the various ratings.

    For me, Legend, like RuneQuest, is about chopping people into bits in combat, with flying arms, legs and heads. That is really Game of Thrones level violence regardless of the scenario. 

    Or are we talking about extra material, such as sexual acts, torture, rape and such things? If you have broos and ogres in the setting then you have this by default, even faded into black. Settings involving the Spanish Inquisition can also involve the above, but nobody expects that.

    If a bandit chief abducts a noble-born lady with a view to marrying her, a very typical occurrence in the Middle Ages, how adult is that? On the one hand it is a simple abduction-rescue mission, on the other hand there is the rape and marriage subtext. I suppose the rating varies depending on which subtexts you emphasise.

    • Like 4
  18. The Pain Centaurs were described in King of Sartar, together with a different origin story of the Grazelanders (Pure Horse Tribe under the Black Net), both are probably true.

    I see some Beast men as being EWF experiments to recreate lost races, others as being the result of heroQuests bringing back those lost races from before Time, others as remnants of the lost races and others as just always having been there.

    Take you pick as to which is which.

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