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Posts posted by threedeesix

  1. So threedeesix do you still have the notes for that, and will you share :)


    I'm sure I have them backed up on an external some place. I don't want to upload them anywhere as it's pretty much the complete rulebook and adventure simply converted. First let me see if I even still have them and we'll go from there.


  2. I was wondering if anyone else has tried running Star Frontiers with BRP or some variant of the d100 system and, if so, if they had any parts of their conversion to share?

    I ran Crash on Volturnus during the playtest of BRP. I converted the rulebook and the adventure from the PDF and it worked fantastic.


  3. Yeah advantages are what makes your character look badass but disadvantages is what should make your character interesting. Take the classic D&D monk, use the martial arts power from super world that adds a bonus to hit and damage with unarmed attacks plus a defence bonus. Then balance that with a vow of poverty and abstinence from worldly indulgence, you have a basic monk and some interesting RP material.

    That's exactly how I built the monk in Classic Fantasy. Hmm, great minds...


  4. Although it wouldn't be included in anything because the original is Closed Content, I wonder what a reasonably-potent Hexblade would look like in BRP/CF or another d100 system. When the class first came out, I knew it might not be popular in play but there was a lot of story potential in them. In fact, I quickly started imagining a Hexblade anime series whose anti-hero was falsely accused of killing a King. The King's daughter tried to kill him, so he originally thought to sell her to slavers but they ended up traveling together -- until the real assassin (a rival Hexblade) turned up and started making even more trouble.

    Hexblades are anti-social enough to make poor PCs except for a one-on-one game. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see one, perhaps pursing the PCs to collect a bounty on them (and skilled enough, and with potent enough probability-molding powers, to be a challenge for the whole party -- and hopefully with some built-in story reason the PCs can't simply kill him to get him out of their hair).

    Well, for the most part, Classic Fantasy is emulating 1st ed. AD&D with a smattering of 2nd ed thrown in for good measure. So there will be no "official" Hexblade. But that shouldn't stop anyone familiar with the system from creating their own rules for them.

    I had to look them up as I'm not really up to date on D&D 3.5 and on. They do look cool.


  5. Why did your playtesters think the rule was "yuk"?

    They didn't think the bonus was "yuk" just the Prime Requisites idea. As one put it. "The benefit to having high stats should be high stats. I shouldn't be double penalized if I roll low and also lose an experience bonus, and I shouldn't be able to make a rulebook better by taking a black marker to it." =|

    I love my playtesters. ;D


    PS - I use the Legend/RQ6 system for skill improvement now. That's 1D4+1% (1D6+1 for a class skills) for a successful skill increase, and 1% for an unsuccessful increase. So your skills always improve at least 1%. Doesn't sound like much, but think of it this way, 10 sessions of missing a skill increase, is still an increase of 10%.


  6. However, I do know that the author's next edition, due out sometime this year, will have more bonuses and niche-making rules. An example is the idea of Prime Requisite ability scores being at 16 or more granting a +10 to the EXP roll for class skills, making it much easier to increase those overall.

    Ya... this didn't last. The overall concession with my playtesters was yuk. :) There is a different "less intrusive" system in place that allows "class skills" to improve faster however.

    Oh, and Rod, my players did manage to drop a hill giant, 15 bandits, and a werewolf in one battle. Only the NPC got seriously wounded from the giant's crushing hand after managing to climb its back and wail on it for a couple of rounds, but the battle was quite hectic, especially since the party's cleric and dwarf fighter had split off (leaving the three brothers: a fighter, a mage, and a Ranger; a non-combatant non-cleric healer, and a half-elf Fighter/Mage who rolled TOO well on her buffing spells).



  7. After picking up CF on Drive-thru, I am sorry to say that I have been having trouble making heads or tails of it. For some reason, I can't parse how character creation works. I also have a hard time seeing the point to the alignment system, but I would probably go without it anyway, but in general I'm having trouble with it.

    Hi Michael,

    Lord Sephleon pretty much hit all that points I would have suggested. I do want to reemphasize his first point however. You really need to understand character generation in the BGB to get the most out of CF as I wrote it as a supplement to it and not as a stand alone book. For the most part it works exactly the same way.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. If I can't get an answer to ya in a timely fashion, i'm sure someone will be able to.


  8. Really wish you would have put out more for the BRP system that was hinted at in the book before jumping to something else entirely first. Hopefully we get a completed set this time, with the Players, GM & MM all in one or 3 books or whatnot. The BRP version hinted at a GM guide & expanded Monster Manual that never appeared.

    Take that up with Chaosium. I can write it, but I cant make them print it.


  9. Well, we have an additional 76 pages over Hero 5th Ed, and I think the quality of the RQ6 covers might add to stopping power. However, what it really comes down to is exactly how 'pulpy' the pages are. Whilst RQ6 is fashioned from a specially refined type of historical/S&S pulp, the Hero 5th Edition pages are the epitome of garden sink pulply goodness, doubling its thickness. So until someone shoots a copy full of small calibre lead, I'm pretty sure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Wmj46S5qo! ;)

    I really, really want to get this, but I'm on the fence. Is there anyone that can check the small caliber rating of this thing? At least check it against the paperback version and we can extrapolate from there. I'd HATE to spring for this, just to get gunned down on my way home from the game store. ;)


  10. After a long period of not working on this I have after getting into one of my Star Wars moods gotten started on the project to convert the whole Dawn of Defiance Campaign. After dabbling with the wealth system for other campaigns I have discovered a better way to get more reasonable values when converting equipment lists and such so I have updated the Equipment List on the Primer. Will also go back and do a quick update on each of the adventures before I really get started on Episode IV.

    Below I will keep updated links on the downloadable files:

    Star Wars Character Sheet

    Star Wars Primer (Usable for any BRP Star Wars game)

    The Traitor's Gambit - Dawn of Defiance Episode I

    A Wretched Hive - Dawn of Defiance Episode II

    The Queen of Air and Darkness - Dawn of Defiance III

    Echoes of the Jedi - Dawn of Defiance IV (Work in Progress)

    Thanks Chorpa, somehow I missed your episode 3. I will be keeping an eye on this thread.


  11. Hi Miles and welcome to the forum.

    I quite D&D3 right around the same time you did D&D4. Our party was 13th level and when our ranger needed a calculator to figure out his "to hit" bonuses every round due to all the variables, I new it was time to close the door. Luckily for me, I was looking to get back into BRP gaming and was able to get into the playtest for Basic Roleplaying. Everything just fell into place from there.


  12. A quick question for 3d6, which version of Classic Fantasy would translate to OQ2 easier, the BRP version or your upcoming legend one? I would like to add some familier elements to my OQ game for my D&D centric players.

    I would say Legend. It, RQ6, and OpenQuest all share the same core mechanics. The BRP version adds tons of spells but they are designed for the BRP "Magic" system and isn't really compatible with OQ2's magic system without some modification. I haven't tried so couldn't say it would work.

    Is there some stuff in your new version that you thought was cool and wished you had put in the first CF book?

    Tons. With the first book I was really limited by page count. Plus, the game has had 3+ extra years of playtesting, so I've discovered better ways to do things that I just never though of doing before.


  13. What I'm looking for is a quick and easy way to determine the size of monsters' weapon for parrying purpose, because it seems really strange that such an important info is missing.

    Roughly I would say that SIZ is the key...

    Off the top of my head, and keeping it simple, I would just do something like this…

    SIZ 01-05 Light

    SIZ 06-20 Medium

    SIZ 21-40 Heavy

    SIZ 41+ Huge

    Treat this as a base and make on the spot GM judgment calls where needed.

    Again, these numbers are pulled straight from the aether, you may want to look through the monster chapter and move the breakpoints around if they don't look right.


  14. Hi all,

    I'm reexperiencing part of my youth by reading through some of the d100-systems. I Started out roleplaying with the swedish 1st edition "magic world" translation Drakar och Demoner, and I find the BRP-system really intuitive for the most part.

    I'm wondering if there's any way to get hold of an actual physical copy of Classic Fantasy? I tried ordering from Chaosium, but that site seems error-prone, and I've not heard back from them in over a week. Any european shops that carry this product that ships internationally? Thanks.

    Hi keops,

    The only way you are going to be able to get a physical copy of BRP Classic Fantasy is directly from Chaosium or from e-bay/Amazon or something like that.

    The last I checked Chaosium only had the PDFs available. Keep bugging them and maybe they will reprint it.

    I am working on a much larger and more fleshed out second edition that will be out later this year hopefully. So keep your eyes open.


  15. Have you checked out Basic/ '5th edition'? I kind of want to adapt the counting system fo battle to my BRP game.

    No, I can't say that I have. I kind of fell out of the current "non-BRP" loop when I started writing. I didn't really have the time anymore. Plus I used to be the manager of the gaming department of a hobby store. This gave me oodles of time to enjoy the new releases. Oh, well.


  16. I still think the rest need to be broken out and the term "athletics" not used cuz it sounds funny on monsters. Kinda immersion breaking for me. I'm having trouble getting my 'mersion on.

    This really shouldn't be immersion breaking at all because its a monster's skill score. You as a player are never going to see the skill "in game". Instead, the GM is simply going to tell you as a player, that the monster climbs the cliff successfully, outruns you, falls on its face, etc. Immersion maintained.

    I know in your first post you mentioned that while you are reading several RPGs, you have not actually played one (other than the excellent Skyrim, which doesn't count cause its mechanics are hidden in computer code). You should really check out a local game store and find a group. Either ask if you can participate or even just watch. I think you'll find that a lot of these "silly" things you mention make sense "in game".

    If your ever in New Hampshire, I'll gladly let you sit in with my group. ;t)


  17. Following your line of thought and musician joke, one can say the same thing about most of the skills. If we are going to be really anal about it why stop at just a Running skill? Surely we need Sprinting, Jogging, Marathon, and do I make Hurdling a separate skill or fold it under Jumping... Which then brings up the need for Long Jumping skill, High Jumping, Parachute Rolling and Roof Hopping. They are all quantifiable different types of action and in real life require specialised training to be any good at.

    Like button, like button? Trif where is the "like" button? Oh well. +1

    Anyway Pete. You beat me to it. I was going to say pretty much the same thing. Every game designer has to make these decisions, and not everyone is going to agree with them. I will admit that to me, Athletics works better with skill improvement awards than with skill check boxes, but then again, you didn't implement the skill with skill "checks" in mind.

    I prefer a more condensed skill list then one taking up half the sheet, and I like hit locations as well. So I guess I must also prefer "silly" rules.;)


  18. As usual my rpg ADD has caught up with me,

    Ya, I sometimes feel like I have AD&D ADD my self. ;)

    and my kick this week is Hackmaster. A long time owner of 4th edition and many HackSupplements I was quick to grab Hackmaster Basic. Now I have the Hackmaster Players Handbook, essentially an expanded version of Basic, and I am wondering if we have any fans of either edition or of the settings (Tellene and Aldrazar).

    I am a big fan of Greyhawk and Aldrazar both (probably my two favorite settings, I <3 old D&D stuff) but I really haven't had the chance to run Hackmaster. Right now our rpg group is on hiatus due to a divorce and some other stuff, so I'm just absorbing RPG materials to kill the time!

    I love Hackmaster. I have quite a bit of 4th edition. I love the various monster books. To be honest, I never played them, pretty much bought them for the fun read.

    As for favorite settings, I would have to go with Greyhawk and Mystara.


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