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Posts posted by threedeesix

  1. What would YOU expect if you were given a $120 price tag for something Magic World related?

    I would expect Heidi Klum to swing by every week to run it for me, and while I know I'm busy, I would make the time. :D

    • Like 5
  2. While we're on the subject, I would like to point out that if you have any interest in Legend at all, skip it and download the "free" PDF of RuneQuest Essentials. It is written by the same two awesome writers and is an improvement over Legend in several areas IMHO. It can be downloaded from...


    It is "crunchier" than either OpenQuest or Magic World, but no more so than Legend.


  3. On a side note. While not a VS. but instead a mash-up, when I was heavily into GURPS, I would take two or three of my more than 150 different worldbooks at random and throw together a short campaign as a diversion between breaks in our normal games. I ran some really off the wall stuff. My favorite was a campaign using GURPS Ice Age and GURPS Spec Ops for a time travel campaign, and GURPS Old West and the aliens and flying saucer from GURPS Atomic Horror. The latter ended up being very close to the subject matter of Cowboys vs. Aliens, but predated it by more than 20 years.

    • Like 1
  4. Actually. Freddie vs. Jason (2003) and AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004) predates them all.

    But, If I had to it choose my dream combo, it would be the subject of 90% of all geek conversation; Star Trek vs. Star Wars.*

    *Important note: Please don't accept this as a challenge. I already know who would win, and I'm not sharing.  ;-)

  5. As for the supposed horribleness of Minmei's singing. The Robotech version is awful, but in Macross she has a few more songs and even "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" is no where near as grating as the Robotech version.

    Actually, I rather liked the song when I first heard it. But as I kept watching the show, and it was sung again and again, episode after episode, it got to be too much. That said I actually really like the Macross Saga, surpassed only by Space Battleship Yamato as far as my favorite anime. But I have only seen the English dubbed version, so I'm glad to hear that the original Minmei had a wider range.


  6. I'm stumped on how to model the power of song  in Macross using BRP.

    While I can't tell you specifically how to model Minmei's song in game terms. I can say that after it gets sung for 10 sessions in a row, there should be a roll to resist shooting oneself in the head.


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  7. I also liked the soloquests and would enjoy seeing them reprinted. But on top of that, I would also love to see some new ones. Soloquests were a great way to introduce a new player to the game in a single sitting, without necessarily getting the whole group together beforehand. I would let the player keep any experience gain and let it carry over to the weekly game.


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  8. If some of the non-MW BRP offerings are going to slip away, I hope the authors would be freed up to take them to other D100 systems.  (For instance, I strongly suspect that Aces High could be redone with a tweaking of Renaissance.

    The Monograph authors never gave up the rights to their work when Chaosium printed them. I owned the rights to Classic Fantasy right up to the point I signed on with TDM. The only thing Chaosium owned was their game system. Which isn't all that hard to pull out and insert a new one. Just ask me, I've done it three times.  ;-)


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  9. I had a BRP write-up of John Carter in the Downloads section but it seems to be gone. I'm pretty sure I still have it here on an external drive and I'll try to get it back up this weekend. I did it during the playtest of BRP and think it came out pretty good. Maybe it will be of some use.


  10. I would just like to point out that this isn't a case of some big evil company coming in and shutting down Chaosium. Any anger people are feeling should not be directed at Moon Design as they didn't run your favorite company into the ground.

    Chaosium was dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound and Moon Design had two options, step in and save them from extinction, or stand by and watch them die. Had they chose the latter, there would be no more COC, BRP, or Monographs either. But along with that travesty, there would be no Chaosium as well; one of the oldest gaming companies still in existence. At no point has it been mentioned that BRP was going to be cut loose, just that it isn't to be a priority. Well, just a reality check, it wasn't for the original owners either.

    It wouldn't be wise for a company stepping in to save another, to just keep making the same mistakes that got the original in so much trouble to begin with. Moon Design seems to have the long-term survival of Chaosium in its best interest. Let’s give them a chance to succeed.

    What I want you to take away from this the most is there wasn't going to be any more BRP anyway if Chaosium was left to die.


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  11. In all honesty, in all the years I've played BRP-based games, I've never played a game where we used Statements of Intent at all.

    Same here, I always start out wanting to use everything as written when I start a new game, but that is usually the first thing to go. It just seems to slow the game down and doesn't really add anything to it in return. Plus it disrupts that natural flow of the game. As far as most players are concerned, when their turn comes up, they typically want to act, not describe everything they want to do, only to have to wait until the GM goes around the table yet again.

  12. Sounds pretty cool actually. I like events that take an established setting and shake it up a bit. This is why my favorite series of all time would be Babylon 5. The series at the end was completely different from the series at the beginning. Other shows contemporary with this one featured such drastic changes as... the growing of a beard.  ;-)

    *ducks head behind game master screen*


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  13. Also...


    This is maybe my favorite Barsoom related book in existence, short of the novels themselves. It has information of every creature and plant ever mentioned, the monetary system, Barsoomian measurements, etc. It is without a doubt essential for putting together a Barsoom related RPG. Plus the price doesn't look too bad either.


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  14. And if your referring to RuneQuest 6th Edition as being too expensive, you can download the PDF of RuneQuest Essentials for free. At 200+ pages, it is a COMPLETE roleplaying game. Free is the opposite of too expensive where I live, and free is another reason to vote for Design Mechanism.

  15. I don't like rules sets that are not stand-alone books, though. I don't want to have to flip through the BGB along with whatever spiffy new book I just got, when I'm at the table.

    I wanted to go this route when I wrote BRP Classic Fantasy, however I was allotted 200 pages. Soon after starting the project, I could see that after including all of the rules required for things like character creation, game mechanics, combat, advancement, etc., that very little room would be left for the material I needed to include. Maybe as little as 50 pages.

    Instead, I treated it as a true supplement. The chapters in BRP Classic Fantasy correspond exactly to their BRP counterparts So you could easily flip to chapter 3 of each book for all of the required rules for instance. The second volume would have pretty much complemented the second half of the BGB.

    I personally like this approach as it simplifies the process when your at the game table and time is of the essence. So while I actually agree with you, and prefer stand alone games too, its not always possible.


  16. Most of my RPGing is done electronically even if my group plays face to face we use laptops instead of character sheets and dice. We use a software called Maptools and I've been using a modified version of Booga's CoC 6th Edition Framework. How do you guys game? Do you prefer online using voice chat or in person? Do you use electronic tools or use good old fashion character sheets and dice? If so, why do you prefer one over the other? 


    We do things oldschool.


    First I tear the plastic off the game box and carefully place its contents on the table.

    I then discuss the game with my players as I color in the dice with the included crayon.

    Once the dice have been prepared, I tear out one sheet of notebook paper for each of my players and tell them what to write on it for their character sheet; Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc.


    Ok, maybe we haven't done things that way in a long time.


    I typically play face to face with a combination of dead-tree books and a lap top. All dice rolls on my part are using physical dice from behind my GM screen. All player die rolls are physical as well. Other than that I have no problem if the players are using books or tablets for referencing rules. They don't typically use laptops for space limitations.


    Half of my players are the same ones that have been playing with me since 1978, the other half joined within the last 20 years. We all live within 20 minutes of each other so we really have no need to play online. A few years ago, we were playing twice a week, unfortunately, with my current workload play has slowed down. I finally got a chance to play again three weeks ago for the first time in over two years.


    We plan to pick it up again in about a month with bimonthly sessions.


    Now where did I put that crayon?



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