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Posts posted by threedeesix

  1. I'd say you'd have the opportunity to make two attacks, but then no parries/dodges, but I'm pretty stuck in my old RQ ways so I haven't checked it in the new book yet. Anyone else?


    No extra attack unless you would have one normally. The second weapon is mainly used for defense with the added advantage of having a second ready weapon in case something happens to your primary.


  2. ETA for the project? :)


    I can’t even guess at an actual release date because as a monograph I'm responsible for the layout and art as well. What I can tell you is what I have done at this time.

    Chapter 1: Introduction; 3 pages briefly describing C&C

    Chapter 2: Characters; 21 pages consisting of character creation, new and changed professions to correspond to some “other games” character classes, new and changed races etc.

    Chapter 3: Skills; 10 pages of new and changed skills

    Chapter 4: Powers; 12 pages of new “Magic” spells. A system modifying the magic system for cleric spells, several cleric spells, and an equivalent to the “magic” staff for clerics called a sanctified relic.

    Chapter 6: Combat; A 22 page miniatures combat system. Not a whole new system, just a new way of looking at the normal BRP combat rules. DEX ranks replaced with Actions. What took 5 DEX ranks now takes 1 action. Includes diagrams for illustrating everything from facing and zones of control, to reach and line of sight. Even rules for where your arrow went after it missed that orc.

    Chapter 11: Creatures; 34 pages of classic creatures like different colored dragons, sub-types of giants, and everything from the lowly kobold to the fearsome lich.

    All of the above are first drafts and 12 point type, single column so will be less when laid out, it includes many notes of things to add or change as I came across problems after writing later chapters. Once these problems are corrected and the additions added I will choose some playtesters for the new combat and magic system as well as character creation before I move on to the final 6 chapters.

    I suffered a setback after planning on writing all weekend when my computer got some “vondu” virus thing that I could not get rid of, so I spent the weekend backing everything up and reformatting my hard drive.

    Finally, I figured I would release as a bonus, the background for humans. I wasn’t sure how to handle them as being a spoof, and essentially taking all the stereotypes and blowing them all out of proportion, I realized humans didn’t really have one particular stereotype in fantasy gaming, then I remembered all the “half” races.


    Humans are the dominant race of the World of Fantasyland™. They can be found inhabiting just about every piece of real estate on the planet. This has brought them into conflict with everyone at one point or another and compared to the other races they breed like rabbits on prom night. Each race has a different view of humanity. The dwarves think humans are nothing more than children who can’t take care of themselves, construct items of shoddy workmanship and sometimes just need a good beating. The half-lings view humans as easy marks, and have weaseled there way into human society, slowly plotting. Finally the elves think humans are clumsy, wasteful, destructive backwater hicks that will mate with anything. This has already resulted in the half-elf, half-orc and more than likely the half-ling, although no trace of the original ling race survives to this day. It’s an unpleasant and embarrassing fact that just about every half human - half animal species on the planet, from the gnoll to the rakshasa, can trace its origins back to the human race, and probably one lone ranger.

    Rodney Leary

  3. Cool. Thanks for the update.

    Hum, I'm disappointed with the lack of difficulty modifiers. I disagree that they are arbitrary or messy, and find such much more easy to use (and providing a greater breadth of scope) than simply having 3 categories for all levels of complexity. That seems arbitrary to me personally. I think the environment and circumstances (not to mention equipment) should have more impact on the success and failure of a task. Ah well, easy enough to add in I suppose.

    Actually, Easy and Difficult while the most common modifiers are not the only ones. I'm at work but if I recall there are -10%, +20% etc all over the place. Range modifiers and equipment quality for instance. If I remember correctly it even states something like "beyond +30% modifiers become Easy and beyond -30% they become Hard.


  4. threedeesix, do you have an illustration I can use for the front page article? have you or your brother drawn anything for it yet? :)


    Sorry, been busy. My brother is working on some illustrations now and hopes to have something this weekend.


  5. This has been highlighted? Fantastic, as it fills a hole that I think Chaosium has with their new product. In fact, I've been planning on running 'Dungeonland' Magic World pdf in honor of Gygax. However, with two job changes and a move in my local group, gaming's been scarce recently. Consider me sold.

    Chaosium has given me the go ahead and asked when I can have it done but won't make it public knowledge until I come through with a finished manuscript. After all, I'm an unpublished author and they have gotten burned before.

    The initial release will more than likely be a monograph for the same reasons listed above but if it does well it could see an expanded release. I'm thinking Advanced Chaos & Catacombs (AC&C) and have tons of things than may have to be cut due to space limitations, the monster section for example could get a trimming.

    Uhh... yeah, probably going to skip this optional rule... (Although, rules for chainmail bikinis are awesome! I've no need to add the slippage.)

    The chainmail bikini rule came out of a serious campaign conversion of John Carter of Mars. I always use hit locations in my campaigns but didn't think his chest and abdomen should be "completely" armored. So I use a variant of the variable armor rules on locations. For instance, his chest would be 1D8-2 armor points due to his harness and his arms would be 1D6-3 from bracers/ arm bands while his head and legs would be unarmored.

    The optional wardrobe malfunction table was just plain funny.


  6. Oh, yes please!

    I need this. I was there, all those years ago... And so was the gang of old-time D&D-ers I have just this very evening promised to do BRP with over one big weekend in July (if that timescale is any good to you?). This could sell them on BRP for ever.

    So, no pressure on my part then right? ;)

    Also, my regular weekly group is 4 kids, 1 Powergamer and 1 Serious Roleplayer, who normally suffer my own D&D-to-nearly-BRP conversion homebrew. It might be just up their street too.

    My Hope: they won't notice it's a parody. :lol:

    My Fear: it'll be identical to my usual games! :eek:

    It should only be a parody if they read it. I've resisted the temptation to make a parody of the creatures. For instance I had to force myself to avoid a variant of the basilisk that had a breath weapon with an ability called "Turned to Stoned" where he would breath on you and you would have to make a POW vs POW roll, fail and you roll on a table with results like "get the munchies, drop what your doing and dig through your pack for a trail ration". Instead your going to find the classic big eight-legged reptile.

    I've added you and anyone else that showed interest to my potential playtester list and will contact you when I get closer.


  7. Sounds an absolute blast - congrats Rod! Are there gonna be tons of cartoon-like illos? I remember back in the Good Ole Days all the "funnies" from the DMG (well, I *was* twelve... being able to dress myself was a major achievement in those days... :lol:)... plus the "Troll Jokes" from Wyrms Footnotes... there's an ancient and honorable tradition to follow!

    As of right now my brother is going to do the artwork for me. We're both artists but I don't want to spread myself to thin. He's going to try humorous.

    My big question of course is whether the tiny girl with the unfeasibly ample chainmail bikini will actually be able to continue wielding the six-foot greatsword day in day out with no signs of fatigue or - perish the thought! - muscle development? Inquiring minds with too much time on their hands want to know!

    I spent two weeks reality checking the chainmail bikini/great axe combo and found that the lighter armor balanced the weight of the great axe to the point that muscle development was kept to a minimum. ;)

    Chalk me up for a copy.



    Chalk you up? I now consider it a pre-order and will hit you with a re-stocking charge if you cancel. :)


  8. I'm interested. This sounds like a perfect vehicle for introducing my current Castles & Crusades group to the joys of BRP. "Hey guys, how about instead of C&C we play some C&C tonight?"

    I think the humor/parody factor would depend more on the mindset of the individual group. Sort of like Hackmaster, another RPG that can be played "seriously" despite its parodic origins...

    When I run it I run it serious and did all through the playtest of BRP. The parody aspect is a good way to use all the good stuff without the joy of a lawsuit or being accused of ripping off D&D. Also, when reading a new rulebook I like to laugh, and hopefully I succeed at making a few others laugh as well.

    But for the most part, there are NO silly spells, NO silly classes and NO silly monsters (except some had to get name changes to avoid copyright, enter the Peeping Sphere).

    And I'm really proud of my optional chainmail bikini rule complete with Wardrobe Malfunction Table.


  9. As there has been lots of talk about D&D style campaigns using the BRP rules of late I thought I would come forward with my project for Chaosium.

    Back in November I submitted a proposal for a BRP supplement to be called Hack-n-Slash. This was to be a spoof/parody of classic RPG campaigns, specifically D&D. Well, after not hearing back for a few months, I pretty much gave up on the idea when six weeks ago I got the go ahead from Dustin.

    The first thing I did was find out Hack-n-Slash has been used so I ran a bunch of “classic sounding” names by my group and settled on Chaos & Catacombs: Adventures in Hack-n-Slash.

    The game is based heavily on some stuff I wrote to continue our old D&D campaign while playtesting BRP. And while firmly a parody, is also a cleverly disguised D&D style RPG with conversions of all the classic classes and monsters, while keeping the freedom of the BRP game system.

    As of right now, I have finished the first draft of…

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Characters

    Chapter 3: Skills

    Chapter 4: Powers

    Chapter 6: Combat

    Chapter 11: Creatures (to be finished this weekend)

    I have converted the alignment system over to the allegiance system, added a detailed miniatures combat system, a clerical spell system which is a variant of the magic system and conversions of “classic” spells like magic missile.

    I have had loads of fun writing it, at times laughing so hard tears came to my eyes as I visualized what I had written.

    I hope to be looking for playtesters soon.

    What follows is a brief introduction to the game.


    What is Chaos & Catacombs?

    Remember the good old days of role playing? Remember when character background was the color of your character sheet and not a four page short story. Remember when there were no mamby-pamby point buy methods? Instead you rolled the dice and took what you got… then you wined about it until your GM let you roll again?

    Well its 1982, it’s Friday night, and you’ve gathered with your friends in your parents basement after a long week of High School. Sure, you could be at a party with a beer in your hand and a girl on your lap, but this is so much better. Your about to kick open some doors and kill some unsuspecting monsters. In these younger days of role playing, what eight orcs are doing in a 10’x10’ room is less important than what their treasure rating is, and rescuing the beautiful princess isn’t something you do because its morally right, but because of the 1000 gold piece reward, plus the chance of a little hanky panky cant be ignored either.

    So, rip open the Cheetos and pass out the Mountain Dew. It’s time to play some Chaos & Catacombs.

    Note: The makers of Chaos & Catacombs do not condone the attending of parties, the drinking of alcohol or practice premarital sex.

  10. When the weather person says there is going to be a 60% chance of rain and you run in your game room and get the dice.

    When you have a game room that doesn't have a pool table in it.

    When you cancel the weekly game because it's you and your wifes

    10 year anniversary and she gets upset and makes you call everyone


    All true,


  11. Too many modern RPG publishers these days would have simply released BRP zero and then thought about a revised printing if there was enough of customer reaction.

    BRP 1.5, in just one short year.


  12. Found it. Well since I dont have $275 to blow on a game with a questionable system and no sourcebooks and so on and so forth, my other questions are still posted.

    Could be a good setting, but how do you do it in BRP?

    Wow, I sold mine on ebay last year and only got 150.00 I should have held out.


  13. Even though my first RPG was Traveller, it was Gary that got me into role playing. It was hearing the tales spoken by my friends who played a strange game called Dungeons and Dragons that got me in the hobby store to fine Traveller in the first place.

    And I played my share of D&D as well.

    Thanks Gary


  14. Did you DL version 4.2? Or the much older version 3.0 design rules that predated zero? In the Quick Write UP rules Hit Points iare equal to a vehicles SIZ+a modifier for vehicle type.

    Oops, downloaded the wrong one. Just downloaded the 4.2 ver. Nice formatting.

    Thanks. I'll try to update the other stuff (design and modification rules) as well as this nice BRP is released and I can see what changes in the final version.

    Can't wait to see it. Looks great so far.


  15. HIT POINTS: A vehicle's Hit Points are equal to one-half the Vehicle’s SIZ. Note that this is actually the same as character's (CON+SIZ)/2, except the vehicles don't have a CON attribute.

    Actually, this isn't like is done in BRP. Hit Points should be equal to SIZ, not 1/2. Otherwise a SIZ 32 giant will have more HP than a SIZ 32 vehicle. Skeletons for instance have no CON but use their full SIZ as HP.

    This looks awesome though and I plan on using it tonight to stat up some vehicles. You have proven that BRP can be crunchy.

    Nice job.

    Rodney Leary

  16. So, using the BRP0 rules and my simple equation (1'm assuming Humans are 3d6 with an average of 11)

    I'm not sure if the above comment was referring to SIZ. If it was then the human SIZ is 2D6+6 for an average of 13.


  17. That isn't because Height is more important. It has to do with something known as the square-cube law. Basically if you take an object (or person) and double it's size (twice the height, width, depth) you cube the mass.

    I wasn't implying that it was more important as much as reworked so it is more dependent on it.

    In other words, in RQ3, if you were going to create yourself as a character you would look up your weight on the SIZ table to find what your SIZ is. There is no overlap so it's cut and dry.

    When I did my conversion of Selene from the movie Underworld, I looked up

    the height and weight of Kate Beckinsale on the internet to determine her SIZ, she weights 115lbs and is 5'6" tall.

    Looking up 115lbs in BRP means she falls between SIZ 6 and SIZ 13. That’s a large spread and would involve me having to guess what SIZ to give her.

    Now, looking up her height of 5’6” (66”) gives me a possible SIZ of 10 or 11. This is much easier to work with. I settled with a SIZ 10 as Kate looks on the petite size.

    SIZ Height Weight

    6 49–54 51–120

    7 55–59 61–140

    8 60–62 80–160

    9 62–64 85–180

    10 64–66 90–200

    11 66–68 95–220

    12 68–70 100–240

    13 70–72 110–260

    I'm sorry if I derailed this thread, I just wanted to clarify why I think SIZ is more dependent on height than weight in the new BRP.


  18. I use MOV = (DEX+SIZ)/2. It was mentioned on this board that SIZ isn't a great way to indicate movement because you get the really fast fat guy. I still think it's a simple and effective solution.

    In the new version of BRP, SIZ is more dependent on height than weight. Look at SIZ 13 for example, an average human. Height only varies a couple inches, but weight about a hundred pounds. (I'm at work and don't have the book with me). So I agree that the above formula could work for me.

    Rodney Leary

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