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Everything posted by MOB

  1. The Cult of Chaos is Chaosium's official Gamemaster program for Game Masters and Keepers running demonstration games and games at events. Members run games at local game shops, events, conventions, or online to introduce new players to awesome Chaosium games including Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Pendragon, and 7th Sea. There are some very exciting changes happening within the Cult of Chaos as we restructure the program in 2023! This includes higher financial incentives, streamlined content, new communication protocols, and more! The Cult of Chaos also has a new leadership team! Please welcome Bridgett Jeffries, our new Community Coordinator who is now leading this program. Bridgett is an awesome force of nature and brings a megaton of energy with her. Bridgett is currently reorganizing everything, working with GM organizations in preparation for upcoming North American conventions including Origins and Gen Con, while meanwhile juggling an enthusiastic pack of dogs. Please also welcome Dustin Wright, who has stepped back into a more active role with the Cult of Chaos! Fun fact– did you know that Dustin originally launched this program in 1997? Dustin will mostly be handling awarding Chaosium.com store credit for the events Cult of Chaos GMs report using our handy-dandy online form. He’ll also be fielding general questions, applications, and helping as he can in between Customer Service, Distributor Sales & Support, chasing his corgi, and Convention support. We’ll be communicating all the changes to the program as they roll out. Until that is ready for launch, it’s business as usual! If you'd like to join the Cult of Chaos yourself, check out the Cult of Chaos pages at the Chaosium website. And if you have any questions/concerns, feel free to reach out to Dustin or Bridgett via: cultofchaos@chaosium.com.
  2. Pendragon Starter Set -- Releasing on June 29th -- CHA2729-X $29.99* Three softcover full color booklets, pregen character sheets, appendices, battle cards, dice Boxed Set ISBN 978-1-56882-574-8 Author: Greg Stafford Cover Art: Mark Smylie Artists: Andrey Fetisov, Lisa Free, Eric Hotz, Eleonor Piteira, Mark Smylie, Dimitar Stoyanov, Austin Winstead Pendragon is a roleplaying game set in King Arthur’s Britain. You take on the role of knights and overcome mythical monsters, rival knights, and other wondrous challenges in search of Glory. The Pendragon Starter Set presents a world of great adventure. This is the time of the Sword in the Stone, of the Boy King and Merlin and their struggles against those who would seize the crown for themselves...and of the flowering of chivalry. This is a time of desperate battles, dark portents, enchanted forests, pride, and self-indulgence. “What kind of knight are you?” Do you believe in chivalry, or do you think might always makes right? Are you willing to die for your Honor? Will you fight to rid the world of injustice, or use clout and power to take advantage of those beneath you? Combat in Pendragon is bloody and intense, and every knight must show valor sufficient to face it—and gain great Glory for their prowess! The Pendragon Starter Set contains everything you need to begin questing and adventuring. It includes a selection of pregenerated characters and a short campaign offering multiple sessions of gameplay. Inside This Box Book I: The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone: Learn the rules for Pendragon as you play this solo adventure. Book II: The Fabled Realm: Everything you need to know about the game’s setting and core mechanics. Book III: The Sword Campaign: A beginner-friendly campaign taking the Player-knights through the most important early events of King Arthur’s reign—three game years in all. Appendices: Additional rules and setting details introduced as you play through The Sword Campaign. Pregenerated Characters: Eight Player-knights, ready for adventure. Battle Cards: A set of eighteen perforated cards allowing you to generate combat encounters, and quickly reference enemy combat mechanics and evocative descriptions. Dice: A set of seven polyhedral dice suitable for roleplaying in Pendragon. *price includes PDF when purchased direct from Chaosium.com and Friendly Local Game Stores that are part of the Bits & Mortar initiative.
  3. By David Larkins, Pendragon line editor. A new edition of the Pendragon RPG is coming! The intention of this series of design journals by Pendragon line editor David Larkins is to trace the path of development, starting in the early 1980s and culminating with the forthcoming new edition of the Pendragon RPG, which will be first to be wholly published by Chaosium in a quarter-century. Pendragon Design Journal #1: Where It All Began Pendragon Design Journal #2: Bringing the Light Pendragon Design Journal #3: A Modular Approach Pendragon Design Journal #4: Refining Traits and Passions Pendragon Design Journal #5: Honor and Glory Pendragon Design Journal #6: Combat! Pendragon Design Journal #7: The Social Game Pendragon Design Journal #8: The Battle System Pendragon Design Journal #9: Of Horses and Squires Pendragon Design Journal #10: Arthurian Acts Pendragon Design Journal #11: Writing the Starter Set Pendragon Design Journal #12: Writing the Starter Set, Part Two Pendragon Design Journal #13: Outstanding Art Last week we were excited to announce the Pendragon Starter Set is having its worldwide release on June 29th! Here's our special release video, narrated by Mark Meer: So what will you find when you've got your own Pendragon Starter Set box and opened it? After paging through everything and admiring the gorgeous art, you’ve played through the SoloQuest and gotten an idea of how the game works and know a little bit about the fantastic world of King Arthur. Now it’s time to dig into Book II: The Fabled Realm and see what makes the Pendragon RPG tick. Our goal with this book was to present the game’s setting and mechanics as succinctly as possible while still conveying what makes Pendragon such a special gaming experience. Those of you who have downloaded our free quick-start scenario, The Adventure of the Sword Tournament, already have a super-streamlined version of the rules; this book takes that structure and expands it to allow you to play through the campaign in Book III (which we’ll be talking about in our next and final Design Journal!). At the same time, we felt it important to keep the game as accessible as possible for newcomers. In that spirit, we don’t spend a lot of pages talking about the game’s setting; not in this book. The SoloQuest and Sword Campaign, along with a series of handouts triggered by various events in the campaign, do most of the heavy lifting in that regard. In playing through the scenarios, the Gamemaster and Player-knights will get fully immersed in the experience of this world. Book II starts with the broad strokes: customs of the realm, and the rights and responsibilities of knighthood, as well as a look at a typical day in the life of a knight. Next, we dive into the game system itself, expanding on what you learned in playing through the SoloQuest: how the core dice mechanic works, what the various Statistics mean, and so forth. After that, we look at the Traits and Passions system, Skills, how Honor and Glory work, and combat. As you might expect, the combat chapter, in concert with the following three chapters which cover weapons and armor, horses, and how to track injuries and recovery, respectively, constitute the most detailed portion of Book II—a fitting focus for that most definitive of knightly duties. After all, what is a knight if they cannot lay their lives on the line in answer to the call of their lord or for a righteous cause? And so here you find the many possible actions available to knights, including mounted charges (and the soon-to-be-infamous Mounted Charge Fumble table!), reckless attacks, what happens when you get trampled by a horse, and even grappling rules. You’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages of an axe versus a mace in battle, and how many volleys you’ll be subjected to as you charge towards that mass of cowardly archers on the battlefield—and how well your armor will protect you or your horse from the arrows that do strike home! The remainder of Book II examines the knight’s life during downtime: the value behind ransoming prisoners, and, of course, the Winter Phase, presented here in a streamlined version that focuses on the relatively simple lives of the pre-generated mercenary and household knights that come in the box. Much as the Pendragon Starter Set rules expand on the quick-start version of the game, so too do the core rulebooks expand on what is found here in The Fabled Realm. But there is plenty here to allow for many sessions of play. In fact, it is my personal hope that players use Book II as a sort of quick table reference even when playing the full game. One of my design goals when editing and developing this book in particular was that it stand on its own and be of utility to all Pendragon players, and I feel we have achieved that. Next time: The Sword Campaign revealed, and much more!
  4. Gen Con ONLINE 2023 takes place at the same time as the in-person event in Indianapolis, August 3-6. And through our Cult of Chaos gamemaster program, we'll be running online gaming sessions. Gencon Online badges are free to all participants. GMs Needed! If you're interested in GMing one or more 4-hour online sessions during Gen Con Online 2023 — for any of our published systems, from anywhere in the world, at a time that suits you, as well as getting Cult of Chaos credit — then please contact our convention coordinator Andrew! RSVP by emailing andrew@chaosium.com BEFORE June 14, 2023. Learn more about the Cult of Chaos here.
  5. The Good Friends of Jackson Elias Significant Streams is a new feature on the Chaosium news blog where we highlight actual play streams, podcasts, and YouTube channels featuring Chaosium games that we think are worth checking out. Good Friends of Jackson Elias co-host Paul Fricker posted that ten years ago their award-winning podcast started in his old pottery shed. And, a decade later it's still in the absolute top tier of Call of Cthulhu podcasts out there – congratulations on this milestone to Paul and co-hosts Matt Sanderson and Scott Dorward! Listen to their latest episode (it's fittingly about time travel!), and their back catalogue of over 200 episodes stretching back to 2013 here: https://blasphemoustomes.com
  6. The Miskatonic Playhouse Significant Streams is a new feature on the Chaosium news blog where we highlight actual play streams, podcasts, and YouTube channels featuring Chaosium games that we think are worth checking out. Miskatonic Playhouse is a new podcast celebrating community created scenarios for Call of Cthulhu! So far they've played Miskatonic Repository scenarios The Dragon of Wantley, Alpaca in the Sheepfield, The Yellow Death, Cult and Culpability (season one), Saturday the 14th, Secret Santa, The Prisoner's Dilemma, and Cult and Culpability (season two). Furthermore, in their 'Backstage' episodes, to date they've interviewed Miskatonic Repository identities Nick Brooke, Bridgett Jeffries, Andrew Peregrine, Lynne Hardy, Allan Carey, Heinrich Moore, and Matthew 'Pookie' Pook. Miskatonic Playhouse aims to become "a hub for writers, artists and other creators working in Cosmic Horror". A wonderful resource on the site is its Scenario Map: a map of Miskatonic Repository scenarios and their locations. Great your investigators throw you a curveball and decide to go to Zanzibar instead of following the clues, or for exploring the amazing breadth and diversity of Miskatonic Repository offerings!
  7. A Time For Heroes And A Time For Adventure! Do you dream of swinging into the temple of an ancient evil on a vine, just in time to kick the forbidden scroll from the hand of the cult leader? Do you yearn to play a character dripping in quips, who can stand on the wing of a steadily ascending bi-plane, and who maybe, MAYBE just happens to Know Kung-Fu? Pulp Cthulhu is the game for you. Pulp Cthulhu provides brand new rules for psychic powers, sanity, augmented skills, and weird science, as well as tips for Keepers on developing and running pulp-style games. Also, you will find information on “the Pulps” themselves and the 1930s era when America was in the grip of the Great Depression and on the road to World War II. A collection of pulp villains and monsters, and a range of pulp organizations provide the Keeper with a firm basis for running pulp style scenarios and campaigns. Four action-packed scenarios round out the book, getting your Pulp Cthulhu games started with a bang. The Pulp Cthulhu rules to any setting and time period, enabling Keepers to bring the flavor and action of pulp to the classic 1920s or modern-day eras, as well as anywhere else they see fit. Pulp Rules and Setting 9 chapters of rules and setting information to play pulp adventures in the 1930s. Character creation rules to produce thrilling heroes with archetypes and talents. Secret pulp organizations to plot with or against across connected scenarios. New monsters, items, spells, and psychic powers. Optional game rules to pulpify regular play and introduce exciting new options for heroes and Keepers. The Scenarios Pulp Cthulhu contains four scenarios for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition that hurl the heroes into the action! The Disintegrator - An incredible and dangerous invention is being sold at a private auction and as the heroes investigate, they may come face to face with the lethal device. Waiting for the Hurricane - The heroes are stranded on an island as a dangerous storm bears down upon them and cultists run amok. Pandora's Box - A fabled artifact is debuted at a nightclub but is it just a publicity stunt or could it be the real deal? Slow Boat to China - A voyage to Shanghai promises rest and relaxation, but an evil intent on controlling powers from beyond ensures this trip will be anything but restful. "Pulp Cthulhu is a hoot. PCs get amazing Talents, more hit points, and a wider stretch of Luck. But the villains get a boost too and as weird as Mythos monsters are, some of the supervillains are pretty darned strange also...To me, this is an essential Basic Roleplaying RPG set of rules. Get this book and punch the Mythos right in its tentacled face." — Charles Dunwoody, EN World Review. Available for $44.99. Pulp Cthulhu is also available in the following formats: Hardback – $44.95 (price includes PDF) PDF – $22.50 DriveThruRPG PDF – $22.50 Play Call of Cthulhu with Roll20! Current Call of Cthulhu titles on Roll20 include: Call of Cthulhu Starter Set - $24.99 Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules (inc. 'The Haunting' scenario) - FREE Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook - $54.95 Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook - $44.95 Call of Cthulhu Keeper Bundle - $99.93 $84.94 Harlem Unbound - $44.99 The Lightless Beacon - FREE Dead Light and Other Dark Turns - $14.99 Gateways to Terror - $19.99 Mansions of Madness Vol 1: Behind Closed Doors - $42.99 Malleus Monstrorum Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - $59.99 Reign of Terror - $34.99 Nameless Horrors 2nd Edition - $43.15 More Call of Cthulhu titles will be added to Roll20 throughout 2023! For useful tips and advice about playing Call of Cthulhu and other Chaosium games online, see our helpful Getting Started with Online Gaming guide
  8. As discussed here, community content is not part of our current Rivers of London TTRPG licensing agreement with Ben Aaronovitch.
  9. The 1920s is the classic era for Call of Cthulhu. And if your game is set in that period, independent creators in the Miskatonic Repository have you set! Here's all the newest 1920's scenarios for your consideration and delectation: Swamp Song: A 1920s Scenario for Call of Cthulhu Keeper Doc ($2.99, 44 page PDF) An invitation from a dear friend brings investigators to New Orleans for an unusual creative symposium organized by an enterprising, young book merchant. Expecting a relaxing weekend of Sazerac and Creole cuisine in The Big Easy, a surprising turn of events forces them to hastily navigate the French Quarter and its colorful denizens in a race against time and the elements! Classic Era scenario set in Jazz Age New Orleans. Of Fathers Aleksi Martikainen, Sean Liddle, Jef Wilkins, Jukka Särkijärvi, Petri Leinonen ($2.00, 25 page PDF) An evening dinner with father, strange dreams and visions, entwines with one shocking event. Are you the one to investigate what happened? Are you the one to decide the fate of many? A 1920s scenario for one player and for the keeper. High Water Bob Geis ($7.95, 55 page PDF) “Flooded New Lincoln, Arkansas in Imminent Peril.” Terrible flooding threatens a community and has opened the way for an ancient threat involving cosmic horrors from out of time. Will you be able to escape the rising waters and dogged pursuit while seeking shelter from the unrelenting elements? This exciting adventure is a favorite among the many convention scenarios ran by You Too Can Cthulhu. The Aldebaran Sect Matthew Tansek ($7.99, 54 page PDF) A discovery leads to extradimensional horror in 1920s Detroit. With tensions rising and danger lurking around every corner, The Aldebaran Sect is a thrilling tale of investigation and survival. Al-Azif Unearthed: The Unraveling John Crowdis ($9.95, 78 page PDF, plus VTT maps and tokens) In the summer of 1925, a classified ad appears in the Boston Globe promising an ancient near-eastern jar containing a mysterious scroll. Working on behalf of the Miskatonic Exhibit Museum to verify the artifact’s legitimacy, the investigators travel to a venerable hotel in the old city’s downtown to meet with the seller and other interested parties, where they get caught up in events that threaten to unravel reality itself! The Unraveling is the first scenario in Al-Azif Unearthed, a serialized campaign uncovering the ancient origins of the dreaded Necronomicon. A Network of Tunnels Sean F. Smith ($4.97, 14 page PDF) An old lawyer friend has been working overseas for years, but he’s now here in London and he wants to discuss something esoteric. Overnight, he vanishes from his locked hotel room. Classic era metropolitan locked-room mystery ─ six to eight hours for a handful of investigators. The People of the Monolith Stephen Bull ($5.00, 63 page PDF) Young poet Justin Geoffrey has returned from Europe, his trembling hands clutching a collection of poems of such vivid imagery that many question whether they could truly be written by the same man who produced Geoffrey's earlier works! Publishers move quickly to bring these new works to print while their notoriety is at its peak, but they need more to enhance their product. They need provenance. They need a story. Based on the short story The Black Stone by Robert E. Howard, this 1920s scenario takes a team of investigators on a journey to Hungary, tasked with following the trail of Justin Geoffrey in order to find proof of his journey. Of great interest to the publishers is the item at the heart of Geoffrey's greatest work - a black monolith somewhere in the wilds of central Hungary. The Holyrood Hunt Keith DEdinburgh ($3.95, 125 page PDF) Let the Hunt begin: called to help decipher obscure clues hidden in the works of a 19th century artist and poet, the investigators find themselves drawn into a mysterious and ominous conspiracy that sees them follow a trail of leads around the city of Edinburgh in 1923. From abandoned asylums to glittering parties, investigators must use all their wits and skills to piece together the fragments of a puzzle that eventually leads them to a time and place they could never have imagined.There, the terrible truth of what it is they have been following is finally revealed to them - and the hunters very much become the hunted! Constant Companion Krzysztof Kubicki, Aleksandra Smoczyk, Bartosz Startek ($11.99, 50 page PDF) Welcome to the Alaskan Triangle! An abandoned fishing boat stranded in the cold alaskan coast. A crime that seems to be a random act of violence. A mystery that roots deep into the local folklore. When you are one of the first to accidentally arrive at the crime scene, you quickly become convinced that it is part of something much more sinister. There are things unspeakable for the locals. There are places avoided for some reasons. There are stories that should never be told. There is Constant Companion. The Flood Cesar Silva ($4.99, 19 page PDF) There’s a lake deep in the Conway woods. Locals don’t know it. It wasn’t there until last night. Standalone scenario that takes place in the fictional hamlet of Conway, Massachusetts, in the year 1926. Midwest Mythos: Grandma's Cookies A.M. Viers ($3.99, 21 page PDF) A concerned grandchild comes to the investigators with a plea: find my real grandmother. However, all evidence points to their grandmother happily working at a candy shop. The grandchild refuses to believe this person is their grandmother, insisting that their real grandmother has been “replaced” by some kind of demon or monster in disguise. Designed as a part of a collection of scenarios that occur throughout the American Midwest. Midwest Mythos: Under the Dunes A.M. Viers ($3.99, 28 page PDF) In the small town of Pentwater on the West coast of Michigan, a young family has gone missing. Designed as a part of a collection of scenarios that occur throughout the American Midwest. The Legacy of Lombard House Lee Wade ($9.99, 104 page PDF) November 1925, A letter informing you of an old acquaintances death and your invite as a beneficiary to his Yorkshire estate, are only the opening chapter of a long and immersive story. From a 1st Class train journey, to being alone on the Yorkshire moors, this scenario offers many rabbit holes, to explore, or fall down. Murder, intrigue, smuggling, occultism and more awaits all who dare attend the reading of Edward Lombard’s Will. Wendigo Hunt Peter Wilbur ($5.00, 33 page PDF) Investigators go on a hunting trip and instead of being the hunters, become the hunted. Welcome to Little Creek David Wartmann ($12.30, 122 page PDF) Hampshire County, June 7, 1920:step into the shadows of Little Creek, a remote town hidden deep in the heart of Massachusetts, where mystery and darkness lurk. For 228 years, the federal census bureau has recorded a population count of 321 inhabitants. But with four previous teams of bureau agents vanishing under eerie circumstances, questions arise. Is it pure coincidence, or is there something more sinister at play in Little Creek? Join the latest team of federal agents as they embark on a census evaluation that may reveal more than they bargained for. Will you uncover the dark truths of Little Creek or become lost in its haunting mystery? Plus new releases in Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, and Turkish!
  10. Alone Against the Tide is a solo scenario. All you need is the book, and your copy of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set or Keeper Rulebook, some dice and pencils, and you’re ready to begin your horrific trip to the lakeside town in Massachusetts! But, as our Stream of Chaos crew show here in this two-parter, all our Call of Cthulhu solo scenarios are perfect for playing with a friend or partner who is new to roleplaying too. You read the story aloud, make choices, roll dice, and explore the story together! Episode One Episode Two Alone Against the Tide What has Professor Harris’ research got to do with the strange green fog enveloping the town? Who are the menacing, dark-suited men that arrived on the ferry with your investigator? And, why is a Buddhist monk visiting Esbury, a town more used to entertaining New England’s wealthy elite? Take on the role of an investigator traveling to a remote lakeside town where strange things are happening. Decide your path through the story, and the fate of the citizens of Esbury! Softcover: $14.99 (price includes PDF) PDF: $6.99 DriveThruRPG PDF: $6.99
  11. Asylumfest is a three-day Australian horror book and pop culture festival in the buildings of Mayday Hills, a former 1800s asylum in Beechworth, Victoria. Where better to hold a horror con? And Chaosium will be there demoing Call of Cthulhu as guests of the convention! On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th we'll be running free introductory sessions of 'The Necropolis', from Gateways to Terror. Asylumfest features panels, workshops, dealer’s tables, and gaming, plus a ghost story competition and short horror film competition. The Australasian Horror Writers Association hosts the Australian Shadows Awards ceremony on Saturday afternoon. For more information about the festival, check out the website: https://www.asylumfest.com.au
  12. Those projects are unrelated to the new Chaosium edition of Pendragon. Any announcements for them will be made on their Kickstarter page first.
  13. Call of Cthulhu comes to Ballarat! This show is a masterclass of showing how you can deftly concoct a (fictional) Cthulhu Mythos tale out of real historical happenings, bringing in known locations, authentic artefacts and documents, and actual people who lived at the time. Congratulations to David Waldron and the talented players and musicians who brought the story to life at the gaming table! And thanks to Ballarat Libraries who helped make it all happen at the Ballarat Heritage Festival! In Call of Cthulhu, librarians are the heroes, don't you know...
  14. We'll be making announcements about our Pendragon community content program in June. Note that Paladin is not included for the time being.
  15. The Pendragon Starter Set's official release date is June 29th. So far, Manila is the only launch event on the slate. BTW, what they're planning to do is really cool - they're running The Great Hunt as a mega game where the different teams will try to find the five animals but then a dragon is accidentally summoned. All the knights from all the tables will get to fight it. If this Pendragon mega-game goes well in the Philippines this could be something that's gets run at events elsewhere too.
  16. It is the age of Pendragon! What kind of Knight will you become? A roleplaying game of chivalry, fantasy, & legacy Create Player-Knights of any gender Unique personality mechanics for natural character growth Learn more soon—sign up today!
  17. In the modern collector’s market, knowing what you need is essential if you want to save time and money. MIG3: The Meints Index to Glorantha (aka MIG3), contains an exhaustive catalog of RuneQuest and Glorantha titles and related products. Over the last 40 years, Chaosium President and Glorantha Historian Rick Meints has attended a plethora of auctions, consulted a wide range of experts, procured numerous collections, dredged the depths of the internet, and spent countless nights compiling this compendium of products, supplements, and articles. This new third edition covers everything published for RuneQuest and Glorantha between 1975 and 2015. The Meints Index to Glorantha is a Chaosium.com exclusive. $49.99 - price includes PDF. What the Critics Say "Rick Meints' MIGs have always been awesome. The newest one not only has the benefit of 20+ years of additional research, but Rick is also now in charge of Chaosium, so there's some secret lore in there as well." — Shannon Appelcline, Designers & Dragons.
  18. For creators, one of Call of Cthulhu's best aspects is its versatility. Beyond the classic 1920s setting, scenarios can and have been set in pretty much any historical setting, from the distant past to the far future. Here are new releases by independent creators from a variety of those settings – and there are many, more to explore in the Miskatonic Repository! CTHULHU BY GASLIGHT Twelve Black Feathers C.M. Arnold ($2.99, 32 page PDF) It is the winter of 1892. A Freak, March snowstorm has struck the gas lit streets of Baltimore, covering the city in a mantle of white. Dockside, the soot-stained snow has been further stained by the bloody remains of a local whaler, Billy Birmingham. Much of his torso has been ripped open and the few remains of his entrails are spread clumsily around him. Around the body are multiple avian footprints and black feathers suggesting, however unlikely, that this was a savage bird attack. A Blank Canvas J. Michael Arons ($2.99, 7 page PDF) A Mysterious Package is delivered, leading to a crime scene and the opportunity to stop another murder, will the Investigators succeed? A One-shot for Cthulhu by Gaslight. DOWN DARKER TRAILS Blight at Gold Bluff Andy Miller ($5.99, 66 page PDF) Where are the people of Gold Bluff? The village of Gold Bluff has seen better days, but in the last week, there has been little or no contact with the people there. Whether the investigators are just travelers who stumble across the village where people seem to be disappearing, or whether they are there to find a friend who seems to have dropped off the face of the Earth, the people of the village desperately need help before they all vanish. Down Darker Trails scenario set in the tiny village of Gold Bluff in 1883. CTHULHU DARK AGES 100 Encounters in the City in the Dark Ages Ryan Sheehan ($0.99, 13 page PDF) Stop! Thief! Did you hear that an image of Christ appeared in Oswald's shop last night? That man in the crowd, his face just... melted? What is he? Supplement for Cthulhu Dark Ages, providing 100 different encounters, from the mundane and humorous to the mysterious and horrific, for Keepers to use while their investigators are staying in the cities of medieval Europe. The Terror in the Tapestry Ryan Sheehan ($2.99, 18 page PDF) It's a stolen tapestry, it was probably just some angry monk that swiped it, right? Cthulhu Dark Ages adventure set in the monastery of St. Swithun near the town of Totburh. After the idyllic calm of the monastery is violated by a brazen theft in the middle of the night, the monks of St. Swithun ask the investigators to help find their stolen tapestry. The investigators must track down the thief, but perhaps there is more to the tapestry than meets the eye. REGENCY CTHULHU The Weekly Rambler vol. 1: Regency Hooks and Seeds SR Sellens ($0.75, 5 page PDF) Presenting The Weekly Rambler: volume 1, a collection of scenario hooks and seeds for your Regency-era game, laid out in the style of a period newspaper. Whether you're looking for a starting point for an evening of improvised horror, or a diversion for investigators during your ongoing campaign, you will find it in this publication. 1930s-40s Goodnight Vienna Glyn White ($7.00, 100 page PDF) One-off scenario in which the players are the crew of an Allied bomber returning to their North African base after a raid on Naples in late 1942. Malfunctioning equipment on the plane means all they know is that they are somewhere over the Mediterranean and, after twelve hours flying, it is time to bail out. A horrible struggle for survival awaits below. Note: The scenario Goodnight Vienna previously appeared as the first scenario in Chaosium's Miskatonic University Library Association MonographShadows of War (2008). Bad Tidings Orlando Moreira ($4.95, 30 page PDF) Portugal, 1937, the shadow of war looms over Europe, and the country is under the iron fist of a dictator. The investigators are summoned by their former mentor and friend to his house located near a secluded coastal village. Professor Borges is dying from a mysterious affliction that defies explanation. As a storm of unprecedented violence approaches, the investigators find themselves embroiled in a deadly mystery that interweaves terrible secrets and shocking revelations. Death lurks in the shadows. Time is running out. Will they uncover the truth before it’s too late? The Night Haunt Kerem Tugran ($7.56, 39 page PDF) Something’s wrong with the Duplantier house. House folk is suffering from nightmares and unrest from strange noises in the night. Now Duplantier family has decided to put an end to this. But ending things are not always easy if a painting is involved by Ferdinand Hodler and H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands has something to do with this. Can be optionally used with Pulp Cthulhu. Earthly Delights Kerem Tugran ($7.56, 39 page PDF) Hieronymus Bosch’s world-famous painting The Garden of Earthly Delights will undergo renovations. Just before the renovation, the directors of El Prado Museum are organizing an exhibition with the participation of the art and society community. On this important night, art is not the main topic, but something much more insidious and terrifying awaits the guests. Can be optionally used with Pulp Cthulhu. DREAMLANDS Dreamlands Settlement - Ulthar Mikael Mansen ($5.05, 4 maps) Contains 4 maps of the city Ulthar in Chaosium's Dreamlands. Dreamlands Settlement - Celephais Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps) Contains 2 maps of the city Celephais in Chaosium's Dreamlands. Dreamlands Settlement - Hlanith Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 4 maps) Contains 4 maps of the city Hlanith in Chaosium's Dreamlands. Dreamland Areas - Maps 4 Dreamland Areas - Maps 5 Mikael Mansen ($4.95, assorted maps) Regions from Chaosium's Dreamlands.
  19. The heralds have spread the glad tidings far and wide! – a special newbie-friendly event to celebrate the launch of Pendragon 6th Edition in Manila, The Philippines! Our friends Greasy Snitches have announced: It's finally here! In collaboration with Chaosium Inc we're bringing you the launch of Pendragon 6th Edition in the Philippines! Join our first-ever Pendragon mega-game on June 25, Sunday, at 1PM Main Street Restaurant Kapitolyo! Prove your valor in The Great Hunt, get knighted, and maybe, just maybe--you'll build enough honor and glory to fight alongside the legend himself--King Arthur and his knights of the round table. Registrations are now open and all our tables are 100% newbie-friendly! Don't miss this chance. Register today (in person event). https://fb.watch/kNCXxbvPPF/
  20. Roll20® and Chaosium are pleased to announce they’ve officially agreed to support Miskatonic Repository content on the Roll20 virtual tabletop. Launched in partnership with DriveThruRPG in 2018, the Miskatonic Repository is Chaosium’s platform on DriveThruRPG, hosting independent creators for the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game. Today it is the fastest-growing Community Content program on DriveThruRPG. The Miskatonic Repository features Creators from around the world, with several print-on-demand options, a bustling community, and brilliant Call of Cthulhu titles. Settings range from classic 1920s to the distant past, the far future, the Dreamlands, and beyond. Chaosium has also appointed Community Ambassadors to assist Creators in publishing their work. “Miskatonic Repository has grown significantly over the past few years, and that’s a testament to the power of their community. We are very excited to open the doors to Roll20 for those Community Creators, and we’re eager to see what they will achieve,” Meredith Gerber, Partner Relations Manager at Roll20. “I look forward to including adventures from Miskatonic Repository in my own games!” Miskatonic Repository Creators can build Roll20 content through modules and add-ons that will unlock for users when they purchase the related Miskatonic Repository adventure content, providing additional value for online play. Roll20 users can then access those maps, tokens, handouts, and other game elements on the virtual tabletop the next time they log in, completely ready to play, thus avoiding many hours of additional set-up work. The Roll20 virtual tabletop provides a full suite of intuitive digital tools allowing players to build characters and run campaigns seamlessly through their web browser. With character sheet automation, simple click-to-roll actions, and built-in video and voice communication, players can quickly and easily craft stories and share their experiences as a group. Pre-made adventures and fully integrated bestiaries allow GMs to run games with minimal setup while enjoying features such as Dynamic Lighting and advanced fog of war to build tension and hide what’s right around the corner… or creeping up from behind. Chaosium echoes this sentiment: “We’re excited to see Call of Cthulhu community content officially coming to the Roll20 virtual tabletop. This partnership offers our Miskatonic Repository Creators exciting new opportunities to develop material specifically for online play and to reach audiences playing Call of Cthulhu all over the world,” said Chaosium vice president Michael O’Brien. Creators can start creating their Roll20 titles now with plenty of support documents as well as reaching out to DriveThruRPG with any questions they might have. More information for Miskatonic Creators to come in shortly!
  21. Check out the Call of Cthulhu investigator sheets based on the ones created by the characters Molly, Nightingale, Abigail, and Indigo from Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London novels. Rivers of London RPG line editor Lynne Hardy says, "Ben Aaronovitch and I had a great deal of fun translating the Call of Cthulhu investigators from the exclusive original short story in the Rivers of London RPG rulebook into playable characters. And here they are!" Available for download now: https://buff.ly/3OGIlgK
  22. Call of Cthulhu Live Play at the Ballarat Heritage festival tonight, complete with musical accompaniment! The Tales from Rat City crew presented an original Gaslight era scenario featuring characters based on historical local identities. Inspired by our recent release Cults of Cthulhu, the antagonists were the so-called 'Stevenites', a real cult that briefly flourished in Ballarat in the late 19th century. Look out for 'William Bailey's Haunted Mansion' on YouTube in due course!
  23. FRESH FROM THE SHIPPING CONTAINER! If you recall, earlier this year a truly monstrous surge of "Cthulhu curious" gamers converged on Chaosium.com. This was in the wake of the OGL controversy. We ended up selling out of Call of Cthulhu Starter Sets, months ahead of schedule. We had more copies of the Starter Set coming in February, and more coming in March, and they sold out too. Fortunately, we've now had another container load arrive, and so the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set is back in stock in North America and available for shipping once again! Order your copy here, and remember the price includes the PDF! If you're already a Call of Cthulhu fan, thanks for your support and for sharing our eldritch game with curious newcomers. And if you're new to tabletop gaming in the Mythos, we look forward to journeying with you into the black seas of infinity... What the critics say about the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set "The textbook example of how to make an accessible RPG onboarding experience and deserves a place on every TTRPG enthusiast’s bookshelf" — GameOnAus. "If you have wanted to get into the game but didn’t know where to start, this will be a great purchase for you." — Geek Tyrant. "Offers a gold standard on how to introduce players to a system... I feel the bar has been set and future starter kits should be measured against this. " — RPGBot. "Freaking Fantastic! … this big beautiful box contains everything a new player would need to get started playing." — Seth Skorkowsky. "The best introduction to Call of Cthulhu and best starter set for any roleplaying game currently available." — Reviews from R’lyeh.
  24. According to her bio, two-time Aurealis award winning Fantasy novelist Jane Routley has had a variety of careers, including fruit picker and Occult librarian. She is also a tabletop gamer. After many years playing Call of Cthulhu, she's turned her hand to scenario writing with Prowler at the Threshold, a Modern adventure about university students experiencing the pleasures - and the horrors of living in a share house! Call of Cthulhu is amazingly versatile, and the Modern Day has proven to be a popular setting choice for Miskatonic Repository creators. Along with Jane's, check out these new independently created scenarios, all set in contemporary times! Prowler at the Threshold Jane Routley ($4.95, 18 page PDF) Your first share house! Its gonna be one long party. But who or what keeps tapping on the windows at night? Four present day students move into No. 7 Cemetery Lane only to find themselves haunted by someone or something that prowls around outside at night. A modern day Call of Cthulhu one shot scenario for those that know the pleasures - and the horrors - of share houses! A Quest for Power Ryan Graham Theobalds ($6.95, 35 page PDF) The year is 2017 and your research team has been sent to the North West of England to investigate a mysterious outbreak of earth tremors in the area. But things are more complicated than they first appear with the locals claiming the tremors are linked to a controversial fracking project, while those in power are eager to move forward with the drilling as planned. Of course things take a dire turn when you uncover a 70 million year old secret that threatens more than the town of Little Plumpton. Jolene Sabrina Haenze ($6.00, 32 page PDF) September, 2019: "She could have her choice of them, but you could never love again..." A mysterious woman named Jolene has stolen your romantic partner, consuming their every thought and action. When she left, your partner either disappeared with her, or sank into a vegetative state, able only to whisper her name. And now, you have a chance to right the wrong and stop Jolene before she takes someone else's man. The Forest Michael Bertolini ($3.99, 13 page PDF) Forests are, traditionally speaking, a different world spilling into our own. Not only do the forests house animals and plants unseen and unknown to the modern world, but they are often a barrier between worlds; there are forests in the world that, once entered, do not exit back into our world. Some forests don’t have an exit to speak of. But as civilization has grown, forests are destroyed in favor of progress. In a particular forest in Germany, unnamed and forgotten by many, the forest is a mystery; it has established a reputation for evil. The investigators have unwillingly entered this unnamed forest and must uncover its secrets if they want to escape. Modern-day scenario taking place in Germany in the summer of 2020. Camping in the Shurgas Peter Wilbur ($10.00, 90 page PDF) A Modern investigation finds the investigators attempting to relax during a week long camping trip. 52Hz Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 15 page PDF) The 52 Hz is known as "the loneliest whale". Never seen, it has been heard in the waters of the Pacific Ocean for many years. What if it is not a whale, but something much more... dangerous. An old war is brewing again, and humans may find themselves caught in the crossfire. A Heady Draught Jason Arons ($2.99, 6 page PDF) Drinks with a friend lead to dreams and a mystery. Takes place in Painswick, England. Gaslight to Modern. Game Night Sean Liddle ($1.00, 6 page PDF) It is a Friday night between Christmas and New Year’s. You and your friends are impatiently waiting for the oldest of your group to finish their shift at the Mister Convenient, convenience store as you have a late-night Xmas holidays VCR party planned But with a storm raging, you find yourselves trapped at the store till morning! What are those strange sounds? Where is that pizza guy? What are those lights across the way? Camp Otter Lake Sean Liddle ($1.00, 7 page PDF) You and your friends have scored the job of the summer working at the newly re-opened Camp Otter Lake.. but there seems to be a bit of a past to it. Something terrifying. Lost Light Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 24 page PDF) In this one-on-one three-in-one scenario the Investigator enters a strange lighthouse that mysteriously appeared in the middle of a forest. What can be found inside depends on the choice of one of three variants of the scenario. For any time and space. The Happiness Hut Matheus Rizzatti Feron, Luciano Henrique Moreira da Silva, Kalil Younes Prá ($6.66, 18 page PDF) A biohouse has caught the attention of the community. The problem is, whoever enters it doesn't want to leave. Terror Through Time: 10 Plot Ideas for Cosmic Horror Adventures from the 1920’s to the 2020’s Luiz Eduardo Ricon ($3.99, 15 page PDF) From Gatsby to Oppenheimer, from the Swinging London to the caves in Kandahar, Keepers will find plenty of ideas to kick off a one-shot session or to weave a decades-spanning campaign with Investigators getting old and being replaced by their worthy successors, as they progress through the different scenarios presented in this book. Ten spine-chilling ideas for Cosmic Horror adventures spanning from the 1920’s all the way to the 2020’s. WANT TO TAKE PART IN THE MISKATONIC REPOSITORY COMMUNITY PROGRAM? Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium. Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it. Miskatonic Repository Guidelines for Content Creators Additional Guidelines
  25. Horror on the Tabletop: At Gen Con, join us as we take a deep dive into horror in the modern age of roleplaying. We'll discuss safety tools, the evolution of horror, mechanics of monsters, and the marriage of atmosphere and gaming that makes horror unique. Friday, August 3rd at 1:00–2:00PM at the Crowne Plaza : Haymarket A. Attendance is free, but requires a ticket. Audience strictly limited to 80: book your tickets before they're all taken! Moderator is Chaosium's Brian Holland; we'll reveal panel members over coming weeks!
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