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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Please note any typos or errors here, quoting page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will update the PDF. The book has not gone to print yet:
  2. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: we have updated the PDF with further feedback. Please ensure the PDF you review is the current version - V1.03.** With the PDF release of Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will update the PDF and any subsequent printings of the book. We will delete reported items as we review them, so if your post gets deleted it's because we've dealt with it. Please read this initial post to see what has already been reported. NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take any discussions you may have to another thread.
  3. The way the ORC license works, there is no need for an SRD. The entire text is in effect the SRD, so you can use the whole book - minus the product identity elements (all artwork, illustrations, and graphic design/trade dress, and all trademarks.)
  4. Create. Explore. Play. BRP’s Universal Game Engine is available royalty-free for personal and commercial use under the Open RPG Creative license, aka ORC license. Basic Roleplaying (BRP) is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying. Whether you’re a seasoned roleplaying veteran or new to the hobby, Basic Roleplaying has everything you need for years of entertainment. https://www.chaosium.com/basic-roleplaying-universal-game-engine-pdf * Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine is the complete guide to BRP—the same system that powers Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Pendragon, Rivers of London, and countless others. BRP is adaptable to any world of your choosing—either previously established, or created from scratch. Use these rules royalty-free to create your worlds, scenarios and even books to sell! *Buy now and get a coupon for the printed version later! So you want to purchase the physical version, but really want to get your hands on so you don't have to wait. We have you covered! If you purchase a PDF we will send you a discount coupon just before the physical book goes on sale to offset the PDF purchase price you have already paid.
  5. Six Ages, the 'spiritual successor' to the magnificent King of Dragon Pass, now has its own sequel, coming to Steam and iOS this summer! Taking place after the events of the original Six Ages, its sequel will again challenge players in making difficult choices and fight in turn-based combat to ensure the survival of their clan. While completely stand-alone, players will also be allowed to bring in their save from Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind and carry over some of their choices. King of Dragon Pass and the Six Ages storybook strategy games take place in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha, setting for the RuneQuest TTRPG. Release Trailer: Developed by A Sharp and published by Kitfox Games.
  6. The Dhole's House is the official online toolkit for Call of Cthulhu where you can create, track, save, and print characters for free – and it's just passed the milestone of half a million downloads! Create characters for Classic, Modern, Pulp, Gaslight, Down Darker Trails, and Regency Call of Cthulhu games. Or search the Character Library for pre-gen characters to use as PCs and NPCs. And you can also generate props and handouts. All in a matter of minutes. Create a free account at The Dhole's House today and start exploring!
  7. We have some irons in the Hollywood fire. The D&D movie becoming a huge popular success and start of a new fantasy franchise will certainly not hurt the chances of a RuneQuest movie/series one day.
  8. Mike Mason, creative director of Call of Cthulhu, shares some condensed advice designed to get new Keepers ready to start playing ASAP. He's talking to James Coquillat for our Chaosium Interviews series on YouTube. Get your own copy of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set today from Chaosium.com: $24.99, and comes with the PDF included in the price!
  9. Sure, we've run some gags on April Fools Day over the past few years (hopefully they raised a chuckle or two), but this April 1st the joke is that all legacy Twitter accounts – including ours – are are about to lose their "verified" blue checks. Going forward, please bear in mind a blue tick on Twitter now only indicates paid membership, not verified identity!
  10. James Lowder has decided to end his tenure as Chaosium’s executive editor, effective March 31, 2023. James is moving back to full-time freelancing as a writer, editor, and publishing consultant for books, tabletop games, comics, and transmedia projects. James’s contributions to Chaosium as a creator stretch back more than two decades, most notably on the RPG book Pulp Cthulhu and the fiction anthology Madness on the Orient Express. Starting in 2015, he served as a consultant on creator relations and remained a passionate advocate for creators throughout his time with us. He later joined the staff to help revive the fiction line and then took on the role of company executive editor, with work negotiating licenses and improving contracts, developing IP strategies, building processes and standards, and handling many other matters that played an integral role in every Chaosium product and project. Susan O’Brien will be taking over the day-to-day of the fiction program. Questions about licenses, contracts, and other matters can be directed to Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien. Chaosium president Rick Meints said, “James joined us when we sorely needed his expertise to help tackle a myriad of problems. He will be hard to replace, and everyone at the company wishes him the best in all future endeavors”.
  11. Another Call of Cthulhu Classic title now also available POD at DriveThruRPG — The Great Old Ones (176 page softcover), six scenarios that can played sequentially, or stand-alone.
  12. In Rivers of London: the Roleplaying Game, players are members of the London Metropolitan Police Service’s special magic branch. You will solve mysteries, and come to grips with the “demi-monde”—those who have been irreversibly changed by magic! Coming in hardcover April 17th!
  13. When it comes to Luck Points, are you a spender or a saver? Lynne Hardy, line editor of the Rivers of London TTRPG, talks about Luck rules in Rivers of London—what’s new, what’s different, and what’s the best ways to use them? Lynne is talking with Chaosium's James Coquillat. Get the PDF for Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game now, and we'll take that cost off the physical book when it is released next month, April 2023!
  14. Dungeon Alchemist is okay. The artwork in Dungeon Alchemist is all human created, and used with permission of the creators who are all credited. As Arkenforge notes, there is a significant distinction between AI artwork generation tools like Midjourney, and AI arrangement tools like Dungeon Alchemist.
  15. Starting April 2, Salt and Serpent is hitting the seas with Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine. A story of rainbow romance and revenge, the Pixel Circus crew says "We can't wait to show you what we've put together on this system!" With Saige Ryan, Kaylie Bray, Surena Marie, Rowan Hall, and Aabria Iyengar.
  16. Hear from more of the Chaosium team! Here Sim Cogswell, Chaosium’s in-house layout artist and graphic designer, talks about their work and about how TTRPGs come together. What part of building a book is most mysterious to you? Sim is talking to James Coquillat.A recent example of Sim's layout and graphic design work is RuneQuest: Weapons & Equipment.
  17. What failed dice roll was most fun for you? Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason shares his advice on how to turn failed checks into exciting and memorable moments. He's talking to James Coquillat as part of our Chaosium Interviews series.
  18. What’s the strangest change you’ve seen in a TTRPG using an established setting’s lore?Jason Durall, creative director of RuneQuest and all things BRP, talks to James Coquillat about when and how to best break the lore. Part of our Chaosium Interviews series on YouTube.
  19. Here John Wick, creative director of 7th Sea, talks about Worldbuilding for TTRPGs. How do you know if you've done too little, or too much Worldbuilding?Part of our Chaosium Interviews series with James Coquillat.
  20. In the latest of Chaosium Interviews series, Jason Durall, creative director of RuneQuest and all things BRP, talks about how the evolution of genres has affected the TTRPG industry. He's talking to James Coquillat.
  21. Nick Nacario has been with Chaosium a long time: in fact, he's been been involved with the company since he was around 10 years old! He is now our Production Coordinator, with his core responsibilities centered around scheduling and coordinating the creation of our products from the layout phase through to the printing phase.In this Chaosium Interview Nick talks to James Coquillat about the many hats he's worn at Chaosium over the years, as well as the technical craft of putting TTRPG books together.
  22. What are some of the most effective TTRPG safety tools?Art Hunter, of the Stream of Chaos, talks about some of the best tools out there, and how to apply them in both convention and home games. Art is talking to James Coquillat.Get your copy of the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Tips book.And here's the TTRPG consent checklist mentioned in the video.
  23. What’s the weirdest fact you know about the 1920s? Mike Mason, line editor of Call of Cthulhu, focuses on strange facts from the era which could be expanded into exciting scenario prompts or even full campaigns! He's talking with James Coquillat as part of our Chaosium Interviews series. Catch them all at the Chaosium YouTube channel!
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