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  1. Now also on Itch.io - The Adventure of the Sword Tournament, our Pendragon 6th Edition Quick-Start. Download for free! https://chaosium.itch.io/the-adventure-of-the-sword
  2. Adventure awaits with Pendragon 6th Edition! Curious about the upcoming release of Pendragon? We have exactly what you need.It is an age of chivalry, an age of adventure & fantasy—it is the age of Pendragon! The Adventure of the Sword Tournament is a complete scenario and special preview of the rules for Pendragon 6th Edition. Within, you’ll find: A ready-to-play scenario, allowing you and your players to partake in the epic moment when an unknown, back-country squire draws the sword from the stone. A rules overview covering Traits, Passions, Skills, and combat. Five pregenerated Player-knights. A primer on the city of Londinium: the setting for the scenario. A Gen Con 2022 exclusive hand-out, we are proud to make this available for everyone.Download a PDF copy here: Pendragon - Quick-Start - The Adventure of the Sword Tournament New for 2023 - Pendragon 6th Edition! In early 2023 the Pendragon Starter Set for 6th Edition will be released, followed closely by several more title as Chaosium relaunches this historic RPG line. See yourself why Pendragon, Greg Stafford's magnum opus, is widely considered one of the best designed RPG rules systems ever.SUBSCRIBE TO GET PENDRAGON NEWS
  3. Coming: a new expandable card game for 7th Sea Originally released in 1998 as a collectible card game, John Wick's 7th Sea has been a beloved card game and role-playing game setting for over two decades. Now, under license from Chaosium, Pine Box Entertainment is adding to the 7th Sea universe in the new expandable card game 7th Sea: City of Five Sails. On 11 October 2022 new and old card players alike can return to swashbuckling and sorcery in the world of Théah when 7th Sea: City of Five Sails comes to Kickstarter. Inaugural tournament at Gen Con 2022 Five Sails has been declared an independent city which no outside forces may control, so naturally, each player’s goal is to wrestle control of the city away from their opponent through economic might, dominance of the city’s strategic locations, or assassination of the opposing faction’s leader. Gen Con 2022 marked the preview of 7th Sea: City of Five Sails and Pine Box hosted an inaugural tournament to honor the occasion! Sixty-five players arrived in Five Sails to brawl and backstab their way to victory in this two day tournament using prerelease starter decks. -- Play underway at the inaugural tournament, Gen Con 2022 -- Storyline Tournaments The Gen Con event was a 'Storyline Tournament', just as many of the tournaments from the 1998 7th Sea collectible card game once were. Storyline Tournaments provide opportunities for players to shape the future of the City of Five Sails by allowing them to answer critical questions and make compelling decisions regarding the city and the extraordinary personalities that call it home. For this inaugural tournament, the storyline question that needed answering was, “Is Yevgeni the Boar a hero or a villain?” Five Factions Being a pre-release event, the inaugural tournament used pre-constructed decks. Each deck is defined by its leader, a larger than life personality that gives each deck a unique flavor and access to special abilities and specific advantages. Participants chose their decks from the five factions, each with their unique leader, that will be included in the core box. Yevgeni the Boar - USSURA Faction Yevgeni the Boar is a man so large and foreboding that even the elements seem to bow down before him.Yevgeni’s style is much like the man himself; bold, direct, and powerful. To earn the Boar’s guile is as good as a death sentence for most. Yevgeni prefers to get the job done himself rather than send anyone else to do the work, and his method of getting the job done most often leverages his brute force and indomitable will. The last place anyone is the City of Five Sails would want to be is in a duel with the Boar. Odette Dubois d’Arrent - MONTAIGNE Faction Odette Dubois d’Arrent is the most recent arrival to the City of Five Sails, but she did not arrive alone. A small but elite group of skilled Musketeers accompanies her and protects her from the rougher elements of the City. Her strengths include movement and creative positioning to make the most of her political abilities and her Musketeers’ steel. True to the musketeer phrase, “All for one and one for all!” Odette and her musketeers perform their best when working closely as a group to support one another. Kaspar Dietrich - EISEN Faction In the aftermath of the War of the Cross, Kaspar Dietrich returned home to Eisen, only to find it in ruins. Kaspar then fled south to Five Sails where he hopes to use his formidable reputation as a master commander and strategist to build an army to reclaim his homeland. Kaspar utilizes strategies that involve making use of the city’s available mercenaries for hire and ensuring they are well equipped for the war to come. Anyone caught in a conflict with Kaspar is likely to be outnumbered. Soline el Gato - CASTILLE Faction Born and raised by the streets and canals of the Castillian District of Five Sails, Soline el Gato knows intimately what it takes to survive in such a city. The leader of a den ofthievesand scoundrels, Soline uses her cunning and adaptability to always keep her opponents on their toes, not knowing what to expect. Soline’s style is one of disruption, making it increasingly difficult for an opponent to gain ground. “Don” Constanzo Scarpa - VODACCE Faction “Don” Constanzo Scarpa loves his city, for Five Sails is indeed his city, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect it, even if it is from itself. Reputation, familyand loyalty are the things that are of paramount importance to Constanzo as he tries to advance politically through the ranks of the city’s elite. Constanzo’s style is cutthroat and brutal where the ends always justify the means. Exploitative with his forces, the “Don” has at his disposal a pack of expendable thugs from theRed Hand gang. Constanzo doesn’t care what or even who gets sacrificed along the way so long as his plans and schemes are advanced.. The inaugural tournament saw every faction well represented, with nine players choosing the power hungry “Don” Constanzo Scarpa, another nine selecting the indomitable Yevgeni the Boar, 14 players preferring the cunning Soline el Gato, another 14 selecting the influential Odette Dubois d’Arrent, and a whopping 19 players choosing to help bolster the ranks of the revered commander Kaspar Dietrich. The Victors At the end of the tournament, Kaspar and his mercenaries emerged as the final victor. Finalists Stephen Skilton and Hayes Hunter worked together to determine Yevgeni’s moral standing and decided that Yevgeni’s path would be one of heroism. Now, the Hero subtype will be added to Yevgeni’s character card before 7th Sea: City of Five Sails hits Kickstarter this October, giving Ussura Faction players new options to consider when building their decks. Of course, no 7th Sea unveiling would be complete without celebrating its roots. Pine Box Entertainment hosted a retro tournament for the 7th Sea Collectible Card Game with 22 participants to recognize those fans of the game who are still playing almost two decades after the game’s cancellation. The winner of this retro tournament was none other than Stephen Skilton, one of the finalists in the City of Five Sails inaugural tournament! Coming to Kickstarter October 11th 7th Sea: City of Five Sails sets sail for Kickstarter on 11 October 2022. Click HERE to be notified on Launch and not miss your share of the plunder! -- Inaugural Five Sails tournament finalists Stephen Skilton (L) and Hayes Hunter (R) --
  4. 7th Sea creator John Wick talks to James Coquillat about why failing in a TTRPG is a fun and necessary part of gameplay. The latest in our 'Chaosium Interviews' series on YouTube.
  5. Lords of the Middle Sea: The Roleplaying Game is in development. Based on Lynn Willis's 1978 futuristic proto-Steampunk board game, set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of a flooded North America, the tabletop RPG utilizes a streamlined version of the Basic Roleplaying system. Jason Durall, creative lead for the project, writes: Just a long-overdue update on the state of things: The first third of the book is through external editing. The line editor (me) is taking most of the month of September to focus on getting the rest of the manuscript complete. We currently have four adventures in hand from external writers, and depending on the manuscript's length, one or more of them will be in the core book or will follow as an adventure sourcebook. Art is still coming in. Here is one of the recent pieces by the always-amazing Ossi Hiekkala, depicting the fiery destruction of an airship as witnessed from inside the cockpit of the Bella Dama:
  6. "One of the joys and curses of being a completist collector means you seek out every printing, edition, and variant of each item." In his latest 'Out of the Suitcase' post, Chaosium president Rick Meints uses Citadel's RuneQuest Minies from the 1980s to show what he means... https://www.chaosium.com/blogout-of-the-suitcase-33-collecting-and-dealing-with-personal-demons
  7. Unfortunately, Board&Dice have announced they have cancelled the Kickstarter.https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boardanddice/powercore-call-of-cthulhu/posts/3596643
  8. By David Larkins, Pendragon line editor. A new edition of the Pendragon RPG is coming! The intention of this series of design journals by Pendragon line editor David Larkins is to trace the path of development, starting in the early 1980s and culminating with the forthcoming new edition of the Pendragon RPG, which will be first to be wholly published by Chaosium in a quarter-century. Pendragon Design Journal #1: Where It All Began Pendragon Design Journal #2: Bringing the Light Pendragon Design Journal #3: A Modular Approach Pendragon Design Journal #4: Refining Traits and Passions Pendragon Design Journal #5: Honor and Glory Pendragon Design Journal #6: Combat! Pendragon Design Journal #7: The Social Game Pendragon Design Journal #8: The Battle System Pendragon Design Journal #9: Of Horses and Squires Pendragon Design Journal #10: Arthurian Acts Pendragon Design Journal #11: Writing the Starter Set Let’s start looking at the contents of the Pendragon Starter Set, shall we? We’ll begin, naturally enough, with Book I: The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone. As was done in the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set and RuneQuest Starter Set, we have included a tutorial SoloQuest intended to teach newcomers about the rules and setting of the game, as well as showcasing the the new edition for veteran players. Although most of the material in the Pendragon Starter Set was written by Greg Stafford – including the exciting mini-campaign from which we pulled our new free Quickstart adventure (download here), and about which much more in a future Journal entry – I had the honor of writing this solo tutorial myself. In many ways this felt like coming full circle from my beginnings in the hobby, as my first experiences with adventure gaming (circa 1987) came courtesy of the Lone Wolf series of game books. For those of you too young to have experienced the delights of the 80s gamebook craze, these were like advanced Choose Your Own Adventure books (a separate craze of their own which I also enthusiastically participated in) featuring what were essentially streamlined RPG-lite mechanics, character sheets, and systems based on generating random numbers. In short, a perfect primer for a lifetime hobby in tabletop role-playing games! The aforementioned solo tutorials in the Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest Starter Sets set the bar pretty high for writing my own solo gamebook, but then I do love a challenge! And so, as I was busy editing and revising Greg’s text during the development process, I also blocked out some time to conceive and write up an original SoloQuest. The setup is simple: you play a 14-year-old page on the cusp of becoming a squire. The twist is that you serve in the household of a provincial knight in the Cambrian kingdom of Penllyn by the name of Sir Ector; he has two sons, named Kay and Arthur. Anyone with a passing familiarity with Arthurian tales (particularly those who have read T. H. White’s The Once and Future King or seen a certain animated feature film based on the book) can instantly imagine the scene, I’m sure. Of course, Greg’s interpretation of Arthurian canon puts our own Pendragon treatment on the home life of Squire Arthur and his household, which is reflected in this book. Over its 48 pages, The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone introduces the reader to the world of Arthurian Britain at a time of its greatest peril: the land is without a king, the Saxons press in along the borders of the great realm of Logres, and everywhere anarchy reigns. We then get a very brief introduction to the basics of the Pendragon system and the components that go into making a character. From there, you actually generate your squire-to-be in a streamlined version of the core character creation rules and you are off and running! Turning to the first entry in the SoloQuest proper, we read: Sir Ector’s manor is built upon the ruins of an ancient hill fort in the country of Penllyn. The hall, Sir Ector’s place of residence, is a grand two-story stone building with an entrance on the second floor. On this fine autumnal day, with the harvest done and the air getting chillier, you are enjoying a brief respite from your duties with your friend and fellow page, Alis. The two of you are sitting near the warmth of the central hearth, playing a game of improvised draughts using river pebbles, when the main door to the hall flies open. It is your friend Arthur, Kay’s younger brother, and his fine features are lit up with excitement. He beams at you. “Kay wants to do quintain practice. I asked if you could join us, and he said yes!” You leap to your feet. As a page, you are not allowed to practice martial skills with the squires. Kay, the senior squire of the household, must be feeling magnanimous. The game of draughts forgotten, you and Alis run outside with Arthur. From these humble beginnings, you experience the highs and lows of life at court before heading out for adventure in the far-flung city of Londinium—the title of the adventure should provide a clue to where this is all leading…but what role can a humble page play in one of the most legendary events of all time? Over the course of The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone, you keep track of your decisions and their consequences. At the very end of the SoloQuest, you tally up points based on these decisions to find out the future fate of your young character. Based on the events of this adventure, you find out if they destined for greatness—or ignominy. It’s a reminder of one of the central tenets of the game: you play to find out what kind of knight you will be. In The Time of King Arthur, What Kind of Knight Will You Be? Download The Adventure of the Sword Pendragon Quick-Start ART: 'London Street' Mathilde Marlot; 'SoloQuest Cover' Sam Carr
  9. Lurking behind the thin vale of sanity, ancient beings of imaginable power lurk, forever ready to bring the world to its knees. These godlike beings from beyond time and space can warp the mind, break the will, and obliterate the body. Now, as they stand against each other, the world will be plunged into a maelstrom of horror and madness. Will your hand guide the victors - or will your eternal legacy be wiped out by a being more cunning, more ruthless, and more malevolent than you? Launched today on Kickstarter — worlds collide as Call of Cthulhu combines with the all new PowerCore™️ game system from renowned strategy game publisher Board&Dice! The eldritch combination of the Cthulhu mythos and Board&Dice’s fascination with the world of the fantastical has created a game of untold replayability! With innovation and creativity, Power Core: Call of Cthulhu is ready to spread the legends of the infamous cosmic horrors from beyond space. Board&Dice’s original PowerCore game system is quick to learn, but the decisions on the field of play are filled with moments of rich intensity. Each player combines two Character decks, offering a variety of options for card-play combos and opportunities to unleash the potential of the matching Power Core devices. Will you draw cards to prepare for a later assault, or push forward to unleash fury upon your unsuspecting foe? Your cards are your weapons, and the Power Cores are the engine that will set the skies on fire! Are you ready to be enveloped by the cosmic horrors within Power Core: Call of Cthulhu? Produced under license from Chaosium. Live on Kickstarter now!
  10. Gaslight is not going to be Kickstarted.
  11. In this Chaosium Interview, creative director Jeff Richard talks to James Coquillat about the concept of evil in TTRPGs. Who are your enemies? Is it okay to slay them? How can you tell the best stories by playing with morality and evil? Experience the complex moral gameplay of Glorantha for yourself with the RuneQuest Starter Set.
  12. Our supplement Cthulhu Dark Ages Third Edition is set in the medieval world of Anglo-Saxon England. It comes with three scenarios – The Hunt, The Doom That Came to Wessex, and Eseweald. And when you've played through those, the Miskatonic Repository can keep your Call of Cthulhu investigations firmly rooted in the Dark Ages. Here are newly-released Cthulhu Dark Ages titles from independent Call of Cthulhu creators: The Bloated Saint Ryan Sheehan ($2.99, 19 page PDF) When a beloved friend calls on the investigators for help, a mission to help repair their friend's reputation soon uncovers a horror that once lurked amongst the residents of Tour-sur-Mer. Cthulhu Dark Ages adventure set in the fictional town of Tour-sur-Mer in the Duchy of Normandy in 984 CE. The investigators are tasked to help a dear friend who found himself a social pariah in his hometown after a trip to Rome. Is there reason behind the change, or is something more sinister at play? Expanded Occupations for Cthulhu Dark Ages Ryan Sheehan ($1.99, 7 page PDF) Expanded Occupations for Cthulhu Dark Ages adds twenty-six new occupations for Dark Ages investigators, more than doubling the original twenty found in the Cthulhu Dark Ages sourcebook. Branches of Bone - A Viking Age Cthulhu Dark Ages Scenario Michael Reid ($4.95, 40 page PDF) Beleaguered chieftain Askr Yelloweye leads you and your impoverished clansmen to the rocky isle of Skógrbein, off the coast of Northumbria. Askr chases a vision from Freya, claiming she showed him a relic of Yggrdasil held in the heathens’ stone temple sitting upon Skógrbein. How far you believe your chieftain, who can say? But you know the people of these lands hold treasures in their temples. A Cthulhu Dark Ages Scenario of Viking Age Survival-Horror. 100 Encounters on the Road in the Dark Ages Ryan Sheehan ($0.99, 10 page PDF) Supplement for Cthulhu Dark Ages, providing 100 different encounters, from the mundane and humorous to the mysterious and horrific, for Keepers to use while their investigators are traveling from place to place. Never leave town without it! Dark Ages of the Miskatonic Repository [BUNDLE] ($18.89 $12.95, 7 PDF titles) This Cthulhu Dark Ages bundle contains the four titles listed above, plus: The Haunted Grove Andy Miller ($1.99, 22 page PDF) There’s a place in the woods avoided by the local villagers, a grove reputed to be cursed or haunted or worse. Though none of the locals tread those dark paths, sometimes travelers get lost and find themselves there. A man can disappear if he doesn’t keep his wits about him … or worse. This Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario is set in the summer of 1003 A.D. and easily incorporated into any campaign. The Secret of Silcestre Andy Miller ($4.99, 52 page PDF) Something is wrong in Silcestre. The tiny village of Silcestre (Sil-chester) stands on part of the old Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum that was important in its time, nearly 500 years before. Unlike other villages built on old Roman towns, Silcestre is of newer construction. The villagers hide in their houses when nightfall comes, but not even that is always enough to protect them. Silcestre has always been plagued by certain terrible secrets and now various forces seek them out for their own gain. Who are these people and what exactly do they want? Can the investigators learn The Secret of Silcestre before others? The Secret of Silcestre is a Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario set in England in the year 1002 A.D. The investigators are travelers on the road from London to Winchester, stopping in Silcestre overnight, when they learn of strange things happening in the village. A Colour in a Dark Age Jonathan Baxter ($0.99, 19 page PDF) The players are travelers in the forested wilderness of 10th century Germany. They must get to the heart of a mysterious blight that is plaguing the land, all while dodging roaming bandits and monstrous woodland creatures. They will find themselves caught between two warring human factions and must forge alliances or play both sides off each other in order to survive the scenario. This download includes seven full-page maps in addition to 16 statted NPCs. This scenario can be played in three to four sessions of one to two hours each. This scenario is ideal for a group of three player Investigators but can easily be structured for larger or smaller groups. Plus here are some more Cthulhu Dark Ages titles in the Miskatonic Repository! The Raid Marco Carrer ($1.00, 12 page PDF) A journey to the West has become a nightmare for a crew of warriors. Will they be able to come back to their families and their motherland? Or will they perish? A one-shot scenario set in the Viking era. Includes 6 pre-gen characters. Also available in Italian. The Mad Priest Marco Carrer (Free, 10 page PDF) The mad priest has arrived in your village. Are you ready to face the consequences? A one-shot scenario set in the Viking era. Cthulhu Dark Ages 3rd Edition is available from: Chaosium (Hardcover +PDF, Leatherette +PDF, PDF) DriveThruRPG (PDF) Retail distribution Coming up on the next Miskatonic Monday... We mark the 1000th Miskatonic Repository release! In the meantime, also check out the 250th release on the Jonstown Compendium, our community content platform for RuneQuest and Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha.
  13. DuckPac - Book 1: Myths, Legends & Lore Drew Baker, Neil Gibson ($5.99, 48 page PDF) “The Antelope Lancers are gone sir and the Bell Temple cavalry is in tatters. It was the ducks sir! Feathery little bastards hiding in the water and reeds, slitting the mounts bellies as they rode past. I thought General Fazzur had done away with ‘em all but looks like Starbrow managed to get some of the cowardly freaks to fight. The Char-un heavy cavalry will finish the job though sir and the island will be ours!” Love or hate ducks as you will, but never underestimate them. That would be a costly mistake (just ask the surviving members of the Imperial cavalry that took part in the Battle of Dangerford!) This volume serves as an introduction to the Durulz Tribe of Duck Vale in the southwestern corner of the Kingdom of Sartar and provides a view of the tribe and race including: The origins of the Ducks (according to the Durulz). Information on Durulz culture, society, family life and traditions. Notes on the infamous Duck Hunts of the Lunar Occupation of Sartar. A gazetteer of Duck Vale and its surrounds Illustrated throughout with new artworks specifically commissioned for the DuckPac series, Book 1: Lore, Legends & Myths provides a primer for both the gamemaster and player interested in interacting with the tribe or playing a duck adventurer. DuckPac - Book 2: Duck Adventurers Drew Baker, Neil Gibson ($10.99, 90 page PDF) "Yellowbelly Dampmarsh had heard it all before. The jokes, the slanders, the racism. That was all just harmless banter. I mean ducks, no sense of humor! Am I right or am I right? Whether the two braggarts at the bar had seen him squatting in the corner with his bowl of soup or were just bigots, Yellowbelly didn't care. Just one more “Why did the duck cross the road?” joke and the answer would be discovered by the two loudmouths about ten minutes after they left this particular drinking establishment. He was certain it would involve a punchline neither of those monkey-boys would forget in a hurry." Amongst all the tribes of Sartar, the Durulz are unique, being the only tribe that can be said to be truly non-human. You may mistake a Telmori for just another backwoods hunter but a duck is difficult to miss. However, being different has its drawbacks. But it also has its advantages… This volume provides an in-depth guide to creating your duck adventurer with a family origin in the homeland of Duck Vale located in the southwestern corner of Sartar. DuckPac - Book 3: Redfeather Dreaming nb this is the 250th title released in the Jonstown Compendium Drew Baker, Neil Gibson ($15.99, 133 page PDF) Spending Sacred Time at Redfeather Safe is part of your obligation to kith and kin, but when a distinguished guest arrives unexpectedly things take a strange turn. Rudely woken, interrogated, and then… Well, that is up to Luck, Fate, and the decisions you make. Explore the dangers of the Upland Marsh, one of the most notorious regions in Dragon Pass. With over 50 locations to discover, denizens to encounter, and puzzles to solve, the choices you make may change the direction of the Durulz Tribe forever. This volume is a SoloQuest designed for starting duck adventurers inspired by the classic SoloQuest series by Alan LaVergne and Book 3: SoloQuest from the RuneQuest Starter Set. Forthcoming title in this series: DuckPac - Book 4: Gamemaster’s Scenarios – A set of standalone and linked scenarios, encounters and plot seeds for the gamemaster to run for duck adventurers and their closest of companions. What the Critics Say about the Duck Pac series "Worthy of the classic TrollPak. DuckPac is brilliant, a cohesive, sensitive, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek examination of what arguably is Glorantha's most iconic species. It's a 'must have'." — Andrew Logan Montgomery, author of the Six Seasons in Sartar trilogy. Some of the art by Drew Baker, Neil Gibson, Tania Rodriguez, Rick Hershey, Lee O'Connor, Dominic Reardon, John Spelling and Forge Studios, which Andrew Logan Montgomery says "are the best looking Ducks I have seen in 40 years of playing RuneQuest." More about the Ducks In his Out of the Suitcase collector series, Chaosium president Rick Meints discusses the origins of the ducks in 1975's White Bear & Red Moon, RuneQuest 1st Edition (1979), and Foes (1980). RuneQuest co-creator Steve Perrin also gives a personal account of their genesis - "We were also lacking some kind of Hobbit equivalent for those players who really insist on a challenge. Came the Ducks..." Ducks in RuneQuest have remained perennially popular ever since, and feature in the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary for the current edition of the game (see circled on the cover!). The ducks are one of the non-human species detailed for use as RuneQuest player character adventurers, complete with their unique professions, cults, and magic.
  14. Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, 7th Sea: the Glass Cannon Network played demo games of them all at Gen Con, one after the other, in the space of one hour 45 minutes! In a virtuoso GMing performance, Chaosium's Brian Holland introduces these TTRPGs to Joe O'Brien, Paula Deeming, Matthew Capodicasa, and Josephine McAdam. These quick demo scenarios were created by Brian (Call of Cthulhu), and fellow Chaosium team members Andrew Bean (RuneQuest), and John Wick (7th Sea). Want a fast overview of these Chaosium games in action? Check them out here: Find out more: Call of Cthulhu - Getting Started RuneQuest - Getting Started 7th Sea - Getting Started
  15. But we do know that divorce in Yelmalio society is not only permitted but sometimes obligatory, as described by Biturian Varosh in Cults of Prax: Or as it explains in the cult write-up: "...if they (Light Priests) have spouses who are Initiates or Rune level in any Earth Cult, they must divorce them exactly five years after they take their priestly vows. This symbolizes the sundering of Sky and Earth when Air tore them apart." From this, I infer that divorce is a commonplace thing in Sun County, you just need to find an Orlanthi as a co-respondent.
  16. In this Chaosium Interview with James Coquillat, Pendragon line editor David Larkins talks about downtime in both the Pendragon RPG, and in TTRPGs more broadly.
  17. From our Frequently Asked Questions: Q: How do I get a free PDF with my Chaosium book purchase? A: Purchasers of physical products at Chaosium.com get the PDFs for free. When you add a physical book to your shopping cart, we add the PDF at no extra cost: Q: If I buy just the PDF from Chaosium.com and later want to upgrade to the physical product do I get the discount? A: Yes! If the PDF is released first, you'll get the full price of the PDF off as a discount when the print version comes out. We'll send you a coupon by email on the day the physical book is released. If a book is already out in print/PDF and you've bought the PDF, we'll still deduct the cost of the PDF when you buy the physical book from Chaosium.com later on. Drop Dustin a note at customerservice@chaosium.com and he'll send you the discount coupon. Q: Why is the deal where you get the price of the PDF off the cost of the physical book only for purchases at Chaosium.com? Why can't you offer that for DriveThruRPG customers too? A: There are several reasons why this offer is only for Chaosium.com purchases: DriveThruRPG doesn't provide us with sufficiently detailed buyer data to automate the process. This means every coupon transaction from DriveThruRPG – literally hundreds when we launch a new product – would have to be processed manually. We don't have the resources for that. Furthermore, the revenue from a PDF sale at DriveThruRPG is significantly less than the sale of the same PDF product on our own website. This means we would either have to offer a lower discount (which would be confusing) or wear the cost of the difference (which we can't afford). All told, unfortunately it is too difficult and would be too costly for us to offer printed book coupons for PDFs sold elsewhere. Q: If I buy a physical book from a friendly local game store, or online seller, or Amazon, will you give me a free copy of the PDF? A: We don't offer free PDFs for purchases made at Amazon, or other online sellers, or made at stores that are not part of Bits and Mortar initiative. Q: I want to buy my Chaosium products at my Friendly Local Game Store and get the PDF included in the price. A: Then make sure your purchase is from a FLGS that belongs to Bits and Mortar. Along with many other TTRPG publishers, Chaosium is part of Bits and Mortar, the pro-retailer, pro-brick-and-mortar, pro-PDF initiative. This means if you buy a Chaosium physical book from any of the hundreds of participating local game or book stores world-wide, you'll get the PDF included at no additional charge, direct from the store. (If your FLGS is not part of Bits and Mortar, do ask them to join up as a retailer – it's free!) Q: How do I access the PDFs I have purchased from Chaosium.com? A: You can download a PDF immediately on purchase. Later on you can download your PDFs again at any time via your Chaosium account.
  18. As one of the founding editors of the renowned Gloranthan fanzine Tales of the Reaching Moon in 1989, @Brian Duguid helped keep Glorantha fandom alive and thriving throughout the 1990s. And now, in 2022, Brian is back as an independent creator for RuneQuest with his amazing labor of love The Children of Hykim. Bestselling Jonstown Compendium creator @Nick Brooke highly recommends Brian's work, describing it as "a magisterial examination of the many Hsunchen beast-totem tribes of Genertela... this book is creative, original, respectful of its sources... but never afraid to argue for its own vision, and tell the reader why." Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. Check out Brian's book and these other brilliant new titles. And check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating yourself! The Children of Hykim Brian Duguid ($16.99, 159 page PDF) "Everyone has a wild beast within them". This book is aimed at anyone who is interested in the Hsunchen, the shape-changing totem animal peoples of the world of Glorantha, the setting for the RuneQuest role-playing game. The Hsunchen inhabit the fringes of Gloranthan geography and include some of the most peculiar and fascinating peoples in this world. Because they mostly live far away from mainstream society they are often obscure and poorly documented, and perhaps rarely encountered in many RuneQuest games. This book is here to put that right! Twenty-one Hsunchen tribes living in the western and central parts of the continent of Genertela are described across 159 pages, alongside extensive information regarding their culture, myth, technology, magic and more. Six Seasons in Sartar: The Seven Tailed Wolf Andrew Logan Montgomery ($18.95, 130 page PDF) In a Sartar now free of foreign rule, the Company of the Dragon returns home to Black Stag Vale. After six years of war and exile, they struggle to find peace. But a failing Prince and a gathering enemy threaten Sartar's newfound freedom. Torn between the quiet mountain clan they were and the feared warband they have become, the Company is forced to make a choice. Are they the Dragon, or are they the Stag? This is the conclusion of the Haraborn saga that began in the Platinum bestselling Six Seasons in Sartar and the Gold bestselling The Company of the Dragon. A Darker Shade of Night Jeremiah Evans, Scott Cox ($6.99, 47 page PDF) Approached outside the walled city of Pavis by a mysterious benefactor willing to pay for their services, leaves the adventurers in possession of a powerful artifact. Investigating the artifact brings the adventurers to the attention of a cult who wishes to possess it by any means. Learning about a dark ritual to be conducted by the cult, they will need to confront the cult and stop them, or it will mean dire consequences to the citizens of Pavis. This adventure is presented partly as a sandbox style with the adventurers investigating their newly acquired artifact in the city of New Pavis. Their inquiries will lead them toward confrontations with a cult of Kyger Litor operating in the troll section of the Big Rubble. A Brazen Visage Paul Baker ($6.00, 49 page PDF) A short adventure set in the Arfritha Vale of Sartar, includes background source material which expands the material within The Red Deer Saga. A long forgotten evil surfaces in the vale, it is up to the players to track it down and deal with its threat. Pirates of the East Isles Vol. I Scott Crowder ($15.00, 123 page PDF) Glorantha as you've never seen it before! This is volume one of a three part campaign spanning years, perhaps even decades. You and your players can leave Dragon Pass behind and be pirates in the mysterious East Isles. Explore an exotic land where each island is a god unto itself. Play new occupations such as Pirate, Sailor and Mystic. Learn a unique martial arts system. Worship all new gods with a completely different mythology than what you've known till now. No Orlanth, no Thed, no Issaries, no Trickster! Charles Dunwoody of EN World says, "A GM looking for a deeply rooted campaign for RuneQuest could find months of gaming with this supplement alone, and two more are planned. A great supplement to kick off a new campaign with." Check out the video: The Lottery Robert Stoll ($2.00, 30 page PDF) After weeks on the road with the Ravenhair family trade wagon, you've finally reached the Lunar Empire. Shortly after crossing the Glowline, you enter a village where a local ritual ensnares you in an ancient curse. The fate of your family, two villages, and an entire river valley are all in jeopardy. Can you save them all from a terrifying cult before it's too late? An Orlanthi Wedding Ian Straus ($1.00, 13 page PDF) Intended for use in a campaign in which (1) the adventurers do have a home clan to which they frequently return, in accord with "The Importance of Community", pages 7-8 of Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, and (2) The GM wants to reinforce that community emphasis in the game. VinaVale Area - Glorantha Close up Mikael Mansen ($6.45, 3 maps) This up-close high resolution map set of VinaVale contains three maps: one with text – one without text – one winter. Corallo's Artpack #4 Dario Corallo ($14.94, 40 images) This the fourth Artpack of Dario's Artpack series, dedicated to support the authors of the Jonston Compendium with fast clip art for their creations. This time there is a small collection of Pavis NPCs and other stuff from past works. Skyreach Mountains - Glorantha Close up Mikael Mansen ($5.45, 3 maps) This up-close high resolution map set of the Skyreach Mountains contains three maps: one with text – one without text – one close up. Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror Simon Phipp, Leon Kirshtein ($17.00, 123 page PDF) If you go into the Woods today, you are sure of a big surprise… Here, you will find descriptions of Hellwood and Poisonthorn Woods in the Land of Dorastor, a Bestiary with eight new creatures, both flora and fauna, twelve new types of plant, two new skills, seven new magical items, twelve new Runespells, ten new Sorcery Spells, two new Spirit Magic Spells, five Full Scenarios and thirteen Mini-Scenarios. What is the Jonstown Compendium? Are you a Gamesmaster looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for more Gloranthan goodness to use in your game? The Jonstown Compendium is where you can find —and create —self-published material for your Gloranthan roleplaying games.
  19. In this interview, Lynne Hardy, Line Editor for Rivers of London and Associate Editor for Call of Cthulhu, talks about inter-party conflict, its purpose in Call of Cthulhu, and how to best use it at your table. Lynne is talking with Chaosium's James Coquillat as part of our Chaosium Interviews series.
  20. There's a huge array of new community content releases in the Miskatonic Repository! Many were produced as part of the Summer 2022 Write Your First Adventure workshop from the Storytelling Collective. Congratulations to all these independent Call of Cthulhu creators! Good Vibes Only Phaedra Florou, Stars Are Right ($5.99, 44 page PDF) ...a Call of Cthulhu scenario that will put a smile on your face. Come to a spiritual retreat the likes of which you've never seen before! The Pharaoh's Sacrifice Keith D Edinburgh ($2.95, 50 page PDF) Looking into the disappearance of an eccentric lecturer from Edinburgh University sets in motion a chain of events that takes investigators on a journey across - and beneath - the historic 1920s streets of Scotland's capital city. Radio Killed Verna Starr Michael Schaal ($0.99, 13 page PDF) In 1925 radio was sweeping the nation. The invention of the vacuum tube radio meant that everyone could listen to music, news, and sports right in their own home! The appeal was not universal however, as people deemed 'radiophobic' feared the unseen waves were having unknown impacts on the bodies and minds of those they passed through. In the town of Rosebridge, PA, those fears would prove to be completely justified. An investigation that takes place in the small town of Rosebridge beginning on August 14th, 1925. 1-4 investigators will find they are not always sure who - or what - is reaching out through the airwaves. One by one citizens become tuned to the frequency of the mythos. It is uncertain what the new broadcasts have awakened, but the players will need to stop it before they too become radio controlled. The Antediluvians Tiffany Funk ($5.00, 52 page PDF) Something is lurking in the black blizzards of the Great Plains... August 1st, 1935, northeastern South Dakota: the Great Depression and the severe droughts and dust storms of the Dust Bowl ravage middle American farmland. The town of Tillings is the site of a massive, federally funded construction: the Tillings Hydroelectric Dam. Once complete, the dam will provide much-needed irrigation to neighboring farms, flooding 300 acres of nearly deserted land. Nearly. Luxtorpeda Jakub Markiewicz ($3.99, 40 page PDF) The adventure starts on the 1st of January 1934 in Zakopane, Poland, after New Year's eve celebrations. Investigators will ride the express train "Luxtorpeda" - one of the fastest trains in Europe - to Warsaw. Unbeknown to them, there are nefarious plans in motion. They will need to face ancient Serpent People plotting their comeback, temporal anomalies, and a doomsday cult summoning their god. What starts like a typical train ride will quickly devolve into a survival scenario in a hostile environment. Will investigators survive and find a way back home? Only time will tell. Beyond the Veil of Dreams: Susupti Byron the Bard (Pay What You Want, Suggested Price $0.00, 50 page PDF) A talented graduate student has gone missing, a book of ancient Vedic secrets has been found, and more than one party seeks knowledge better kept hidden. This multi-session module is set in 1985 around the town of Arkham, Massachusetts, where players must unravel arcane schemes decades in the making. Cursed Al Smith ($3.00, 40 page PDF) In modern Aylesbury, Massachusetts. a group of military veterans have wonderful lives. They have careers, marriages, families, and children. They left everything bad that has ever befallen them in the past, where it belongs. But now, a strange woman is watching them. She has been for some time. They just haven't noticed. You probably don't remember her, but she remembers them... and she is going to take everything that they have... starting with that nice little family... Introductory scenario for Keepers and investigators interested in modern day adventures and “family” horror, like The Ring, Hereditary, Us, Midsommar, The Babadook, or The Witch, while also serving as a sort of sequel to the HP Lovecraft classic The Dunwich Horror. All Roads Point South Michael Bertolini ($2.99, 14 page PDF) In February 1925 a mysterious document was stolen from Yale University, the document refers to Cthulhu. It was stolen by a cult with the intent to raise Cthulhu from his slumber. The investigators must stop the cult. A Small Tremor in the Mountains Laurie Hedge (Pay What You Want, Suggested Price $2.37, 21 page PDF) In this adventure, a group of thrill seekers and treasure hunters descend into a newly discovered cave system. However as they will soon learn, they are not alone in the caves… This adventure focuses on exploration, environmental threats, and culminates in a desperate chase sequence to escape from the eldritch horrors below. The Flooding of Black Tarn Jonas Morian ($5.00, 22 page PDF) It is the 1920s and the investigators have been assigned by Swedish construction company Kreuger & Toll to negotiate with villagers in a remote and rural part of Sweden, about compensation for moving so that Hammarforsen river can be regulated through a planned hydropower plant dam. But the village is protected by powerful forces that have held sway over these parts long before any people arrived. This scenario won first prize in a competition in 2022, to write a scenario for Call of Cthulhu that took place in Sweden during the 1920s. The jury called it "a chilling tale told at the intersection of modernity, folklore and cosmic horror". Bride of the Wilds H.S. Falkenberry ($5.99, 28 page PDF) "For the darkest, deepest wood in our world is but a fleeting shadow, a pale and wavering imitation, of those great Wilds that haunt Mankind’s collective Dream, that primeval Forest of the Mind whence Man first emerged from Beasthood, and in which he may with nameless aeons return to his first primordial state.” -The Yellow Book, Anonymous On June 18th, 1932, a young woman goes missing from the lonely Appalachian college town of Belias, Georgia, amidst rumors of evil doings and witchcraft in the wilderness outside the town. This investigation-focused scenario tasks players with heading out into the forest-cloaked North Georgia mountains and tracking down the young woman–before she is condemned to a life more hideous than any death. St. Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls Rachel E. Judd ($4.99, 38 page PDF) In upstate New York, in a rural farming community, is a large stone building calling itself St. Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls. Here, young women (and the gender non-conforming) find themselves warehoused and imprisoned. The Home is administered by Matron Rowena Danvers, a worshipper of the dread triple goddess Mormo. Ruling both her small cult and home with an iron fist, many of the prisoners consigned to St. Mormo's never make it back to their families or freedom. Maps for a Mad Scientist’s Lair (Cliff Manor / Xavier Mansion) - Inspired by Doctor X (1932) Adam Preset ($2.00, 2 digital maps) "As a fan of old horror movies I was delighted to discover a classic, Doctor X (1932) from Warner Bros. I recommend it! It stars Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, and Lee Tracy and is directed by Michael Curtiz, well known for later giving us Casablanca. The first time I watched the film, it activated my Call of Cthulhu Keeper sensibilities. I saw that the film could be translated into a great, but self-contained adventure that my players would enjoy. I made notes for myself of the film and converted them into a format I could use for running a scenario. It went smashingly. But! I needed at least one map for one location. And so that’s what you see here - a set of two maps suitable for virtual tabletop or printing." The Tartarus Intercept Alex Guillotte ($11.95, 65 page PDF) At the edge of the solar system, the crew of the CCS Orpheus is about to explore a dark new world... Scenario that blends hard science fiction with cosmic horror. It includes deck plans of the CCS Orpheus, maps, more than a dozen handouts, new skills, new equipment, new science, and six pre-generated characters. Tears of a Clown Paul Mazumdar ($2.99, 16 page PDF) Cambridge, 1893. The annual Midsummer Fair is open for business and one of the big attractions this year is the Fairground Maxiumus, its steam ride and its team of masked clowns. While looking for a lost friend, the players find themselves getting closer to the clowns than they'd imagined. A Murder at Heck's Peak Vovina Games ($4.95, 47 page PDF) In the summer of 1877, a trio of gruesome murders are committed in the mining town of Heck's Peak, Colorado. The locals are blaming a strange pioneer caravan that passed through the town, but your players may discover that more sinister things are afoot... Mail-Order Bribe Jade Griffin ($4.99, 45 page PDF) Boston, Massachusetts, December 1922. With the turn of a post office box key, investigators are pitted in a deadly game of snake and mouse against a possessed doll that sucks out souls and a creature composed of vermin that is disguised as a Southern belle. A Fishy BusinessJoerg Sterner ($4.07, 15 page PDF)The investigators are sent on an easy delivery job which turns out is not as easy as advertised. There are more parties involved and they all have their own agendas. Takes place in the mid 1920s in a large city near the east coast of the United States. The main action taking place on the way to and in a nearby coastal village.The Dark WebJason Lee ($4.99, 24 page PDF)Takes plays in the 1920s in Australia. The investigators start out in the remote outback town of Stuart (now known as Alice Spring) where they are tasked to find out why miners have gone missing in an unnaturally rich mine deep within the desert.Their investigation soon takes a turn for the worst when they find themselves trapped deep within the underground mine, in the dark, stalked by unseen monsters, and crawling through tight tunnels…Mystery of the South Channel Pilot LightKim White ($3.00, 32 page PDF)Set in Port Phillip Bay, near Melbourne, Australia, in 1925. The investigators are tasked with discovering what has happened to the Lighthouse Keepers, vanished without a trace. Danger lurks in the sea as the investigators are forced to spend the night cut off from help, seeking clues, and tracking down an evil force that has existed here for decades.Once Bitten Twice ShyHareAndRaven Maps ($4.95, 43 page PDF)Le Bastion Culinaire is the finest (fictional) culinary institution in France. For the last decade, it has produced some of the best chefs in the world. However, the students and faculty, overprotective of the school and property, have begun raising suspicion with the outside community. Students have gone missing with no real explanation, and those looking for information have been stonewalled.A whistle-blower has managed to get the word out to investigators that all may not be as it seems, asking for help. Baba Dochia - Call of Cthulhu folk horror in 1990s Romania Christopher Dimitrios ($3.50, 13 page PDF) Mystery of folk horror set in 1990s Romania. Investigators arrive in a remote mountain village plagued by corruption, destitution, the spirit of a tormented mother, and a witch grieving for her lover. Baba Dochia is a scenario about motherhood, young love, and grief. It is set within the corrupt and paranoid Romanian society in the wake of the dramatic revolution of 1989. It is inspired by the folk legend of Baba Dochia ("old woman Dochia") but interpreted through the lens of the Cthulhu Mythos. NOTE: Yes, Romania but zero vampires. Amelia's Friends Stephen K. Stein ($4.99, 40 page PDF) A desperate search for a missing aviator. A mysterious island with deadly secrets. Rival cults, desperate villagers, ancient horrors. Can the heroes avert disaster and restore peace? Or will their bones decorate the beach? Pulp Cthulhu Adventure in the South Pacific. Apartment 71 Leo Milani ($2.50, 30 page PDF) Welcome to São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America! The year is 2016, and the stars are aligning once again. In this 3-hour scenario, the investigators will have to work together as board members of the Paulicéia Métropolitain condo association. Terrifying, right? The residential building, built downtown in the late 1950s, has fallen from grace long time ago and is currently half empty. One of the inhabitants is reporting strange noises and leakage coming out from one of the units - which has been abandoned for more than 10 years – and is up to the investigators to find out what haunts Apartment 71. The Depths of Bermuda Thomas S. Lawrence ($5.00, 28 page PDF) It's the 23rd March 1928, Bermuda - A maritime salvage operation to recover gold bullion quickly becomes a battle for survival against a deadly unknown entity. The Strawman A Keith Applegarth ($2.99, 42 page PDF) Urban Legend Comes to Life – Everyone has heard a urban legend of the Scarecrow murdering innocent people. Now it seems to have become real. This small farm town is not your normal tourist destination… Be My Valentine T A Newman ($5.90, 88 page PDF) Happy Valentine’s Day! Join us at Gannet’s restaurant for a romantic evening of ‘speed dating!’ You can eat, drink, and dance your way to an evening full of your heart’s desire. Hungry for more? Don’t you worry. With a guest list to brag about we will be playing your heart strings and making your blood pump with the excitement of true love. Saturday the 14th Sabrina Haenze ($4.99, 27 page PDF) It's Saturday, June 14, 1980. Your crime scene team has been dispatched to Camp Shady Pines to investigate the bizarre deaths of the camp's counselors who had been preparing for the arrival of the campers next week. According to Shelly Peters, the sole survivor, the counselors were attacked and brutally hacked to death by a mysterious masked stranger. It's up to you and your team to find the truth, and fast, so the camp can open on time. Stolen Grief Stuart McNair ($4.67, 40 page PDF) Travelling over the moors in the north of England the investigator’s transport breaks down close to the small village of Darachdale. With parts to repair the vehicle not available until tomorrow, they arrange lodging at the local inn. Learning of a tragedy that has befallen one of the villagers they get entangled in a young woman’s final attempt to see her daughter one last time. Plus releases in Chinese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish! Want to take part in the Miskatonic Repository Program yourself? Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium. Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it. Miskatonic Repository Guidelines for Content Creators Additional Guidelines
  21. Chaosium Con 2023 tickets are on sale now! Get your ticket for a weekend dripping with cosmic horror, essential runes, swashbuckling adventure, and chivalrous quests at Tabletop Events: https://tabletop.events/conventions/chaosium-con-2023 Chaosium Con Frequently Asked Questions What are the convention dates? 13-16 April 2023 - we're adding one extra day compared to the inaugural event in 2022! What is the location? The venue is the same as the first Chaosium Con - the Ann Arbor Marriot Ypsilanti at the Eaglecrest Golf Resort and Convention Centre, 17 miles west of Detroit Metro Airport (DTW), Michigan. What is the cost? USD$100.00 + Tabletop Events Processing Fee. GM Badges are free, but there is an expectation you will commit to offer 12+ hours of game sessions over the course of the four day event. Can I get a Single Day Ticket? No, we are not currently selling single-day tickets. If you are interested, please contact us. What about future Cons in other places? Based on the success of the first Chaosium Con we may have similar cons at different times and places, including overseas. For now, this is the North American location. Will a lot of the Chaosium team be there? Yes, many of us already have it on our calendars. What kind of events will the con feature? The focus will be on all of Chaosium's games, past, present, and future! Lots of games, freeforms, and seminars. It's your chance to meet many of our authors, artists, and editors. Feel free to contact us with event suggestions, especially if you want to help run them. Events submissions is also live if you would like to propose events you'd like to run. Event tickets and VIP event lists will come closer to the convention date. If you bought a badge, you will be notified. Can I be an exhibitor? Yes! Please contact us at events@chaosium.com if you wish to take part in the Great Market. For now, the Chaosium Collectables Auction will solely be items from the Chaosium Vault. Will there be events for children? We will not have any events specifically for children or a child play area. When will hotel rooms with the special convention rate be available? There will be a special room rate at the Ann Arbor Marriot Ypsilanti for Chaosium Con. This room block will open later. If you have bought a Chaosium Con ticket you be emailed as soon as the room block opens. If you want the special rate please do not book early as you will not get the discount. What about Covid Restrictions? We will follow all local and State of Michigan public health advice with attendee safety in mind. Refund/Credit Policy We are offering full refunds until December 31st, 2022. If you are unsure about being able to either afford or attend our show, please do not buy a badge to our show. However, we acknowledge that things happen. So, if you do buy a badge and/or special event tickets and you have to cancel after December 31st, 2022, we will credit your chaosium.com account with those amounts. The only limitation on this is that the request for a credit must be received by us by April 6th, 2023. After that, only special event ticket returns will be honored in person at the show. There will be no badge returns after this point. Waiver of Liability The purchase of a Chaosium Con badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Chaosium Con during regularly scheduled hours of the convention. Some designated activities may require payment of a separate, additional fee. In accepting a badge and in consideration for being admitted to Chaosium Con, the holder consents to being recorded (by audio and/or visual means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media, including without limitation the Internet, worldwide in perpetuity. The badge holder releases Chaosium Inc. from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind; authorizes and permits Chaosium Inc. and its designees which includes but is not limited to all sponsors, exhibitors and contractors to use and authorize the use of his/her name, voice, likeness and all reproductions thereof by any means and in all media now and hereafter known, including without limitation the Internet, for all purposes worldwide in perpetuity; and agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Event. Chaosium Inc. reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the Event facilities any person who in its sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which it reasonably considers to be disruptive of the Chaosium Con.
  22. Of course, it doesn't matter what rule set or Open Game License you're using, if you're making something for public consumption you shouldn't be infringing on others' copyrights or trademarks.
  23. In this interview, creative director Jeff Richard talks to James Coquillat about the definition of fantasy as it applies to roleplaying games, fiction, and storytelling in general. Part of our Chaosium Interviews series on YouTube.
  24. Yes, what was originally conceived as a 'Glorantha Quick-Start' essentially became the second book that is included in the RQ Starter Set.
  25. Cheers! — A Necronomicon 2022 gathering of the Chaosium crew and creative partners aka Chaosium Tribal Fellowship and Associated Groovers meeting:
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