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Everything posted by MOB

  1. To be completely clear, the type of editing Rick is referring to here is proofreading - looking for errors in the final, laid-out proof (which is essentially what the PDF is). Whether our books are released PDF first or PDF + book at the same time, they do all go through stages of comprehensive developmental editing and copy editing before the proofreading stage.
  2. One of the most important events in Gloranthan gaming took place thirty years ago today, which set the course of the convention and fan publishing scene for a decade or more, and helped set things in place for the resurgence of RuneQuest today. The eighty-player Gloranthan freeform live-action role-playing game Home of the Bold, written by Kevin Jacklin @Kevin Jacklin and David Hall, was run for the first time at the first ever Convulsion games convention in Leicester, UK*. Our community content ambassador Nick Brooke @Nick Brooke was one of the participants; it was his first-ever LARP. On reminiscing about Home of the Bold, and the impact had on his subsequent life as a RuneQuest - Glorantha fan and content creator, Nick said: Future Chaosium team members Lynne Hardy @Lynne H and David Scott @David Scott also participated in the first running of Home of the Bold, and Julia Rawcliffe was present at the convention too (as a three year old). After Convulsion in July 1992, Home of the Bold was run again several more times, including the first RuneQuest Con in Baltimore (January 1994) — which, in addition to Nick, featured future Chaosium team members Rick Meints @Rick Meints , Neil Robinson @Neil, Michael O'Brien @MOB and Susan O'Brien in the cast — RQCon Down Under in Melbourne, Australia (January 1996) where future Chaosium team member Andrew Bean @Andrew Bean took part, along with Nick, Rick, MOB and Susan; and Convulsion 3D and Convulsion C2K in Leicester, UK (July 1996 and July 2000). *The Convulsion convention lives on as Continuum! - in fact, the next Continuum Convention takes place next month (August 5-8) in Leicester, UK – more details here: https://continuumconvention.co.uk *Nick's History of Malkionism from How the West was One is now available in the Jonstown Compendium, beautifully illustrated by Greg Stafford Award winner Katrin Dirim. *The fifty player LARP Life of Moonson by David Hall, Kevin Jacklin, Nick Brooke, Chris Gidlow @Chris Gidlow, Michael O'Brien, Mike Hagen and illustrated by Dario Corallo @DarioCorallo, is now available in two magnificent full colour hardback volumes in the Jonstown Compendium. A ROUGH GUIDE TO BOLDHOME COVER ART BY DAN BARKER @Dogboy
  3. Chaosium is taking part in the ENNIES "Dream Date" auction for Gen Con this year. All proceeds from the Dream Date auctions are used to fund the production of the ENNIE Awards each year. Chaosium is in the running for seven awards (six nominations, plus fan award for best publisher), and hopefully might win a few, so it promises to be an entertaining evening! The highest bidder gets to join the Chaosium team at a specially designated table right in front of the stage at the 2022 ENNIE Awards on August 5th, 2022 at 8pm at Gen Con! Bidding is live! Pick Your Own Madness Furthermore, our Dream Date doesn't go home from the ENNIES with nothing but memories of a fun night. They also get an official Chaosium “tuxedo” black t-shirt and two EMPTY slipcases. And they can bring those empty slipcases to Chaosium's Gen Con booth and fill them with whatever Chaosium products they choose! Bid here!: https://www.ebay.com/itm/185511499937 There are also 'Dream Date' tables up for bidding from our friends H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, Pelgrane Press, Beadle & Grimms, Magpie Games, Nerdburger Games, and a Judges Table. Please note: Winner must have a valid Gen Con badge to attend the ENNIE Awards and is responsible for any associated expenses with attending Gen Con in Indianapolis, IN.
  4. Bridgett Jeffries, part of the Community Ambassador team for Chaosium's community content programs at DriveThruRPG, explains her professional pathway into the TTRPG space and shares what she learnt on the way. Bridgett is talking to James Coquillat for the Chaosium Interviews series.
  5. The Call of Cthulhu Classic Prop Set has received three nominations in the 2022 ENNIE Awards: BEST AID/ACCESSORY - NON DIGITAL, BEST PRODUCTION VALUES and PRODUCT OF THE YEAR! These are some of the SIX nominations that Chaosium and our creative partners have received for the Call of Cthulhu RPG this year. Back in 2019 our creative partners at The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society won three ENNIES, including Product of the Year for their amazing Masks of Nyarlathotep Gamer Prop Set. And now, in 2022 with their Call of Cthulhu Classic Prop Set, they've raised the bar to new levels of detail and realism to enhance fun and test sanity. "This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen," said the Modern Mythos podcast. So please show Sean Branney, Andrew Leman and the HPLHS team your support: ENNIES voting is open now! https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022 Chaosium congratulates all the nominees in this year's awards. Voting is open to July 24. The winners will be announced at the ENNIES Awards ceremony on August 5th at 8PM.
  6. MGF - Freaky Fireday: The player character's spirit returns, but accidentally ends up in the Shaman's body. The Shaman's spirit then has to go reside in the PC's body. The strain (and professional embarrassment) causes the shaman to faint, so no one actually twigs this has happened until later, when everyone's gone their separate ways. Hijinks ensue...
  7. What’s the coolest sidequest your TTRPG table has ever embarked on? Creative Director of RuneQuest and BRP Jason Durall shares advice from decades of tabletop and video game writing. Here’s an expert’s view on side quests and sandbox content. Jason is talking to James Coquillat as part of the Chaosium Interviews series on YouTube.
  8. The Call of Cthulhu podcast Ain't Slayed Nobody has been nominated for BEST PODCAST in the 2022 ENNIE Awards. This is one of the SIX nominations that Chaosium and our creative partners have received for the Call of Cthulhu RPG this year. Ain't Slayed Nobody is the best comedy-horror Call of Cthulhu podcast in the Old West – check out episodes here, you're in for a treat. The current season takes place in Texas using Call of Cthulhu’s Down Darker Trails setting, and the player-characters are members of a traveling medicine show. ENNIES voting is open now: please show your support and appreciation of the Ain't Slayed team! https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022 Congratulations to cuppycup, London Carlisle, Rina Haenze, Bridgett Jeffries, Jay Arnold, Wes Davis, Chuck Lawrence, Danny Scott, Brandon Wainerdi, Graeme Patrick and the rest of the Ain't Slayed posse! Chaosium congratulates all the nominees in this year's awards. Voting is open to July 24. The winners will be announced at the ENNIES Awards ceremony on August 5th at 8PM.
  9. The stars will be right on August 4th! The Call of Cthulhu Classic 1" box and Deluxe 2" box will be available at GenCon and worldwide, exclusively at Chaosium.com, from August 4th! Spread the word! Iä! Iä!
  10. BACKER SHIPMENTS 99% DONE! — Almost one year ago our Call of Cthulhu Classic Kickstarter funded on July 24th. We were thrilled that 5718 Backers joined us to bring back the Classic Call of Cthulhu boxed sets from the early 1980s. As of today we have but a handful of backers yet to provide us with their shipping address or updated payment details; thus, we are in the final stages of wrapping up this Kickstarter! In our latest backer update we have details on what to do if you have issues updating or accessing Backerkit, or if your shipment has not arrived, or arrived damaged or with something missing. And if you weren't a backer and would like a copy, very soon we'll be announcing the date we'll be selling the remaining copies via Chaosium.com.
  11. Our creative partners TYPE40 have been nominated for BEST AID/ACCESSORY - DIGITAL in the 2022 ENNIE Awards for their Masks of Nyarlathotep 3-D Digital Game Props. This is one of the SIX nominations that Chaosium and our creative partners have received for the Call of Cthulhu RPG this year. These TYPE40 props are 3D objects of exceptional quality and sanity-bending detail, which come with tarot-sized digital reference cards that include in-game and mechanical information for the Keeper. No software or app is required! What's more, the first prop pack is FREE! ENNIES voting is open now: please show your support and appreciation of the innovative work our friends at TYPE40 do! https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022 Chaosium congratulates all the nominees in this year's awards. Voting is open to July 24. The winners will be announced at the ENNIES Awards ceremony on August 5th at 8PM.
  12. It's Miskatonic Monday – check out these latest releases from independent Call of Cthulhu community creators! Call of Cthulhu: Hometown Horrors, Vol. 1 Evan Perlman, Elizabeth Hildick, Mei Kurakake, Meghan Kuschner, Jazmin Ospa, Kevin Kreiner, Jonah Knight, Sean Liddle, Brendan Lahey, Josh Beers, Bridgett Jeffries, William Horn, Heinrich D. Moore, Bart Heird, Alonso Aguilar, Phillip O'Brien ($9.99, 35 page PDF) There’s no place like home! Hometown Horrors, Vol. 1 contains 15 guided tours of the creepy, the spectacular, the terrifying, and the downright odd, all from places that our contributors call home. From the vacation homes of Martha’s Vineyard to the rural Appalachians, from Montreal to Havana, let our tour guides show you the best their hometowns have to offer for your Call of Cthulhu games. Get Along, Little Dogies John LeMaire ($18.99, 134 page PDF) Welcome to a new sourcebook for Call of Cthulhu's Down Darker Trails Setting! Overdue Nathan Pidde ($2.00, 15 page PDF) Robert "Bobby" Armstrong, the kid in school that everyone likes, has gone missing. After discovering people have been disappearing for years, it's up to the investigators, Bobby's own classmates, to find out what is going on before he is lost forever. Overdue is a scenario set in the modern era and is designed to be run in one session. The Bloody Viscount's Return Damix ($5.00, 51 page PDF) Returned from the dead centuries after his unspeakable transgressions orchestrated by a dark entity that manipulated him, the degenerate bloody viscount will begin his reign of terror anew. It will be the mission of the investigators to contact the last descendant of the cursed lineage and put a stop to the machinations of this being. Terror on the Western Front! Ryan Sheehan ($3.99, 26 page PDF) 1917. The Great War is in full swing. On the Western Front, a group of soldiers in the British Army's 5th Stafford Regiment pulls back the veil and discovers a Mythos conspiracy orchestrating and observing events in Europe. How deep does this otherworldly conspiracy reach, and can the investigators stop it? The Twinning of Alice Twickelbee Neal Glen Jesse ($4.98, 25 page PDF) A young girl is mysteriously twinned during her debutante ball. Her father asks the investigators for help. As you travel around the city of Toledo, Ohio, you uncover a sinister plot that must be stopped to preserve the life of the two girls. Cat's Cradle Aaron Sinner, Todd Walden, and Christopher Olson ($3.99, 54 page PDF) Plagued by nightmares, the investigators gather at a Boston diner only to encounter strange children with a sinister secret. What are they hiding, and how does it relate to the investigators? And what does Pastor Michael Thomas have to do with all of this? A "Standalone Sequel" to the classic Call of Cthulhu module "The Haunting". Cthulhu Modern: Beyond the Door First Ones Entertainment, JP Chapleau ($4.50, 39 page PDF) A job offer that will take you to the stars and back after intensive and top-secret training will prepare you for the trip. Now all you need to do is succeed in leaving Earth or getting back to it. A one-shot adventure set in modern days. Return to Teutoberg Forest Rachel E. Judd ($4.99, 28 page PDF) In the year 9 C.E., the Roman Empire suffered one of its worst military defeats when a Roman commander of German descent betrayed his general. The subsequent slaughter destroyed three full Roman legions and forever stopped Roman expansion further into Germany. This Cthulhu Invictus scenario is set after that battle. Investigators take the role of survivors of the battle, the few legionaries who managed to escape with their lives. After rumors reach Rome that a Patrician's son might have survived, they are ordered back to the forest to investigate. The Frogs of Loveland Troy Garcia ($1.50, 8 page PDF) The Frogmen have arrived from the far reaches of space, and now seek to terrorize your group of Investigators! Contains information, statistics, and hooks in order to use two new Mythos Monster races to your game: The Frogmen, and the Yubhaust. Call of Cthulhu Occupation Kit: Artist Alonso Aguilar ($1.00, 5 page PDF) Let yourself be guided by the fumes of creativity and evoke the intangible mysteries of mind and spirit by playing an artist in Call of Cthulhu’s Classic Setting. This Occupation Kit builds on the brief information found in the Keeper’s Rulebook and Investigator Handbook, using both historical records regarding the effervescent artistic movements of the 1920s, and the representations of art and creativity in both H.P. Lovecraft’s original works and the rich history of Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games’ scenarios and supplements. Find career paths, useful jargon, motivations and hooks, public perceptions of the occupation, and real-life examples from the 1920s and 30s. Part of a collaborative project - you can buy all 13 Occupation Kits as a bundle instead! Find it here! 100 Businesses to Find in Arkham Neal Litherland ($2.99, 18 page PDF) Arkham, Massachusetts is one of the most identifiable places in Miskatonic Country. Whether your game is set entirely in this city on the coast of the Atlantic, or whether your investigators are merely stopping by on a single leg of their investigation, it's important to make the city feel as real and lived-in as possible. Though the setting guide for Arkham is full of resources you can use, the following list of 100 businesses can be used to fill in gaps, act as places to find clues and even as jumping off points for fresh mysteries should you desire! Cthulhu Maps - Scenario Map Pack #3 - Servants of the Lake Cthulhu Architect ($6.99, 22 maps in zip file) Included you will find all the maps you need to play Servants of the Lake from Doors to Darkness. The maps are in PNG format and you can easily print them or upload them to any virtual tabletop software such as Astral, Roll20, Fantasy Ground, Foundry VTT. The Haunting Sequels [BUNDLE] Cat's Cradle, Dream House, Of Wrath and Blood ($12.98 $8.97, 3 PDF titles) This special bundle contains three titles - Cat's Cradle, Dream House, and Of Wrath and Blood - that are Miskatonic Repository sequels to the classic Call of Cthulhu introductory scenario The Haunting and playable by the same playgroup. The Haunting is available for free as part of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules. Embraced Fate 2 Scenarios [BUNDLE] Deep-Seeded Secrets, Taken for Granite ($9.98 $2.50, 2 PDF titles) This special bundle contains two titles - Deep-Seeded Secrets and Taken for Granite. True North Terror: Cthulhu in Canada [BUNDLE] Cold Hunger, The Brockton Butcher, The Curse of Black Keetes, The Darkened Hermitage, The Pipeline, The Sins of the Father, There's Gold in Them Thar Hills, Ultima Thule ($37.87 $13.13, 8 PDF titles) This special bundle contains eight titles - Cold Hunger, The Brockton Butcher, The Curse of Black Keetes, The Darkened Hermitage, The Pipeline, The Sins of the Father, There's Gold in Them Thar Hills, and Ultima Thule. Plus new titles in Chinese, Korean, Polish, and Swedish! Want to take part in the Miskatonic Repository Program yourself? Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium. Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it. Miskatonic Repository Guidelines for Content Creators
  13. Our Call of Cthulhu release Cults of Cthulhu has been nominated for BEST SUPPLEMENT in the 2022 ENNIES Awards. This is one of the SIX nominations that Chaosium and our creative partners have received for the Call of Cthulhu RPG this year. Reviewers have praised Cults of Cthulhu as "an important part of the Cthulhu Mythos mystery ecology" (EN World) and "fabulous piece of work that belongs on the shelf of every CoC gamer, and probably a great many others besides - it's that useful, and that good" (RPGNet). ENNIES voting is open now: please show your support and appreciation of the wonderful work of authors Chris Lackey and Mike Mason, cover artist Loïc Muzy, and all of the creative team involved! https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022 Here's the talented creative team behind Cults of Cthulhu: Authors: Chris Lackey, Mike Mason Cover Artist: Loïc Muzy Interior Artists: Alberto Bontempi, Thomas Brown, Irene Cano, Kristina Carroll, Caleb Cleveland, Stephen Cornu, Kring Demetrio, Emanuele Desiati, Michael Ellis, Andrey Fetisov, Doruk Golcu, Nicholas Grey, Patrik Hell, Kali Houisse, Pat Loboyko, Sam Lofti, Ernest Mason Cartography and Handouts: Matt Ryan Layout: Nicholas Nacario Chaosium congratulates all the nominees in this year's awards. Voting is open to July 24. The winners will be announced at the ENNIES Awards ceremony on August 5th at 8PM.
  14. New for Fantasy Grounds VTT: A Cold Fire Within is a campaign for Pulp Cthulhu. Set in 1935, a missing person case leads to the discovery of a foul plot that could change time itself and bring disaster to the world. Complete with New Rules, Skills, and Psychic Powers! A Cold Fire Within is a complete six-part campaign for Pulp Cthulhu. It presents new rules and skills for psychic powers--Parapsychology, Dematerialization, and Telepathy--new spells, details of the people and lands of K'n-yan, as well as a new hero organization--the Open Mind Group. Six ready-to-play heroes are provided. What the critics say about A Cold Fire Within: "As a campaign, A Cold Fire Within does something different. There have been plenty of scenarios for Call of Cthulhu which deal with the Science Fictional aspects of Lovecraft’s Cosmic Horror, but not a campaign. It is very much not a campaign of Lovecraftian investigative horror in the eldritch sense, but rather one of fringe science—or ‘Science!’ and fringe theories ranging from Theosophy to the Hollow Earth."—Reviews from R'lyeh. "Distanced as Pulp Cthulhu is from its better known big brother, it keeps on producing quality adventures that can't be easily found elsewhere. The first thing that struck me while preparing the adventure was how it managed to be both pulp and retain a firm anchor to reality. It blends together elements which on first sight don't have many things in common. The pseudoscience of the paranormal is one of them; the adventure strikes home the idea that back in the 1930s the scientific method was still used to prove or debunk weirdo theories that mostly belong to mythology. Nice!"—Antonios S. review, RPGNet. Fantasy Grounds VTT version available directly from Fantasy Grounds and on Steam. Also available in full color hardback.
  15. OK, it was a real bummer somehow the RuneQuest Starter Set got overlooked by the judges, but we'd appreciate your support for these worthy nominees in the 2022 ENNIEs - voting is live:
  16. Please vote for Call of Cthulhu in the ENNIES, the annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. Voting is open, and titles from Chaosium and our creative partners have received SIX nominations including Product of the Year for the Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set. How you can vote for Call of Cthulhu at the 2022 ENnies: 1. Go to the ENnies page: https://vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2022 2. Vote 1 for the Call of Cthulhu product in these categories: Best Aid/Accessory - Digital: Call of Cthulhu Digital Gamer Props - Masks of Nyarlathotep - TYPE 40 Best Aid/Accessory - Non-digital: Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set - H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society Best Podcast: Ain't Slayed Nobody Best Production Values: Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set - H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society Best Supplement: Call of Cthulhu: Cults of Cthulhu - Chaosium Product of the Year: Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set - H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society and the team would appreciate it if you voted for: Fan Award for Best Publisher: Chaosium Congratulations to the many talented writers, artists, creators and fans involved in making the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG a success! ENNIES Voting takes place from July 15 - July 24.
  17. In this Chaosium interview, 7th Sea creator John Wick talks about why boats make the best player bases, and can be exciting elements that add drama and character to your campaigns. He's talking to James Coquillat.
  18. Gloriously pulpy character art by Ruth Bosch for our latest Stream of Chaos actual play series, The Two-headed Serpent!Watch the award-winning Stream of Chaos team in their first episode here:
  19. Update: Miskatonic University: the Restricted Collection now SOLD OUT in our UK and CAN warehouses! Availability now is as follows:
  20. Update: Khan of Khans now SOLD OUT in our UK warehouse! Availability now is as follows: Miskatonic University: the Restricted Collection now SOLD OUT in our UK and CAN warehouses! Availability now is as follows:
  21. Update: Khan of Khans now SOLD OUT in our UK warehouse! Availability now is as follows:
  22. This is worthy of @scott-martin's Your Dumbest Theory thread (and I mean that as a compliment).
  23. IMG Humakti who switch over to Yanafarl Tarnils get to keep all their gifts (as long as they don't break their geases) and can continue to replenish their rune points at Humakti temples. And I'm just going to take off my tinfoil helmet to note that Humakti can replenish their rune points in YT temples too, though they do tend to get a bit self-conscious during the liturgy, what with all the tambourines, guitars, and group hugs. YGMV.
  24. A status update from QuestWorlds line editor Ian Cooper: "The Core Rules are currently in editing. As I wrote much of the manuscript, I asked Susan O'Brien to step in to edit the text. It was long enough that we breaking the manuscript into two parts. I have been through Susan's edits for the first half, and responded, which now need review. I am about to tackle the second half. It's worth taking our time to get this right as the edits will really help in our goal to make the rules clear to folks. Art for Questworlds is by the amazing Lionel Marty and we are close to done. Lots of amazing art and our cover is already in. I have four more pieces of art direction to find time to write, and then we can close out this volume. So we are at the point we where will begin conversations around planning for layout, graphic design and some of the additional elements like tables, charts, and character sheets. We are close now. And once it is done, we can focus more fully on the second core book, Worlds and Quests."
  25. Did you see the news about the Rivers of London screen adaptation? Now’s the perfect time to make sure you’re ready to jump into the upcoming TTRPG, based on Ben Aaronovitch's series of novels, as soon as it’s released. Check out this chat with the Rivers of London TTRPG line editor, Lynne Hardy. She is talking with Chaosium's James Coquillat for our Chaosium Interviews series.
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