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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Here's 'Edge of Darkness', the one-shot actual play stream released to celebrate the release of the 40th Anniversary Call of Cthulhu Starter Set from our friends Becca Scott and Good Time Society. Featuring the amazing talents of Trisha Hershberger, Joe Johnson, Persephone Valentine, Alexander Ward, and of course, the wonderful Keeper Becca Scott! 'Edge of Darkness' sees a group of investigators fulfill the wish of a dying friend, and attempt to undo the mistakes of the past. It's one of three scenarios included in the 40th Anniversary Call of Cthulhu Starter Set, available now!
  2. MOB

    Thoughts on Uz

    Yes, see the Book of Uz p.8 in TrollPak.
  3. Chaosium Unveiled takes a look inside our new version of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set, updated for the 40th Anniversary of the game.
  4. If you already own the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set you get the updated PDFs.
  5. Available now! Updated for the 40th Anniversary of Call of Cthulhu: everything you need to play the world’s best roleplaying game of horror, mystery and investigation! Call of Cthulhu Starter Set $24.99 - price includes PDF The Call of Cthulhu Starter Set contains books, dice, pre-made character sheets, maps, and enough content to keep a group busy for several roleplaying sessions. This updated Starter Set also includes: New box art by Lin Hsiang Updated interior book cover designs All errata and corrections 40th Anniversary Investigator Sheets "One of the neatest pieces of introductory design; a great way to get into Chaosium’s legendary roleplaying game." — Staying In Podcast.
  6. On the sad passing of TTRPG artist Terry Pavlet this week, creative lead for the Lords of the Middle Sea project Jason Durall writes: "We at Chaosium are saddened to learn of the recent and sudden departure of longtime industry veteran Terry "Pav" Pavlet. He had a distinguished and widespread career that covered tabletop games, comics, animation, film, commercial illustration and design, as well as the music and entertainment media. Most recently, Terry was working with us on a long series of illustrations for Lords of the Middle Sea, depicting a wide range of named and generic non-player characters across the setting. Here is a selection of Terry's work on the game and a link to the crowdfunding campaign to benefit his widow and children. Please consider donating." https://www.gofundme.com/f/terry-pavlet-memorial-and-family-support Although we will sadly now never see what Terry Pavlet had envisaged for his final set of Lords of the Middle Sea illustrations, Chaosium has donated the full amount of this commission to his family's GoFundMe appeal (donated in the name of 'Richard Meints', Chaosium president).
  7. Over at our YouTube channel, Chaosium Unveiled takes a look inside our two latest releases in hardback: Cults of Cthulhu and A Time to Harvest. Watch the unveiling videos to see these books for yourself.Both titles available now from Chaosium.com, price includes PDF!
  8. Now out in hardcover, worldwide: the long awaited Cults of Cthulhu and A Time to Harvest for the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game! CULTS OF CTHULHU Cults of Cthulhu gives you the rules to inject fully-realized and unique Cthulhu cults directly into your campaigns, and create your own antagonists. The tome also contains three scenarios featuring insidious Cthulhu cults spanning from the Gaslight era to the modern day. "An essential addition to any Call of Cthulhu Keeper or Investigator’s bookshelf." — GameOnAus. $49.99 - price includes PDF. Full color hardcover, 366 pages. Special Leatherette edition also available. Authors: Chris Lackey, Mike Mason Cover Art: Loïc Muzy Interior Artists: Alberto Bontempi, Thomas Brown, Irene Cano, Kristina Carroll, Caleb Cleveland, Stephen Cornu, Kring Demetrio, Emanuele Desiati, Michael Ellis, Andrey Fetisov, Doruk Golcu, Nicholas Grey, Patrik Hell, Kali Houisse, Pat Loboyko, Sam Lofti, Ernest Mason Cartography and Handouts: Matt Ryan Layout: Nicholas Nacario A TIME TO HARVEST Set in the picturesque state of Vermont at the beginning of the 1930s, A Time to Harvest is a six-part campaign centered on the valley surrounding the sleeping town of Cobb's Corners. It also contains new rules and advice for creating student investigators from Miskatonic University! "This is a magnificent campaign, full of epic detail and executed to perfection." — M.T. Black. $49.99 - price includes PDF. Full color hardcover, 336 pages. Special Leatherette edition also available. Authors: Brian M. Sammons, Glynn Owen Barrass, Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy Cover Artist: Caleb Cleveland Interior Artists: Dan Barker, Alberto Bontempi, Alicia Cardell, Caleb Cleveland, Emanuele Desiati, Fifa Finsdottir, Victor Leza, Pat Loboyko, Ernest Mason, Loïc Muzy, Alessandro Patria, Lee Simpson, April Solomon, Mali Ware Cartography: Matt Ryan Layout: Nicholas Nacario
  9. From our Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Speaking of the HPLHS, is that Nick Offerman's likeness in the Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set? A: Indeed it is. As Sean Branney of the the HPLHS says, "HPLHS Headquarters was located in Nick's wood shop in South Glendale from about 2003 to around 2010. We shot part of Call of Cthulhu (the movie) there." Nick Offerman is a member of the HPLHS; he and Sean and Andrew Leman go way back to playing in Call of Cthulhu LARPs at college. Says Nick of the HPLHS: "It’s simply bonkers how much high quality original content they have cranked out over the years, even as the quantity continues to rise as well. Perhaps their secret lies in the company motto: Ludo Fore Putavimus, or 'We thought it would be fun.' Heroes."
  10. "Few roleplaying games are as long lived as Dungeons and Dragons and Call of Cthulhu is the rare surviving sibling." Forbes reviews the boxed set we released via Kickstarter for the game's 40th birthday. [Remember, if you weren't a backer and would like a copy, never fear: we'll be selling the remaining copies via Chaosium.com once distribution to backers is completed.] And "for the table that wants movie quality props for everyone to pour over, the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society follows up its ambitious Masks of Nyarlathotep prop box with one covering the adventures here." The eye-poppingly amazing Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set is available now.
  11. In this interview with David Larkins, Line Editor for the Pendragon RPG, he discusses the concept of lineage play in tabletop roleplaying games, playing successive generations of the same family. Part of our 'Chaosium Interviews' series with James Coquillat.
  12. With our newest Call of Cthulhu campaign A Time to Harvest coming out in print next week, The Stream of Chaos have just completed their 28 part liveplay run-through of death and discovery in the Vermont Hills. Watch the award-winning team of Keeper Dave, and investigators James, Art, Jackson, and Alex as they embark on a Miskatonic University student expedition in 1929. It's time to harvest.
  13. The Call of Cthulhu Path was designed by co-author of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, Paul Fricker, author of the bestselling Miskatonic Repository titles Full Fathom Five and Dockside Dogs. The new RuneQuest Path was designed by Chaosium community content ambassador Nick Brooke, author of the best-selling Jonstown Compendium titles Black Spear and The Duel at Dangerford. Details here:
  14. The new RuneQuest Path was designed by Chaosium community content ambassador Nick Brooke, author of the best-selling Jonstown Compendium titles Black Spear and The Duel at Dangerford. Nick says: "As one of Chaosium's Community Ambassadors, my role involves encouraging new authors. I can't think of a better way to do that than adapting the Storytelling Collective's acclaimed "Write Your First Adventure" class for RuneQuest. I look forward to our first harvest of mythologically-infused sword-and-sandal adventures later this summer, with hopefully many more to follow." More details here:
  15. New for Summer 2022! The Storytelling Collective's popular 'Write Your First Adventure' workshop series returns with a new Chaosium Path covering both the Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest TTRPGs. In this one-month-long, self-paced workshop the Chaosium Path covers Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest adventure writing. Aspiring creators can focus on either game system, or both! And by the end, they'll have written, produced, and published a 3,500-word adventure! The Call of Cthulhu Path was designed by co-author of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, Paul Fricker, author of the bestselling Miskatonic Repository titles Full Fathom Five and Dockside Dogs. The new RuneQuest Path was designed by Chaosium community content ambassador Nick Brooke, author of the best-selling Jonstown Compendium titles Black Spear and The Duel at Dangerford. Nick says: "As one of Chaosium's Community Ambassadors, my role involves encouraging new authors. I can't think of a better way to do that than adapting the Storytelling Collective's acclaimed "Write Your First Adventure" class for RuneQuest. I look forward to our first harvest of mythologically-infused sword-and-sandal adventures later this summer, with hopefully many more to follow." There is also a D&D path and a General TTRPG path. Register for the program here. Check out adventures by alumni of the program! These Call of Cthulhu titles are creations by alumni of previous of the Summer '21 and Fall '21 workshops. We're immensely proud of everyone who published for the first time!
  16. Horror is birthed anew with the 40th Anniversary Edition of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set! Releasing from beyond space and time on June 27th! This new printing of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set includes: New box art by Lin Hsiang Updated interior book cover designs All corrections and errata 40th Anniversary Investigator Sheets
  17. Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. Check out these new titles by indie creators! And check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating yourself! Bog Struggles BOLT80, Ludovic Chabant, Austin Conrad ($3.00, 25 page PDF) There's a bog nearby where newtlings live. They have friendly relations with the human neighbors through trade and water worship services. But something happened recently and the newtlings are scared and upset. Maybe your adventurers can help! An adventure that can be easily inserted into any campaign: all it requires is the presence of some wetlands, which is easily done anywhere in Dragon Pass or along the Zola Fel valley in Prax. Velhara's Mirror Michael Paul O\'Sullivan ($6.99, 36 page PDF) Beast Valley is under attack. Ancient magic that for centuries protected the region has faltered and its enemies bite deep into the heartland. It is not just one foe, but many, and they fight equally amongst themselves as against the beast men. Perhaps it is from this disorder that hope will spring for the beast men, or will it lead to chaos and destruction for all. Follows on from The Ruins of Bonn Kanach and forms part two of the Beast Valley campaign, however it can be used as a stand alone resource. The Lifethief Diana Probst, Beer With Teeth ($10.00, 47 page PDF) The Shaman Maserelt of the Impala tribe has been waiting by the Dead Place for weeks, calling for help, as she watches over the slow growth of something terrible within. She has even asked her rival Erhehta, who will be sending the adventurers, if they dare to go. Despite his many conflicts with Maserelt, some things are even more important than winning. Of course, if the Bison tribe can aid her where the Impalas cannot, that counts as a victory for Prax and for Erhehta. Written to fit well after The Gifts of Prax, but no knowledge of that adventure is required. The suggested play order is Stone and Bone, The Gifts of Prax, The Lifethief, but the later adventures contain advice on playing the arc out of order. Lost In The Dark Josh skull Dixon ($2.50, 11 page PDF) This Adventure Seed is all about the heroes having a nighttime adventure in Dragon Pass while traveling at night. The heroes have attracted the attention of a mischievous spirit that enjoys causing travelers to become lost and confused, making them lose their way in the night and end up in dire predicaments. Will your Heroes find their way, or will they become lost without hope? Day's Rest JK Revell ($4.00, 26 page PDF) Day’s Rest is one of the many oases scattered across Prax and the Wastes. It is a respite from the harsh chaparral of the plains, a place to water riding animals and obtain food and provisions. It is also a market, the first stop along the Caravan Alley, a trade route running from Sartar to the Eiritha Hills in eastern Prax. To Sartarites, it can often be their first introduction to life in Prax, a rare settled location that can be a place of trade, or a secure meeting point from which to venture out into the trackless wilds. It can be a place of opportunity, for good or ill. The Bison Riders rule here and have little time for civilised ways, even as they trade for exotic wares in the marketplace. Jonstown area - Glorantha Close up Mikael Mansen ($7.45, 3 maps) High res map of the Jonstown area: one with text, one without text , one in winter. Glorantha Settlement 17 Mikael Mansen ($5.45, 2 maps) Two maps of a settlement which you can use anywhere in Glorantha: one day and one night map.
  18. Eagerly-awaited Call of Cthulhu titles Cults of Cthulhu and A Time for Harvest release in hardback, worldwide on June 20th! In the meantime, order these books as PDFs - and get them instantly - and you'll receive a coupon for the price of the PDF off the hardcover when it releases: Cults of Cthulhu A Time to Harvest
  19. Roll20 and Foundry. As noted above, Smiteworks does their own development for Fantasy Grounds.
  20. Addendum – Jason writes: Some sharp-eyed readers have noticed that the front of the voyager sheet (shown above earlier) lacks some features common to BRP. In fact, those are on the flip side of the sheet for easier reference. I suspect we'll do a "all on one side" sheet, as well as a few variants. This side also has a few unrevealed aspects of the setting, including psychic powers and mutations!
  21. Chaosium art director Jaye Kovach shares her perspective on how TTRPG illustration fits into the world of Fine Art. Part of our Chaosium Interviews series with James Coquillat. See Jaye's flair for art direction in RuneQuest's Red Book of Magic.
  22. Lords of the Middle Sea: The Roleplaying Game is in development. Based on Lynn Willis's 1978 futuristic proto-Steampunk board game, set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of a flooded North America, the tabletop RPG utilizes a streamlined version of the Basic Roleplaying system. Jason Durall, creative lead for the project, writes: Here's a preview of the front side of the playtest (NOT FINAL) voyager sheet. The back is mostly just expanded with blank entries for more duplicated skills, etc. When it's time to playtest a new game, I put together a character sheet in Illustrator. Over the years I've built a number of these and it's quite easy to update as required. For those who've been following the development posts, there should be no surprises, but I am happy to answer any questions for the curious*. Plus, it has come to our attention that we haven't showed that much art other than the cover. So at the top, here's a particular favorite, titled "Gun Deck & Tequila", featuring a quiet moment between our iconic voyagers Captain Diego and Sister Manita. Art by Eduardo Gutiérrez García, who also did the cover of the SoloQuest for the RuneQuest Starter Set. *follow the Lords of the Middle Sea facebook page, or the Mythic Worlds forum at BRP Central!
  23. When we have stuff to announce about other VTT developments we'll announce them. (btw as I understand it, Astral is for all intents and purposes defunct)
  24. Smiteworks (licensee) handles all the Fantasy Grounds development for Chaosium ttrpgs themselves. We are not involved, other than approval of the finished title. (Chaosium's arrangement for Foundry is different, which is why we've appointed a VTT developer for Foundry ourselves.)
  25. Now on YouTube! Join the creator of the 7th Sea RPG John Wick and heroes London Carlisle, Becca Scott, Josephine McAdam, and Noura Ibrahim as they set sail in 7th Sea!
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