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  1. With the (advanced) release of The RuneQuest Starter Set, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant booklet and page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread. NOTE FROM JASON: I'm working on the updated .pdfs and an errata page, and will have that available shortly. I'm crossing out all the edits that have been found and implemented.
  2. "After D&D, consider RuneQuest, a bronze-age RPG of myth and magic where combat is so deadly you need to think twice, then think again, about solving problems with swords!" says After D&D Play... host Eliza Lambert. After D&D Play is a new YouTube series for gamers primarily experienced with D&D who want to broaden their horizons. In each episode, Eliza introduces a new tabletop RPG system and talks to creators involved with that game about what a D&D player might find to like in them, and how they can get started with the game. Eliza's guest for the inaugural episode is Chaosium's Jeff Richard. Jeff discusses what makes RuneQuest distinct among other roleplaying games: features including Bronze Age adventure that focusses on the mythic and heroic; an emphasis on culture and community; unique adventurers without arbitrary restrictions such as classes or levels; and dangerous combat. Get started with RuneQuest today! Sign up with this link and by Issaries, you'll receive an email as soon as the RQ Starter Set is available to order! http://eepurl.com/hH175z
  3. By David Larkins, Pendragon line editor. A new edition of the Pendragon RPG is coming! The intention of this series of design journals by Pendragon line editor David Larkins is to trace the path of development, starting in the early 1980s and culminating with the forthcoming new edition of the Pendragon RPG, which will be first to be wholly published by Chaosium in a quarter-century. Pendragon Design Journal #1: Where It All Began The path to the forthcoming 6th edition of Pendragon formally began on April 5th, 2010, when Greg Stafford sent out an email to his team of collaborators (whom he referred to as his “Household”) outlining his vision for the new edition—his Ultimate Edition. Here is how Greg's fateful email began, in part: My Fellows, Thank you for accepting my offer to help out on the new King Arthur Pendragon 6th edition, and its supplements. Yes, that is correct. I plan to release a new edition of KAP. The core book and game, the “real” KAP, is about adventuring knights…. The innovations and changes will actually be few in number…. My desire is to have a set of rules that provides everything that a player needs to play an adventuring knight, unencumbered by anything but his goals and passions…. Now, one thing is that I want to be sure that the core game functions of itself, and also anticipates all of the below…. Greg then goes on for several pages, outlining his tentative plan for the sixth edition line. Looking over this today, it is striking to see how, even though the particulars changed quite a bit in the development, the central vision has remained essentially unaltered over the past ten years. Greg’s desire to make the core rules into a focused resource for playing adventuring knights and build out from there remains a key facet of Chaosium’s vision for the products to come. The key word is modularity: start with the adventuring knight and add other facets to the game to taste. (I will talk more about how we intend to realize this vision in future Design Journals.) As reviewed in last month’s installment, Greg first started to work on what he would come to call his magnum opus in the early 1980s by conducting a close reading of Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur and other Arthurian texts and then adapting the Basic Roleplaying system around his notes. Four editions of the game would follow (plus a phantom “2nd edition” that was never actually published). Each edition saw tweaks and changes based on Greg’s evolving understanding of the literature and how he wished to represent it in the mechanics and setting of Pendragon. For sixth edition, Greg’s objective was to consolidate all that work into a coherent whole, one that reflected his latest understanding of what the game should be, which he achieved with the completed first draft of the rules shortly before his passing in 2018. It is notable, for example, that the game’s subtitle evolved from first edition’s “Game of Quest, Romance, & Adventure” to sixth edition’s “Game of Valor, Honor, & Tragedy”. This is not to say that there is no room for questing, romance, or adventure in the new edition—far from it! But over time, Greg came to understand that the mechanics and setting of Pendragon tend to produce gaming experiences of a much deeper, emotional timbre. Characters are tested. Some show Valor in the face of despair. Some hold to Honor when all else is lost. Yet, as we all know, Arthur’s dream is fated to end in Tragedy. How we navigate these challenges—finding out what kind of knight you really are, and building a legacy of a brighter tomorrow—is the heart of the Pendragon experience. One of my favorite bits of text from Greg’s sixth edition manuscript is a little essay he wrote entitled “Bringing the Light”. I will close by sharing it here in its entirety: The medieval Britain of history, inherent in the old literature, was a dismal, violent, and cruel place, with outdated standards of behavior. Setting the game in this world was a deliberate choice, for alongside the dark overtones comes hope for a brighter tomorrow. In the campaign, the Gamemaster paints a harsh background as the reality within which the characters move. Initially, the Gamemaster’s characters are merciless and brutal. Player-knights may choose to remain in that unenlightened realm of history—this kind of behavior does not penalize them, but neither rewards them. But they also have a choice to join the struggle to improve the world. Their actions can stand as shining lights of exceptional behavior, breaking the old ways and preparing for a better realm. The story of King Arthur is about the struggle to improve life. With his faithful knights, he manifests the dream of a better world. The game dramatizes this heroic effort in its play. Great rewards go to those who struggle to improve the kingdom. King Arthur changes the world, slowly to be sure, but in general for the better. Bloodthirsty warlords, selfish sorcerers, and even the environment itself in the form of the Wasteland, all conspire against these changes. The Player-knights are an important part of the struggle for the betterment of Britain. The improvements in the lives of women and commoners are hallmarks of Arthur’s efforts. Ladies make great gains both socially and legally over the course of his reign. Women may become knights if they wish, gain the power to choose their own husbands, and, whether knight or noblewoman, eventually may inherit their due estates and take care of them without a warden. Commoners are among King Arthur’s earliest supporters, and he even forms Parliament to give them a place to exercise their powers alongside the clergy and lords. The Gamemaster decides how much resistance hinders these changes. You may of course decide on presenting a fantasy realm that is better than our modern world, with fairness, justice, and goodwill everywhere. However, that attitude significantly alters the stories, and what the stories mean. The best balance comes when the world is at first medieval, reactionary, and reluctant to change; yet slowly yields under the influence of the Player-knights and their allies in Arthur’s court working to create a luminous realm. Art from the forthcoming 6th edition of Pendragon —TOP: Andrey Fetisov —BOTTOM: Katrin Dirim
  4. The Glass Cannon Network are launched headfirst into the newest edition of the classic mythic Bronze Age RPG - RuneQuest! They've gotten a sneak peek of the upcoming starter set and dived right in. The amazing cast includes Noura Ibrahim, Tanya DePass, Connie Chang, Matthew Capodicasa and Troy Lavallee as the GM.Here's episode one: After a fight in the merchant's quarters, the roving band of mercenaries are heading to JAIL as our journey into RuneQuest continues with Troy Lavallee, Tanya DePass, Connie Chang, Noura Ibrahim and Matthew Capodicasa!It's part two of The Glass Cannon's RuneQuest game! They're playing one of the scenarios in the forthcoming RuneQuest Starter Set. Mernyr's Landing has a scorpion man problem and it's up to a ragtag band of mercenaries to stop them! Join Troy Lavallee, Tanya DePass, Connie Chang, Noura Ibrahim and Matthew Capodicasa for the thrilling conclusion to their RuneQuest adventure.It's the third and final part of The Glass Cannon Network's New Game, Who Dis? intro to RuneQuest. The Glass Cannon are playing one of the scenarios in the forthcoming RuneQuest Starter Set.Sign up with this link and by Issaries, you'll receive an email as soon as the RQ Starter Set is available to order! In the meantime, don’t forget to use code RUNECANNON to get 10% off everything at Chaosium.com.
  5. Chaosium's staff cartographer Matt Ryan on why the recently-released A Time to Harvest has a special place in his artistic career. A Time to Harvest holds a special place in my heart and in my artistic career. Complete disclosure: despite having several Chaosium games on my shelves, I’d never played Call of Cthulhu until the organized play release of this campaign in 2016. Excited to play, I asked my local comic book shop owner, Tim, if I could run weekly sessions in his store (Comics for Collectors, Ithaca NY). I hoped to introduce new players to the hobby. Not only did Tim say yes, he joined the game! We put up fliers, and people showed up, played once, and stayed for the campaign. The organized play version was released to Cult of Chaos members monthly, with each chapter coming with supplemental maps. Looking at the map that was supplied of Cobb’s Corners, a fictional Vermont town, I wondered if I could draw it in 3-D perspective. I did, the sketch wasn't awful, and I shared it on a Call of Cthulhu group’s social media. MATT'S FAN MAP OF COBB'S CORNERS Chaosium Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason saw the sketch and messaged me, asking if I’d like to draw maps for him. Of course I agreed. While not my first maps for Chaosium – Jeff Richard had earlier seen my work and asked me to draw six maps for The Glorantha Sourcebook – I was excited to draw maps for Call of Cthulhu. Assignment followed assignment and I contributed maps to several great Call of Cthulhu books. And then Mike asked me if I’d like to draw new maps and handouts for the new A Time to Harvest book. I almost fell out of my chair. I love this campaign. It’s terrifically terrifying, especially chapter two (personal favorite) and the climactic scene on the village green. While running it I’d made new friends, strengthened relationships with current friends who joined the game, and introduced Call of Cthulhu to a dozen new players. Mike gave me great artistic freedom and let me create all sorts of marginalia art and drawings not in the original scope of work. It was fantastic fun. Propelled by this project, I went on to draw more maps for Jeff Richard and Jason Durall for RuneQuest line, for David Larkins for the Pendragon line, and for Lynne Hardy's excellent new campaign The Children of Fear. I was having the time of my life. While working on the Sartar Master Map for the forthcoming Sartar campaign supplement, Jeff sounded me out as to whether I’d be up for joining Team Chaosium as the in-house cartographer. Mike enthusiastically encouraged me in this idea, and in January 2021 Chaosium and I made it official. I’ve been able to work on some fantastic projects since then, not all of which I can talk about yet, and the fun continues! SOME OF MATT'S CARTOGRAPHY IN A TIME TO HARVEST:
  6. Our friends at Ardent Roleplay are playing 'The Necropolis' from Gateways to Terror, this Wednesday (September 29) live on Twitch – 7.30pm AEST, 10.30am BST, 5.30am EDT, 2.30am PDT. Watch live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ardentroleplay and Facebook. The cast will be viewing augmented reality encounters during the game - and you can too! Download Ardent Roleplay's mobile app and join the session with a Spectator code to view AR models from the stream! Find more about Ardent Roleplay at https://ardentroleplay.com/
  7. RuneQuest and BRP creative director Jason Durall talks about when it's important to lean into or away from TTRPG system rules. Part of our Chaosium Interviews series with James Coquillat.
  8. Download the free 160 page Handouts Pack for our new Call of Cthulhu release A Time to Harvest at Itch.io. All the player handouts, maps, and pregens for the six-part campaign, plus Keeper Resources. Also includes the handouts in plain text! https://chaosium.itch.io/a-time-to-harvest
  9. With the release of A Time to Harvest in PDF, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We have a couple of weeks' window to catch errors before going to print. If corrections come in later than this, we will correct the PDF file and the print file for reprints.
  10. Out now in PDF* A Time to Harvest: Death and Discovery in the Vermont Hills! In 1929, a student died during an expedition in the Vermont Hills. One year later, the Miskatonic University sent another team on the same expedition… It's time to harvest. Set in the picturesque state of Vermont at the beginning of the 1930s, A TIME TO HARVEST is a six part campaign, compatible with both Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu rules. *buy the PDF direct from Chaosium.com now and we will send you a discount coupon just before the physical book goes on sale to offset the PDF purchase price you have already paid. The full color hardback will be out in early 2022, but why wait? A Time to Harvest is also available in PDF at DriveThruRPG.
  11. "Call of Cthulhu, maintained its third-place slot from Q1 2021, but saw an increase overall from 10.95% to 16.3%. That’s a significant jump, and the system’s ever-increasing global popularity no doubt has a big hand in making it happen." – Orr Report Q2 2021. As we add yet more Call of Cthulhu releases, it continues to the second-most popular game system on the Roll20 Virtual Tabletop! Check out these current Roll20 titles: Call of Cthulhu Starter Set - $24.99 Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules (inc. 'The Haunting' scenario) - FREE Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook - $54.95 Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook - $44.95 Harlem Unbound - $44.99 The Lightless Beacon - FREE Dead Light and Other Dark Turns - $14.99 Gateways to Terror - $19.99 Mansions of Madness Vol 1: Behind Closed Doors - $42.99 Malleus Monstrorum Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - $59.99 Reign of Terror - $34.99 The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - $39.95 For useful tips and advice about playing Call of Cthulhu and other Chaosium games online, see our helpful Getting Started with Online Gaming guide
  12. Now on YouTube: our all star charity Call of Cthulhu game to raise money for ZEROCancer! Watch Josephine McAdam, Becca Scott, B Dave Walters, Jasmine Bhullar, and Chaosium's own Brian Holland discover What's In The Cellar, one of the scenarios from our Call of Cthulhu collection Gateways to Terror! This game was played to raise funds for ZERO Prostate Cancer, the leading national nonprofit with a mission to END prostate cancer. An important part of ZEROCancer's role is to raise prostate cancer awareness for anyone assigned male at birth — this includes transgender women or AMAB non-binary persons. We thank our wonderful cast members for donating their time and SAN to support this worthy cause! Fighting Cosmic Horror to Fight Cancer If you would like to donate you can still do so here: https://tiltify.com/@chaosiuminc/fighting-cosmic-horror-to-fight-cancer
  13. When we produce the updated edition of Horror on the Orient Express it is likely to be in such a format (similar to the Masks of Nyarlathotep slipcase set). But that won't be for some time, which is why we've reprinted HotOE as a two vol set.
  14. Amazing the things you stumble upon taking a pleasant afternoon walk by the river...
  15. And we're live for our Call of Cthulhu charity stream!chaosiuminc - Twitch A big shoutout to our amazing cast; B. Dave Walters, Josephine McAdam, Becca Scott, and Jasmine Bhullar who have generously donated their time to help raise money for ZEROCancer!You can DONATE NOW using the link below:Tiltify - Made for Fundraisers
  16. Tonight on Twitch, our Call of Cthulhu charity stream for ZERO Cancer! 6pm PT 9pm ET 2am BST 11am AEST If you can't make the stream and would like to support ZERO Cancer, never fear! You can DONATE NOW using the link below: https://donate.tiltify.com/@chaosiuminc/fighting-cosmic-horror-to-fight-cancer
  17. HeroQuest Achtung! Cthulhu. Which had been produced under license from Chaosium. As is usual when a license winds up, there's a lengthy grace period in which remaining physical stock can be sold – you may have noticed Modiphius has been selling AC at a steep discount for some time. And they can continue selling the Call of Cthulhu version in PDF during this time too. This all ends on September 30th. Then final royalties are calculated and both parties walk away happy. Modiphius are continuing with AC, but will be using their own in-house rule set (2d20).
  18. No, the Keeper Rulebook and the 40th Anniversary Keeper Rulebook are two different products.
  19. By Jason Durall, RuneQuest creative director The Starter Set for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is coming! Between now and its release later this year, RuneQuest creative director Jason Durall's Design Diary will share insights about the development of this exciting new boxed set which will introduce the RuneQuest RPG and Greg Stafford's mythic world of Glorantha to all-new audiences. Diary #1: What to expect in the RQ Starter Set Diary #2: Cover Art reveal, and what's inside the box Diary #3: The new adventurers Diary #4: More about the new adventurers Diary #5: Welcome to Jonstown, setting for the Starter Set (guest post by Jeff Richard) Diary #6: Creating the Jonstown City Maps (guest post by Jeff Richard) Diary #7: Printer's proofs are back! Diary #8: A Gateway to Adventure Diary #9: Beyond the Starter Set Diary #10: Take a look at an advance copy of the Starter Set (guest post by Rick Meints) Diary #11: The back covers make a map! (guest post by Michael O'Brien) Diary #12: Putting the SoloQuest in RuneQuest A guest post from Chaosium's James Coquillat and David Naylor Last year, the two of us were excited to be given the chance to help write the upcoming RuneQuest Starter Set's solo adventure. As Jason notes in his previous Design Diary, this was to be a one person scenario introducing new players to the setting and mechanics of RuneQuest that would also excite veteran adventurers with a thrilling standalone story they can play through on their own. In the solo adventure the reader plays as Vasana, a capable warrior and leader, as she experiences the perils of a pivotal battle in the war between rebellious Sartar and the Lunar Empire. As relatively new Glorantha fans ourselves (both born over a decade after the third edition was released), we worked closely with the RuneQuest creative team to develop the scenario. Using Twine, the open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories, we designed the story structure and incorporated all the mechanics and mythology that made us fall in love with RuneQuest. As Vasana navigates the conflict, the reader will learn crucial RuneQuest mechanics like drawing inspiration, using rune magic, striking, parrying, and planning manoeuvres. They'll have the opportunity to choose their own route through the conflict and, depending on Vasana's actions and success, the Battle of Dangerford's outcome could be very different. Using the standard solo adventure framework of branching narrative threads, we pinned distinct scenes that would always happen and used these situations to teach fundamental mechanics. We then allowed the branches to splay apart and ripple with the reader's actions so that unique events and mechanics could be introduced. Not every reader will discover the relevance of the Crimson Bat. Not all readers will stand before the Judge of the Dead and enter into Spirit Combat. Some readers will favor stealth and finding secrets. Others will charge headlong into battle and earn honor for their name and tribe. Each playthrough will give different results and although set pieces will be revisited, they'll never be quite the same. One way we made sure that each reader's playthrough will differ is by tallying a Battle Result Total (BRT) throughout the adventure. When Vasana's actions give the Sartar rebels the upper hand, the BRT increases. When she fails or costs them valuable resources, the BRT reduces. Depending on the final tally, the battle can have several different outcomes. But we won't mention them here. Some things are best discovered! The RuneQuest Starter Set is Almost Here! The RuneQuest Starter Set contains everything you need to play an epic roleplaying game of gods, cults, magic, family, and fantasy and is coming soon! Sign up with the link below and by Issaries, you will receive an email as soon as the RuneQuest Starter Set is available to order! CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE
  20. Chaosium congratulates our 2021 ENNIES winners, with a clean sweep in the Best Organised Play (community content) category! GOLD AWARD: A Rough Guide to Glamour (Jonstown Compendium - RuneQuest) Congratulations to Writers Chris Gidlow, Mike Hagen, Nick Brooke, Michael O'Brien, Jeff Richard, and Greg Stafford; Artists Dario Corallo, Simon Bray, Antonia Doncheva, Julie Hudson, BA Wayne, Dan Barker, and Gene Day; and Cartographers Julie Hudson, Mike Hagen, Colin Driver, and Phil Anderson. SILVER AWARD: Hand of Glory (Miskatonic Repository - Call of Cthulhu) Congratulations to Writer Allan Carey; Cartographer Simon Lissaman; Researcher Nichola Logan; Editor & Layout Phil Anderson; Playtesters Shayne Cummins, Nick Carruthers, Brittany Russ, Brendan Hanton, Michael O’Brien, Sue O’Brien, Barbara Braun, Andrew Bean, Michael Jukes, Michael Grant, and Wayne Stewart. BRONZE (ENNIES NOMINEE): Citizens of the Lunar Empire (Jonstown Compendium - RuneQuest) Congratulations to Writer Chris Gidlow; Artists Mark Smylie and Dario Corallo; Cartographers Julie Hudson Gidlow, Sarah Brooke, Nick Brooke, Mike Hagen, and Colin Driver; Design and Layout Nick Brooke. Congratulations to all the ENNIES winners and nominees. And our grateful thanks to the ENNIES organisers and judges, and most importantly to all the thousands of TTRPG fans who showed your support by voting! — from all the team at Chaosium. Chaosium Community Content at DriveThruRPG The Miskatonic Repository is Chaosium's platform on DriveThruRPG for independent creators of gaming material for the Call of Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game. It was launched in December 2018. The Jonstown Compendium, established in December 2019, fulfils the same function for RuneQuest and Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha. "The success of our fan-driven programs at DriveThruRPG is evident by their thriving communities of independent creators and the rapidly growing number of titles available, with more added every week. These nominations and awards in the 2021 ENNIES are further testament to the quality of material being created," said Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien. Chaosium's Community Ambassadors Want to create community content yourself? Allan, Bridgett, and Nick are here to provide advice with the various aspects of creating and publishing a community content work, including ideas generation, IP issues, writing, editing, art direction, layout, publication, and preparing a title for print-on-demand. Our Community Ambassadors can also direct queries to the appropriate person at Chaosium or DriveThruRPG if need be. nb This year Chaosium itself did not submit any products for consideration as we've won our fair share recently (32 ENNIE Awards from 37 nominations in the last six years). But we strongly encouraged the independent creators in our Miskatonic Repository and Jonstown Compendium community content programs to enter instead.
  21. Someone rolled a 01! The first RuneQuest Starter Set sold anywhere in the world... we got some advance copies in for Gen Con, fresh off the boat. If you're at Gen Con hurry to our booth #403 before they all disappear! The RuneQuest Starter Set is Almost Here! The RuneQuest Starter Set contains everything you need to play an epic roleplaying game of gods, cults, magic, family, and fantasy and is coming soon! Sign up with the link below and by Issaries, you will receive an email as soon as the RuneQuest Starter Set is available to order! CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE
  22. By Jason Durall, RuneQuest creative director The Starter Set for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is coming! Between now and its release later this year, RuneQuest creative director Jason Durall's Design Diary will share insights about the development of this exciting new boxed set which will introduce the RuneQuest RPG and Greg Stafford's mythic world of Glorantha to all-new audiences. Diary #1: What to expect in the RQ Starter Set Diary #2: Cover Art reveal, and what's inside the box Diary #3: The new adventurers Diary #4: More about the new adventurers Diary #5: Welcome to Jonstown, setting for the Starter Set (guest post by Jeff Richard) Diary #6: Creating the Jonstown City Maps (guest post by Jeff Richard) Diary #7: Printer's proofs are back! Diary #8: A Gateway to Adventure Diary #9: Beyond the Starter Set Diary #10: Take a look at an advance copy of the Starter Set (guest post by Rick Meints) Diary #11: The back covers make a map! (guest post by Michael O'Brien) When deciding on the contents for the RuneQuest Starter Set, the design team had many discussions sorting items into “nice to have” and “must have” categories. It was obvious that a solo adventure was a critical "must have", to teach players and gamemasters about the setting and the rules. We wanted the soloquest to really embed the player in a truly Gloranthan experience. While it would have been oh-too-easy to do something self-contained and relatively timeless – a contained physical environment with limited choices – that would not really give the experience of roleplaying in Glorantha. So we went ahead with something much, much more challenging and ultimately, we hope, rewarding for players. To that end, we decided that the soloquest should be both epic and personal in scope. As we rolled through all of the options, a few core elements crystalized: Opportunities for combat, both personal (ranged, mounted, and melee) and in the scope of a grander engagement. Teaching the rules, especially important mechanics like Runes, augmenting with Passions, and solving problems through a variety of approaches. Real stakes, with the player’s choices and their contributions to the battle at large making a difference between success and failure. Immersed in the world, with the player taking part in one of the more pivotal conflicts in Dragon Pass, the Battle of Dangerford. Magic and worship, both giving the player a glimpse of how personal and Rune magic might be used, but also demonstrating the way adventurers interact with their gods. Once those were established, we went back-and-forth a bit on whether the soloquest would be suitable for any adventurer, a limited few, or just one predetermined adventurer. As a multiple-branch adventure is incredibly complex, it made more sense to focus on one solid experience rather than try to cater to a variety of adventurers with radically different play styles and roles. So, with that locked down, the most suitable adventurer for the role was Vasana, a fierce and honorable fighter with a powerful bison mount, a worshipper of Orlanth’s Vingan aspect. We finalized an outline, discussed the decision trees that would cause the adventure’s many branches and outcomes, and then got to work. After an early attempt to begin writing the adventure in a hyperlinked text document, we switched to Twine for the real development, and at the time, due to limits to editorial bandwidth, the best decision we made was to bring in newcomers to the RQ team, but experienced writers for Call of Cthulhu and also, experts in Twine. Thus, James Coquillat and David Naylor found themselves enlisted with the challenge of actually writing the thing. With that seemingly impossible list of requirements, they got to work... Next Design Diary: James and David on writing the Battle of Dangerford SoloQuest The RuneQuest Starter Set is Almost Here! The RuneQuest Starter Set contains everything you need to play an epic roleplaying game of gods, cults, magic, family, and fantasy and is coming soon! Sign up with the link below and by Issaries, you will receive an email as soon as the RuneQuest Starter Set is available to order! CLICK THIS LINK TO SUBSCRIBE
  23. Over on Facebook Call of Cthulhu creative director Mike Mason showed off his advance copy of the 40th Anniversary Keeper Rulebook. This will be released in October on Chaosium.com for USD$99.99nb the leather wallet it comes in here is made by our friends at Type40 and can be ordered separately. https://www.chaosium.com/blogmike-mason-shows-off-his-advance-copy-of-the-40th-anniversary-call-of-cthulhu-keeper-rulebook
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