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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. 12 hours ago, Evilroddy said:


    How did your party get from freemen in Dagori Inkarth to slaves on an Island off Palmatela in such short order? I think I have narrative whiplash! This sounds fascinating.

    Cheers and good gaming.


    That was actually quite funny.  Just a day out of Moonbroth, they ran into a merchant.  He had alcohol and food for sale.  Azibo, I think it was,  wanted mass quantities of both and announced a party for their successful journey so far.  The booze was drugged and after all but a couple of them had passed out, - they even had a drinking contest, I didn't even have to break a sweat - the Jack O'Bears came out and harmonized the rest.  Slave collared, they were sold to a certain monster slaying ship captain in Corflu who was headed to an island in Palmatela where he sought to slay monsters.  I'm taking certain liberties with the NPCs as written.  Gondo doesn't sac them to Cacodemon, Monsterslayer isn't just about slaying sea monsters, etc.  Arriving at the island, the captain and many of his crew left to explore the interior, taking almost all the PCs belongings with them.  When the captain never returned and many of the crew left to guard the ship came down with disease spirits, the PCs got free.  Now they've found the remains of Monsterslayer, recovered most,  if not all, of their belongings, picked up a thing or two along the way and who knows what will happen next. 

    There is a secret about this group that I'm not sharing on this website, but will be revealed at the end of the campaign to the players as well.  Some of the players are in on the secret.  It's a doozie is all I can say.  This campaign is about the Lunar civil war between the White and Red moons.  The war that ends up on the moon itself and culminates in the death of the Red Emperor.  There's a war going on inside some of the characters and there's definitely a war developing within the group.  So I'm quite pleased that they're fracturing just like their empire.

    Not actually a diary entry, but thought I'd share this:



    Also a little excerpt after all hell broke loose last night and Cedi is sitting looking at her destroyed arm Bertha comes by and sits down next to her and says"Dont worry I lose limbs all the time". Cedi looks appalled... contemplating her life choices.

    In addition after the fight Cedi goes up to Skef and says "thank your god for intervening, if you become a woman I know of a potion that will change you back possibly to a man. I got it from the dark elves that we traded with a while ago. Unless that Monster slayer guy drank it in which case we might actually be looking for a woman...."



    And some in house player discussion:


     its not Stockholms Syndrome its Traumatic Bonding In which a person forms an unnatural bond to an abuser. In a vicious cycle of violence and then kindness. From this perspective Cedi was befriended by Jon then he tried to kill her, then he protected her, then assisted in grappling her to the ground and letting someone nearly cut out her eye, even if it was what she thought she wanted. Then he goes and jumps off a cliff to save her. All the while constantly whispering in her ear "You're my favorite".   She then dies anyway and has Razza - Jons supposed lover - resurrect her while carving runes into her flesh.

    • Like 3
  2. 16 hours ago, Evilroddy said:


    More interesting entries as the perplexing story unfolds through the keyhole. Thanks again for sharing. In the spirit of editorial help and not because I am a pedantic pain in the butt (which I regrettably am) there is a your which should be a you're in the line, "Be calm, your okay, your baby is well". I'm sorry but I'm a teacher and I just can't help myself sometimes. Please forgive my unhealthy compulsion to correct and my inexplicable fascination with red ink pens! Mea culpa.

    Cheers and good gaming.



    No problem.  I actually edit all their misspellings and correct any misconceptions when I post them.  That one got away from me.  Thanks.

  3. Things took an incredibly unexpected turn for the worse tonight.  As the GM, I could only look on in shock, but honestly, everyone acted in accordance to their character.  But with this group, that isn't always a good thing.  Having been sold into slavery, they find themselves free, but on an unknown island near Palmatela.  And then it was Fjordaur's holy day and Jon decided he had to kill.....



    Looking back on my fun adventuring days of a caravan seem so far away. I recall the group when they all first met. The two Trolls ordered to serve me by Bina Bang and the glorious arena In which they fought the fabulous fighter who grappled his way to the top. The other troll and his strange obsession with spiders. The splendid days of traveling to see the giants in search of treasure and all the wonderful things I saw. The sad day in which some of those treasures were eaten by gorps. Oh and the steamy nights with a ghostly lover. Ahh yes that wonderful week of bliss in his arms. The happy moment when I first realized I was pregnant and going to raise a great kahn. Then a burning hatred when I was betrayed by Jon Rain. The feeling of pain as the air escaped my lungs not to return. Fear and desperation as I fought savagely for my freedom. The quick hit to his skull and yet the air still out of reach. The fear overwhelming as I ran for help. The sweet salvation given to me by my dear friend Bertha. The relief quick to vanish as I saw them tending to the attempted murderer. Rage overwhelming  my mind a voice screaming in my head " LET HIM DIE". My rage overpowering all my senses attacking all who would help. Still shaking with the rage I felt. I passed back and forth. Saying to myself " Be calm, you're okay, your baby is well". My Dear little one I calmed a little thinking of the life beating within me. Think of the group of betrayers all of them. A thought pops Into my mind. The baby's father and the book the sorcerer lent the Witch. A year will go by and she has to return the book. How will he react when he learns that Jon tried to kill me and our child and then Nymphia protected him, helped him. Will he be as enraged as I am? Will he be able to take revenge on those that would harm me and our child? I fell into a deep sleep thinking that their punishment will be longer than they ever imagined. - Cedi, Veriday 3, 1622


    " The night's air has a bitter chill to it this evening, but it is still a night free of chains. High tension mounts in our band as we make our way across this detestable island in search of that pirate bastard. My precious sister was struck down by one of our own...the troll Bertha who my sister swore to protect...I was attacked by the merchant and then for SOME reason, my goddess intervened on HER behalf...my faith has been shaken...we need to get off this island. I know my sister insists that she is fine, but the blood debt between Bertha and my family still stands,...I am torn, do I honor my sister's wish or pay heed to the burning fury that fills my mind every time i think back to the moment Bertha smashed the life out of my little sister...we have to get off this island." -Nymphia Khan-Somewhere on the island

    "Someone had to end the fight.  It's going to take all of us to get off this island and I knew she wouldn't stay dead.  Sure enough, she walks amongst us still."  - Bertha



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  4. "It has been a long and arduous journey to the Moonboat. It has been nearly a week since Firshala descended and set fire to the Sporewood and all who oppossed us that day. Firshala's power was...terrifying. But what has me troubled is of course, Razza. Her obsession with that wretched book has not wavered, though she seems to be spending an increasing amount of time with Jon Rain...a worrisome development in its own right. She gets lost in spouting gibberish, but if you ask her slaves, they swear she is communing with demons...I would do anything for Razza, but I do not know if I can keep her safe from this. Deezola, please guide the way to protect my little sister...Hopefully when we return home, Our Lady Jakaleel will be able to help her once more." -Nymphia Khan journal entry- Road to the Moonboat

    "Did you know your sister has a birthmark on her left buttock? It reminds me of a duck." - Jon Rain

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  5. On 4/1/2017 at 1:49 PM, MOB said:

    You can run it in public on Roll20, Twitch TV or whatever as well, all from the comfort of your home...

    Can you send me the pdf?  My local FLGS isn't running FreeRPG day and neither is the big store in Lacey.  But I would like to run it on Discordia and Roll20.  How do I get the pdf from you guys?

  6. Diary entries from our Lunar campaign (except Skef, who can't write, those are his thoughts):


    "Two Blue Moon assassins, a worshipper of Fjordaur, some other dark troll and an Eolian.  As if that weren't bad enough, they're saddling my caravan with that crazy Jakaleel witch!  Assassins or not, this group is going to attract trouble.  I'll be amazed if we make it to the Sporewood.  The Red School be damned!"  -Cedi Scruples, 1621 Gerraday week 20


    "We kept hearing his whistle all day, but we never saw him.  We named him The Whistler.  We don't know who he is, but he killed the White School assassins before we could reach our target.  We don't know what he was after, but we managed to accomplish the mission despite him." -Jon Rain 1621 Gerraday week 22.


    "For some reason, Razza can be heard talking to the strange book she got from those sorcerers. Late into the nights on our journey down to the Moon boat...shes not sleeping, eating, or even leaving her palanquin. Something is wrong, I need to get her back home...before...before this gets worse. -Nymphia Khan 1621 Lesliday week 30


    "I regret coming with these people.  Still, I must discover why I'm so important to the troll.  She saw something in my destiny and it stayed her hand.  When I get back to the delta I will summon Fox and Owl.  Perhaps they will be able to enlighten me.  Until then, I fear for my sanity after what I've seen."  Skef, 1621 Zayday week 37


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  7. 9 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    . But it does make it tougher to use M-SPACE for setting such as Trek or Star Wars. Not impossible, just tougher.

    I found M-Space to be very open ended.   One of its features seems to me to be that you can toss out anything you want and insert anything else and it still works just fine.  Star Trek and Star Wars should have no problem fitting into your own M-Space game.  If you want instantaneous sub-light communications the way Uhura seemingly does, then you just do it.

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  8. Sulfur is ubiquitous in the universe.  There is a very specific reason why earth can support plant life instead of it all dying off in acid rains from the high sulfur content that exists here.  It's because most of the surface sulfur was blown away in asteroid and comet impacts.  The same is not true, however, of Venus and Mars, where much higher levels of sulfur exist on the surface.  The reason why this is so has profound implications on finding other planets like ours in the universe.

    As Jupiter moved further away from the Sun, it pulled the asteroid belt with it.  At a certain point, the gravitational pull of Jupiter equaled that of the Sun upon the asteroid belt.  When that happened, a vibration was created.  Half the asteroid belt continued following Jupiter.  Half fell back into the sun.  During this period, the largest planet between the falling asteroids and the Sun was Earth.  It's greater gravitational field scooped up a large amount of incoming asteroids that would have hit Mars or Venus.  As a result, Earths crust took a pounding and much of the sulfur on its surface was blown into space and carried away on the solar wind.  Mars and Venus maintained there surface sulfur.  As a consequence of this, plant life was able to form on Earth and not Venus nor Mars.

    Just because we find planets in the so-called "habitable zone" doesn't mean the planets will actually be habitable.  Sulfur is ubiquitous in the universe.

  9. What are the Yelmalian experimental faction experimenting about?  I mean, obviously it has to do with HeroQuesting.  Is that to be defined enough to make a plot hook or left open for GMs?

  10. So what is it like in the Big Rubble and New Pavis at the time setting of RQG?  What has changed?  Who is in charge of New Pavis?  What is the situation in the Real City?  Where do the Praxians currently stand with regard to P&BR?  What's the new Jaldon's relationship with the city?  How have the trolls, elves and dwarves reacted to the changes?  Who are the power brokers now that the Lunars are gone?  With the Patromas gone, who has filled that void?  What is happening to the Eiskolli?  Have they already fallen or is there a power struggle going on there?  What, if anything, has changed in the Rubble with the absence of the Lunars?

  11. 3 hours ago, hkokko said:


    My wish is system needs to be something else than "clink"  once you are on the higher end of the percentages. Magic to me is not the only right answer - it may be for some - but combat needs to stay fun and fulfilling even at higher levels if that was what players have come to enjoy and be good at. 


    I think combat remains fun.  Specials and Crits increase and magic is only so helpful when that happens.

  12. This is a good question that I've long wondered about.  Attacking over that mountain pass never seemed sensible.  I always wondered why the war between Arkat and Nysalor wasn't conducted in the Sweet Sea area?

    • Like 2
  13. 8 hours ago, styopa said:


    It's one place where D&D *severely* dropped (and continues to drop) the ball.  Given the prevalence of online play today, as soon as Billy or Mary gets their grubby hands on the rules that they can open a browser and have those tools available would be HUGE.

    Actually, if we are REALLY LUCKY, the guy who developed the excellent RQ3 character sheets in the last few months MIGHT be persuaded to create RQG sheets.  IF he is amenable to doing so, I will contact (Rick?  MOB?  Jeff?  Todd?  Not entirely sure which one, probably Rick) and see if they would be conducive to sharing the info he would need to make that happen so that when the game hits the market, Roll20 will already be up and running.

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  14. 6 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    No, he's a son of Urox / Storm Bull / Bisos... 8-)

    I'd take the quoted text with several pinches of salt...

    To quote the Vadeli:  that sounds like a bunch of bull ;).....salted bull.

  15. yeah.  I agree with Hkokko.  I will always feel like you guys missed a golden opportunity to follow up the Guide To Glorantha with a world spanning Harreksaga type adventure that took the players to all the amazing places that the GtG touched upon.

    I hope such an ambitious project will be in the works soon.

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  16. On 12/8/2015 at 3:14 AM, M Helsdon said:

    Aha! Found it!

    Tales of the Reaching Moon#9 - The Origin of Humanity - excerpts from conversations with Monastavrolakhos, once of the Brick House in Kam Ramal:

    "According to our oldest records, the Brithini once claimed to be the descendants of the only "true" humans on Glorantha. According to K'rzalis this is partially true, but certain other races, including the dreaded Ogres, are also descended from the First Men and are thus distant cousins of the Brithini. In any case, it is well known among Western scholars that the Brithini refer to almost all non-Western races as "animal-men", or, more precisely, "animals with human form." Most people think of this as an insult or metaphor based on our shorter lives and or our lack of "proper" (i.e. Brithini) human behavior. In fact, during the Golden Age, when they were much more open, the Brithini claimed that as they had travelled around the world they "awakened" various animals and taught them to assume human form. This was apparently their explanation for the origin of the Hsunchen, and no-one knows if it is true. Some of these animal-men then proceeded to lose touch with their beast-selves and attempted to imitate human ways and even civilization, especially the ape-men and monkey-people. So if this ancient Brithini claim is true, then they are correct in their reference to us as "animal-men"; if they hold this belief, it explains much of their behavior towards us, including their horror of mating with normal humans."

    So does that make Waha a Brithini?  Does that mean the morokanth beast men refused to abandon their beast-selves after the Brithini cast the sorcerous form of Release  Intelligence upon them?  They "cheated" because they got their intelligence unfixed, but retained their beast form?

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